Topic: Rick Warren
Lynann's photo
Fri 01/16/09 12:13 PM
Makes a spectacularly bad choice of words when addressing a crowd.

Not to mention his call for a "Christian world regime"...I mean seriously when a Muslim cleric says something similar how many people freak out and use these kinds of statements as a reason to wage war?

Follow Jesus Like Nazis Followed Hitler, Rick Warren Tells Stadium Crowd

Video link here:

On April 17, 2005, at the southern California Anaheim Angels sports stadium thirty thousand Saddleback Church members, more than ever gathered in one spot, assembled to celebrate Saddleback's 25th anniversary and listened as Rick Warren announced his vision for the next 25 years of the church: the P.E.A.C.E. Plan. [Digg this story For a new, related story by this author, see Rick Warren Allies Distribute Anti-Jewish Comic To School Kids ]

Towards the close of his nearly one hour speech, Pastor Warren asked his followers to be as committed to Jesus as the young Nazi men and women who spelled out in mass formation with their bodies the words "Hitler, we are yours," in 1939 at the Munich Stadium, were committed to the Führer of the Third Reich, a major instigator of a World War that claimed 55 million lives. Rick Warren has exhorted Christians towards Nazi-like dedication in at least several public speeches and also during a one hour video recording of a talk by Warren, explaining his P.E.A.C.E. Plan, that is currently hosted on the official P.E.A.C.E. Plan website (see 'video page', "The Global P.E.A.C.E. Plan"). A version of the anecdote can also be found on page 357 of Rick Warren's 1995 book The Purpose Driven Church, which sold over one million copies.

During his Anaheim stadium speech Warren, sometimes called 'pastor Rick' talked about a number of visions and communications he had received from God. By calling on his church members to follow Jesus with the fanatical dedication with which the Nazis, or Hitler Youth, gave to Adolf Hitler, Rick Warren appeared to be in effect asking his Saddleback members to be fanatically dedicated to Warren's own leadership, given his role in divining God's intent for the Saddleback church flock. During his speech, Rick Warren also explained that God had personally instructed him to seek, for the good of the world, more influence, power and fame.

Warren moved on, from his celebration of Nazi dedication to purpose, and held up Lenin, and Chinese Red Guard efforts during the Cultural Revolution, as behavioral examples for his Saddleback flock, whom Warren called on to carry out a "revolution".

Concluding his motivational speech, the Saddleback Church founder instructed his ranks in the stadium to hold up signs, from their official programs, with the preprinted message "whatever it takes". Warren then introduced, as leader of the first nation on Earth in which the P.E.A.C.E. Plan would be implemented, Rwandan President Paul Kagame.

In 1998 under Kagame's leadership Rwanda, along with the now officially "Purpose Driven" nation of Uganda, invaded the Democratic Republic of The Congo, touching off a conflict that has claimed more civilian lives than any since World War Two. On December 12, 2008, the United Nations accused Rwanda of aiding Congolese warlord Laurent Nkunda, accused of massacres and human rights violations and whose recent offensive has created several hundred thousand Congolese refugees.

In March 2008, Rick Warren's Saddleback launched an official national "Purpose Driven Living" program in Uganda, a country which was indicted in 2005 by the International Criminal Court for perpetrating "massive" human rights violations by invading and looting the natural riches of the Congo. Uganda is know for brutalizing its own population too. In the late 1990s under president Yowerie Museveni, whose wife Janet Museveni has spoken at Saddleback Church conferences, the Ugandan military drove upwards of two million Acholi tribe members in Northern Uganda, through a terror campaign of massacres and bombing, into crowded concentration camps on the Congo-Uganda border where many languish to this day, in what one Former Undersecretary for the UN has described as an ongoing, slow genocide.

Mega-pastor Warren, who will give the opening prayer at the inauguration of president-elect Barack Obama on January 20, 2009, aspires to great moral and spiritual leadership. Rick Warren has called for a second Christian Reformation, and he has stated his intent of inspiring 'one billion' Christians, half of all Christians globally, to become personally and 'radically' committed to changing the world.

With his impressive managerial skills and through his global network of four hundred thousand Christian pastors who have been trained by Saddleback over the last two decades, Rick Warren might well be able to start such a movement.

"Stop dreaming and start doing," the Purpose Driven Life author told his Anaheim Stadium crowd. Warren described a global Christian movement to bring the message of Jesus Christ to every man, woman and child on Earth. "It's going to cover the planet," he proclaimed, "and then the end is going to come."

Calling for "total mobilization of this church" and "radical devotion" to the cause, Pastor Warren sketched out his vision, which he declared was from God, of a "revolution", launched through Warren's "Purpose Driven" network of hundreds of thousands as pastors globally, to create a Christian world regime.

no photo
Fri 01/16/09 02:56 PM
Ya, real warm and fuzzy guy. I was going to post something about this but seeing how everyone seemed to think he was a harmless soul, I knew it would be pointless.

Now I can say it: Obama has no clue about this guy, or Obama is naive to say the least. That scared me and still does considering the blatant agenda that Warren speaks of on his website, it should be clear that it won't be hard for him to mobilize the masses of blind followers to his calling.

Between him and his Christian right buddies, more taxes and hard times are nothing compared to where they are leading us in the near future.

These twisted self professed leaders will absolutely bring about their version of the end times by any means possible, and it's scarier that people actually can hear this stuff and not take notice or think it's impossible.

I'd rather blow my brains out than live under a Christian lead government.

Delsoldamien's photo
Fri 01/16/09 03:15 PM
Do you know that Obama is the first to take office in a long time, not to have other religious leaders as part of his christening?? No Jewish rabbi, no muslim he pushing the Christian adgenda??

no photo
Fri 01/16/09 03:26 PM
Wow scary stuff.

Lynann's photo
Fri 01/16/09 06:18 PM
Honestly, I think he is bring a variety of voices to the party.

We are a diverse nation.

Hatred, ignorance, prejudice, and intolerance breed in dark corners and at the fringe of society. Reaching out even to those who do not feel as you do challenges us all to see what we have in common rather than what our differences are.

Shine a light on me....

Lincoln, a man who's life and presidency greatly influences Obama, paraphrased Christ when he said,"A house divided against itself cannot stand"

Isn't the finest notion of what this country is? A place where we are free to disagree? Free to worship as we'd like? Free to believe in spaghetti monsters, trees, idols or mythical beings? Free to criticize the government and each other?

The democratic party won the election. Fine...I was one who voted for Obama...but I have no wish to create a monster of political and social ugliness from the left that is equal to that created by those on the right over these last eight years.

Instead my hope is to rise to the great and admirable expectations of our founders in a nation where we are all free to disagree and where we all fight for each others right to do so.

mnhiker's photo
Fri 01/16/09 07:00 PM
Let's hope there will be a sense of balance when the new President is inaugurated.

He shouldn't be swayed by the demands of the far-left, which are as out of touch and intolerable to most sensible people in this country as those of the far-right. ohwell

no photo
Sat 01/17/09 11:21 AM
It appears I should have kept quite after all.

Lynann's photo
Sat 01/17/09 11:27 AM
I don't think anyone should keep quiet


But that's obvious isn't it?

Giocamo's photo
Sat 01/17/09 11:32 AM

Let's hope there will be a sense of balance when the new President is inaugurated.

He shouldn't be swayed by the demands of the far-left, which are as out of touch and intolerable to most sensible people in this country as those of the far-right. ohwell

I prefer far left or far least you know where they're coming from !!...middle of the roaders ?...they stand for nothing !!...:smile:

Lynann's photo
Sat 01/17/09 11:37 AM
Ah so reviewing and weighing the facts and making independent judgments is inferior to a predictable and unreasoning commitment to a position no matter it's value or should I say lack of lack of value?


Suddenly your posts make a lot more sense to me Gio.

Giocamo's photo
Sat 01/17/09 11:43 AM
Edited by Giocamo on Sat 01/17/09 11:44 AM
Ah so reviewing and weighing the facts and making independent judgments is inferior to a predictable and unreasoning commitment to a position no matter it's value or should I say lack of lack of value?

making independent judgments...drinker

predictable and unreasoning commitment to a position no matter it's value...wouldn't that independent judgement ?...frustrated (.)(.) hi Lyn