Topic: digest this....
davinci1952's photo
Mon 04/30/07 12:48 PM
Dont like copy & paste threads usually..but this one does have important
things that we should all know about...for those that already
know..good..for those that don't on.

Line In The Sand
Now At Pacific Ocean
By Devvy Kidd
"GATT will mean social upheaval and political instability bringing far
worse global consequences than the Bolshevik Revolution...If the masses
understood the truth about GATT, there would be blood in the streets of
many capitals." December 6, 1993, Washington Times interview with the
late billionaire financier Sir James Goldsmith

I can remember 17 years ago when I first became aware of the dark forces
and players overtaking our republic. I was able to grasp the game plan
well underway to destroy these united States of America and force the
American people to pay for our own destruction by sacking the people's
treasury via a privately owned banking cartel deceptively called the
"Federal" Reserve. Over the years I continued to see more and more
Americans awaken from their apathy and declare they would take it no
more and were drawing a line in the sand! Well, the line in the sand the
people have been backed up to isn't a block from the nation's capitol in
Washington, DC., it's now at the Pacific Ocean and it's time to either
fight or drown.

On April 21, 2007, I spoke at the Paragon Foundation's freedom seminar
in Alamogordo, NM; a wonderful group of Americans who love this country.
My speech focused on solutions, i.e., getting one state to force a
constitutional challenge on the fraudulent ratification of the
Seventeenth Amendment. It does no good to keep complaining about corrupt
federal judges who legislate from the bench, begging to get America out
of all these destructive treaties and the communist UN, and flush
buzzards like counterfeit U.S. Senator John McCain, who, besides
betraying our MIA/POWs, supports open borders for terrorists to walk
across if there's no way to correct the problem. It can't and won't come
through the ballot box because that remedy for the people was long ago
compromised by electronic machines and a growing segment of the U.S.
population who seek more and more "gimmees" from the public treasury.
With an aging population in the tens of millions who vote with their
hands out for things like "free" prescription pills, the situation gets
even worse. These Americans who have been weaned to government
dependency go to the ballot box, not as free individuals, but as
desperate beggars.

With 40 years of dumbing down America's children in these public federal
schools of social indoctrination, we now have an entire generation of
Americans who have no concept or understanding of our legal form of
government (they all chant "Our democracy!") and simply function as
robots demanding things like national health care as some sort of right.
It's called the herding technique. Millions upon millions of Americans,
I'm sorry to say, have no idea how they're being played and weaned to
accept communism (via the communitarian movement) dressed up as
liberalism and democracy. Too many of America's young adults who went
through the government's indoctrination centers since the mid-1970s, go
the ballot box and cast a vote for chains of slavery, even though they
can't recognize the trap they are walking into.

Dr. Jerome Corsi spoke after me, skillfully laid out what millions of us
know, but tens of millions don't because we have no real media on the
stupid tube, that includes the cable networks (FOX, MSNBC, CNN) who are
increasingly turning to Hollywood gossip, pop tarts domestic squabbling
and silly celebrity feuds to fill their air time. America's major
newspaper monopolies are little better than propaganda rags better
suited for the bottom of a bird cage. Specifically Dr. Corsi spoke about
the North American Union project to integrate these united States of
America with Mexico, a third world country, and our neighbor to the
North, Canada. I've written about this as have hundreds, if not
thousands, but let me attempt to put it in a way that should scare
Americans out of their pursuit of frivolous nonsense.

The purpose of the Texas Trans Corridor, the SPP and all of its
tentacles is to continue destroying good paying American jobs (as close
to zero labor costs as possible), allow this full blown invasion by
illegals to flood across the border (destroying the middle class for a
close to zero labor cost bottom line), gut the trucking industry in
America with cheap, Mexican labor (truck drivers), further flood this
country with consumer products from barbarians like the Communist
Chinese, Mexico and South America. Under the Bush dictatorship, the
Mexican government will be allowed to set up a "Smartport" in Kansas
City: "Corsi contends a main purpose of opening Lazaro Cardenas to
receive a greater volume of containers from the Far East and linking it
with the planned NAFTA Super-Corridor and Kansas City SmartPort is to
reduce labor costs. Longshoremen would not be employed at the port of
Lazaro Cardenas, and, in Mexico, the employees of Kansas City Southern
would not be United Transportation Union workers. To the extent that
Mexican trucks become involved in the operation, it would mean Teamster
Union drivers would not be employed in the operation." The sickening
Kelo decision will be used to continue kicking Americans off the land,
destroy their businesses, kill off more family farms and ranches, while
at the same, the American people themselves will continue destroying
their own country for trinkets and gadgetry.

Anti-American companies have laid off millions and shifted their
operations to foreign countries. Sold US out for corporate profits and
that's what this is all about: greed. I have written about this in
dozens of columns and it will get worse if this NAU/SPP isn't stopped.
Those trucks (see column highlighted below) are going to flood this
country with even more products made by foreign workers while Americans
face economic annihilation. Those trucks loaded up at ports in the Gulf
of Mexico are going to further drive American workers into poverty.
American truckers cannot compete with $4.00/ hour no benefits Mexican
truck drivers and American workers cannot compete with $1.40 per day
and/or slave labor from Communist China or India. Americans will
continue to lose their jobs, more factories and companies will close and
those two paychecks which you can't even live on now will have to
supplemented with two more per household. This is as real as it gets and
the conflagration is about to blow up right at YOUR front door. If we as
a people do not take a stand, there will be no middle class in five
years. Look at the devastation to manufacturing, agriculture and
industrial jobs since NAFTA and GATT were unconstitutionally signed into
law by Bill Clinton.

A nation that cannot produce what it needs to survive will die and
pathological liar, counterfeit U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton's husband
started the ball of destruction rolling. The American people need to
understand that these two "main" political parties are no longer
relevant; they are owned by those who control the central bank, the
corporations and the real decision makers: ".....You know, by the time
you become the leader of a country, someone else makes all the
decisions." Late August 1998, Bill Clinton speaking in Ireland in
response to a question as to what would he do if removed from office
through impeachment. "The dirty little secret is that both houses of
Congress are irrelevant....America's domestic policy is now being run by
Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve and America's foreign policy is
now being run by the International Monetary Fund....when the president
decides to go to war, he no longer needs a declaration of war from
Congress." Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton,
January 7, 1999, of USA Today.

As for Hillary's grandiose idea of a "universal health care" scheme
(parroted by her Comrades, Barack Obama and John Edwards), this is just
another giant step towards communism. Why is this loud mouthed Marxist
so quiet about the Federal Death Administration's (FDA) latest attempt
to stomp on our right to natural health care, vitamins and natural
supplements? Perhaps she's read Linder v U.S.: "Obviously, direct
control of medical practice in the states is beyond the power of the
federal government." Also see U.S. v Anthony and U.S. v Evers on
jurisdiction: "It has long been understood that Congress has no power to
regulate the practice of medicine within the States." There is important
information here on "Congressional Oversight Needed to STOP FDA's
"Trilateral Cooperation Charter."

Going back to the Paragon Foundation event, a woman in the audience
began an exchange with Dr. Corsi about water rights, a major issue of
life and death many of us have known about for decades while foolish
Americans stand in line at 6:00 am in front of some retail giant to get
the cheapest big screen boob tube or electronic gadget. Dr. Corsi
predicted that all the major water sources will eventually be diverted
to feed huge cities like Phoenix and Las Vegas while Alamogordo and
other wonderful cities and towns will simply dry up and die. Farmers and
ranchers will go under without water. This is no conspiracy fodder.
While Americans sit in front of the boob tube getting their massive
doses of "entertainment" and erection dysfunction drug pitches, this
magnificent country is falling to globalism and communism.

Stop funding the destruction of our country. Stop buying foreign goods.
The architects of globalism, the anti-American corporate conglomerates
like Dell, China (Wal) Mart, Microsoft, all Wall Street banks, and other
major Wall Street heavies are counting on Americans lust for material
objects instead of focusing on their freedom. They are counting on
Americans being too busy to take the time to find and purchase Made in
the USA. Those trucks about to roll across the Mexican border by the
thousands will be delivering products made by foreign workers who are
little better than slaves. I say let these foreign products on the store
shelves and rot. Let retail sell outs like Home Depot and China Mart run
out of warehouse space stock piling junk from Communist China because we
the people refuse to fund our own destruction.

Dr. Corsi correctly warned that in a few years all our food will be
coming across the border in those trucks and America - my America - will
become little more than a beggar on this globe. How long do you think
these retailers can hold out with their store shelves sagging under the
weight of unsold foreign goods or rotting lettuce? Not long. We can put
a massive dent in this sell out of American workers, but it all depends
on YOU. I've been doing my part since NAFTA and GATT were signed into
law. I don't even own a toaster because I refuse to buy foreign, period.
I don't need toast. Seek out local farmers and ranchers and tell your
grocery store manager those grapes from Chile or tomatoes from Mexico
can sit there and rot, but you will not buy them and let them know why.

Didn't the American people get even a hint of what is coming after what
just happened with poisoned dog food? The Communist Chinese do NOT allow
anyone to inspect their facilities. You think I let my two little
muggers eat dog food from commie China? Think I consume tomatoes,
lettuce or other vegetables from Mexico or South America? In your
dreams. How foolish the American people are not to see how easy it would
be to sabotage our food supplies; starting with dog food was a good way
to test the market. We the people can stop the total destruction of our
job bases by simply refusing to buy foreign. On the front page of my web
site is an entire section of products Made in the USA; thousands of
products. I realize it's difficult to find certain products like shoes,
but companies like New Balance make great tennis shoes in this country
by American workers. Mark my words: the destruction of this country will
go into hyper-drive if the states of the Union and the American people
do not stop this NAU/ SPP. For those whose paychecks come from
globalism, there is fair trade v free trade. America became the greatest
country on this globe with meaningful jobs in the three major sectors
for the common man through fair trade and respect with our trading
partners. This no longer exists because of greed and greed is killing
US. That dividend check coming from the sweat of slave labor in some
foreign country will be the knife through the heart of your children and
grand babies future. Will it be worth it, then?

When all else fails and Bush's handlers see things beginning to unravel,
the federal machine starts issuing threats to the sovereign states: Feds
threaten Texas over superhighway funds plan by Dr. Jerome Corsi: "The
Federal Highway Administration has threatened Texas with the loss of
federal highway funds if the state continues with its legislative plan
for a two-year funding moratorium on construction of the Trans-Texas
Corridor." Fine, let's see who has the bigger stick: the sovereign state
of Texas or federal bureau - rats. The feds are saying that if the State
of Texas refuses to fund this "harmless" Trans Texas Corridor within
it's own state boundaries, the feds are going to withhold federal
highway funds. Bush and his minions continue to lie about this North
American Union by telling gullible Americans that it's just for security
and prosperity. If that's the case, why is his administration
threatening to withhold funds from a sovereign state because that
state's legislature smells a giant, steaming pile of treason? Please
note in the statement by federal thug, James D. Ray, in the above cited
column, where he praises Texas for selling it's very soul to foreign
entities and new transportation facilities through the insidious and
evil "public private partnerships." What bilge. What's happening here in
Texas is the first of several important steps towards the total
integration of America with Canada and Mexico. Governor Rick Perry
should be impeached at the very least for his sell out of our state and
America, and if I served in the Texas State Legislature I'd be leading
the way to hang his backside, metaphorically speaking.

Does the sovereign State of Texas or any of the other 49 independent
republics have to get down on their knees and allow any president and
his lackeys to force the states to do their bidding or give up their
statehood? During the fiasco when Comrade Hillary Clinton tried to
federalize America's health care system, this document surfaced:
Memorandum for Walter Zellman from Sallyanne Payton, clearly marked:
Preliminary Draft for Official Use Only. Do Not Quote or Release For Any
Purpose, page 4, Health Care Task Reform under Hillary Clinton:. Please
note these sections:

"(b) may the federal government use other actors in the governmental
system and the private sector as its agents and give them orders as
though they were parts of a prefectorial system? The short answer is
"no." State governments are independent, although subordinated,
sovereignties, not subdivisions of the federal government. Although the
federal government may regulate many of their functions directly [as
well, for example, it subjects state water districts to the Clean Water
Act], it may not require them to exercise their own governmental powers
in a manner dictated by federal law. The states may be encouraged,
bribed or threatened into entering into joint federal state programs of
various sorts, from unemployment insurance to Medicaid; but they may not
be commanded directly to use their own governmental apparatus in the
service of federal policy. There is a modest jurisprudence of the Tenth
Amendment that seems to have settled on this proposition. See the DOJ
[Dept. of Justice] memorandum for a fuller elaboration." What does this
mean from a constitutional position? It means that the government can
bribe the states, they can threaten them, but in fact, the states cannot
be forced to get down on their knees to the federal machine.

Call (not e-mail) your congress critter TODAY (both house and
counterfeit senator) and demand passage of H.CON.RES.22 to withdraw
these united States of America from the unconstitutional NAFTA treaty.
Farmers and other producers: we can have fair trade with other nations
without destroying our country. Think about the future, please. Also
demand passage of H.CON.RES.487: "...the United States should not engage
in the construction of a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Superhighway System or enter into a North American Union with Mexico and
Canada." Call your state rep and state senator and demand they STOP
trend that must stop. Get on the phone today. Our very survival, your
children and grand babies future depends on our willingness to save this

As I said, the line in the sand chant is now backed up to the Pacific
Ocean. We are in the fight for our lives, our livelihood and the future
of America as a sovereign, self supporting, self-reliant nation. If your
state has not passed anti-North American Union legislation for your
governor to sign, get on the phone and demand they get it done like
Montana recently did and a big thank you to Rep. Diane Rice! Patrick
Henry said, "We are not weak if we make a proper use of those means
which the God of Nature has placed in our power.. the battle, sir, is
not to the strong alone, it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave."
At all costs we must stop the North American Union/SPP, the Mexican
truckers experiment by the Bush Administration and any further efforts
to destroy our beloved republic. If we don't stop this, you will no
longer be an American within five years, you will be a "North American."
Is that what you want? Will you fight?

"The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether
Americans are to be freemen or slaves; whether they are to have any
property they can call their own; whether their houses and farms are to
be pillaged and destroyed, and themselves consigned to a state of
wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them. The fate of
unborn millions will now depend on God, on the courage and conduct of
this army. Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of
brave resistance, or the most abject submission. We have, therefore, to
resolve to conquer or die." George Washington, 1776

Important information:

1. States MUST force Seventeenth Amendment Showdown
2. 12 states oppose North American Union
3. Officials Meet To Implement North American Union
4. Foreign Companies Are Buying Up American Highways and Bridges Built
by U.S. Taxpayers

5. Buy Made in the USA

6. They Died for "Cheap" Labor

7. Toxic Chinese Gluten Went To Hogs In Six States
8. Will North American Union be American Patriot's Last Stand? by Dr.
Edwin Vieira
9. Texas ports plan for Chinese containers
10. Full Steam Ahead For "The Invasion" & The American Union
11. Short video Texas Trans Corridor (I was there)
12. Connie Fogal of the Canadian Action Party warns on the danger of the
North American Union and how it can easily be stopped (free video)
13. North American Union and our laws (video clip)
14. Another NAU Success: Missouri Resolution Heads to Floor Vote
15. Truckers: Tell the politicians to eat garbage
16. NAFTA Takes More Victims
17. UPDATE: Anti-NAU State Resolutions Growing in Numbers
18. 'Don't pave our land' Farm Bureau pleads Comrade: kom'rad': a member
of the Communist party or someone with strongly leftist views

daniel48706's photo
Mon 04/30/07 01:00 PM
WOW!!!, Great Job Davinci you took up an entire page all by yourself.

soffit's photo
Mon 04/30/07 01:31 PM
So much meat here its hard to comment! Its all true! And people should
wake up. It may be to late. mad mad mad explode explode

davinci1952's photo
Mon 04/30/07 03:06 PM
google Devvy Kidd and look at her page...good stuff...bigsmile