Topic: King Herod's tomb discovered
MikeMontana's photo
Wed 05/09/07 08:52 PM
Thought it was interesting:

"The Hebrew University of Jerusalem announced on Monday the discovery of
the grave and tomb of Herod the Great, the Roman empire's "King of the
Jews" in ancient Judea.

The University said in a brief statement the discovery was made at
Herodium, where Herod's hilltop fortress palace once stood some 7 miles
from Jerusalem.

Professor Ehud Netzer, from the Department of Archeology at the Hebrew
University, said at a press conference on Tuesday that researchers have
been searching for the grave for over 30 years, and that the discovery
provided a solution to one of the most intriguing mysteries of Israeli

The Herodium excavations began in 1972 with assistance from the Society
for the Reclamation of Antiquities. In August 2006, digging began on the
north-eastern slope of the mountain. Monumental steps, six-and-a-half
meters (over 20 feet) wide provided access to the grave. [...]",7340,L-3397066,00.html

La_Esperanza's photo
Wed 05/09/07 09:19 PM
Wow that's awesome!

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 05/09/07 09:22 PM
I was watching it on the news. They actuall don't know if it is his

They were basing their announcement on achitectural information about
the designes used in the time of Herrod which match the type of
buildings and ruins they found.

the have yet to find any concrete evidence such as his body. Or an
identifing tablet or inscription.

I will wait till they find such before I decide.

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 05/09/07 10:03 PM
Wonderful, any ancient find can bring lapses in history closer together.
Thanks so much for the info, Mike. Can't wait to see what is discovered
or maybe uncovered is the word.