Topic: The gift that keeps on giving...
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Fri 05/15/09 07:06 PM
Edited by KimmiM on Fri 05/15/09 07:32 PM
I was checking mail on another site and came across an advertisement for yet another dating site...

"There is something about finding love that inspires the possibilities in each of us. ******.com™ was created as a fun, private and secure dating site for people with HSV2 (herpes). ******.com™ is a herpes dating site that opens doors to others making similar choices.

You will appreciate the technical expertise that brings you a fun, easy and private dating website that was created just for you. Welcome!"

Would you be willing to tell your friends that you were a member? Would you feel singled out or possibly more comfortable? huh

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Fri 05/15/09 07:09 PM
***Topic Deleted***

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Fri 05/15/09 07:16 PM
I am a big and I mean a big believer that Herpes sites serve a purpose. I knew people who have it. And I do not think its fair or even a decent thing of a person to be on a normal everyday site. Like mingles or yahoo or match , looking to meet someone with out telling them right out front they are a carrier. If you don't then you are depriving others their freedom of choice. And people who have herpes or any other STD do not have that right.

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Fri 05/15/09 07:18 PM
Sure. And take out an ad in the paper and maybe a billboard, too.

FireOfThePhoenix's photo
Fri 05/15/09 07:20 PM
As thankful as I am never having been exposed or to be a carrier to such a thing

Would your friends judge you if you told them? And what sort of friends would they be if they didn't want you to be happy?

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Fri 05/15/09 07:23 PM

As thankful as I am never having been exposed or to be a carrier to such a thing

Would your friends judge you if you told them? And what sort of friends would they be if they didn't want you to be happy?

Good point!

It was just interesting to come across a site of this nature. I would have never thought it would exist. That is mainly because I've never been exposed to this type of thing either. ohwell

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 05/15/09 07:28 PM
Edited by FearandLoathing on Fri 05/15/09 07:28 PM
I'm not a member but I do have herpes...there is a collective place for everyone regardless of what ailes them, it can be found on the internet. Personally, I'm just fine here and would rather not have another "dating" site membership.

FireOfThePhoenix's photo
Fri 05/15/09 07:28 PM
I have a friend who contacted it from her husband during their marriage because he had been not so careful when cheating on her.

Where as I understand a person right to privacy, I think true friends accept you for who you are all faults and issues included. So for that reason I'm glad to see that she would have options available to her since most dating sites treat anyone who is HPV or HIV positive like they have the plauge

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Fri 05/15/09 07:30 PM

As thankful as I am never having been exposed or to be a carrier to such a thing

Would your friends judge you if you told them? And what sort of friends would they be if they didn't want you to be happy?

when I referred to "I knew people who have it" these were good friends and I accepted the fact that they had it . I didn't act as if anything was different about them We went to fire Island stayed at there cottage, ate with them . Their story is he caught it and gave it to his then girlfriend. They actually got married. I know longer stay in touch as I moved away divorced their mutual friend. He is a screen writer in NYC. So NO judgmental wasn't the issue...

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 05/15/09 07:32 PM

I have a friend who contacted it from her husband during their marriage because he had been not so careful when cheating on her.

Where as I understand a person right to privacy, I think true friends accept you for who you are all faults and issues included. So for that reason I'm glad to see that she would have options available to her since most dating sites treat anyone who is HPV or HIV positive like they have the plauge

Herpes is hardly a plague, for the most part it is easily managed although I just contracted it about a month ago or so I've read up on it a lot. I don't have sex so I have no fear of spreading it, but if a chance encounter comes up I will always bring it up to prospective partners. My mum has HIV, she is rather cynical...I'm sure it bothers her at times and she does become depressed often but she is surrounded by a caring family, so I don't worry about her much.:smile:

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Fri 05/15/09 07:34 PM

I'm not a member but I do have herpes...there is a collective place for everyone regardless of what ailes them, it can be found on the internet. Personally, I'm just fine here and would rather not have another "dating" site membership.
and I applaud the fact that your upfront about it. Wish others were . Some have admittedly said they would with hold such information.

And there is no need for "billboards etc.. " just be honest is all it takes privately if someone is embarrassed about having it.

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Fri 05/15/09 07:35 PM

Mystique42's photo
Sat 05/16/09 05:57 AM
I was watching a commercial the other day on herpes2, and one in every five people have it. That is a lot of people. Thing is I don't think many people want ANY kind of label placed upon them whether it's ADD, ADHD, HERPES2, or AIDS. I'm raising a little boy with Down syndrome and I just find it to be a shame that many people wouldn't get to know someone based upon some label. There is a person behind the illness, and I definitely feel that when it comes to health it should be discussed at the appropriate time. Yes we should have a choice to know, but as someone else said herpes2 is manageable. People contract herpes2 and other std's by doing what everyone does in a normal relationship... make love. I don't think ANYONE intentionally goes out and wants to contract an std.

For those who have it, I think it's okay not to discuss it with people who you have no intention of having sex with anyway. I don't think there has to be a special site just for those who have it, but I do think it's nice for those who wish to use it. Herpes2 isn't the end of the world, and for those who would never wish to know someone with a std... it may just be your loss. I've read about girls and guys who have chosen the wrong partner and it was their first sexual experience. Can you imagine the devastation they felt when they found out? Many people don't even know they have herpes2.
Thing is when I see topics such as this and the responses come off negatively... I just think what a sad world this is. Sure, if you aren't told by someone you love it would be devastating. However, what if you loved this person? What if the very person you are searching for just happens to have herpes2 or ADHD and it isn't by their choice?

feistybaby's photo
Sat 05/16/09 06:24 AM
I think the site is a great idea. I have two very dear friends that suffer from herpes. While one is very straight forward with any potential partner the other is shy and refuses to date and isolates herself. This would be a great way to take any embarrassment out of the situation for her, because it takes the issue out of the issue.

I feel compelled to point out that none of us are immune from any desiese. And that when you have unprotected sex not only are you haveing sex with that person but are getting the residuals from everyone they have ever slept with and vice verse. And the fingers that are being pointed could just as easily be pointed at you someday. Compassion people, no one asks to catch an std anymore than one asks to develop cancer or birth defects. It's just another fact of life.

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Sat 05/16/09 09:59 AM
Edited by durtydduck on Sat 05/16/09 10:01 AM
I don't think ANYONE intentionally goes out and wants to contract an std.

I saw this and am just stunned, well sort of.. Sure no one wants to go out and get a STD. But there are many people out there that do indeed refuse to tell someone they knowingly have one. And That's just not right. As I said they take away another persons ability to make a choice. And as for the legitimacy of a site for someone with HIV or Herpes or any other condition is warranted. They have all kinds of web sites.. For christian s, gays, lesbians, BBW's & men, alternate life styles, different types of sex sites. My god there are everywhere .All you have to do is type in a web search and find anything about everything..Just look at all the Ads that show up even here in Mingles. . It gives people who are in the same boat to share and maybe meet. with out having to deal with "societies persecution"..

About 8 years ago A women in a near by town used to frequent all the bars and was doing every man she could. She had been diagnosed with HIV.. Felt apparently that every man deserved to get it from her. She went to jail the last I heard. So it pays to be leery of someone , it pays to be up to date and informed. it pays to be smart. What doesn't pay is those who stick their heads in the sand and hide from life. Its a scary world out there.