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kariZman's photo
Sat 05/12/07 01:53 AM
i am agnostic i tend to sit on the fence and will listen to or read
anyones story provided there is some sort of logic to it. history shows
that human beings have blindly persued many follies in the persuit of
happyness and contentment to no avail. i think that may be due to our
ignorance as to the real content of gods will. does anyone know watts in
gods will?

no photo
Sat 05/12/07 02:56 AM
Yes,There is his purpose and will for all, and then there's his will and
purpose for you personally. The general will and purpose is found in the
Ten commandments. These ten commandments are found in prioritized order
read them and you'll see his first priority.

no photo
Sat 05/12/07 03:00 AM
Oh yeah, I mean this in a caring way. Try not to be anagnostic, try to
believe, or not beleve. The word "agnostic" is derived from the greek
word Ignoramous,to be "ignorant".Please,this is true and i'm just trying
to shed light.

Jess642's photo
Sat 05/12/07 03:52 AM
Did he leave a will?

Would it be with the executor of his estate?


no photo
Sat 05/12/07 04:10 AM
Yes,the bible

Belushi's photo
Sat 05/12/07 04:23 AM
which bits of the bible?

the stories that were not good enough for the final copy??

Jess642's photo
Sat 05/12/07 04:43 AM
The way I see it, to have a will, you have to be dead...dust gone...

SO is god dead?


kariZman's photo
Sat 05/12/07 05:51 AM
i have read the ten commandments exodus 20:3-17 the shalls and the shall
nots. nothing about gods will in the ten commandments .does any one out
there know watt gods will is?im not real bright butt i can lift fairly
heavy fings.

Differentkindofwench's photo
Sat 05/12/07 07:17 AM
Agnostos is the Greek basis for agnostic, but ignoramous as the
definition is a bit harsh. It technically means "to not know" or
incapable of knowing. I believe the incapable part pertains to the
answer to the question not the understanding ability of the one asking
the question. Just wanted to clarify that.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 05/12/07 07:38 AM
Are you asking what the will of god is? Or are you asking what the
purpose of the Bible is?

If you’re asking what the will of god is I think the answer if simple.
God became all of creation which includes you, me, and everything. God
will is simply that we appreciate and enjoy this creation, which
includes all living beings.

This is the only purpose that god has.

The illusion of life will continue for eternity via reincarnation. No
one even dies, you can never be separate from god because you are part
of god. You’re only purpose is to be you, and to respect all of
creation, which include those whom you might deem enemies.

Now if you are asking what the will of the Bible is, that’s a totally
differnet question. The stories collected in the Bible were written by
many differnet authors each having their own agenda. So there are many
differnet messages in the Bible, many of which are often conflicting.

Very early in the Old Testament the account of creation was written by
men who wanted to place women in an inferior and supportive role. Much
focus was also placed on commandments of how a person should behave.
The only real ‘will’ of god put forth at that time was that mankind
should be fruitful and multiply whilst respecting each other. This will
isn’t far from what the real living god wants. Just enjoy this creation
with respect for it because that’s the purpose of life.

Of course, there were also authors who made very positive contributions
to the Bible along the lines of emphasizing this will of god that we
just love each other and enjoy creation. But there were always
overtones of a threat from the wrath of god should we not do his will.
I don’t believe that god knows wrath. Stories of floods and such were
simply stories that reflected the forces of nature. The people back
then had no idea that they were living on a spherical planet. For them,
if a major flood had engulfed an entire village in a valley that would
have been their ‘world’.

The New Testament is an entirely differnet story, but it is tainted by
the Old Testament simply because the people who wrote the New Testament
were familiar with the stories of old and believed in them. One thing
to note about the New Testament is that Jesus is NOT among the authors.
People often quote the ‘words’ of Jesus from the Bible, but Jesus has no
words in the Bible to quote. What people are actually quoting are the
words of men who were the disciples of Jesus. Those words are all

Most scholars believe that the disciples of Jesus did not even write
their historical accounts for at least a decade or two after the death
of Jesus. This was partly due to the fact that it would have been
extremely dangerous to speak or write of Jesus near the time of his
death. So what we read about the account of Jesus is not only hearsay,
but it’s belated hearsay as well. It was also written by men who had
been oppressed for most (if not all) of their lives by the Romans. They
were spiritually desperate and in need of a god. They immortalized
Jesus in their writings and tie his life back into the stories and
predictions of the old testament. It might be noteworthy to add that
not all of the disciples gave the same account of Jesus, especially with
respect to suggesting that he had been born of a virgin or rose from the

Ironically they also write that even Jesus himself indicated that they
(the disciples) did not understand him. So it’s clear that the
accounts of Jesus were being written by spiritually desperate men who
wanted to immortalize him, but who never really understood him. And
these are the words that people are claiming to be the ‘words of Jesus’.

There does seem to be much consistency with respect to the moral
parables that Jesus taught. The disciples probably heard those sermons
repeatedly so it makes sense they would get the jest of them pretty
consistently. Jesus obviously preached of love, tolerance, and of
turning the other cheek.

The question then becomes one of an everlasting life, and the whole
issues of Jesus somehow being a sacrificial lamb of God. Did Jesus
actually imply this? Or was this one of the great misunderstandings of
his disciples? I personally believe it was the latter.

I believe that Jesus spent much time in the Far East. Many historians
and theologians suggest that this was the case. He probably learned of
Eastern Mysticism in one form or another. Eastern Mysticism believes
that all is god. That would include us. In other words, the father and
the son are one in the same.

When Jesus returned to the western culture he tried to preach this
philosophy, but he was misunderstood. When he spoke of being one with
the father they misunderstood him to mean that he was God. Their God!
Their view of God the father was a view of a completely separate entity.
A ruler in the sky that sits on a throne in heaven. When Jesus tried to
explain to them that he is god, they misunderstood this in terms of how
they viewed god. And so they twisted his meanings around to make it out
like he had been sent by some external God in heaven to save man from
evil. But that was not what Jesus was actually trying to say.

Jesus was simply trying to say that if you love this world as you love
yourself you will come to know the eternal god that lives within your
very own spirit. You don’t need to die to know god. The modern
picture of Jesus has it all wrong.

This I believe.

God's will is simply that you appreciate creation and be who you are.
For this is why he created you.

And keep in mind that all people are part of creation and therefore it's
god's will that you appreciate all people. Not necessarily agree with
them or let them walk all over you. But simply to appreciate them and
give them as much respect and benefit of the doubt that you would like
others to give to you.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 05/12/07 07:50 AM
DKW wrote:
“Agnostos is the Greek basis for agnostic, but ignoramous as the
definition is a bit harsh. It technically means "to not know" or
incapable of knowing. I believe the incapable part pertains to the
answer to the question not the understanding ability of the one asking
the question. Just wanted to clarify that.”

This is true. Many people take the word ‘agnostic’ to simply mean
undecided, but for some it simply means that they have indeed decided
that the answer to the question of whether or not god exists is simply

They are actually quite firm in their believe that the question is
unanswerable. So it’s not that they are confused, but rather that they
have decided the question cannot be answered and it is therefore
meaningless to ask it.

Although, some people who call themselves ‘agnostics’ actually use it to
simply mean that they personally just don’t know what to believe. I
think both usages of the word are valid. I’m just pointing out the fact
that differnet people may use it with a different semantic slant.

Same goes with the word ‘Atheist’. Some people use that word to simply
mean that they don’t believe in a god. Whilst others actually use it to
mean that the firmly believe there can be no god. And still others
actually use it to mean that they don’t believe in religion, or a
religious type of external deity, but they may still believe in some
kind of mysticism. In other words, they may still believe in a
spiritual aspect of reality. They just don’t think of it as being
associated with an egotistical ‘godhead’ and therefore they hesitate to
call it a ‘god’.

I do not think of god as being an egotistical ‘godhead’, but I still use
the word god to refer to the mystical aspect of reality.

Semantics are very abstract and words only have meaning within the
context of a person’s own perceptions. This is why it often requires
much discourse to convey our thoughts. People who require little
discourse and believe that they have well-defined semantics, are simply
closing themselves into their own opinionated box and simply refusing to
see other people’s point of view.

kariZman's photo
Sat 05/12/07 08:06 AM
farout abra you sure know a lot about god and jesus considering you are
an athiest.i thank you for your breif and to the point as you see it
answer.does anyone know watt gods will is im just a simple man surely
someone can explain in plain english watt gods will is or am i going to
remain in this vaccume of perpetual unenlightenment for
eternity?ohwell i guess ill box on reguardless the land of nod calls
goodnite folks or maybe goodmorning oh im so confusedlaugh

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 05/12/07 08:59 AM
KariZman wrote:
“surely someone can explain in plain english watt gods will is”

God’s will is that you be who you are in harmony with all that is around

no photo
Sat 05/12/07 09:07 AM
kariZman wrote:

I am agnostic i tend to sit on the fence and will listen to or read
anyones story provided there is some sort of logic to it. history shows
that human beings have blindly persued many follies in the persuit of
happyness and contentment to no avail. i think that may be due to our
ignorance as to the real content of gods will. does anyone know watts in
gods will?

SpiderCMB replied:

What is God's will? God's will is different for each person. There was
only one Moses, if God's will was the same for every person, then there
would have been billions of Moseses. If you want to know God's will,
first get to know God. Read the Word to feed your spirit. When your
spirit is strong enough, God's will for you will be revealed.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 05/12/07 09:14 AM

Ask not us we know not what his will is for you.

Ask god he is within you.

kariZman's photo
Sat 05/12/07 04:35 PM
thanks for your attempts at explaining gods will folks i guess i will
have to enjoy my ignorance.i have read the bible there are some truths
in the bible some good advice as to how we should live our lives no
mention as to watt gods will is, or is there?i do beleive there is
amongst all the ambiguous bullshiitt it contains.there are more
translations for the bible than you can poke a stick at and every one
seems to think they have the right versionlaugh i reckon the architect
of the universe did not build a stairway leading nowere.i create stuff
for a liveing when i do and the things i make get abused and neglected
to the point were those creations are made unuseable i get a bit pissed
off and dissapointed.i reckon god must be spitting chipps right now.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sat 05/12/07 05:56 PM
You are losing time. There is no logic in God's will. At least a logic
that our little human heads can understand.
Therefore, my only refuge is let Him love me.


no photo
Sat 05/12/07 06:05 PM
Maybe God has a living will.


kariZman's photo
Sat 05/12/07 06:40 PM
were all ratshiitt then are we Lonely walker.?. watts the bloody point
if no one knows watt the hell gods will is all about. i thought the
bible would be a book that should contain simple logic that every one
would be able to read embrace and still unenlightened i
would love to know watt gods will is about.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sat 05/12/07 06:43 PM
that is something u need to find by urself. there is nobody in this
world who is going to tell you
What God wants for you it's only for you.

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