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Topic: blessings...
TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 05/14/07 08:55 PM
I'm so grateful to God.
Today I got an scholarship to take a class this semester, that puts me
ahead because i was planning to graduate on may 2008, now i will
graduate on december 2007.
It was so unexpected.
This year i was planning on going to vacation to LA, but I couldn't
because i didn't have the money. However, this weekend my aunt who lives
in LA called me and told me that she booked a ticket for me in august.
This may seem stupid for most people.
The problem with us is that we lose the capacity to be amazed, and then
is when we lose faith.
God has so many marvels ready for us, we just need to let Him amaze us.


music_man's photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:03 PM
congratsdrinker drinker drinker cheers

no photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:07 PM

Happy Bro, smiles


2mtg34's photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:07 PM
maybe you earned that your self and maybe dog had nothing to do with it
so praise yourself

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:10 PM
2mtg34 wrote:
"maybe you earned that your self and maybe dog had nothing to do with

so praise yourself
i would be an arrogant
i just worked hard, but I know I wouldn't accomplish anything withoug

2mtg34's photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:13 PM
you worked hard it did not maybe it does not care about you.So srew it i
congadulate you on the hard work you put in it did nothing for you.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:14 PM
u r entitled to ur opinion 2mtg34

2mtg34's photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:15 PM
i dont want to sound like a **** but **** you did all the work. It did
**** you took all the test not it. so dont thank anyone but your hard

LAMom's photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:16 PM
TLW,,, God Bless,, I am so happy for you and your good news,, God truely
amazes me all the time...

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:18 PM
Good night
I start my internship tomorrow at 8:30

2mtg34's photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:19 PM
I as human beings we should take some credit for our own glory. God
screwec me over so i hate him. but i respect your beliefs i am just a
little mad.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:20 PM
BTW this summer is going to be crazy
Internship, the class i'm going to take, plus my job.
God will provide me with strenght, and I'll overcome this tough summer.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:20 PM
I'll be praying for you 2mtg34

2mtg34's photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:21 PM
please dont i do not need him.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:22 PM
allow me to smile at u
i'll do it anyway, u don't have power to control my prayers

2mtg34's photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:22 PM
but thanks for the thought. Good luck my man. I hope you do well.

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:23 PM
Congrats TLW.

You did as one here pointed out do all the work.

God rewarded your faith with another open door.

I have no doubt you will step through it with the same faith that got
you to this moment.

2mtg34's photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:23 PM
prayers never work for me. it took my dad to early he did not deserve it
maybe i did but he did not.

Redykeulous's photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:24 PM
LW - I'm like you, I can not tell you the number of times in my live
that I've been 'amazed' at just those kinds of things. My whole life
seems to be made up of a series of the most incredible
"right place, right time" events. I used to wonder how I merited these
good fortunes, but I've lived long enough and have known enough people
to understand, that some can receive $20.00 out of nowhere, and think
only "well, I guess that's food for today, but what about tomorro" and
some of us receive $20.00 and think, "Wow, isn't that amazing, just when
I needed it most, wonder what tomorrow will bring my way."

Good for you, the gift is not what you received, the real gift is the
joy and wonder with which you receive it.

2mtg34's photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:24 PM
it should have been me and not him

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