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Topic: IndnPrncs Hotel/Bar - part 81
msmyka's photo
Mon 06/08/09 09:58 PM

OrangeCat's photo
Mon 06/08/09 09:59 PM
< continued from this topic >
< part one of this topic is here >

msmyka's photo
Mon 06/08/09 10:01 PM
Ahhhhhhhhh it's drop dead Fred! :runsaway:

no photo
Mon 06/08/09 10:53 PM

That another one of your self-portraits, OC? laugh

msmyka's photo
Mon 06/08/09 11:19 PM
I'm so confused.... WHy are there 2 part 81's floating around?

j_mcmahon05's photo
Tue 06/09/09 12:00 AM
One morning a woman was walking out of her front door, when she notices a strange little man at the bottom of her garden.

"You're a goblin," she says, "I caught you and you owe me three wishes!". So the goblin replies "OK, you caught me fair and square, what's your first wish?". The woman stops and thinks for a second, "I want a huge mansion to live in.", goblins replies "OK, you've got it.". Woman again thinks it over, "My second wish is a Mercedes." "OK, you've got that too." "My last wish is a million dollars!". The goblin then says "OK, you've got it. But to make your wishes come true you have to have sex all night with me." "OK then, if that's what it takes..."

Next morning the little man wakes the woman up.

"Tell me," says the man, "how old are you?" "I'm 27", she replies

"**** me", says the man, "27 and you still believe in goblins"

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Tue 06/09/09 09:12 AM
cute joke, but very very old...

jtip1977's photo
Tue 06/09/09 09:16 AM

Riding_Dubz's photo
Tue 06/09/09 09:23 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh


HasidicEnforcer's photo
Tue 06/09/09 12:19 PM
still trying to set up a wireless network at home...


Mayhem_J's photo
Tue 06/09/09 01:07 PM
I hate wireless...seems to be very unreliable sometimes.

msmyka's photo
Tue 06/09/09 01:55 PM

Mayhem_J's photo
Tue 06/09/09 01:57 PM
Cool..cause I dont get upset.
I kick hole in the speaker.
Pull the plug and then jet.

no photo
Tue 06/09/09 06:31 PM

I hate wireless...seems to be very unreliable sometimes.

Yeah. Wi-Fi is TOTALLY unreliable. Not only do you need some hella-powerful wireless routers, but any wi-fi adapters you slap on your computers had better be some decent-quality units, or else you'll never get a decent-enough signal. I know this for a fact as I just had to upgrade to a more-substantial wireless adapter, made by D-Link (DWA-552 with the extra antenna thingy).

no photo
Tue 06/09/09 06:38 PM
My wireless always craps out. frown

no photo
Tue 06/09/09 06:51 PM
Yeah. Mine too. That new wireless adapter I got kind of helped me out, but it'll still crap out if given the chance.

So -needless to say- the ONLY way to do the internet thing is through the cable. Unless you're able to get it via smoke signals like Raredawg does (fo' shizzle). laugh

no photo
Tue 06/09/09 07:03 PM
But I like to sit on my couch with the laptop! I need wireless for that :tongue:.

no photo
Tue 06/09/09 07:04 PM
comfy couch beats crappy office chair any day :laughing:

no photo
Tue 06/09/09 07:04 PM
Yup. You need wireless for that. :laughing:

IndnPrncs's photo
Tue 06/09/09 07:46 PM

Are the two 81's resolved now?

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