Topic: Inspiriation
AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 05/16/07 01:24 PM
Just a place to list people and happenings that have inspired you from
other than a Divine Source.

Each of us that has faith in a divine source have been inspiried by that
source. I would like to hear what else has inspiried us at various
times within our lives.

Top O' my list is my mother.
My sister who overcame a type of cancer with but a 1% survival rate by
throwing away the medicines and telling the doctors to leave her alone
is another who inspiried me in my life.

Once I was 'inspired' to climb a cliff without benefit of equipment at
an extreamly high rate of speed when I rounded a rock and came face to
face with a very angry mountain cat. Looking back afterwards I have no
idea how I managed since I would not have wanted to try that cliff even
with equipment.

no photo
Wed 05/16/07 01:28 PM
My mother...who taught me that with out family you are nothing
My brother..who taught me exactly how precious life is when he took his
own life
My son...who has inspired me to to continue writing and seek my dreams

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 05/16/07 03:26 PM
The earliest inspirations to me came in stories, books. I was reading
novels by the time I was 7. The earliest inspirations to me by the time
I was in my early teens were,

"The Elephant Man, the Story of John Merrick"
"Helen Keller"
"The Life of Anne Sullivan" (Helen Kellers' teacher)
"The Diary of Anne Frank"

Every person whom I have spent any decent amount of time with has served
to inspire me in some way. I think the reason for this, is that I have
understood from, the stories I read so young made me realize that every
person in this world has something to overcome, and has something to
teach from the experience.

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 05/16/07 03:26 PM
By the way, AB, this is a lovely topic. It is a way for us all to gain
insight into the lives of 'real people' in our little JSH community.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 05/16/07 04:03 PM
I no longer have any inspiration. My mother used to be my inspiration
in life. Now that she’s gone life is pretty meaningless to me.

When people hear me say that they try to suggest that I need to seek out
god. But that’s totally absurd. I don’t base my life on whether or
not a supreme being exists. Knowing that one way or the other with
absolutely certainty wouldn’t change my current life one iota.

I totally feel loved. And I don’t feel alone at all. As far as I’m
concerned god must already live in my heart otherwise where is all this
love coming from? I don’t feel abandoned in anyway. I feel completely

But that doesn’t equate to inspiration for me. Inspiration has always
been sparked by people for me. Please notice that I did not say that
it ‘comes’ from them. Without having someone else in my life I simply
have inspiration to do much of anything. I’ve always been like that.
It’s basically who I am. I live my life for others, not for me. I
simply have no interest in living life for me. I’m just not egocentric
in the least. So without someone else in my life I simply have no

Even when I was teaching college classes I was inspired by my students.
When I used to work I was inspired by the projects I worked on and by
the people who were expecting to see the results of my work. My
entirely life has been geared toward doing things for other people. I’m
now in a situation where I have no one else in my life to do things for
and thus I have no inspiration.

I just have absolutely no desire to do things just for me. I’ve tired
repeatedly and it just doesn’t hold any meaning for me. I’m a
partner-oriented, or people-oriented person. That’s all there is to it.
And since I don’t have anyone in my life right now, I have no

I get all my inspiration for writing poetry comes from the people on
this forum. None of it comes from me. It's all just a reflection of
other people. So I do get some inspiration from people on this forum.
But it's fleeing and cannot go beyond a mere exchange of words.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 05/16/07 04:10 PM
Could some of us spark within you a bit of inspiration James?

There are many wonderful people on this electronic medium.

As I have seen by your poetry some of which has inspired me.

Jess642's photo
Fri 05/18/07 12:11 AM
Most mornings I hit the surf at dawn, for a wake-up surf, and to have
that moment to me.

I was blessed to have two visitors this morning, a week or so ago, two
dolphins. They shared waves with me, and when I moved out to the back of
the swell, facing the dawn sky, back to the shore, they were there, not
fifteen feet away from me. Awesome!!
I slipped my leg rope off, and ditched my board and swam with them,
always about ten, fifteen feet away. When I went under to watch them,
they did the same. When I broke surface, shortly after, so did they, one
closer, one further away.

Inspiring! Perfect! I cried, I laughed at my clumsiness, and lack of
gills, I floated all the way back to my house...I was so touched at
these incredible animals, so gentle and curious, and so peaceful. They
filled me up.:heart:

kariZman's photo
Fri 05/18/07 12:35 AM
smokin pot inspires me it really swings my creativeness into gear
thanks god for the herb superb.the seven secrets of magic are inspireing
and magic does work for me when im focusedsmokin helps me with that to
thanks god.

kariZman's photo
Fri 05/18/07 01:27 AM
How The Great Pan Died by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. The Order Of the
Nazorean Essenes.tootpu The order of the perpetually unenlightened.

no photo
Fri 05/18/07 01:34 AM
well ... i am just all of it ...all of you... all of us

ya gotta admit........ it's a severly cool existence we have here on our
little planet

just think...we are already history somewhere else!:wink:

kariZman's photo
Fri 05/18/07 01:52 AM
oh alex you inspire me as well i reckon you have a good loven:heart:
and a cool sense of humourflowerforyou

no photo
Fri 05/18/07 02:41 AM great great great great .......... way back in the day
grandmother was Essene

no photo
Fri 05/18/07 02:41 AM great great great great .......... way back in the day
grandmother was Essene

kariZman's photo
Fri 05/18/07 02:53 AM
well now your doubbly cool alex:smile:

Jess642's photo
Fri 05/18/07 03:32 AM
Every sunset, every sunrise, another gift.

Every breeze, every blue sky, every cloud, rain, summer storms...all of
it, is inspiring..all of us...this is a cool existance on this little

and yes, we are history.:wink: