Topic: The truth behind doomsday prophesy!
AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 05/16/07 01:53 PM
I have heard read so many doomsday prophesies that I feel compelled to
speak of them.

The Bible calls it revelations in the NT. The end of days in places in
the OT.
The Koran calls it the end times and sometimes A Calamity.

In each holy book somone saw this future and recorded it in the language
of the time folded within the word of god.

Science also sees these things. We watch for near earth and earth
crossing asteriods. We measure the sun so we can spot solar activitiy
that may create fires on earth. We monitor earthquakes and volcanos so
we may have some advance warning.

That word warning is important.

I fully believe that if you strip away the language of the times of our
ancestors they to are warning us. Not to bring us to god so we may all
die with heads bowed to the inevitable. Instead so that we may learn,
watch, and perhaps save those of us we can save.

I have faith that the time of the utter destruction of the earth is
inevitable for at some point in cosmic time our star will become feeble
and swallow up the inner planets. My faith says that by the time we
have reached that point we will have become greater than we are now and
have reached the point where the destruction of the earth itself can not
destroy us as a species.

I for one do not believe in going to god and saying 'thy will be done
mankind has passed away from the world of reality'
Rather would I go to god in my time and say 'God is great. I have
learned and grown and become greater than I was. Inspire me in my new
life to become even greater.'

I will strive to succeed as a species not to succumb as a lamb to the

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 05/16/07 07:24 PM
AB, I like the thought process. My understanding of the Christian faith
is that a prophecy delivered by God through a person can not be altered
in any way. Now there are some who believe they can predict certain
events in peoples lifes or forsee things in the future. I've known
several of these people and they believe, unlike the Christians, that
they are given this ability for the very reason that you suggest. As a
warning. That through that warning we have the ability to change a path
and thereby alter the outcome. All of the poeple I have known who claim
to have this ability were very spiritual and claimed a deep faith in

Now in reviewing the information given in the Book of Revelation, my
opinion is, we can not Truely find enough fact in it to really know who,
what, where and when. If it were meant to be a true prophecy, according
to Christians, I would think it would be obviously accurate.

So, where the Book of Revelations is concerned, perhaps you are correct.
It is meant to be a warning, one that has the ability to be interpreted
to fit any situation that might require us to change the path we are on.

Nice, if only we could get more Christians to view it that way, perhaps
we would have more activists in our midst.

Jess642's photo
Thu 05/17/07 12:31 AM
The Mayans predicted end times as well, and extremely accurately, as to
being able to pinpoint a winter solstice some 2600 years away.

They gave a date.

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 05/17/07 12:35 AM
I believe that date has passed.

Wasn't it in like 2003 or something of that nature?

Jess642's photo
Thu 05/17/07 12:36 AM
21st December, 2012.

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 05/17/07 12:40 AM
don't they believe that their gods will return and judge their

Wonder what their gods would think of Cortez.

Can you imagine what it would feel like to have left a flourishing
civilization and returned to find it extinct?

Jess642's photo
Thu 05/17/07 12:54 AM
From what I have read, which is limited, and is a topic I have been
investigating, and learning more of..

The Mayans were able to predict with incredible accuracy an astronomical
phenomona that I don't know if it has happened has happened before.

The Milky Way has a dark rift in it, a blank patch, which the Mayans
believe to be the birth canal of all life, ( I could be wrong here, this
is what I have gleaned from what I have read of other's interpretations,
not speaking Mayan myself), and on the 21st of December, 2012 at dawn,
the sun will rise in this dark rift, as the position of the Milky Way,
and the progression of planets astronomically, and also taking into
consideration the earth's wobble on it's axis.

Leading astronomers agree with the alignment of the Milky Way and the
horizon, the degree of the sun's position on the winter solstice of

So in the first part, the Mayans have accurately predicted planetary
positions some 2600 years earlier.

In the second part, my limited understanding is that the Mayans believed
there will be a return to the place from whence they came, as a race, as
a nation, as humans.

Please dont quote me on all this, I have only in the past three days
looked into the Mayan calendar, and started reading about what it is,
and how it came about.

I have spent most of that time cross referencing the astronomical side
of things..before moving into predictions and legends.

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 05/17/07 12:58 AM
They have a map that shows two stars in the Sirius grouping where we
only knew of one till just a few years ago.

That chart or map also shows a planet within the same grouping. Our
telescops can not see that sharply focused so we don't know if their
actually is a planet there.

Jess642's photo
Thu 05/17/07 01:02 AM
For me, it makes me wonder, and to learn more...

How can predictions be so clear and accurate, from mathematical
precision? Some two and a half thousand years earlier.

I don't see mis-interpretation, I don't see vagueness in the explanation
of arriving at the predictions, and I look for is my nature to
question, to look from another angle.

With concise inarguable facts, not vague assumptions, in predictions,
one has to wonder..

Belushi's photo
Thu 05/17/07 01:11 AM

5 years??? Is that all??

Bloody hell!!

I have 5 years to get Lee to "clean" under the bunk of my cabin of the
boat, I dont yet own.

5 years to get Alex to let me out of the cellar so that I can make
waaaaaaaaayy toooo much money to buy that nice racing green 1967
convertable E-type Jag.

and 5 years to find the meaning of life

kariZman's photo
Thu 05/17/07 01:28 AM
mayans were idiots they drained the swamps raped the land built huge
monuments ya cant live in and bred like rats in a box untill they all
died out cause they were to weak to work and had to many human
sacrifices or something who knows a lot can be gained and lost when ya
start delveing into the anuls of time. how many times do we have to read
the bloody writing on the wall.they were idiots they were human. watts
changed we all seem t like rolling rocks up hills let em roll
down...........just like good old sisyphus out of greek mythologylaugh

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 05/17/07 01:39 AM
Very interesting reading.

The gregorian calender must be adjusted one day every 5 to 12 years.
The mayan calender needs adjusting only one day in 380,000 years. WOW!

The main calendar is not based on earth cycles, moon cycles or sun
cycles it is based on the motion of our star within the milky way and
its center point is the center of the milky way.

It is a galatic calendar. Wonder how they did that with no telescopes.

According to some astronomers their calculated syncronization with the
center of the milky way (sceduled to happen in 2012) will also coincide
with the alignment of not only our galaxy but two others at the same
time. Wonder if that will increase their 'spark of life' which is
supposed to raise us all to a new awareness.

Jess642's photo
Thu 05/17/07 01:43 AM
Sky watchers....weren't they called?

And yes, it has me wondering how they knew...

What we are only just beginning to discover, with high powered computers
and telescopes and planetary probes.

I find it food for thought, and to look further out my window...and
maybe learn a little more.

(and kariZ, I have never heard you with such a major 'grumpy' on..and I
hear you, you have a more direct way of saying things, than me)

kariZman's photo
Thu 05/17/07 01:51 AM
its gunner be a bloody big job for the meek when they inherit the earth
watts wrong with us we are sitting on so many bombs waiting to be let
off by idiots.if my countrymen and women around me are threatend by fire
we volenteer and protect each other. watts wrong with taking on
everything that is threatening all life .why should we be the idiots who
were responsible for life on earth as we know it becomeing extinct.

kariZman's photo
Thu 05/17/07 02:01 AM