Topic: Can I live with an Ex and still be friends?
KylePhxAz's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:19 PM

Running is out of the question This place in AZ is all i got right now and its my life my home now. My Job is very importent to me and its where im at now. I've worked to hard to just drop what I have going on. And I want the friend ship to work out. If i go back with a new attitude i hope she will follow it but i would hate it if she uses it against me. From what i here women are better at game playing lol.

wrong wrong wrong Kyle. for whatever reason...she is on a different path and only she can change what she does....not you. you are better than that....why would you go through this with someone not into what you want???? would you want her doing this to you if the roles were reversed????

seriously...listen to me. either you move out or have her move out...then start your life and learn to be happy with yourself first and not depend on someone to make you happy

Damn girl Your really making me think about this and its making me really nervous. I feel like i would have guilt in my life if i were to do somthing like your saying. Im thinking as im sitting here and its all about letting this girl go. But would i have guilt?

Italy0219's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:20 PM
Well I say since she was your first real love, or whatever, first loves are always the hardest to get over, but, usually first loves are just that, first loves, and that's really all they were meant to be, something to get you started, so consider yourself in good shape. Start dating other girls, go out and have fun, you are only 21, sooner or later you can get her outta your mind, and if you have, just avoid her, if you must live together. But go out and have fun

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:21 PM
ok Kyle...tell me (honestly) what you would feel guilty about.

KylePhxAz's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:23 PM

ok Kyle...tell me (honestly) what you would feel guilty about.

Guilty for losing 2 friends that i really do care about especially before this happened. Shes been a friend for some time now and to lose it would make me feel even worse and guilty cause i didnt try to keep it friendly....

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:25 PM
ok if this were ME with this problem...what would you be telling me to do???

IF she truly is a friend...then she will still be a friend. she will understand that it's better than losing the friendship completely

KylePhxAz's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:29 PM
Well The three of us are on the lease. and with my finances right now living on my own or even moving out right now just wouldnt be able to happen. So until i can actually do this. What advice do you have for me to get through the next few months??

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:31 PM HAVE to "reprogram" your mind. every time you think one to yourself to think another. if you start thinking say you can't live without her....tell yourself over and over that you can

no photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:37 PM

ok Kyle...tell me (honestly) what you would feel guilty about.

Guilty for losing 2 friends that i really do care about especially before this happened. Shes been a friend for some time now and to lose it would make me feel even worse and guilty cause i didnt try to keep it friendly....

you didn't do anything to lose the friendship, they did. i think it's crappy your roommate took up with her and it's crappy she took up with him. if you must live there for financial reasons, treat them as roommates, not as friends, to make it easier on yourself.

KylePhxAz's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:40 PM
Alright I believe i can do that, In fact you know rose You are the first person to actually give it to me straight forward. Your the first person to tell me to move out. everyone else tells me "U can make it work blah blah blah yada yada yada".

One other question? Is this situation of mine intense or what? I feel like it's wicked hard. And being so in-exspeirenced with relationships im soo struggled!

Not getting invovled with girls young was such a bad move on my part. I have Regret in my life now and nver did before this. Its just to much to handle at one time. All these feeling of love,stress,depression,regret,and loss. How can One person handle it all?

no photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:42 PM
Edited by Calleigh12 on Sun 07/05/09 09:43 PM

Alright I believe i can do that, In fact you know rose You are the first person to actually give it to me straight forward. Your the first person to tell me to move out. everyone else tells me "U can make it work blah blah blah yada yada yada".

One other question? Is this situation of mine intense or what? I feel like it's wicked hard. And being so in-exspeirenced with relationships im soo struggled!

Not getting invovled with girls young was such a bad move on my part. I have Regret in my life now and nver did before this. Its just to much to handle at one time. All these feeling of love,stress,depression,regret,and loss. How can One person handle it all?

The only way you could make it work would be if you didn't hang out with them. Like if you had your room and they had theirs and you passed in the hall and all that. But on a personal level, I don't see how it could work. Glad you're feeling stronger though. Good luck.

KylePhxAz's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:43 PM

ok Kyle...tell me (honestly) what you would feel guilty about.

Guilty for losing 2 friends that i really do care about especially before this happened. Shes been a friend for some time now and to lose it would make me feel even worse and guilty cause i didnt try to keep it friendly....

you didn't do anything to lose the friendship, they did. i think it's crappy your roommate took up with her and it's crappy she took up with him. if you must live there for financial reasons, treat them as roommates, not as friends, to make it easier on yourself.

You know it is crappy cause i called them both out on it and they both through it back in my face saying "You think we would all live here and not become friends" Its a 2v1 all the time and its unbeatable. I say i feel like a 3rd person and they say "Your making urself feel that way not us". Its just BS its a lose lose scenario for me and i cant get away from it.

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:43 PM

Alright I believe i can do that, In fact you know rose You are the first person to actually give it to me straight forward. Your the first person to tell me to move out. everyone else tells me "U can make it work blah blah blah yada yada yada".

One other question? Is this situation of mine intense or what? I feel like it's wicked hard. And being so in-exspeirenced with relationships im soo struggled!

Not getting invovled with girls young was such a bad move on my part. I have Regret in my life now and nver did before this. Its just to much to handle at one time. All these feeling of love,stress,depression,regret,and loss. How can One person handle it all?

it is intense and stressful...because YOU are making it that bad. yes it will take time and work...but if you want to stay sane until you can get out of that situation...then it's worth doing what you need to do.

I will always give straight forward answers as doesn't do anyone any good to sugar coat it if you truly want to help.

I have been where you are years ago to the point that I had a break down...because it was because I allowed it. no one can control me...I take control of myself

no photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:45 PM

ok Kyle...tell me (honestly) what you would feel guilty about.

Guilty for losing 2 friends that i really do care about especially before this happened. Shes been a friend for some time now and to lose it would make me feel even worse and guilty cause i didnt try to keep it friendly....

you didn't do anything to lose the friendship, they did. i think it's crappy your roommate took up with her and it's crappy she took up with him. if you must live there for financial reasons, treat them as roommates, not as friends, to make it easier on yourself.

You know it is crappy cause i called them both out on it and they both through it back in my face saying "You think we would all live here and not become friends" Its a 2v1 all the time and its unbeatable. I say i feel like a 3rd person and they say "Your making urself feel that way not us". Its just BS its a lose lose scenario for me and i cant get away from it.

there's a difference in being friends and jumping each other's bones. they have a weird definition of friendship

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:46 PM

ok Kyle...tell me (honestly) what you would feel guilty about.

Guilty for losing 2 friends that i really do care about especially before this happened. Shes been a friend for some time now and to lose it would make me feel even worse and guilty cause i didnt try to keep it friendly....

you didn't do anything to lose the friendship, they did. i think it's crappy your roommate took up with her and it's crappy she took up with him. if you must live there for financial reasons, treat them as roommates, not as friends, to make it easier on yourself.

You know it is crappy cause i called them both out on it and they both through it back in my face saying "You think we would all live here and not become friends" Its a 2v1 all the time and its unbeatable. I say i feel like a 3rd person and they say "Your making urself feel that way not us". Its just BS its a lose lose scenario for me and i cant get away from it.

Kyle...does this sound like friend that you want to have?? if so..then fine...if not, then do something.

we all make mistakes in life...all you can do is learn from it. chalk it up to a learning experience. and ya know...could be worse...she could be pregnant or something else

no photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:47 PM
Yep, move out as quick as you can.

this whole situation went bad, and there is no fixing it.
NOW, 6-8 wks after you move out I bet she will want you back, don't do it. Don't do it.

no photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:51 PM

ok Kyle...tell me (honestly) what you would feel guilty about.

Guilty for losing 2 friends that i really do care about especially before this happened. Shes been a friend for some time now and to lose it would make me feel even worse and guilty cause i didnt try to keep it friendly....

you didn't do anything to lose the friendship, they did. i think it's crappy your roommate took up with her and it's crappy she took up with him. if you must live there for financial reasons, treat them as roommates, not as friends, to make it easier on yourself.

You know it is crappy cause i called them both out on it and they both through it back in my face saying "You think we would all live here and not become friends" Its a 2v1 all the time and its unbeatable. I say i feel like a 3rd person and they say "Your making urself feel that way not us". Its just BS its a lose lose scenario for me and i cant get away from it.

Kyle...does this sound like friend that you want to have?? if so..then fine...if not, then do something.

we all make mistakes in life...all you can do is learn from it. chalk it up to a learning experience. and ya know...could be worse...she could be pregnant or something else

true, he may have dodged a bullet on that one.

KylePhxAz's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:53 PM
HAHA wouldnt that be a site. It's about time i told strangers about me and my situation cause I would sit in my room beating myself up hearing everyone say its all ok You can make this work. The only reason I have not posted this sooner is because i knew i would get the truth from you guys. Its greatly appreciated. But its hurting knowing its going to end between us for good. And How can you not accept when she comes crying back to me?

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 07/05/09 09:56 PM

HAHA wouldnt that be a site. It's about time i told strangers about me and my situation cause I would sit in my room beating myself up hearing everyone say its all ok You can make this work. The only reason I have not posted this sooner is because i knew i would get the truth from you guys. Its greatly appreciated. But its hurting knowing its going to end between us for good. And How can you not accept when she comes crying back to me?

you have to ask yourself WHY is she crying back to you. are you a back burner guy for her??? does she want something??? or is she sincere???

but you have to do what YOU have to do. you deserve better and someone that will appreciate you. she will do what she has to do as well

KylePhxAz's photo
Sun 07/05/09 10:01 PM
Alright. I'd like to say THANK YOU SO MUCH ROSE and everyone else. I'm Going to do my best at what i have to do. I really hope this all works out for me and i will let you know when it does. Thanks again. Time for a soke in the Hot tub ill Be back soon to talk more i think. IF not thanks a tun.

no photo
Sun 07/05/09 10:02 PM
Edited by Calleigh12 on Sun 07/05/09 10:03 PM

HAHA wouldnt that be a site. It's about time i told strangers about me and my situation cause I would sit in my room beating myself up hearing everyone say its all ok You can make this work. The only reason I have not posted this sooner is because i knew i would get the truth from you guys. Its greatly appreciated. But its hurting knowing its going to end between us for good. And How can you not accept when she comes crying back to me?

cause she's being selfish.