Topic: Full Moon In Aquarius
Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 08/06/09 10:59 AM

This Full Moon ritual in Aquarius is to help us to renew our faith in the power of
the universe - whether you think of this power as God, Goddess, Spirit, or the
Universe (or any other belief in the greater good), we can increase our trust that
all will be well and that this power will not bring us experiences we are not
spiritually ready for. This trust will allow us to follow our ideas, hopes, and
dreams even if they do not seem to ‘fit’ with societal views or the perceptions of
those around us.

August's Full Moon - the Wyrt Moon
Celebrate this Time of Harvest and Abundance
Invoke the energy of the August Moon to boost your abundance, gather magical herbs
and celebrate marriage.

August’s full moon is often referred to as the Wyrt, Wort, Barley, Corn or Red moon.
The energies around this moon are ones of abundance, agriculture and marriage. We
are encouraged to begin harvesting and collecting any herbs that we will use over
the next year, and storing them. Magic done at this time of year can be to help
yourself or someone else (who has asked you!) reap the benefits of hard work done.

Gemstones Boost the Wyrt Moon’s Energy
There are many gems that can boost this moon’s energy and among them are agate,
amazonite, aventurine, bloodstone, calcite, emerald, jade, malachite, peridot, ruby,
topaz, and tourmaline. These gems can be worn, put in a pocket, or used during
prayer or meditation. If the intention is there to focus on abundance, agriculture
and marriage, these gems will help you connect with those energies.

Bear Woman

The moon at this time brings us feelings of fearlessness, activity, change and
flexibility. Bear Woman is a Native American Goddess we can invoke to achieve these
energies in ourselves. When we collect our herbs for the year (such as sweetgrass
and sage) in August, we can give our thanks to Bear Woman and Great Spirit (or to
your God/Goddess) for providing these sacred tools to us. How do we give thanks? We
can sprinkle tobacco around the areas where we collect the herbs, or even easier, we
can sprinkle birdseed. The point is that we give thanks to the universe for

Aquarius rules the call for change. You might be wondering what can I—one small
person—possibly do to have a positive effect on the precarious situation of the
world? A very Aquarian thing: radicalize your relationship to the world by accepting
the power you have to change your own mind, and through this, affect change on a
global scale. This is a night to step into the role of mentor and renounce the
attraction to focusing only on your own life. Selfless giving to others is a true
Aquarian vision of working for the collective upliftment of all sentient beings.
This is the Full Moon for involvement in something larger than you.

The Aquarian Full Moon, Neptune (Bodhisattva intention) Jupiter (the benefactor),
and Chiron (the healer) in Aquarius, Saturn (responsibility)/Mercury (thoughts and
speech) in Virgo (service), Pluto in get-it-done Capricorn, Venus (love) in
compassionate Cancer, Mars (action) in open-minded Gemini, and Uranus in Pisces
(awakened consciousness) will help us all rest deeply in the realization that our
individual egos are not the center of the universe. We are part and parcel of
something so much deeper.

The unending conflicts around the world have made it even more apparent that
compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, patience, virtue, equanimity, determination,
and wisdom are essential qualities for cultivating peace. Can you imagine if
everyone committed to practicing these humble, heart-opening, mind-transforming ways
of being in the world? So much would change. It’s time we stopped convincing
ourselves of our own importance and preciousness. Our failure to care about anything
outside of our own little lives lies at the heart of our cultural acceptance of the
two most aberrant expressions of Leo: greed and a lust for power. So let’s all use
this Aquarius Full Moon to transform our minds and get really involved in something
bigger than our own personal stories.

Moon/Neptune/Chiron/Jupiter will help us step firmly into the Aquarian side of the
Aquarius/Leo polarity. Though Leo is the sign with the greatest attachment to
knowing and creatively expressing the self, many astrologers call Aquarius the sign
of individuation. This is due to the fact that Aquarian individuation goes past the
Leo recognition of self to oneself: it proclaims self-knowledge to the community in
the hope that this will awaken in others an awareness of their own condition.
Remember that Aquarius rules the breakdown of the old ways by questioning the status
quo. Those who create revolutionary change in societies are always the ones who can
vision far beyond accepted beliefs and structures. In these troubled times, we all
need to follow President Obama's lead and practice this kind of farsightedness.

This is the Full Moon to honor freedom, idealism, humanitarianism, difference, and
the impulse toward reform. Aquarius is the desire and ambition to raise up everyone
. These actions can call on all of us become responsible and find out what is really
happening around us. Get involved in your community, volunteer your time, and raise
awareness in your neighborhood , just enjoy bringing enlightenment to those in need.
It’s summer, have a block party, cook out, a gathering of like minded friends, a
bake sale or whatever and raise funds for a good cause.

Let your souls shine during this period, not only will you be doing the universe
some good but you'll also be helping yourself to evolve spiritually. Theres nothing
like the feeling of being useful or helpful to others when this Moon period occurs.

Speaking spiritually, the Aquarius/Leo conjunction is a bringer of enlightenment.
The Leo desire to seek, to grow, mature, and to be wise and all knowing, leads us to
do the hard work that is necessary to evolve our consciousness in order to achieve
enlightenment. Uranus represents the powers of kundalini, the life force that
resides, curled up like a snake at the base of the spine. The awakening and rising
of kundalini is the source of the powerful waves of ecstasy we experience during
orgasm. Imagine the intensity of that force flowing all the way up the spine and
searing skyward from the top of your head, awakening you to the ultimate orgasmic
experience of pure consciousness: "You are ,as I am ,therefore we are." Without this
Uranian bridge there is no awakening to the Neptunian/Piscean nirvanic state of

Here’s an Aquarian vision: creating a nation of enlightened individuals is the only
means to real security. It is time to make group meditation mandatory practice in
our schools and workplaces. Get ready for the next Full Moon in Pisces and start
making group meditation part of your Full Moon celebration. Now more than ever, the
world needs our attention and care. This is, after all, a Full Moon; a time of
gathering in groups to celebrate, teach, share, and most of all enlighten.
What are your intentions this Full Moon?

Blessed Be......


AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 08/06/09 11:22 AM
I intend to scare folks....

Stand out side and howl.



Last time I did that got everyone to come outside...

They all thought I was nuts.

Interesting post.

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 08/06/09 11:25 AM
I want to nude moon bathe!

I need to make sure my moon tan is nice and even!

Does that men when I am on my belly I am giving the moon the moon?

Or is that actually Shooting the full moon with a full moon!

Now I am just getting confused!shocked

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 08/06/09 11:27 AM

I intend to scare folks....

Stand out side and howl.



Last time I did that got everyone to come outside...

They all thought I was nuts.

Interesting post.


no photo
Thu 08/06/09 11:31 AM
Selfless giving to others is a true
Aquarian vision of working for the collective upliftment of all sentient beings.

Right on!

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 08/06/09 11:48 AM

Selfless giving to others is a true
Aquarian vision of working for the collective upliftment of all sentient beings.

Right on!

flowers :banana:

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 08/06/09 12:07 PM

Thank you for posting this wonderful and inspiring information.

I am currently working on two literary projects that directly address the enlightenment of humanity via introspective pathways. These two pathways are totally positive, optimistic and best of all, constructive.

They both use statuary, folklore, and hermetics from the Zodiac, Tarot, and the sky Gods and Goddesses. Yet within the context of theses archetypes they are offered entirely as symbolic and thus can be used by anyone regardless of their religious beliefs, or non-beliefs. So I'm quite exited about promoting this because it can indeed be very fruitful and productive.

The first work I call "The Labyrinth Way", which lays out all of the meditative concepts along a garden labyrinth path. I only wish this concept had been put together for me as a child. It truly is an extremely enlightening, educating, and constructively positive productive tool. A tool that every child should be introduced to.

The second work I call "Reflections of the Qabalah", which basically lays out the very same concepts in a far more complex and advance manner. A knowledge of "The Labyrinth Way" is a prerequisite. I use a variation of the Celtic Qabalah reflected against itself as if in a pool of water. The upper reflection representing the UpperWorld of the 'Sun God' the lower reflection representing the UnderWorld of the "Moon Goddess". Again, these are offered in the book as symbolic and thus can be just as useful to an atheist as they are to someone who prefers to think in terms of spirituality. The reality of the deities is not the point. The point of the entire ritual is ultimately in it's usefulness for introspection and the development of a positive productive and healthy life for everyone who walks these paths.

The pathway in "The Labyrinth Way" is indeed a labyrinth path. That is to say that it is one continuous path that must be walked from start to finish with no forks or wyes or turn offs. There are no decisions required on the labyrinth path other than the decision to move forward.

The pathways in the "Reflections of the Qabalah" are many and there are many crossroads. However, everything is in triads. Every crossroad is at the center of exactly three pathways, save for the reflection point (which is the center of the self). The reflection point is centered on six pathways (because of the reflection itself).

In any case, all of the above was in response to your question:

What are your intentions this Full Moon?

My intentions are to create these two great literary works. bigsmile

I feel absolutely compelled to write these, if only because I wish they had been given to me as a child!

They contain everything a human needs know to live a health productive and very fruitful life.

They are also totally free of 'dogma'. No 'religion' is required, yet they are compatible with every and any religion that is concerned with peace on Earth and the positive and constructive development of humanity.

So I'm excited about getting these out there to help in the enlightenment of human kind.

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 08/06/09 12:10 PM

Thank you for posting this wonderful and inspiring information.

I am currently working on two literary projects that directly address the enlightenment of humanity via introspective pathways. These two pathways are totally positive, optimistic and best of all, constructive.

They both use statuary, folklore, and hermetics from the Zodiac, Tarot, and the sky Gods and Goddesses. Yet within the context of theses archetypes they are offered entirely as symbolic and thus can be used by anyone regardless of their religious beliefs, or non-beliefs. So I'm quite exited about promoting this because it can indeed be very fruitful and productive.

The first work I call "The Labyrinth Way", which lays out all of the meditative concepts along a garden labyrinth path. I only wish this concept had been put together for me as a child. It truly is an extremely enlightening, educating, and constructively positive productive tool. A tool that every child should be introduced to.

The second work I call "Reflections of the Qabalah", which basically lays out the very same concepts in a far more complex and advance manner. A knowledge of "The Labyrinth Way" is a prerequisite. I use a variation of the Celtic Qabalah reflected against itself as if in a pool of water. The upper reflection representing the UpperWorld of the 'Sun God' the lower reflection representing the UnderWorld of the "Moon Goddess". Again, these are offered in the book as symbolic and thus can be just as useful to an atheist as they are to someone who prefers to think in terms of spirituality. The reality of the deities is not the point. The point of the entire ritual is ultimately in it's usefulness for introspection and the development of a positive productive and healthy life for everyone who walks these paths.

The pathway in "The Labyrinth Way" is indeed a labyrinth path. That is to say that it is one continuous path that must be walked from start to finish with no forks or wyes or turn offs. There are no decisions required on the labyrinth path other than the decision to move forward.

The pathways in the "Reflections of the Qabalah" are many and there are many crossroads. However, everything is in triads. Every crossroad is at the center of exactly three pathways, save for the reflection point (which is the center of the self). The reflection point is centered on six pathways (because of the reflection itself).

In any case, all of the above was in response to your question:

What are your intentions this Full Moon?

My intentions are to create these two great literary works. bigsmile

I feel absolutely compelled to write these, if only because I wish they had been given to me as a child!

They contain everything a human needs know to live a health productive and very fruitful life.

They are also totally free of 'dogma'. No 'religion' is required, yet they are compatible with every and any religion that is concerned with peace on Earth and the positive and constructive development of humanity.

So I'm excited about getting these out there to help in the enlightenment of human kind.

Your welcome, thank you Abra... keep me updated on your work. :smile:

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 08/06/09 07:48 PM
Your welcome, thank you Abra... keep me updated on your work. :smile:

It's a seriously long and involved project. In fact, the original book, "The Labyrinth Way", is already becoming two books in its own right. The reason being that the actaul Labyrinth path contains almost 50 statues, symbols, or hermetics.

11 from the Planetary Gods/Goddesses (includes the Sun and Moon)
22 from the Major Arcana of Tarot
12 from the Zodiac

So that's 45 right there. Plus when I introduce the Magician, I introduce 6 tools that represent the four spritual elements. (there's a method to this madness believe it or not. :wink:)

And upon entering the labyrinth garden there is a Crystal Gateway that represents the Holy Spirit, or Grand Animation Force of all creation.

So there are a lot of things that need to be introduced and covered. Below is just the table of contents of "The Labyrinth Way" and this doesn't even include the introductions. The Introductions alone will be considerable. Probably consisting of the entire first half of the book.

The following organization fell together entirely on it's own and could not be more perfect. It was meant to be.

After each Statue, or Symbol, I marked where they came from, (i.e. Planetary God/Goddess, Tarot, or Zodiac). They are in an order that they need to be in naturally.

The Labyrinth Path

Crystal Gateway - Yin Yang - Spirit
Sun - Planetary God/Goddess
Fool - Tarot
Capricorn - Zodiac
Magician - Tarot
Aquarius - Zodiac
High Priestess - Tarot
Mercury - Planetary God/Goddess
Empress - Tarot
Pisces - Zodiac
Emperor - Tarot
Aries - Zodiac
Hierophant - Tarot
Venus - Planetary God/Goddess
Lovers - Tarot
Taurus - Zodiac
Chariot - Tarot
Earth- Planetary God/Goddess
Gemini - Zodiac
Strength - Tarot
Moon - Planetary God/Goddess
Hermit - Tarot
Cancer - Zodiac
Mars - Planetary God/Goddess
Wheel of Fortune - Tarot
Leo - Zodiac
Jupiter - Planetary God/Goddess
Virgo - Zodiac
Justice - Tarot
Libra - Zodiac
Hanged Fae - Tarot
Saturn - Planetary God/Goddess
Death - Tarot
Scorpio - Zodiac
Temperance - Tarot
The Horned One - Tarot
Tower - Tarot
Uranus - Planetary God/Goddess
Star - Tarot
Moon - Tarot
Sagittarius - Zodiac
Sun - Tarot
Neptune - Planetary God/Goddess
Judgment - Tarot
World - Tarot
Pluto - Planetary God/Goddess
Enter The Sacred Circle

If you notice, the last entry of this table of contents reads "Enter The Sacred Circle". This is actaully the circular opening at the center of this labyrinth garden which itself is quite large.

This marks the end of the labyrinth path and the beginning of circle rituals that call upon the powers of the elemental spirits, as well as for raising energy and casting thought cones of desire and intent out into the universe.

This Sacred Circle will no doubt become a book of its own.

So I guess there are truly three books I need to write.

"The Labyrinth Way"
"The Sacred Circle"
"Reflections of the Qabalah"

It's going to be a very long time before they are published. I hope I live long enough to finish the project. :wink:

They are evolving in parallel, so it's almost like one huge book divided into three. It's the same theme over and over again just revealing deeper and deeper details.

It's just the saga of humanity explained and presented in a very positive way that every child on this planet should be exposed to and educated on.

I know that many Christains would object because at first glance it appears to be 'occult' and even based on 'witchcraft' (heaven forbid), but in truth, it's the most postive thing they could possibly do for their children and if they want to bring Jesus along for the ride I'm sure he would be more than thrilled with that. That would be up to them as long as they didn't ruin it by making him into the central idol of worship. He could make a good Heirophant though. :wink:

They could even view him as being the magician, and view the High Priestess as being the Mother Mary or some other angel.

The underlying themes of introspection are simply too powerful and positive to be lost just because religions what to protect "jealous" gods from being associated with geninuely loving, productive, and meaningful concepts.

The day we can see people worshiping Jesus, the Moon Goddess, Buddha, and even Zeus, side-by-side would be a wonderful day for sure.

Anyway, that's a heads up on where I'm headed, but there's lots to do yet including artwork and graphics. bigsmile

wux's photo
Thu 08/06/09 09:17 PM
Wow... heavy.

Man, this topic reads much better after a joint or two.

I have not abused drugs for over thirty years, but I do remember the feeling. And the context, and the trips, and the sounds that one hand made clapping, and the free love, and the pay-for-it-by-the-minute education, and the colours and tastes and smells, and of course Jimi Hendrix.