Topic: Remember!!
Fanta46's photo
Sun 05/27/07 10:42 PM
Thats it until they update the list..

May they all Rest In Peace!!!!!flowerforyou flowerforyou :cry: :cry:

LAMom's photo
Sun 05/27/07 10:43 PM
{{{ Fanta }}}

May they rest in peace,, :cry: :heart: flowerforyou :cry:

no photo
Sun 05/27/07 10:46 PM
you just dont get it do you?

These are not "our troops" these are the Neo-cons and Bush's troops that
have invaded another country over lies and Building Empires and the
Democrats have helped push this immoral war.

Thier actions do not defend us here or keep us safe as the liar and
chief Bush
has said before. They have a duty to defend this country from foriegn
invaders (illegals) and uphold the US Constitution. This illegal,
immoral war in Iraq does neither.

They have been lied to and are being used as well as getting DU put on
them (just like Agent Orange) and the VA will not help them when they
get back.

Just remember the words from this infamous traitor, who is, to this day
held in high regards by this government.

“Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in
foreign policy.” Henry Kissinger.

I say bring these soldiers home.

no photo
Sun 05/27/07 10:47 PM

no photo
Sun 05/27/07 10:48 PM
BUSH IS A sick MAN!!!

Marie55's photo
Sun 05/27/07 10:50 PM
Bearandwhiskey - you are not welcome here. You have been spewing your
acid all over the site all day. We are sick of hearing it. Take it to
a private post, not a memorial meant to remember soldiers who have lost
their lives and their families.

For once, show some common sense and decorum and SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!

Show some compassion for these families. Keep your mouth shut. NO ONE

I apologize to the families of the fallen soldiers and send my prayers
to them all. flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

LAMom's photo
Sun 05/27/07 10:51 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Fanta46's photo
Sun 05/27/07 10:55 PM
You hear the numbers (They are my brothers)

But you never really think (They are my brothers)

Until you see them in print (They are my brothers)

Exactly how many (They are my brothers)

Yes, bring them home and stop this madness!!

(They will always be my brothers)

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 05/27/07 10:58 PM
Fanta this pisses me off.

I noticed on this memorial day you used the deaths of the recent war to
make you political point.

I noticed not a single name from any soldier that died in any war
besides the one you use for your political agenda.

Shame on you sir for using these men to further your agenda.

This makes you no better than bush. He sent them to die.


no photo
Sun 05/27/07 10:59 PM
Im sorry for you marie55 that you feel that censorship is the way to go.

I have friends and realitives that have been abused by the system when
they thought they were fighing for them.

Now they know that they were used and abused by this insane government.

did I ever tell you that you can join the war effort. they take killers
up to 42 and they even take grandpa and grandmas too.

check it out and stop *****ing and pissing at me and go do something for
your "troops" dont be a hypocrit.

Marie55's photo
Sun 05/27/07 11:05 PM
I asked you to take your comments to a private thread and leave this one
alone. You are welcome to your opinions, just leave the memorial one
alone. Start your own thread and say what you want but you keep chasing
the memorial threads around, that is what bothers me. Several people
have asked you to do this, start your own thread, voice your opinions in
it - but leave the memorials alone. That is what we have asked over and
over. Censorship??? No - common courtesy. There are people on this
site who have lost family members in wars, why can't you let them
observe Memorial Day in peace. Start your own thread, say what you
want, and leave the memorial threads in peace.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 05/27/07 11:07 PM
I did no such thing AD.......

I honor these men, I do not disgrace them. My political views have no
bearing on this!!!
I was going through these names today and I could not finish. I was
looking for something and I kept feeling dirty, then Bear started
disgracing them and I just wanted to show that although I might disagree
with the war. I still honor these men. Im sorry you took it that way,
However I think it is possible to honor these men and disagree with the
Gov. policies!!

They are my brothers is a term of endearment!!!!A closeness I feel as a

Fanta46's photo
Sun 05/27/07 11:10 PM
<-------And those crosses are from the Normandy Cemetery in France, I
honor them too!!!

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 05/27/07 11:11 PM
Why then did you only list those from this time?

I saw no names on that list from my time. I saw no names on that list
from the time of my grandfather.


looks lika duck, quacks like a duck.


Fanta46's photo
Sun 05/27/07 11:15 PM
There were 58,000 died in Nam
33,000 died in Korea
more than 400,000 died in WWII, etc, etc, etc.
How could I possibly list them all sir.
They have memorials and these men do too, now!!

Right here!!!!!

So **** yourself!!!!!

Fanta46's photo
Sun 05/27/07 11:24 PM
I erased that, think what you may sir..
God knows where my heart lies!!!

I salute you AD!!!!flowerforyou

Gryphyn's photo
Sun 05/27/07 11:30 PM
It is my feeling that to post the names of fallen servicemen here is
asking for someone to disgrace what they gave thier lives for. It
doesn't matter who sent them to do what, it matters that some people
have no respect for those who gave it all in order for us to have the
freedoms we do. Fanta this is not aimed towards you, it is aimed at
those who feel opinionated enough to bring politics into a thread of
honorable intentions.

Memorial day is a day of remembrance for the fallen, to attack this
memory is an attack on the freedoms we seem to take for granted.

To the servicemen who gave it all I salute you.

It seems I see this every year,
and to this day it brings a tear.
I stand my own ground it's hard and fast,
To soldiers of ours my words will last.

I give to them, my word as friend,
I speak for truth, straight to the end.
I'm no soldier, but know it's true,
I trust a soldier who wears red, white and blue.



no photo
Sun 05/27/07 11:47 PM

no photo
Sun 05/27/07 11:59 PM
i salute to the brothers who fought for their lives throughout the wars
we've had in the past 200 sumthing years--cuz we stood for america

no photo
Mon 05/28/07 12:03 AM
well this was a real kick in the gut wasn't it?

damn Fanta...that is so graphic to see them like that...i read each
i was a mess by the 5th one....

it's gotta's just gotta.

i swear this just knocked the wind outta me..all choked up

THEY WERE JUST VERY YOUNG BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! look at the mean age!!

where has america's beauty gone?

what a waste