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Topic: Crime In America
Atlantis75's photo
Wed 11/25/09 06:12 PM

There seems to be a general consensus that if one does the crime, one should do the time. While that may have held true in a certain era, would you say that it should apply today.

Consider this:

We live in a society that spends more money on prisons than schools. More and more of our children are sexually active by the age of 12. That's right TWELVE.

We all know someone who is an alcoholic or an addict. More and more addicts and children are having children and they are growing up not only in poverty and disadvantaged, but where crime and drug use are the 'norm'. If all they know is drugs and crime, how can held accountable for something they DON'T know to be right or wrong?

We can say punish and rehabilitate because we have been taught a moral fiber.

But is incarceration adequate for someone who has never been 'habilitated' in the first place?

Should we hold a person accountable who steals and commits crime for survival? And By accountable I mean locking them up and throwing away the key.

Our economy is bad and there is no hope for the immediate future. The unemployment rate is still rising, the housing market hasn't quite reached bottom.

I saw on the news where a 60 something year old man robbed a bank because he used to work there and they still owed him money. His bills and medical expenses were so high, he felt forced to go to the bank and get his money. He only asked for a specific amount, the money he felt he was owed. And during the entire robbery, he was sobbing like a baby.

Should he be locked up forever? Is he a criminal? There are thousands in this country having to make difficult decisions like this everyday. Your thoughts.

fenway2k...it's because the system did not evolve as fast as the world. And because there was no gradual change implemented, only radical changes could make a difference and those are always shocking, scary and controversial.

The question is, are there any men left in this world who has the balls to do it.

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