Topic: One GLORIOUS profile - part 6
tngxl65's photo
Tue 09/28/10 09:05 PM
"I have been a public servant for 15 years and do not feel my picture should be posted on here. "

Well sure. 15 years of helping people can make you quite a few enemies.

no photo
Tue 09/28/10 09:06 PM
"I have a nine year old son who must be included in some way."

Can we make him the butler?

no photo
Tue 09/28/10 09:10 PM
"getting a phscyology degree"

Not even close.

no photo
Tue 09/28/10 09:15 PM
"Been cutting hair for 18 yrs."

It's really not supposed to take that long.

no photo
Tue 09/28/10 09:18 PM
"im about 28 years old"

What's the margin of error on that?

no photo
Tue 09/28/10 09:22 PM
"I´m the kind of person who likes shearing time with the loved ones"

What kind of clippers do you use for that?

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Tue 09/28/10 09:25 PM
Edited by LilOlMeFromSD on Tue 09/28/10 09:26 PM
Perfect Match

she must be first off hot and smart not a complete dumb ***

Um, wow. What a keeper! Too bad I'm a 'complete dumbass' though or I would snag this one.

no photo
Tue 09/28/10 09:26 PM
"I'm gonna describe me in 4 words, Socially, good friend creative and funny."

Might want to add "can't count."

no photo
Tue 09/28/10 09:29 PM
"Is it possible that someone choice me for what i can to write of myself???? Buuu!!"

Wow, a ghost with no grasp of English. How frightening.

no photo
Tue 09/28/10 09:32 PM
"Life is interesting; one day you have a million friends and not a care in the world then the next you have none."

O.J. -- ??

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Tue 09/28/10 09:41 PM
I make a mean campfire and cook over it.

As opposed to what?

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Tue 09/28/10 09:44 PM
Well theres not much to tell.

Dang, and I was so ready to listen.

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Tue 09/28/10 10:45 PM
Edited by LilOlMeFromSD on Tue 09/28/10 10:54 PM
go out and have a good quit dinner then a good movie and then maybe some drinks

Yeah, that's right. Who needs dinner anyways? I prefer supper.

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Wed 09/29/10 10:51 PM
I dont prefer to be called a stalker either. I know when the gig is up.

Stalker in Training, maybe?

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Wed 09/29/10 10:54 PM
"Able to complete a whole sentence without using profanity, Be professional. I'm well to earn and advance in the corporate field?"

Well, hell...wait, what?

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Wed 09/29/10 10:56 PM
"Well, then, if I was kind to animals and gave candy to all the children, and loved my husband, would that get me into Heaven?" I asked them again.

Um, did I read that right? This guys got a husband?

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Wed 09/29/10 11:00 PM
Edited by LilOlMeFromSD on Wed 09/29/10 11:57 PM
Wie oft am Tag (oder pro Woche) ist es deiner Meinung nach normal, Sex zu haben?

Translation: Blah, blah, blah...normal, Sex...blah, blah, blah?

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Wed 09/29/10 11:07 PM



Perfect Match


Ideal Date






I'm wondering if his child filled this out while he was away from the keyboard.

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Wed 09/29/10 11:09 PM

Ideal Date

Go rollerblading or maybe a walk to get to no alittle about each other.


dont read books


LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Wed 09/29/10 11:16 PM
"yes all kinds, also my name on tagg ,fine me!!if you can!!"

Dating sites are now offering the 'Hide and Seek' option.