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Topic: If Jesus were real....
static28's photo
Sun 12/05/10 06:23 PM
did you read the page at all? im confused as to why you are happy

HappyDude111's photo
Sun 12/05/10 06:30 PM
Whether the argument occurred or not, the fruit of the message is still valid. I love how you guys like to go off-topic so much.

static28's photo
Sun 12/05/10 06:38 PM
you can't force people to believe. no matter what you say, the idea of god will never make sense to me. we are not "trolls", but you are trying to force this issue down our throats. it wont work, just like anything we say you will just ignore, we will do the same. i am an open minded person, and i really don't care what people believe or don't believe, but i'm not going to say "I AM RIGHT AND YOU ARE WRONG" thats what being open minded is about, accepting the fact that others believe something else

HappyDude111's photo
Sun 12/05/10 06:45 PM
Telling someone is prove God's existence is like trying to tell someone to prove that they love their mother.

That's my last response for this topic. I won't waste my time with it anymore. I'll focus all my energy on the youth. I'll make sure the youth know God before people like you can poison them.

static28's photo
Sun 12/05/10 06:57 PM
well i guess my daughter is "poisoned" because her father doesn't believe in god. at the very least she will actually be open minded though. she will learn that just because our family isn't religious, doesnt mean we can't be accepting of those who are. she will learn to love every day of her life because its all she will ever get. you should feel lucky, when you die, you won't ever have to deal with the fact that your religion was a big waste of time. you will just be dead. meh, i dont even know why im still arguing. people like you drive me up the wall. religion makes absolutely no sense to me, but i can deal with anyone who feels that way.

FindMe1113's photo
Mon 12/06/10 04:57 PM

This is a friendly reminder that name calling/insulting other members is against Forum rules and will not be tolerated.

Everybody has their opinion in a debate, but I must ask that you please be CIVIL to one another or this Topic may end up either locked or deleted.

Thanks for your cooperation


no photo
Mon 12/06/10 09:15 PM

OK! Prove to me that the Einstein in the classroom never happened. Prove it.

laugh laugh laugh laugh

I just so love watching people try to use this bizarre tactic. This goes back to the earlier question about how we feel about theist trolls playing in our playground - this is so great.

Theist asserts something that at best would be anecdotal (but which is, in fact, not true) as being true, is corrected, and then gets all huffy and says "Prove I'm wrong!", possibly hoping that the anecdotal nature of the claim will preclude there being evidence against it.

One can claim just about anything whose truth value is difficult to prove or disprove, and then say "Prove I'm wrong!", as if somehow that makes one right. Its just awesome.

I'll place that link in hypertext, to make it even easier for the learning adverse to learn.


no photo
Mon 12/06/10 09:20 PM
Another thread on this site:


static28's photo
Mon 12/06/10 11:41 PM
did i just get in trouble? ah well. im actually a really nice guy. one person just happens to be pushing my online buttons

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