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Topic: DeathsTreaty's Other Thread
DeathsTreaty's photo
Fri 07/09/10 09:23 PM
Hello People of Mingle

I would like questions plz ^^

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 07/09/10 09:25 PM
I've always been interested as to how you came about the name DeathsTreaty?

DeathsTreaty's photo
Fri 07/09/10 09:26 PM
Im not completly sure

It really just came to mind, I was trying to come up with a name for a new Email account ^^"

I kind of did what I do for some of my poems

tanyaann's photo
Fri 07/09/10 09:30 PM
TP over or under?

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 07/09/10 09:30 PM
Cool, I usually use ExitiumMachina...found out recently that it is an interesting one to explain to parents of ladies I'm interested in, hehe.

It means Death Machine in Latin, by the way. I use it as a political marker, it is more or less a moniker for me. I use it on my blogs as my name, my e-mail address, and used to use it when I was on poetry writing sites.

New question. ^^

What is the motivation behind your writing? I can understand if this a personal one, and know that I won't tell you my motivation although some of it is pretty easy to pick up.

misterfreeze's photo
Fri 07/09/10 09:35 PM
Is your obsession with death due to the fact that you are actually scared of dying, or are you like that girl from Beetlejuice and feel you are strange and unusual? Feeling you would be better off being dead, because no one truly understands you, or maybe your just really really into yourself and can't see past you to actually see anything positive in the world, because you are always dwelling in yourself?

DeathsTreaty's photo
Fri 07/09/10 09:35 PM
Over or under, either, doesnt bother me ^^

Nice, I like that name, theres a lot behind it

Well...I like to be a calm, "nice" person
If I dont Write I hurt people, sometimes without knowing I did
So I try to write when I can, but I cant force myself to write all the jsut doesnt work most of time
I would have to be inspired, and I can only write in that moment..wich is not long...which explains why most of mine are short ^^"

the longer ones I might have worked on slightly

DeathsTreaty's photo
Fri 07/09/10 09:37 PM
I dont have an Obssesion with Death ^^"

I get asked that a lot

I siply admire the Workings/Cycle of Death/Life

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 07/09/10 09:38 PM
Cool, thanks for the explanation, mate.

Do you listen to music when you write? If so, what kind?

DeathsTreaty's photo
Fri 07/09/10 09:41 PM
Yes, Most of the time

Mostly Classical, the big three

I only listen to Classical and Rock/Metal

If I listen to rock, my words come out different

I normally like what comes out form the classical more

misterfreeze's photo
Fri 07/09/10 09:43 PM

I dont have an Obssesion with Death ^^"

I get asked that a lot

I siply admire the Workings/Cycle of Death/Life

Me too. Lion King is one of the best Disney movies.

Now Elton John is stuck in my head. Guess it's better than Elton John being stuck somewhere else.

DeathsTreaty's photo
Fri 07/09/10 09:44 PM
I agree, I liked lion king, also Toy Story

If hes there...make money off of him

DeathsTreaty's photo
Fri 07/09/10 09:45 PM
Havent done a Clown Thread in a while....

misterfreeze's photo
Fri 07/09/10 09:47 PM

If hes there...make money off of him


DeathsTreaty's photo
Fri 07/09/10 09:48 PM
Thats what I would do ^^

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 07/09/10 09:49 PM
The big three? I like classical, Mozart, Beethoven, Vivaldi. Don't figure those are 'the big three' so I'm a little confused.

DeathsTreaty's photo
Fri 07/09/10 09:51 PM
Mozart Beethoven and Bach
But I like his stuff too

Almsot anything classical I like

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 07/09/10 09:52 PM
Ahhh, I forgot Bach! Damn, I'm a failure.

Have you ever played a classical instrument? I played the viola for two years, still know how to play it. ^^

DeathsTreaty's photo
Fri 07/09/10 09:56 PM
No, not at all...but to be honest...if you didnt mention Mozart or Beethoven...then....yeah ^^"

I wish I did...

My sense of rythem is horriable, I not very capable of learning anything when it comes to music

I try a few things...just cant get it..

Wish it was more like cooking....then I would be able to play anything...

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 07/09/10 09:59 PM
I'm assuming you have tried the guitar then? I started on a 7-string when I started playing guitar, you would be amazed at how easy the transition from 7 to 6-string is when you learn solely on a 7-string.

I'm sure you could learn an instrument, it just takes a lot of focus. I can play the guitar fluently, viola fluently, bass decently, and keyboard decently. Don't try drums, I tried drums and failed hard. Haha.

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