Topic: Inventory of Character
Peachiepoohie's photo
Mon 10/09/06 07:44 AM
What does is really mean to be feminine or masculine? What is your idea
of an inventory of feminine/ masculine character? Be it personality
traits, outward appearances, roles in a relationship etc. What is
"feminine" and what is "masculine" in your opinion?

esinu's photo
Mon 10/09/06 08:05 AM
if you want to then you can meet me in

JusKat58's photo
Mon 10/09/06 08:34 AM

Try sticking to the topic instead of spamming us...

no photo
Mon 10/09/06 08:45 AM
thanks for the good topic peachie.
i kinda have a different opinion than most people i know because i don't
define character as feminine or masculine. there were no traditional
roles in my relationships as i prefer to see them as
partnerships(equality). the term feminine to me describes a physical
trait more than anything. i am looking for a woman that is physically
feminine with a good personality, good heart and shares my character
traits, ie. honesty,easygoing,common sense and has integrity.

lionsbrew's photo
Mon 10/09/06 02:39 PM
hmmmmm thats deffinatly for one ponder on.

mitchdamuscles's photo
Mon 10/09/06 07:54 PM
i agree with kingbreeze that the difference is a physcial one but also i
think that it is some what mental because men hardly ever share their
feelings about anything we also think that we have to be strong in every
way shape and form women on the other hand want to share their feelings
and let their tears flow i dont think they feel the need to be stronger
and badder then other women like most men do, now i'm not saying that
these apply to every man or woman every one is different but for the
most part most men and women are this way. Thanks for the topic
peachiepoohie i think it's about time everyone puts their two cents in
on the subject because it will help men and women better understand each
other, any way thanks have a good one

Peachiepoohie's photo
Sat 10/14/06 07:13 AM
Okay, guess I'm gonna answer my own question. Let me preface this with
saying this is only my opinion...

I spent a lot of time with my grandparents growing up and they were
really the only example I had of a couple and the dynamics between a man
and a woman. For me, there are certian things that I just associate
with men/women. So here's how things work for me...

I feel that I should be the one to do the household things. I do the
cooking, the laundry, grocery shopping, house cleaning, and whatever
else happens inside the house to make it run smoothly. Conversely, the
man of the house is the one to take care of the outside of the house (ie
lawn), carry in the groceries, maintain the car(s), take out the trash,
and other miscellaneous things that may come up. He should open the
door for me.

I think women should be soft and well kept. Women should smell good and
their clothing should be neat and appropriate. I personally wear makeup
everyday...not for anyone else, but more because I think that us girls
should have a little "icing on the cake". I get my nails done as
well...and once again, it's not to attract someone. I just feel that
from head to toe a woman should be well kept...and frankly, if you're
hands aren't clean and well-groomed...what else isn't clean?? Just my
belief that there is a reason why women are called the fairer sex. I
choose to do what I can to convey that in my appearance.

Men should be clean and well-groomed as well, but there's a little more
room for exception here. Personal hygiene is a must, but (IMHO) men can
be dirtier in appearance than us girls. Maybe he works outside or he's
a mechanic. Men do lots of manual labor jobs...which tend to be dirty,
sweaty jobs. Body odor isn't attractive...but sometimes it happens.
Men can have callouses on their hands and feel rough.

Personality is a hard one for me. I don't find anything specifically
male or female in personality. So...

I try to do little things for the man I love. I'll bring him his dinner
while he watches TV. I'll get up in the morning to make his lunch for
work. Heck, I'll even take his boots off when he gets home. It's not
submission or least not to me. I remember my
grandma telling me once, "If you're willing to do little things to make
your man feel like a man, if you're willing to treat him like a
man...he's more likely to treat you like a lady."

I'm probably a little warped, but that's how I see it...

no photo
Sat 10/14/06 07:28 AM
Where have you been all my life !!!! Lolol

I think I pretty much agree with all you said although I liked to to
give my ex a break from her daily routine by cooking and cleaning. She
didnt take my shoes off because we didnt wear shoes in the house,we left
them at the door but we shared in al the house duties because she worked
also so it really wasnt fair for her to come home and work again while I
watched tv. But like you, she did pamper me as I did her.
Good post

no photo
Sat 10/14/06 07:46 AM
you're not warped peachie, their is nothing wrong with what you
described and if it is done out of love and respect for the other person
like you said and not because you are made to or think you have to it
will be a fulfilling relationship for both people. i do agree with you
on women looking nice, i think all of that goes into the femininity of a
woman. i hope you find that man that will respect you as a woman and who
you can respect.

no photo
Sat 10/14/06 08:22 AM
I have o really ponder this before I can really give an answer, never
really thought about this before.

Peachiepoohie's photo
Sat 10/14/06 03:14 PM
taino: LOL...been right here! I tend to be a little
obsessive/complusive about things so I really only take a break when I'm
sick or something unaviodable comes up. I'm not sure I would say that I
pamper anyone...just do what I see as fit.

kingbreeze: always is out of love and respect. There are things that I
just do for my man. Plus, I don't want to do the stuff that he does...I
don't want to mow the lawn or kill a kinda seems like a
fair enough trade for me. And thank you, I hope for that too.