Topic: Ive just met a guy here, any advice?
CheeryKylw's photo
Sat 08/27/11 03:55 PM
Hi again! Hehe gosh, I was going to just message a few friends about this privately but hopefully its safe to do this. Hehe!

Well buddies, I know Iv only been here for a week now but Ive started talking to this guy recently! I wont mention any names but lets just say that hes my age (yey) and that he seems a really nice guy.
From the time Ive spent chatting with him I do really enjoy finding new facts out about him and he always makes me smile whenever a text appears. Hes smart, honest and seems to like me (says Im cute quite a bit and that he cant wait to see me eventually), me neither to be honest!

Anyways since alot of you warned me about players Im keeping cautious, doesnt seem the kind to hurt soemone though. Hes had 2 relationships before and wants more than just *friendly fun* which is what Im also looking for. A nice relationship! The puzzling though also is that this great guy is also secretly really good looking but doesnt like to show it on profiles etc. Do you think its so people wont message him just for his looks? I think hes so sweet, but I dont want to jinx it. We were thinking of meeting up in a month or two maybe, looking forward to it if we continue chatting the way we do!

no photo
Sat 08/27/11 04:02 PM
Well, that's the reason my profile picture is very lacking. I'm often told I'm good looking by many. I am no object. So, I want to be loved for who I really am inside.

Maybe he is the same, there's no harm in just meeting him. Meet in a public place, and see how it goes :)

no photo
Sat 08/27/11 04:03 PM
It sounds like it's going well so far -- so good luck with the situation!

Not to put a wet blanket (or even a dry one) on anything, but I would advise you to be careful, regardless of how great things seem early on and from a distance.

True story -- the first girl I met on a dating site lived pretty close. We met in person about two or three weeks after first contact. She was smart, funny, good conversationalist, I thought I had hit the jackpot, so to speak.

Until she told me that our plans for the evening would be to meet up with a bunch of her friends and set fire to motel rooms. Uh, no thanks....

I made at least two mistakes, I think. One, I didn't take my time going from on-line to real-life meeting. maybe if I had, some red flags would have shown themselves long before I ever got to see the blowtorch.

Two, I made erroneous assumptions about the kind of person she was, because I wanted to believe she would be the kind of person I was hoping she would be. Nope!

Not saying it always works that way (for me it does, but other people's mileage may vary). Just, ya know, be careful....!

CheeryKylw's photo
Sat 08/27/11 04:06 PM
Aww, thats what I thought. I dont think its fair when people just message you based on looks, theres more to soemone than just that. I even find it sweet that he might have done so with the profile pic,aww. Thanks Biscuit, and yes at the very least i would like to meet him. He even offered to come over to my town which I thought was nice of him, hehe hes so cool!

CheeryKylw's photo
Sat 08/27/11 04:11 PM
Gosh Lex, thats so randomly scary! Hehe, you must have been so shocked. I get what you mean though, sometimes you want to believe someones a nice person but their just good at games. I ahve experience of that in the past myself, he doesnt seem like that though!

Gosh I hope he doesnt stumble upon this post, Id be so embarrased! And yes Klc Ive seena few pictures of him. Hes really nice looking, howeevr I really like him as a whole tbh! From what Ive seen!

no photo
Sat 08/27/11 04:20 PM

I think meeting in person is always a better idea than prolonged emailing/messaging etc.

You can get so much more from the in-person setting.

Ive met up with folks before, that I did not find so very attractive in their pic, but was very attracted in person. Its a crapshoot.

The arson bit, tho, hmm...I dunno if that woulda come out on email. She may have saved that nugget on purpose.

I guess that's not the sort of thing you'd want to put out there right up front!

Although the phony kidnap victim might have actually been worse....!

no photo
Sat 08/27/11 04:21 PM
I wish you the best of luck,iam actually in the same situation as you are,and know how you feel totally,im glad you finally found a nice guy,from what ive seen in your post and your profile you seem like a doll who deserves a great guy!

CheeryKylw's photo
Sat 08/27/11 04:27 PM
Aww thanks Bella! Thats so sweet of you, hehe *Cyber hug*! Lol. It would be great to finally be able to have a boyfriend, and from what Ive seen he seems nice enough so far. Cant wait to meet him, hopefully he will like me! Hehe. Wow, can you imagine if he saw this, hes think Im like some schoolboy with a crush or soemthing. Hehe.

How about you too Bella? Is everything going well your end? Feel free to chat about your own story if youd like, think of us as your cyber buddies1 Lol!

msharmony's photo
Sat 08/27/11 04:31 PM

Hi again! Hehe gosh, I was going to just message a few friends about this privately but hopefully its safe to do this. Hehe!

Well buddies, I know Iv only been here for a week now but Ive started talking to this guy recently! I wont mention any names but lets just say that hes my age (yey) and that he seems a really nice guy.
From the time Ive spent chatting with him I do really enjoy finding new facts out about him and he always makes me smile whenever a text appears. Hes smart, honest and seems to like me (says Im cute quite a bit and that he cant wait to see me eventually), me neither to be honest!

Anyways since alot of you warned me about players Im keeping cautious, doesnt seem the kind to hurt soemone though. Hes had 2 relationships before and wants more than just *friendly fun* which is what Im also looking for. A nice relationship! The puzzling though also is that this great guy is also secretly really good looking but doesnt like to show it on profiles etc. Do you think its so people wont message him just for his looks? I think hes so sweet, but I dont want to jinx it. We were thinking of meeting up in a month or two maybe, looking forward to it if we continue chatting the way we do!

I think , on the internet, its best to take things very slow

keep enjoying the conversations, enjoy each day as it comes without feeling any expectations for the next,,,

even pictures posted may not be the person who is actually speaking/texting you, I dont think I would feel so certain that I 'knew' a person in less than a week either

CheeryKylw's photo
Sat 08/27/11 04:36 PM
Yes Harmony, the best thing to do is just enjoy each day! Which is what Im doing....cant help but look forward to our meeting though. But I do promise Ill take it slow guys, hehe dont worry Im quite a smart guy!

I know a little about him but not loads. Which is something that would be best to do before we meet up! That way we can have more to talk about and Id feel safer. Hehe aww thansk guys for constantly helping me out with my forums! I love getting advice from all you groovy peeps, hehe!

no photo
Sat 08/27/11 04:39 PM
yes everything is going very well on my end!
thank you for asking:]
i plan to go see him in october,its tough with school and all:/
but iam happy & so is he=)

CheeryKylw's photo
Sat 08/27/11 04:41 PM
Thats great Bella! Im so happy for you guys, hehe hope you enjoy your meet up buddy! And Octobers nice because you have a nice amount of time to get to know each other even more and have the excitment build up! Yey!
Hehe I love hearing that people are happy, makes me smile! Lol

Sandelwood4's photo
Sat 08/27/11 09:39 PM
Edited by Sandelwood4 on Sat 08/27/11 09:40 PM

Hi again! Hehe gosh, I was going to just message a few friends about this privately but hopefully its safe to do this. Hehe!

Well buddies, I know Iv only been here for a week now but Ive started talking to this guy recently! I wont mention any names but lets just say that hes my age (yey) and that he seems a really nice guy.
From the time Ive spent chatting with him I do really enjoy finding new facts out about him and he always makes me smile whenever a text appears. Hes smart, honest and seems to like me (says Im cute quite a bit and that he cant wait to see me eventually), me neither to be honest!

Anyways since alot of you warned me about players Im keeping cautious, doesnt seem the kind to hurt soemone though. Hes had 2 relationships before and wants more than just *friendly fun* which is what Im also looking for. A nice relationship! The puzzling though also is that this great guy is also secretly really good looking but doesnt like to show it on profiles etc. Do you think its so people wont message him just for his looks? I think hes so sweet, but I dont want to jinx it. We were thinking of meeting up in a month or two maybe, looking forward to it if we continue chatting the way we do!

Hey there, I don't want to spoil the fun but something doesn't sound right. I would not get too excited without meeting him first and as KLC says definitely meet in public and SOON. When you get along this well you usually don't postpone face to face meeting. You said yourself that it was a bit puzzling "that this great guy is also secretly really good looking but doesnt like to show it on profiles etc." I don't believe for a second that this is true. My advice is don't get attached or even continue chatting until you meet in a public place.

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Mon 08/29/11 03:27 AM
Hi best fwiend :P Well, that was quick, i must say. lol. Congrats :) I think it best to take your time. I know you probably are just so excited right now, but don't build your hopes up too high. Not trying to dull the tone here. Just thinking that it's better to not have expectations. Being 50/50 about it is maybe best. See ya for now!