Community > Posts By > CheeryKylw

CheeryKylw's photo
Sat 09/03/11 09:11 AM
Hi buddy!
Saw your post and thought write a little soemthing! Hehe I too am in the same boat tbh, just looking for that special someone. It really is a hard road, alot of the time never finding the kind of person youv imagined.

My friends describe me as cute, friendly, a little shy - yet I seem to just bump into not so kind guys who have no interest in a "boy", want a "man" instead. Sometimes its all about the place in which you search that you find the kind of person your looking for
-cute kind girls/guys - not in a club/bar

Just keep its up buddy, youll find someone im sure! Yey!
You seem a realy nice guy, a girl will notice thatsoon enough - picture or not. Plus your looking to settle down with someone - thats a huge plus nowadays! And btw I think your pictures fine, realy attractive! Lols

I think your in with a good chance maybe even finding that someone on here - its a really friendly place with lots of lovely girl! Good luck buddy! Hi5!

CheeryKylw's photo
Sat 08/27/11 04:41 PM
Thats great Bella! Im so happy for you guys, hehe hope you enjoy your meet up buddy! And Octobers nice because you have a nice amount of time to get to know each other even more and have the excitment build up! Yey!
Hehe I love hearing that people are happy, makes me smile! Lol

CheeryKylw's photo
Sat 08/27/11 04:36 PM
Yes Harmony, the best thing to do is just enjoy each day! Which is what Im doing....cant help but look forward to our meeting though. But I do promise Ill take it slow guys, hehe dont worry Im quite a smart guy!

I know a little about him but not loads. Which is something that would be best to do before we meet up! That way we can have more to talk about and Id feel safer. Hehe aww thansk guys for constantly helping me out with my forums! I love getting advice from all you groovy peeps, hehe!

CheeryKylw's photo
Sat 08/27/11 04:27 PM
Aww thanks Bella! Thats so sweet of you, hehe *Cyber hug*! Lol. It would be great to finally be able to have a boyfriend, and from what Ive seen he seems nice enough so far. Cant wait to meet him, hopefully he will like me! Hehe. Wow, can you imagine if he saw this, hes think Im like some schoolboy with a crush or soemthing. Hehe.

How about you too Bella? Is everything going well your end? Feel free to chat about your own story if youd like, think of us as your cyber buddies1 Lol!

CheeryKylw's photo
Sat 08/27/11 04:11 PM
Gosh Lex, thats so randomly scary! Hehe, you must have been so shocked. I get what you mean though, sometimes you want to believe someones a nice person but their just good at games. I ahve experience of that in the past myself, he doesnt seem like that though!

Gosh I hope he doesnt stumble upon this post, Id be so embarrased! And yes Klc Ive seena few pictures of him. Hes really nice looking, howeevr I really like him as a whole tbh! From what Ive seen!

CheeryKylw's photo
Sat 08/27/11 04:06 PM
Aww, thats what I thought. I dont think its fair when people just message you based on looks, theres more to soemone than just that. I even find it sweet that he might have done so with the profile pic,aww. Thanks Biscuit, and yes at the very least i would like to meet him. He even offered to come over to my town which I thought was nice of him, hehe hes so cool!

CheeryKylw's photo
Sat 08/27/11 03:55 PM
Hi again! Hehe gosh, I was going to just message a few friends about this privately but hopefully its safe to do this. Hehe!

Well buddies, I know Iv only been here for a week now but Ive started talking to this guy recently! I wont mention any names but lets just say that hes my age (yey) and that he seems a really nice guy.
From the time Ive spent chatting with him I do really enjoy finding new facts out about him and he always makes me smile whenever a text appears. Hes smart, honest and seems to like me (says Im cute quite a bit and that he cant wait to see me eventually), me neither to be honest!

Anyways since alot of you warned me about players Im keeping cautious, doesnt seem the kind to hurt soemone though. Hes had 2 relationships before and wants more than just *friendly fun* which is what Im also looking for. A nice relationship! The puzzling though also is that this great guy is also secretly really good looking but doesnt like to show it on profiles etc. Do you think its so people wont message him just for his looks? I think hes so sweet, but I dont want to jinx it. We were thinking of meeting up in a month or two maybe, looking forward to it if we continue chatting the way we do!

CheeryKylw's photo
Thu 08/25/11 04:44 PM
Hi guys! Hows it going?
I thought Id ask some people what kind of guys they generally like/find appealing! Im a gay guy myself but I really would like to know these things so I can see where I fit in via the dating scene is all! Plus I like hearing others opinions! Hi 5!

CheeryKylw's photo
Thu 08/25/11 03:46 PM
Thanks Klc!
And of course I keep you all up to date! Your like my cyber family, and what with all the advice your giving me I think i should keep you up to date with how Im using it! If thats ok with you all that is, hopefully Im not boring you all yet! Hehe!

CheeryKylw's photo
Thu 08/25/11 03:41 PM
Awww sorry Bulldog! Hehe unfortunetly my older sis has a bf as does my younger sis. My female friends also have bfs and only one is single, shes also going through a hard time! In fact I think Im the only one thats single.....sob! Hehe. Ill do soemm more digging for you though, dont worry!

CheeryKylw's photo
Thu 08/25/11 03:28 PM
Aww thanks Troublebug! Your like the 10th person to take time out of their day to give me advice, I really appreciate it!

And dont worry I wont let anyone pressure me, you have my word! At the end of the day Im still a virgin too, and even though Ive been pressured to loose it I havent done so. I can stick to my guns, hehe!

Your comment about my personality was also really sweet buddy, thank you! Its always great to meet super loveable peeps like you guys on here, so happy I joined! I think your mighty Dynamite also, hehe!

Anyways take care guys, and ps I have left the guy a text today and hes replyed! Weve txt a few times throughout the day now and so far no sex talk or aggresive behaviour. Might be a good sign, fingers crossed! He also said that hes been thinking about me, says I remind him of a loveable Disney character! Awwww, everytime he speaks he makes me all bubbly! Lol

CheeryKylw's photo
Wed 08/24/11 04:54 PM
Hehe wow we are kind of similar! Lol, GotConverse Im glad we could help you buddy! Hehe and thanks again guys for the new pointers, Im already starting to put them into effect.

Yey! Had my first contact with a guy earlier in fact! Middle of town I was helping my cousin do his shoe laces up and I started trying to cheer him up as he was having a bad day. Next thing this guy came up and said that he thought I was cute! Aww, thought I was quite sweet! He was so nice, I ended up chatting with him for 20 off mins. I was too nervous though to ask for a number and so he handed me his! Hehe yey guys!

Big step! He was so cute too, made my day! Hi 5 advice team! Hehe

CheeryKylw's photo
Mon 08/22/11 05:22 PM
Aww, well I just want to thank you again Krupo! And if I ever have news on the dating front or need advice again I know that theres a cool ninja with good advice on here! Hehe yey!

And yes, love is trickier. Just to find someone who will like you for who you are, someone you can cuddle with and feel happy just being around...cant wait to find it myself! I hope you find real love also buddy, all of you in fact! Stay cool everyone, *Big hugs*!

And if anyone needs advice from me or anything please feel free to chat sometime1 Would like to help you guys out somehow also!

CheeryKylw's photo
Mon 08/22/11 05:16 PM
Oh Im sorry! Hehe its just that I know my Pixar characters! Lol

And thanks for the player advice buddy, helps out alot. So if hes quite aggresive and pushy, persuasive then its best to step away porbably! Great news!

And yes Ill wait a little while, makes finding a nice guy feel even better when I do! Yey!

CheeryKylw's photo
Mon 08/22/11 05:13 PM
Thanks Krupa! Hehe you really are a cool dating ninja! Lol!
Yey, I now have some good tips to help me out. Dont think Ill be using your cool ninja sex trick much as Il be too nervous and getting laid isnt a huge priority for me right now.

Hei Krupo, can you alos give me some tips on how to spot a player/guy whos just looking for sex etc? Would be cool to know whome to avoid! Your like my guardian angel, hi5!

CheeryKylw's photo
Mon 08/22/11 04:58 PM
Aww yey1 Glad you also enjoyed buddy! It has some great laughs along with the suspence! If they did make a 5th I would like Kirby to return though! Liked the fact that none of the big 3 died too! Yey!

CheeryKylw's photo
Mon 08/22/11 04:55 PM
Aww, you guys here are so nice! I just want to hug you all, hehe *Cyber Hug*! Lol!

Your all so wise, it really is nice to have people to talk to about these things. Feels good to have a cool little team here to help along on my quests! Yey! And they do say to just let love coem to you Lynn, maybe I shouldnt try so hard to get out there.

As for what you mentioned Krupa, its correct. I know it wont be easy and I know Ill have to get a bit of experience first in order to realise what it is Im looking for etc. I think if I could just meet one nice guy it would be a great first step. Someone I can trust!

My friends ahve warned me of players too, I can be a little oblivious soemtimes. But Im quite a smart guy so I shouldnt get into too much trouble. How can you tell a player btw just so that I know?
I do quite like being new to dating tbh, as I havent got any bitter memories or anything Krupa! Alot of friends I have stayed with as they cried about bad relationships and break ups havent got this luxury. Im grateful.

Maybe I should try to find a gay club so that I can meet people. Would be a bit better for building my confidence. Quite like online too as I can get to know someone first, feels safe almost!

Ps, Bulldog I love the fact you have Mr Potato head in your pic1 Toy Story is my favorite, yey!

CheeryKylw's photo
Mon 08/22/11 04:44 PM
I know a few peeps wont like it but I for one really enjoyed it!
Was a good sequel with a nice plot and the writing was super witty and smart! Loved the dialogue! Got to see the old gang back along with soem fresh new faces, and even characters who were only on for a few mins managed to bring quite a bit of personality to the film.

The twists and turns were awesome, loved the killer too as I think they were one of the nastiest in the seires along with Billy! As crazy as Mrs loomis too, yey! And I alos loved new character Kirby, fell in love with her!

Anyways what did you gusy think? Plus Olivias death was sooo nasty, really felt sorry for her.

CheeryKylw's photo
Mon 08/22/11 04:35 PM
Hehe thanks buddy! Lol, remember watching that film! Loved it, plus that scene is epic for a reason! Who needs dating advice when you have a scene like that? High 5!

CheeryKylw's photo
Mon 08/22/11 04:27 PM
Hi again! Hehe Ive posted a few threads now but I was just wondering about a question thats been on my mind lately.
Am I ready for the dating world and how can I prepare myself?

Im a young guy(21), whos just gotten into the dating world and is now looking for a guy to have a relationship with.
Ive never been with anyone before, havent even kissed a guy. A few friends have expressed that their worried for me as I tend to automaticaly think most people are nice guys.
But I want to finally get some courage going and start trying to meet a nice frendly guy.
Any advice I should follow?

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