Topic: just came to Edmonton
kentaedmonton's photo
Wed 10/12/11 05:21 PM
I came to Canada a few weeks ago and it is actually my first time to live in a western nation, and also my first time to come to Canada. I have been very impressed by the generosity of people here with high moral. I have been amazed by the difference between Canada and the US. I have had such an aimless life in my past 25 years and I am really hoping something inside of me to change in this cold land. though I also believe that change is not gonna come as long as I am passive like this. it's just so hard to be spontaneous without goals in life. I am such a spoilt man in this world and maybe I won't be different even after my stay in Canada(max, one year. but everybody around me tells me that I won't make it through the brutal winter in Edmonton). I might get an aspiration such as obtaining Canadian citizenship through ordeals, or I might go home really quickly but here I am right now. only god knows where I am heading to....

I am in Edmonton. what a gray city it is eh...?

whatssuup's photo
Wed 10/12/11 06:29 PM

Just wait..... in about 7 weeks it will be a white city

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Wed 10/12/11 07:05 PM
Welcome :D

no photo
Thu 10/13/11 06:49 AM
Welcome to the site. drinker