Topic: Cold Killer 13/20
tudoravenger's photo
Thu 05/31/12 09:25 AM
The she fox lay curled up safely inside her hole as the young nestled up to her wet teats.

She shifted her position as the little teeth grazed the sensitive mammary gland.

“Do you mind?”

The young simply ignored her of course. Preferring to suckle as they wanted.

She pushed them away gently with her paws and rose slowly. As she yawned, the fox trotted outside and gazed around at the world gone mad.

“Rather quiet this evening,” she muttered.

She raised her dark nose and sniffed the warm air.

“At least the scent of putrefaction has gone.”

She turned her head and barked, “Stay here kids. Mummy will be right back.”

She wandered out and into the hilly undergrowth before trotting down toward the former town.

As she entered, she noted the ominous silence and the lack of man himself. Despite their repeated attempts to kill her off, she had enjoyed the left over fast food burgers of course.

“Can’t be many left now.”

She saw one guy who was quite obviously pissed out of his mind scrambling along the wall. She trotted closer and smelt the terminal wood alcohol.

“The idiot is obviously blind now. In a matter of hours he’ll be dead like the rest.”

She trotted toward a rather salubrious home off Main Street where the owners usually left thick scraps of meat. When she forced her way through the hedge, the grass was bare.

She sighed deeply and noted that the garden door was wide open.

“I’ll just take a look.”

She entered slowly, ears pricked for the slightest sound. Only silence greeted her. At the kitchen door, she pawed it open and clambered up the old wooden stairs.

Her benefactors lay within the first bedroom. Their gleaming skulls just above the layer of human fat and ash.

“I wonder what it was that killed them?”

She crept out slowly and reached the main street once more. She spotted the food store and decided that it was a good place to find yum yums for her hungry young.

As she entered though, the bare shelves told quite a different story.

“There must be people after all. Now, where could they have gone I wonder?”

She thought this over for a moment before the rattle of heavy gunfire took her attention.

Turning her sensitive ears the she fox trotted off towards lower town and stopped in shock.

The road had been blocked off by uniformed troops, and tanks backed up by APC’s were shelling a building. She saw the explosions followed by reports of small arms.

“What are these fools up to?”

She lay flat and listened in too the human voices.

“So they are trying to remove looters eh? Daft way to do it.”

As another tank shell struck, a group of armed teens dashed from the building firing in final desperation. The fox watched the return fire, watched as the kids were torn down. Shaking her head sadly, she headed off for safer climes.

As the land rose, she came across a street that this fox had never visited. Tall, staccato fronts lined it. It gave her the very strong impression of former wealth and she greedily licked her full lips.

“I just might find something for my little ones here.”

She spotted a number of open doors and trotted into the first. The kitchen was silent but voices reached her from one of the upstairs bedrooms.

Out of curiosity, she trotted up the rickety steps and overheard the short conversation.

“You really don’t want to live do you? The human race is finished!”

“What about those detonations then?” a female voice asked.

“How the hell do I know? I have not seen any army about here.”

“I’m not taking those pills.”

“I’ve taken my own dear. Suicide is a better option than starving to death. You saw the empty shelves.”

“Why did we not head north when the emergency committee asked?”

“You know why darling. They probably wanted to kill us.”

“Maria Castro would never do that.”

“I wasn’t taking the risk. Now swallow these.”

The fox heard a scream and shook her head.

“I’m not having this”

She growled and scratched at the locked door. Only a male voice was returned.

“**** off!”

She trotted off toward the next open door hoping for better luck.
As she entered the silent home, she smelt the scent of recent death.
Within the large lounge sat a cot. Within that cot lay two small corpses. She looked and noted the unusual circumstances.

“There is no burn marks.”

She saw the smashed chest and the terribly twisted legs of the babes. She could not understand it and trotted into the rear kitchen.
The body hung from a stool, and the green tongue poking from the gnarled mouth told the whole tragic story.

“He murdered the little ones before taking his own life. Hope he rots in hell!”

She trotted outside and vomited.

“I’m can’t deal with this hell hole...”

The fox dashed away until at a crossroads, terrible screams reached her ears.

“What’s that all about?”

She dashed toward the music store and poked her head inside. What she saw sickened her.

An old bloke around seventy had the severed waist of a young woman upon the floor, and was humping it quite happily. How the woman died she could not tell, but the death had been recent.

The fox snarled at him before bounding across the shop floor. He raised his head as the savage jaws closed around his exposed throat.
He screamed as the skin was ripped open, and he heeled over sideways. To make sure she went for his rigid manhood and tore it away before spitting it back out again.

“I had better return to my young,” she hissed. “No point sticking around here. Some idiot may think that I murdered him.”

She trotted inland once more, sniffing the ground for any scent. She suddenly stopped when she saw the gated field.

“This looks a bit more promising.”

She sat upon her haunches looking at the fence, and judged it to be ten foot high.

“Could be a struggle but my young come first today.”

She ran back and steeled herself. Then running at full throttle she leapt, rear paws just pushing off the fence top. As she landed safely, she turned and grinned.

“Must be fitter than I think for an old dear.”

She saw the sleeping farm animals and headed toward the dirt yard.
When she heard the clucking from the hen house, she suddenly relaxed.

“My young shall feed well tonight.”

She entered easily and watched the birds panic.

“Some think that we kill everything but in reality I don’t. Two will do today.”

She crouched down and waited until two birds came within range. Then she sprang, ringing their long necks mercifully. She cooed and trotted back toward the tall fence.

Then she stopped.

“Can’t leap that with this food in my damn maw. I know...”

She dropped them off and began digging frantically until a short path had been created then she picked up the still warm food.

As the moon looked down, the she fox entered her den and dropped the birds in front of her hungry babes.

“Now don’t all eat at once. Let mummy break it up for you first.”

Cheryl woke with a sudden start. As she sat up exposing the breasts, Mandy yelled at her.

“It’s gone nine and a ruddy fox has raided then hen coop!”

She dressed quickly and followed her friend outside.

“How many did she take?”

“Seems like two. The fox burrowed underneath the fence.”

Cheryl suddenly realised that someone was missing.

“Where’s Conchello?”

“He’s gone...His bed is empty!”

When they reached the coop, Cheryl stepped inside and saw the floor now littered with feathers.

“As long as only two were taken. Wait a second.”

She walked forward and suddenly grabbed one of the hens, expertly snapping its neck.

“What the hell did you do that for?”

She gazed at Mandy but gave no reply.

Cheryl marched out and when she reached the front gate, she let herself out.

Her mind seemed to know exactly where to find the fox and her defenceless cubs. When she reached the entrance to the deep hole,
she knelt and dropped the bird.

“I have some food for you.”

Moments later the she fox trotted out and stopped.

“No need to fear me.”

The fox appeared to understand and trotted forward, ignoring the food. She stopped and sat upon her haunches as Cheryl stroked the warm head.

She gazed into the animal’s eyes and saw with some shock the blue eyes. Identical to her own.

“Take care of your cubs and come as often as you need too.”

She stood and walked away as the fox howled after her.

When the human had gone, she picked up the fresh kill and returned it to her children who yelped with hungry pleasure...To be continued...Monday...

luvin53's photo
Thu 05/31/12 11:32 AM
making me come on just to see if there is another chapter in this. good jub.

tudoravenger's photo
Fri 06/01/12 05:49 AM

tudoravenger's photo
Fri 06/01/12 03:04 PM
I think 28 views deserves another episode...Created a gap now...