Topic: Will AMerica go Backwards or Forwards?
msharmony's photo
Sun 06/03/12 10:31 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 06/03/12 10:32 PM
I respectfully suggest that some of the questions we should all ask ourselves, especially those who haven’t already done so, are as follows:

How will you feel when the new President nominates partisan cabinet members like Phil Gramm for Treasury, Jeb Bush for the Justice Department, John Kasich for the Office of Management and Budget, Scott Walker for Labor Secretary, Paul Ryan for Health and Human Services, Rudy Giuliani as Secretary of State, John McCain as Secretary of Defense, and Newt Gingrich as UN Ambassador? Sure, it may not be those particular ideologues in those exact positions; in fact, it could be worse still. Keep that in mind.

How will you feel when the new President gets a chance to replace Justices Breyer and Ginsberg? What about all of the other judicial nominees that the new President will get to choose?

How will you feel when the new President gets to sign into law the privatization of Social Security?

How will you feel when the new President gets to sign the the age increase for Medicare eligibility, and the cutting of benefits for seniors?

How will you feel when the new President decides to nominate folks over at the FCC who would vote against Net Neutrality? How mad would you be if the Internet became less of a factor for free speech, and more of a factor for message manipulation and propaganda?

How will you feel when the new President eliminates the mortgage modification partnership it has with banks, and you are back to being underwater, left to drown… on your own?

How will you feel when the new President re-instates the reproductive gag order on Third-World countries?

How will you feel when the new President dismantles the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau?

How will you fee when the new President pushes to reverse the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure (CARD) Act?

How will you feel when the new President works to reverse Dodd-Frank?

How will you feel when the new President rescinds benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees?

How will you feel when the new President reduces or eliminates the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (aka Food Stamps)?

How will you feel when the new President doesn’t extend unemployment insurance for the unemployed, and won’t compromise on the issue whatsoever?

How will you feel when the new President reverses policy advances made in our relations with Cuba?

How will you feel when the new President signs the bill repealing the Affordable Care Act, and thereby nullifies the ability for patients who have pre-existing conditions to be covered by insurance companies?

How will you feel when the new President re-establishes a middleman for student loans?

How will you feel when the new President refuses to hold any discussion with labor, or to have anything to do with them?

How will you feel when the new President ignores the United Nations, and becomes their nemesis?

How will you feel when the new President decides that the Afghanistan timetable for bringing our troops home shouldn’t be followed?

How will you feel when the new President reverses the ban on torture?

How will you feel when the new President resumes the Star Wars program?

How will you feel when the new President cuts federal education spending, and pushes vouchers?

How will you feel when the new President declines to identify who comes to the White House?

How will you feel when the new President pushes to reverse the FDA tobacco disclosure rules?

How will you feel when the new President advocates to deny national funding to NPR and Planned Parenthood, and the National Endowment for the Arts?

How will you feel when the new President increases taxes on the working poor, and decreases taxes on corporations, capital gains and the estate tax?

How will you feel when the new President pushes to abolish the EPA, the Department of Education, and the FAA?

How will you feel when the new President denies climate change?

How will you feel when the new President sells federal lands to pay down the deficit?

How will you feel when the new President advocates for corporations’ right to accelerate mountain-top removal, and assures oil companies that they have nothing to fear in reference to their subsidies?

How will you feel when the new President decides to push for a DOMA-style Constitutional amendment?

How will you feel when you have to look at this new President on the television. a President who talks in bumper sticker slogans, while being divisive. ideologically driven, and grossly arrogant, and who governs with regard to his own base and not all Americans?

As importantly, how will you feel that you didn’t do everything possible to assist in the 2012 re-election campaign because you rationalized that there was nothing good you could say about President Barack Obama, or you conveniently convinced yourself that someone else would handle your share (or so you assumed)? How will you justify protest then, or even be angry knowing that you always had a choice and yet you chose to do less than you could do?

Will you be glad you stuck to your principles, or appalled at the avalanche of radical changes proposed by the new administration? And what will you do about it at that time, that couldn’t have been done before?

willing2's photo
Mon 06/04/12 05:35 AM
I will feel much better when Ron Paul gets sworn in.

Peccy's photo
Mon 06/04/12 05:49 AM

I will feel much better when Ron Paul gets sworn in.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Mon 06/04/12 08:02 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Mon 06/04/12 08:04 AM

I will feel much better when Ron Paul gets sworn in.

AMEN! Someone who will FINALLY do what Mr Hillary, Shrub and Obozo promised!

msharmony's photo
Mon 06/04/12 09:58 AM
better be sure of your 'congress' agenda before you start assuming what the president will do,, the position isnt a dictatorship

he is still limited by what the CONGRESS will agree to unless it applies to his SPECIFIC duties of appointing certain positions or signing executive orders having to do with HOW different departments will operate,,,,

plenty of things on the above list I believe congress would be all for and a new president would back,,,,much of what Ron proposes a congress will never put through anyhow (look at his record regarding the bills he has proposed in his twelve years,,,he will not set any NEW standard, he will just STALL progress much the way the congress has managed to do on so many recent occasions,,,)

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 06/04/12 10:01 AM

I will feel much better when Ron Paul gets sworn in.

AMEN! Someone who will FINALLY do what Mr Hillary, Shrub and Obozo promised!

How will he achieve that SS, as msharmoney says, The Position is not a Dictatorship

InvictusV's photo
Mon 06/04/12 03:37 PM
This is pretty funny..

If you need to look into the future at what another 4 years of obama will end up like I suggest you read a few European financial newspapers..

You can list 1000 issues, but the only one that matters is the economy and Obahma has been a complete and total failure..

He is going to get hammered MS HARMONY..



One and DONE..

Ironically, it is going to be the Europe he so loves and wanted us to be like that is going to bring his quick and less than flattering downfall in November..

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Mon 06/04/12 03:50 PM

I will feel much better when Ron Paul gets sworn in.

AMEN! Someone who will FINALLY do what Mr Hillary, Shrub and Obozo promised!

How will he achieve that SS, as msharmoney says, The Position is not a Dictatorship

I said it before....RP inspires!

He will inspire the people to make congress act for fear of their jobs for a change, effectively taking back govt for the people.

ONLY Paul can do that because he listens too, and puts value on his oath of office! To the others they are just words that must be said. More rhetoric!

boredinaz06's photo
Mon 06/04/12 03:55 PM

I will feel much better when Ron Paul gets sworn in.

AMEN! Someone who will FINALLY do what Mr Hillary, Shrub and Obozo promised!

4th it

msharmony's photo
Mon 06/04/12 04:19 PM

This is pretty funny..

If you need to look into the future at what another 4 years of obama will end up like I suggest you read a few European financial newspapers..

You can list 1000 issues, but the only one that matters is the economy and Obahma has been a complete and total failure..

He is going to get hammered MS HARMONY..



One and DONE..

Ironically, it is going to be the Europe he so loves and wanted us to be like that is going to bring his quick and less than flattering downfall in November..

IF one believes it is the US president who controls the US economy (let alone the global one)

their vote will count as much as mine and they should reflect that belief at the polls...

mightymoe's photo
Mon 06/04/12 04:45 PM
With the news that President Obama is officially running for re-election in 2012, we thought it would be interesting to take a look at where some of candidate Barack Obama's 2008 campaign trail promises stand today.

The president has said he keeps a check list of promises he made during the campaign in his pocket. Last fall Mr. Obama told "Rolling Stone" he figured his administration had "probably accomplished 70 percent of the things that we said we were going to do."

The watchdog organization* has been keeping track and puts candidate Obama's list of promises at a staggering 506, of those they say the president has kept 122, or 24 percent. Coincidentally, of the 25 selected as the most significant promises, says Obama has followed through on six, for a 'promise-kept percentage' of 24 percent.

Here is a selection we thought worthy of inspection:

1) Guantanamo Bay

As a candidate, Barack Obama repeatedly stated his intentions to close the Guantanamo Bay detention center, calling the facility a recruitment tool for al Qaeda. With Monday's announcement by Attorney General Eric Holder that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other alleged plotters in the September 11 attacks would be tried in military courts, it has become even more obvious that Gitmo will not be shutting down anytime soon.

However, some Obama supporters say they don't see Guantanamo Bay shaping up as a huge problem for the president in 2012.

"President Obama is still trying to shut down Gitmo as soon as possible, it's just turning out that it's not possible," said Democratic strategist Joe Trippi. "But I don't see that promise really hurting him in 2012, his base probably won't abandon him over that."

2) Letting Bush-Era Tax Cuts Expire

As a candidate, Barack Obama said he opposed tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and if elected to the highest office in the land, he would let the Bush-era tax cuts expire. However as president, Obama found that he had to compromise in order to avoid raising taxes for most Americans. In the end, the only way for the president to keep the Bush-era tax rates for couples making less than $250,000 was to also extend current tax rates for what he called "the wealthiest two percent of Americans."

Once again, Democrats don't see this as a deal breaker.

"He fought against extending the Bush tax cuts the whole way, he just lost. But once again I don't think his base will desert him for Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich over this," said Trippi.

3) Foreclosure Prevention Fund

During the campaign, candidate Obama said he would create a $10 billion fund designed to come to the aid of homeowners at risk of foreclosure. "Too many families are unable to refinance because no one will lend to them, and they are unable to sell their homes because the housing market has fallen," said Obama in 2008.

The president actually tried to go above and beyond the initial promise by creating a fund that totaled $75 billion. This money came, in part, from the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). The problem is the program, for a myriad of reasons, has failed to deliver. As of January 2011, the program had helped only about 500,000 homeowners.

4) Immigration Reform

As a candidate out on the campaign trail, Mr. Obama promised to provide a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. However, during his first two years in the White House, the president spent just about all of his hard earned political capital on passing health care reform and the economic stimulus. So by the time Obama went back to the well for immigration, he was politically broke.

The DREAM act, a bill aimed to provide a path to citizenship for immigrants brought to the U.S. as children, passed in the House but died in the Senate during the lame duck session. With that chance missed, it could be a long time before Democrats and immigration reform backers have the numbers in Congress to make another run at it.

Obama called the failure to pass immigration reform "maybe my biggest disappointment" of the lame duck session but maintains he is still committed to the goal.

5) Restricting Former Lobbyists from Serving in Obama Administration

As a candidate, Barack Obama deplored the prevalence of lobbyists in and around the White House. "No political appointee will be able to lobby the executive branch after leaving government service during the remainder of the administration," said Obama in 2008.

However, according to, the administration has granted waivers to several former lobbyists, allowing them to serve. The administration also allows "recusals," in which a former lobbyists can recuse themselves from discussions surrounding interests they used to lobby.

6) Iraq War

As a candidate out on the trail, Mr. Obama made the Iraq war one of his main issues and hammered his Republican rival Sen. John McCain over and over on the subject. Obama said he would work with military commanders on the ground in Iraq and in consultation with the Iraqi government to end the war safely and responsibly within 16 months.

Here is one that is widely considered to be a promise kept for President Obama. Although about 48,000 U.S. troops remain in Iraq as a transitional force, the bulk of the combat forces were headed home by the end of summer 2010.

7) Repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

In the final weeks of a lame duck session, Congress overturned a 17-year-old policy known as "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" which banned gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military. The repeal calls for a transition period so that the Department of Defense can train all forces by this summer and implement the repeal in the fall.

By signing the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" into law on December 22, 2010, President Obama kept another campaign promise.

8) Sign a ‘Universal' Health care Bill

Last but certainly not least is the promise Mr. Obama made to sign a universal health care bill. Although the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has many detractors, this has to be considered a major promise kept by President Obama.

On March 23, 2010 after months of political battles on Capitol Hill, President Obama signed Democrat-passed health care reform into law, triggering a firestorm that is still working its way through the courts. Many legal scholars and pundits expect the matter will ultimately be resolved in the Supreme Court

Trippi adds that no president can keep all of his campaign promises, yet on the biggest issues, such as Iraq and health care reform, Obama did make good on pledges he made on the trail.

"More importantly the 2012 presidential election will be won on issues of the day, not promises from 2008," Trippi said. "The buck stops on President Obama's desk now, you can't blame President Bush anymore. So if the economy is good and we feel safe as a nation in November of 2012, he's looking good, however if unemployment is at nine percent, the president could be in trouble."

The president meanwhile seems eager to talk about his accomplishments rather than specific promises. During a conference call with thousands of grassroots supporters Monday night Obama ticked off some of his signature accomplishments such as health care legislation, Wall Street reform and the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." The president told listeners that in only two years his administration had produced "the most successful legislative initiative" of any president over the last 50 years. "I think it's important to remind people what we have accomplished."

*PolitiFact calls itself "a project of the St. Petersburg Times to help you find the truth in American politics. Reporters and editors from the Times fact-check statements by members of Congress, the White House, lobbyists and interest groups and rate them on our Truth-O-Meter."

Read more:

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Mon 06/04/12 05:08 PM

This is pretty funny..

If you need to look into the future at what another 4 years of obama will end up like I suggest you read a few European financial newspapers..

You can list 1000 issues, but the only one that matters is the economy and Obahma has been a complete and total failure..

He is going to get hammered MS HARMONY..



One and DONE..

Ironically, it is going to be the Europe he so loves and wanted us to be like that is going to bring his quick and less than flattering downfall in November..

IF one believes it is the US president who controls the US economy (let alone the global one)

their vote will count as much as mine and they should reflect that belief at the polls...

Hmmmmmm..... it would seem to me that the leader of the largest economy (or debter, however you look at it) in the world doesn't have an affect on the global economy, by that logic, bullets would have no affect in a gun.....

msharmony's photo
Mon 06/04/12 06:19 PM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 06/04/12 06:20 PM

This is pretty funny..

If you need to look into the future at what another 4 years of obama will end up like I suggest you read a few European financial newspapers..

You can list 1000 issues, but the only one that matters is the economy and Obahma has been a complete and total failure..

He is going to get hammered MS HARMONY..



One and DONE..

Ironically, it is going to be the Europe he so loves and wanted us to be like that is going to bring his quick and less than flattering downfall in November..

IF one believes it is the US president who controls the US economy (let alone the global one)

their vote will count as much as mine and they should reflect that belief at the polls...

Hmmmmmm..... it would seem to me that the leader of the largest economy (or debter, however you look at it) in the world doesn't have an affect on the global economy, by that logic, bullets would have no affect in a gun.....

actually, by that logic, the guy who owns a gun store has a minimal and insignificant affect on the overall use of guns in america, or globally