Topic: Hebrew Israelites
SophiYah's photo
Mon 08/27/12 11:09 AM
Any Hebrew Israelites on-line who are aware of their true identity, heritate and lineage? Link up!!!


heavenlyboy34's photo
Mon 09/03/12 12:10 PM
Edited by heavenlyboy34 on Mon 09/03/12 12:27 PM
Is there such a thing? As Dr Amy-Jill Levine of Vanderbuilt explains it in her Old Testament lecture series, the stories of origin in the Hebrew bible, Torah, etc are lifted from Babylonian myth and the rest is partly or mostly myth (it is not even universally accepted among scholars that King David was a real person). Thanks! drinker

Yamin's photo
Sun 10/07/12 10:33 PM

MaxxxKit10's photo
Mon 03/11/13 11:22 PM
Shalom Ahchyam and Ahchwathyam <3

no photo
Fri 05/17/13 02:33 PM
Shalom Sister,
Are you still active on site? happy

vdurap0's photo
Fri 05/24/13 09:01 PM
I believe the bible was created by man for the purpose of manifesting social order in the world.

no photo
Wed 05/28/14 09:59 AM
Hey.., I'll accept being an Hebrew Israelite but with in Africa(kemet, Cush/Ethiopia, Sumerian) perspective. History before religion

no photo
Fri 09/19/14 04:57 PM
Horus, Heru, Hebrew. I am of no religion, yet I AM:pray:

zekaryah's photo
Sun 07/26/15 11:40 PM
I am! zekar-yah-echad. I am! Torah pursuant. written Torah and tanakh... but not Talmud. shalom

mich11111's photo
Tue 08/25/15 12:31 PM

I believe the bible was created by man for the purpose of manifesting social order in the world.

If you have read the Bible,you must found what Paul said to Timothy. And one thing more. All who has write the BIBLE is inspired by God.

mich11111's photo
Tue 08/25/15 12:39 PM
Hi. With all the respect of your believe. The Torah is it written by Moses? And didn't Moses has talking for the one who must coming after him and is most stronger than him? Are you waiting still for the Misaiah to come? Who is Jesus for you?

no photo
Tue 08/25/15 12:43 PM

Any Hebrew Israelites on-line who are aware of their true identity, heritate and lineage? Link up!!!


I didn't know hebrews were black too.
If you converted then you're just a hebrew wannabe...

Shalom soul sista drinks

CarolinaeRose's photo
Tue 01/26/16 12:16 AM

Is there such a thing? As Dr Amy-Jill Levine of Vanderbuilt explains it in her Old Testament lecture series, the stories of origin in the Hebrew bible, Torah, etc are lifted from Babylonian myth and the rest is partly or mostly myth (it is not even universally accepted among scholars that King David was a real person). Thanks! drinker

CarolinaeRose's photo
Tue 01/26/16 12:25 AM
I disliked the opinion that "the stories of the origin in the [Torah] are Babylonian myth and the rest is party or mostly myth" and so I looked up this PhD Professor Amy-Jill Levine at and did not see any evidence to support the claim that she regards the Torah as being based upon myth.

Y_Y's photo
Sun 02/28/16 08:16 AM

I believe the bible was created by man for the purpose of manifesting social order in the world.

If you have read the Bible,you must found what Paul said to Timothy. And one thing more. All who has write the BIBLE is inspired by God.

It has to be written by a higher power than man, that's for sure. Isn't it written somewhere in the book of Revelation, that God, is bringing All nations against Israel? Sure seems to be going that way to me. How long ago was that written?

Myladycoco's photo
Mon 05/09/16 08:24 PM
Shalom Everyone , here is some info and list of askenz. Jewish slave owner at this site

I will post names to help people connect to their hertiage, israel does recognize these names

Adams, Albert, Allen, Alexander, Alpert, Ames, Angel, Ansell, Archer, Arnold, Asher, Asherson, Ashton, Astley, Avery, Baker, Ball, Bardon, Barkin, Barnard, Barnett, Baron, Barret, Barrett, Barron, Barrow, Bart, Barton, Bass, Batt, Beck, Becker, Beer, Belcher, Bell, Bellman, Belman, Belmont, Benedict, Bennet, Bennett, Benson, Bentley, Bernard, Berry, Bickel, Bickell, Bickle, Bird, Blond, Bloomfield, Black, Blackman, Block, Blue, Bolton, Booker, Bookman, Brand, Brice, Brill, Brilliant, Briscoe, Brock, Brody, Brooks, Broomfield, Brower, Brown, Buckley, Bush, Byrd, Cain, Carpenter, Carter, Chandler, Chaplin, Chester, Cline, Cobb, Cole, Coleman, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Cope, Copeland, Copland, Cove, Cripps, Crouch, Darley, David, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Diamond, Dove, Draper, Eastman, Ellis, Ellman, Elman, Falk, Feldman, Finch, Fine, Firestone, Fish, Fisher, Forster, Foster, Fox, Frank, Franks, Fredman, Freedman, Freeman, Froman, Gardner, Garfield, Garland, Gilbert, Glass, Gold, Golden, Golding, Goldsmith, Good, Goodman, Goodwin, Gordon, Gould, Gray, Green, Greenfield, Greenwood, Grey, Gross, Hale (as variant spelling of Ashkenazic Halle), Halpern, Hancock, Harding, Harman, Harris***, Harrison, Hart, Hartman, Harvey, Harwood, Hayman, Heller, Helman, Hering, Herring, Hickman, Hill, Hiller, Holden, Holder, Holman, Holt, Holton, Hook, Horn, Horne, Horton, Hyams, Hyatt, Hyman, Ivory, Jewel, Jewell, Jones (from Jonas or Jonah), Kane, Kay, Kaye, Kennard, King, Kline, Lambert, Landon, Landis, Lane, Lang, Langley, Langman, Lawrence, Lawson, Leavit, Leavitt, Lee, Leigh, Leonard, Leslie, Lester, Levin, Levine, Levett, Levitt, Lewis, Libson (eastern Ashkenazic metronymic), Lincoln, Lipson (eastern Ashkenazic patronymic or in some cases variation of Lipschitz (Polish town)), Lipton, Little, London, Long, Lott, Low, Lowe, Lowy, Lucas, Lyons, Lytton, Mack, Mann, Marchant, Marcus, Marks, Marshall, Mason, Maurice, Maxwell, May, Mayman, Merchant, Michael, Michell, Miller, Millman, Mitchell, Montague, Morris, Moss, Moyse, Myer, Myers, Nelson, New, Newman, Newmark, Nichol, Nicholl, Nicholls, Nichols, Nobel, Norman, Oliver, Paley, Palmer, Park, Parker, Parrish, Parsons, Pearl, Pearlman, Peck, Perkins, Perry, Pepper, Phillip, Phillips, Pine, Pinner, Pittman, Platt, Polk, Pollard, Pollock, Pool, Poole, Porter, Portman, Posner, Powers, Price, Priest, Prince, Rae, Raine, Randall, Ray, Raye, Raymond, Reed, Rees, Reid, Rest, Rice, Rich, Robbins, Robert, Roberts, Robertson, Robin, Robins, Robinson, Ronson, Rose, Rosefield, Ross, Rothman, Rothwell, Sacks, Salmon, Salman, Sams, Sand, Sanders, Sandler, Sands, Sassoon, Saunders, Saville, Saxon, Selwyn, Sharman, Sharp, Sharpe (from Shapiro?), Sher (Ashkenazic, from word for scissors or shears as used by tailors), Sherman, Shields, Short, Silk, Sills, Silver, Sim, Simmonds****, Simmons, Simon, Sims, Sinclair, Singer, Singleton, Sloman, Smith, Snell (from the German name Schnell), Snider (from word for tailor), Snyder (from word for tailor), Somers, Sommer, Sommers, Speed (from the German name Schnell), Spelling, Sperling, Spurling, Stanley, Starr, Sterling, Stone, Sugar, Summers, Sumner, Swan, Swann, Swanson, Syme, Symes, Symonds, Taft (from Tugendhaft), Tate, Taylor, Temple, Trilling, Uren, Vale, Waddell, Walker, Wall, Waller, Walt, Walter, Walters, Ward, Wardle, Waterman (from Wascherman or Wasserman(n)), Watt, Webber, Weller, White, Whiteman, Whitman, Wiley, Winner, Winston, Winters, Winton, Wise, Wolf, Worley, Yates, Young.

[And here is a list of names I am currently considering, some of which will be transfered to the main list in due course: Benson, Blacker, Bland, Bonnett, Bowman, Brack, Bracks, Bray, Brayer, Briar, Brier, Buckle, Burns, Cantwell, Carr, Clifton, Coe, Colman, Corbin, Corbyn, Couch, Couchman, Crane, Crawford, Davenport, Dillon, Douglas, Eliot, Elliot, Epps, Evans, Fay, Faye, Ford, Foreman, Forman, Gates, Harlow, Harrod, Harrold, Hodges, Honeyman, Hooker, Hubbard, Jackson, Jane, Jamison, Judd, Kerr, Knight (? from Sephardic Cabalero/Caballero/Cabaliero = knight or horseman), Lewin, Lipset, Mack, Marlow, Martel, Martell, Martin, Merton, Morrison, Mosely, Newcomb, Paul, Paulson, Pember (from Pemper?), Peters, Pinter, Quin, Quinn, Raynor, Roderick, Rodgers, Rogers, Rogerson, Russell, Sailor, Sayer, Sayers, Saylor, Sefton, Shaw, Sheldon, Sherwood, Shore, Simkin, Simpkins, Sturgeon, Tolkin, Tucker, Turner, Watson, Welch, Wheeler, Watts, Wyatt.

I am also looking at names based on place names: towns, cities, regions, countries, etc. (e.g. Amsterdam or Holland). Or on nationalities (like German or French).]
descendants of Slaves?????
I came across this website in researching some family surname leads. I recall reading some websites about the intermarrying of Jews into British (of German descent) elite families, thus forming some of the, still, prominent financially elite families of the world: Sassoons, Rothschilds, etc...

Later, when those families immigrated into the U.S. they intermarried into many of the founding Anglo-Germanic families. I saw this in researching one of my family surnames - the family whom the name originated from...the descendants of this one progenitor include a long list of historic and present-day notables/powerfuls.

However, the assimilation of Jews into English society extendeds beyond the better known/recognized elite families, but also into less prominent English families that would later become slave owning families in America.

In reading this website and panning over the list of surnames, I couldn't help but wonder how many MORE Black (African slave descended/rooted) Americans are of Anglo-Germanic Jewish (thus Ashkenzi) ancestry than is officially

Thediamondempire's photo
Sun 10/09/16 06:05 AM
yes shalom queen