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Topic: Netanyahu address at the UN
s1owhand's photo
Thu 09/27/12 06:42 PM
Eloquent and accurate speech by Benjamin Netanyahu at the UN
describing the nature of the challenges ahead in the Mideast.

s1owhand's photo
Thu 09/27/12 08:24 PM
Edited by s1owhand on Thu 09/27/12 08:29 PM
excerpt from the transcript found here:

We celebrate the rebirth of Israel. We celebrate the heroism of our young men and women who have defended our people with the indomitable courage of Joshua, David, and the Maccabees of old. We celebrate the marvel of the flourishing modern Jewish state.

In Israel, we walk the same paths tread by our patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But we blaze new trails in science, technology, medicine, agriculture.

In Israel, the past and the future find common ground.

Unfortunately, that is not the case in many other countries. For today, a great battle is being waged between the modern and the medieval.

The forces of modernity seek a bright future in which the rights of all are protected, in which an ever-expanding digital library is available in the palm of every child, in which every life is sacred.

The forces of medievalism seek a world in which women and minorities are subjugated, in which knowledge is suppressed, in which not life but death is glorified.

These forces clash around the globe, but nowhere more starkly than in the Middle East.

Israel stands proudly with the forces of modernity. We protect the rights of all our citizens: men and women, Jews and Arabs, Muslims and Christians – all are equal before the law.

Israel is also making the world a better place: our scientists win Nobel Prizes. Our know-how is in every cell-phone and computer that you’re using. We prevent hunger by irrigating arid lands in Africa and Asia.

Recently, I was deeply moved when I visited Technion, one of our technological institutes in Haifa, and I saw a man paralyzed from the waist down climb up a flight of stairs, quite easily, with the aid of an Israeli invention.

And Israel’s exceptional creativity is matched by our people’s remarkable compassion. When disaster strikes anywhere in the world – in Haiti, Japan, India, Turkey Indonesia and elsewhere – Israeli doctors are among the first on the scene, performing life-saving surgeries.

In the past year, I lost both my father and my father-in-law. In the same hospital wards where they were treated, Israeli doctors were treating Palestinian Arabs. In fact, every year, thousands of Arabs from the Palestinian territories and Arabs from throughout the Middle East come to Israel to be treated in Israeli hospitals by Israeli doctors.

I know you’re not going to hear that from speakers around this podium, but that’s the truth. It’s important that you are aware of this truth.

It’s because Israel cherishes life, that Israel cherishes peace and seeks peace.

We seek to preserve our historic ties and our historic peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan. We seek to forge a durable peace with the Palestinians.

President Abbas just spoke here.

I say to him and I say to you:

We won’t solve our conflict with libelous speeches at the UN. That’s not the way to solve it. We won’t solve our conflict with unilateral declarations of statehood.

We have to sit together, negotiate together, and reach a mutual compromise, in which a demilitarized Palestinian state recognizes the one and only Jewish State.

Israel wants to see a Middle East of progress and peace. We want to see the three great religions that sprang forth from our region – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – coexist in peace and in mutual respect.

Yet the medieval forces of radical Islam, whom you just saw storming the American embassies throughout the Middle East, they oppose this.

They seek supremacy over all Muslims. They are bent on world conquest. They want to destroy Israel, Europe, America. They want to extinguish freedom. They want to end the modern world.

Militant Islam has many branches – from the rulers of Iran with their Revolutionary Guards to Al Qaeda terrorists to the radical cells lurking in every part of the globe.

But despite their differences, they are all rooted in the same bitter soil of intolerance. That intolerance is directed first at their fellow Muslims, and then to Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, secular people, anyone who doesn’t submit to their unforgiving creed.

They want to drag humanity back to an age of unquestioning dogma and unrelenting conflict.

I am sure of one thing. Ultimately they will fail. Ultimately, light will penetrate the darkness.

We’ve seen that happen before.

Some five hundred years ago, the printing press helped pry a cloistered Europe out of a dark age. Eventually, ignorance gave way to enlightenment.

So too, a cloistered Middle East will eventually yield to the irresistible power of freedom and technology. When this happens, our region will be guided not by fanaticism and conspiracy, but by reason and curiosity.

I think the relevant question is this: it’s not whether this fanaticism will be defeated. It’s how many lives will be lost before it’s defeated.

We’ve seen that happen before too.

Some 70 years ago, the world saw another fanatic ideology bent on world conquest. It went down in flames. But not before it took millions of people with it. Those who opposed that fanaticism waited too long to act. In the end they triumphed, but at an horrific cost.

My friends, we cannot let that happen again.

At stake is not merely the future of my own country. At stake is the future of the world. Nothing could imperil our common future more than the arming of Iran with nuclear weapons.

To understand what the world would be like with a nuclear-armed Iran, just imagine the world with a nuclear-armed Al-Qaeda.

It makes no difference whether these lethal weapons are in the hands of the world’s most dangerous terrorist regime or the world’s most dangerous terrorist organization. They’re both fired by the same hatred; they’re both driven by the same lust for violence.

Just look at what the Iranian regime has done up till now, without nuclear weapons.

In 2009, they brutally put down mass protests for democracy in their own country. Today, their henchmen are participating in the slaughter of tens of thousands of Syrian civilians, including thousands of children, directly participating in this murder.

They abetted the killing of American soldiers in Iraq and continue to do so in Afghanistan. Before that, Iranian proxies killed hundreds of American troops in Beirut and in Saudi Arabia. They’ve turned Lebanon and Gaza into terror strongholds, embedding nearly 100,000 missiles and rockets in civilian areas. Thousands of these rockets and missiles have already been fired at Israeli communities by their terrorist proxies.

In the last year, they’ve spread their international terror networks to two dozen countries across five continents – from India and Thailand to Kenya and Bulgaria. They’ve even plotted to blow up a restaurant a few blocks from the White House in order to kill a diplomat.

And of course, Iran’s rulers repeatedly deny the Holocaust and call for Israel’s destruction almost on a daily basis, as they did again this week from the United Nations.

So I ask you, given this record of Iranian aggression without nuclear weapons, just imagine Iranian aggression with nuclear weapons. Imagine their long range missiles tipped with nuclear warheads, their terror networks armed with atomic bombs.

Who among you would feel safe in the Middle East? Who would be safe in Europe? Who would be safe in America? Who would be safe anywhere?

There are those who believe that a nuclear-armed Iran can be deterred like the Soviet Union.

That’s a very dangerous assumption.

Militant Jihadists behave very differently from secular Marxists. There were no Soviet suicide bombers. Yet Iran produces hordes of them.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Thu 09/27/12 08:45 PM
Edited by heavenlyboy34 on Thu 09/27/12 08:46 PM

There were no Soviet suicide bombers. Yet Iran produces hordes of them.
laugh rofl rofl rofl
Like all militant Zionist-fascists, lots of bluster and no proof.

no photo
Thu 09/27/12 09:30 PM

Eloquent and accurate speech by Benjamin Netanyahu at the UN
describing the nature of the challenges ahead in the Mideast.

This speech was very well spoken!

Great visual given of the growing threat!

Thank you for sharing this clip, s1owhand.

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 09/27/12 09:40 PM

I'd like to see a no holds barred cage match between Muck Muck Iditarod and Netanyahu!

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 09/28/12 01:06 AM
seems that a Kowtowing Jew still has a lot of appeal in certain circles!laugh

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 09/28/12 02:58 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 09/28/12 03:14 AM
Wasted words he doesn't live by like most politicians.

Vote for me, I'm the best, everybody else is wrong, you can trust me.......

Yeah, right.... just another lying airbag that is more a cause of the problem than the solution!

Israel, believed to have the Middle East's only atomic arsenal, sees a nuclear-armed Iran as a threat to its existence and has expressed frustration over the failure of diplomacy and sanctions to rein in Tehran's nuclear activity. Iran says it is enriching uranium only for peaceful energy and medical purposes, not for nuclear bombs.

Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Washington-based Arms Control Association, said Iran's uranium enrichment program is improving.

"By sometime next year, Iran could potentially amass enough 20 percent enriched material that could - if Iran decides to expel inspectors and convert the material to weapons grade - provide enough nuclear material for one bomb," Kimball said.

"But enough material for one bomb doesn't constitute an effective, deliverable nuclear arsenal."

Isreal has 300 or so..... some threat! Fatboy just doesn't like the idea of another cat in his sandbox! He might have to change his ways!

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 09/28/12 03:22 AM

Wasted words he doesn't live by like most politicians.

Vote for me, I'm the best, everybody else is wrong, you can trust me.......

Yeah, right.... just another lying airbag that is more a cause of the problem than the solution!

Israel, believed to have the Middle East's only atomic arsenal, sees a nuclear-armed Iran as a threat to its existence and has expressed frustration over the failure of diplomacy and sanctions to rein in Tehran's nuclear activity. Iran says it is enriching uranium only for peaceful energy and medical purposes, not for nuclear bombs.

Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Washington-based Arms Control Association, said Iran's uranium enrichment program is improving.

"By sometime next year, Iran could potentially amass enough 20 percent enriched material that could - if Iran decides to expel inspectors and convert the material to weapons grade - provide enough nuclear material for one bomb," Kimball said.

"But enough material for one bomb doesn't constitute an effective, deliverable nuclear arsenal."

Isreal has 300 or so..... some threat! Fatboy just doesn't like the idea of another cat in his sandbox! He might have to change his ways!
One is all the Imams need!

metalwing's photo
Fri 09/28/12 04:55 AM

Wasted words he doesn't live by like most politicians.

Vote for me, I'm the best, everybody else is wrong, you can trust me.......

Yeah, right.... just another lying airbag that is more a cause of the problem than the solution!

Israel, believed to have the Middle East's only atomic arsenal, sees a nuclear-armed Iran as a threat to its existence and has expressed frustration over the failure of diplomacy and sanctions to rein in Tehran's nuclear activity. Iran says it is enriching uranium only for peaceful energy and medical purposes, not for nuclear bombs.

Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Washington-based Arms Control Association, said Iran's uranium enrichment program is improving.

"By sometime next year, Iran could potentially amass enough 20 percent enriched material that could - if Iran decides to expel inspectors and convert the material to weapons grade - provide enough nuclear material for one bomb," Kimball said.

"But enough material for one bomb doesn't constitute an effective, deliverable nuclear arsenal."

Isreal has 300 or so..... some threat! Fatboy just doesn't like the idea of another cat in his sandbox! He might have to change his ways!
One is all the Imams need!

That is what I was going to say!

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 09/28/12 05:21 AM

One bomb is a fools errand!

When will people get it? That would be like taking a pocket knife against a tank! Even the extremists aren't that friggin stupid!

They might make a few small dirty bombs, but the same result in the end....their Total Annihilation!

Stupidity rules on all fronts!

s1owhand's photo
Fri 09/28/12 05:39 AM
If Iran had the bomb prior to 911 and given it to Al-Qaeda to use
against the US as they have given weapons and support those killing us
in Iraq and Afghanistan then the death toll on 911 could have been in
the hundreds of thousands easily with one weapon.

metalwing's photo
Fri 09/28/12 08:20 AM
One bomb could cause enough damage to Israel to cause the fall of the country. One hundred bombs would cause a lot of damage to a lot of Arab states, but all of them would continue. To many of the Islamic radicals, this would be an acceptable trade.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 09/28/12 08:38 AM

One bomb could cause enough damage to Israel to cause the fall of the country. One hundred bombs would cause a lot of damage to a lot of Arab states, but all of them would continue. To many of the Islamic radicals, this would be an acceptable trade.
especially if the ensuing Chaos would usher in that elusive 12th Imam the Tehran Clerics and the Iranian President believe in.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 09/28/12 10:14 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 09/28/12 10:48 AM
It just amazes me how so many can preach "fact", when none have a clue other than what they read or hear on TV, and can pass judgement on such poor, manipulated information.

Just like Pearl Harbor, the Gulf of Tonkin, Kennedy, 9/11 and so many other incidents that facts have proven weren't what they were said to be..... but still they preach the media byline and believe...


Yet they won't listen to a truth......

Imminent Iran nuclear threat? A timeline of warnings since 1979.

Breathless predictions that the Islamic Republic will soon be at the brink of nuclear capability, or – worse – acquire an actual nuclear bomb, are not new. For more than quarter of a century Western officials have claimed repeatedly that Iran is close to joining the nuclear club. Such a result is always declared "unacceptable" and a possible reason for military action, with "all options on the table" to prevent upsetting the Mideast strategic balance dominated by the US and Israel.

And yet, those predictions have time and again come and gone. This chronicle of past predictions lends historical perspective to today’s rhetoric about Iran.

s1owhand's photo
Fri 09/28/12 11:50 AM
The IAEA has documented the number of centrifuges. It is eyewitness
accounts. The Iranians constantly brag about their enrichment progress.
There is no doubt whatsoever that this nuclear deadline is nearing.

Those are the facts.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 09/28/12 12:06 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 09/28/12 12:14 PM

The IAEA has documented the number of centrifuges. It is eyewitness
accounts. The Iranians constantly brag about their enrichment progress.
There is no doubt whatsoever that this nuclear deadline is nearing.

Those are the facts.

The facts are that they belong to the NPA (Isreal doesn't), they allow inspectors (Isreal doesn't), they have never attack anyone in 300 years (as a nation), and while they have their share of extremists (we have our malitias, Panthers, and skin heads as well), a nation as a whole should NOT be condemned for the actions of a few!

Get real! That's like blaming all of religion for the actions of a few pediphile priests!

Besides, they are allowed under treaty to enrich for power and medical purposes. They would not be the 1st nation to stretch an agreement!

Because we have 1000's of occupy protesters making it on the news, some violent and destroying property, does that make you one?

s1owhand's photo
Fri 09/28/12 12:17 PM

The IAEA has documented the number of centrifuges. It is eyewitness
accounts. The Iranians constantly brag about their enrichment progress.
There is no doubt whatsoever that this nuclear deadline is nearing.

Those are the facts.

The facts are that they belong to the NPA (Isreal doesn't), they allow inspectors (Isreal doesn't), they have never attack anyone in 300 years (as a nation), and while they have their share of extremists (we have our malitias, Panthers, and skin heads as well), a nation as a whole should NOT be condemned for the actions of a few!

Get real! That's like blaming all of religion for the actions of a few pediphile priests!

Except that they do not allow inspectors and have been in violation
of the NPT terms by developing nuclear weapons technology in military
closed fortified underground bunkers!

laugh laugh

Iran refuses offers for others to do the enrichment for them.
They call for "Death to Americans" and "Death to Jews" every day.


Just a few eh? The few who run the country and have virtually
unlimited funds in their oil coffers to make terrorism and war.

I'm not condemning the people. I'm sure most of them would be
incredibly grateful to see their war-mongering antisemitic
repressive Imams go the way of the Dodo.

I just don't think it would be a good idea for the theocratic
militant radical Islamic government of Iran who have been
responsible for a large number of terrorist attacks, killing
of US troops and arming radical Islamists to get the bomb.

Fortunately most of the rest of the world agrees.

Keeping the Mullahs in Iran from having the bomb will of course
be a great relief to Iranian civilians who have no need or desire
for nuclear power or nuclear weapons.


Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 09/28/12 12:22 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Fri 09/28/12 12:23 PM

War is big business! It's propaganda, and you're buying into it, hook, line and sinker.

I'm not so gullible, and while I dread ANYONE having nuclear weapons, it's just like Clinton and Obozo wanting to take guns away from citizens so only the police and criminals will have them.... a sure means of contolling a population!

s1owhand's photo
Fri 09/28/12 12:27 PM

War is big business! It's propaganda, and you're buying into it hook, line and sinker.

I'm not so gullible, and while I dread ANYONE having nuclear weapons, it's just like Clinton and Obozo wanting to take guns away from citizens so only the police and criminals will have them.... a sure means of contolling a population!

I never said war wasn't big business.
That has nothing to do with it.

No one wants to control Iranians. Iranians can do whatever they
want as long as they are not threatening to kill other people with
nuclear warheads!

No one wants irrational terrorist sponsoring radical Islamists who
daily shout "Death to Americans" and "Death to Jews" to have nuclear
weapons that's all. And if they will not disarm of their own accord
then the threat will be neutralized by force and the centrifuges
are spinning every hour...until the time they spin no more.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Fri 09/28/12 12:29 PM

War is big business! It's propaganda, and you're buying into it hook, line and sinker.

I'm not so gullible, and while I dread ANYONE having nuclear weapons, it's just like Clinton and Obozo wanting to take guns away from citizens so only the police and criminals will have them.... a sure means of contolling a population!

I never said war wasn't big business.
That has nothing to do with it.

No one wants to control Iranians. Iranians can do whatever they
want as long as they are not threatening to kill other people with
nuclear warheads!

No one wants irrational terrorist sponsoring radical Islamists who
daily shout "Death to Americans" and "Death to Jews" to have nuclear
weapons that's all. And if they will not disarm of their own accord
then the threat will be neutralized by force and the centrifuges
are spinning every hour...until the time they spin no more.

Yeah, that's our leaders job! And gov't hates competition!

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