A Desperate Agenda
September 20, 2018 Fast times at Holton-Arms High when Christine Blasey Ford was a student there By Thomas Lifson Since high school keg parties at the elite prep schools attended by Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey are now a matter of consuming interest to the Democrat-media complex, it is perhaps telling that the high school yearbooks of Holton-Arms, the school attended by Blasey, have been scrubbed from the web. The blog Cult of the First Amendment says: On Monday Sept. 17th, Christine Blasey Ford's high school yearbooks suddenly disappeared from the web. I read them days before, knew they would be scrubbed, and saved them. Why did I know they would be scrubbed? Because if roles were reversed, and Christine Blasey Ford had been nominated for the Supreme Court by President Trump, the headline by the resistance would be this: CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD AND THE DRUNKEN WHITE PRIVILEGED RACIST PLAYGIRLS OF HOLTON-ARMS. And it would be an accurate headline. That's why the yearbooks have been scrubbed. They are a testament to the incredible power these girls had over their teachers, parents and the boys of Georgetown Prep, Landon and other schools in the area. In the pages below, you will see multiple photos and references to binge drinking and the accompanying joy of not being able to remember any of it. These yearbooks are, therefore, relevant to the national investigation now being conducted in the media, in homes, and in the halls of Congress. And they should not have been scrubbed. If Brett Kavanaugh's yearbooks are fair game, so are these. And you will wonder while reading them, why the hell did the faculty approve of these yearbooks? Why did the parents take out paid ads in these yearbooks? Animal House had nothing on the infamous "Holton party scene". The resistance media has been singularly focused on Brett Kavanaugh's high school yearbooks, which imply that he got drunk and threw up. There's no need to imply anything from the Holton-Arms yearbooks. It's all there in focus, and the written word too. All of the sordid details as approved for publication by a "look the other way" faculty. And now it's available for historical/evidentiary review. It is to this wild Holton culture we must look in order to shed light on the last minute accusation by Christine Blasey. And in the official high school chronicles of this era, we find many names of people who can provide relevant evidence. Christine "Chrissy" Blasey alleges she cannot recall the exact date, place or names of people who were at the party in question. This research is intended to refresh her recollection and the recollections of others who may recall key facts. (In this report, last names have been redacted and faces obscured, other than the picture of Chrissy Blasey seen below.) If drunken keg parties were so common, isn't it possible that over the last three decades, some memories could have been confused? Especially since the first time Blasey Ford – a leftist political activist – apparently "recovered" the memory and claims to have spoken of the allegation was when it was believed that Kavanaugh might be appointed to the Supreme Court? Those who are interested can examine the many pages that are claimed to come from the yearbooks and make their own judgments. I am not familiar with the blog or blogger, but the veracity of the pages is certainly subject to investigation and verification. The most revealing page in that regard is this one, which seems to indicate that drunken keg parties were a frequent pastime for the Holton-Arms girls: ![]() |
A Desperate Agenda
Kavanaugh accuser calls for FBI investigation before she testifies "The woman who has accused Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, Christine Blasey Ford, is calling for an FBI investigation before testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. And Ford's lawyers admonished the committee for scheduling the hearing so soon after her allegations became public".[/url OMG,what if this is true? ![]() |
A Desperate Agenda
![]() Getting more absurd by the day! Classical Democrat Smearjob! How many times do they think Chuck will fall for Lucy's Football-trick? |
A Desperate Agenda
| so, it seems this lady was assaulted in school at a party, confirmed by previous therapy notes, verification with the husband, and a lie detector test. It seems like when she first heard Kavanaugh may be put forth, she wrote a letter (in LATE July) to Feinstein, but requested anonymity in it, which Feinstein honored. It seems a news source, The Intercept reported on Sep 12 that Feinstein received such a letter that she was not turning over. it seems that Feinstein then on Sep 13 confirmed the possession of the letter and that she had turned it over to 'investigators' so ... the lady probably cant do much except ruin a man's reputation with her claim. sexual misconduct is very hard to PROVE especially decades later, when it is only a he said/she said, but that doesnt stop people from ostracizing or outcasting the alleged suspect. anyway, they were in high school and decades have passed, people can change ALOT from high school or even college, into adulthood. What matters most is a trend where people have NOT changed and are engaging consistently in a certain way. Feinstein's hand was forced with the Intercept report, and she did what was right. I really dont care how stupid people were as young people, as long as they evolved and matured. I think that is what the final decision should be made on, the character of a candidate, not in only one point in time, but over their lifetime, especially in their capacity to grow and learn and evolve. If his character is collectively showing as sexist and privileged, or if he still gets so drunk as to impede judgment so severely, it should be a concern, but not just because of one evening in his younger years, UNLESS there was a crime for which he was not prosecuted, which is a different matter. How? therapy notes from 2012 and 2013, comments from her husband regarding her therapy, and a lie detector test in August by a former FBI agent. Where is your independent Corroboration? |
A year later, Puerto Rico still recovering from Hurricane Maria "For over 16 hours on Sept. 20, 2017, an island of more than 3 million people was battered by the Category 4-hurricane-force winds and rain of Maria. The toll taken on Puerto Rico became evident immediately: total destruction of an electrical grid and telecommunication services and an economic cost of nearly $140 billion. For over 16 hours on Sept. 20, 2017, an island of more than 3 million people was battered by the Category 4-hurricane-force winds and rain of Maria. The toll taken on Puerto Rico became evident immediately: total destruction of an electrical grid and telecommunication services, and an economic cost of nearly $140 billion. |
A Desperate Agenda
| so, it seems this lady was assaulted in school at a party, confirmed by previous therapy notes, verification with the husband, and a lie detector test. It seems like when she first heard Kavanaugh may be put forth, she wrote a letter (in LATE July) to Feinstein, but requested anonymity in it, which Feinstein honored. It seems a news source, The Intercept reported on Sep 12 that Feinstein received such a letter that she was not turning over. it seems that Feinstein then on Sep 13 confirmed the possession of the letter and that she had turned it over to 'investigators' so ... the lady probably cant do much except ruin a man's reputation with her claim. sexual misconduct is very hard to PROVE especially decades later, when it is only a he said/she said, but that doesnt stop people from ostracizing or outcasting the alleged suspect. anyway, they were in high school and decades have passed, people can change ALOT from high school or even college, into adulthood. What matters most is a trend where people have NOT changed and are engaging consistently in a certain way. Feinstein's hand was forced with the Intercept report, and she did what was right. I really dont care how stupid people were as young people, as long as they evolved and matured. I think that is what the final decision should be made on, the character of a candidate, not in only one point in time, but over their lifetime, especially in their capacity to grow and learn and evolve. If his character is collectively showing as sexist and privileged, or if he still gets so drunk as to impede judgment so severely, it should be a concern, but not just because of one evening in his younger years, UNLESS there was a crime for which he was not prosecuted, which is a different matter. How? |
A Desperate Agenda
WHY CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD’S HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOKS WERE SCRUBBED: Faculty Approved Racism, Binge Drinking and Promiscuity
On Monday Sept. 17th, Christine Blasey Ford’s high school yearbooks suddenly disappeared from the web. I read them days before, knew they would be scrubbed, and saved them. Why did I know they would be scrubbed? Because if roles were reversed, and Christine Blasey Ford had been nominated for the Supreme Court by President Trump, the headline by the resistance would be this: |
Tariffs are useful as a Club,but rarely as a permanent solution!
Donald Trump didn't become a billionaire by chance. He, also, didn't beat out all of the conservative competition by chance. He knows how to play the media game. He isn't one of the "Boy's" from Washington and because of this the media, democrat's and many republican's will do and say anything they can to malign him. HE KNOWS THIS, and he is playing them against each other. Interesting how the media and the Democrat's were 100% convinced he would loose the election. They forgot to tell the American people! Oh, we all forgot: he hijacked the election didn't he? Right! Americans are all so dumb, right? We'll see what happens in November! You sir are almost entirely correct: not by chance did he become a billionaire, but by birth. He inherited all his money, which he squandered leading to multiple bankruptcies. The only reason he still has money is through the corruption of privatised gains and socialised losses (which defines crony capitalism, i.e., the opposite of actual free market capitalism). And he didn't beat out the conservative competition by chance, he really is pretty good at WWF style 'reality' tv - at least he is when he has a whole production company working with him to make him look 'good'. But no. folks don't need to do or say anything to malign him, they just need to speak the truth about his behaviour. And no, Americans aren't all so dumb, I mean, the majority did not vote for him; and he is overwhelmingly unpopular. So Americans aren't all dumb; even many Trump voters had reasons to vote for him that were not entirely dumb (I, for one, had to hold my nose while voting Hillary - I cannot stand the entrenched Washington machine she embodies.) But Today. Still. Trump? Really? That is seriously uninformed - no. It is immorally dumb. All you have are lies - democrats want to destroy America. Yeah. Sure. Liberals are traitors. Yeah. Putin and Xi Jinping are laughing all the way to world domination. Enough already. ITMFA! ![]() |
He condoned it. Noticed they've settled down since Trump is president. Obama taught folks they aren't supposed to work, they should sit on their behind and get a check, and they shouldn't be arrested when caught committing a crime. Not quite. Lyndon Johnson was quoted " Give the ------- a check each month and they'll vote for you for life" I think it got progressively worse from his time until now. You guys keep yelping about Trump's taxes. What about obama's college records? which? the ones from Harvard Law where he graduated SUMMA *** LAUDE? What about them? And I dont think anyone cares about Trumps taxes from when he was twenty, more like relevant information from NOW when he will be POTUS and could cause conflicts with his JOB. Some more of that Facebook/ Social media-make it up as you go crap that never happened. Obama’s ‘Sealed’ Records Lyndon Johnson was quoted " Give the ------- a check each month and they'll vote for you for life Johnson never said this. What people "think," he said was never proven. ![]() |
OMG,the world's coming to an end,YAHOO and USA Today are channeling Friedman.
The Keynesians are channeling Friedman! What a hoot! ![]() |
Who Gets Credit
If Trump is doing such a bad job running the country, why is Obama trying to take credit for it? ![]() ![]() Because lying, blaming everyone else for all the massive screw ups he made and or overlooked and embarrassments when he was President and taking credit for all of the accomplishments of other people is what Obama was good at. That guy was one big screw up. The best part of him ran down his mommas butt cheeks during conception. I hear this claim all the time here that Obama was nothing but a liar, but no one can tell me the top 10 lies he told. I even gave the first one for free "You can keep your own doctor". I have yet to hear the other 9 lies that complete his Top 10. On the other hand, I can easily give you the top 10 lies that our current guy has pushed in the past 18 months, without even working up a sweat. Obama owns this good economy, a simple look at the charts pre-11/2016 shows that this economy is continuing on the straight line that Obama policies got it on. Contrary to what was claimed in this thread, the economy did not tank while he was president, Obama inherited the Bush recession and turned it around. Trump has done nothing to influence the economy since coming in 18 months ago.... which is actually a good thing, because he hasn't screwed up something that was already going well. The jury is still out on what tariffs are going to do to the economy, and if the increase on prices on Chinese goods impacts Walmart, we could be seeing a net loss of jobs. I understand how you feel. Many put statements on these forums with absolutely nothing to back them up. Most times the statements are easy to shoot down. Anybody with a thinking brain knows just by reading whether a statement has a "tinfoil" hat, or wild conspiracy sound to it. And when they refuse or get angry when someone asks them to back up what they say, it just takes away even more credibility to the statement posted. NPR is the media arm of the DNC and Democrats.
Not completely true. "The Pew survey found that the NPR audience tends Democratic (17% Republican, 37% independent, 43% Democratic) and liberal (21% conservative, 39% moderate, 36% liberal). NPR stations generally do not subscribe to the Arbitron rating service and are not included in published ratings and rankings such as Radio & Records. A good chunk is independent. Another good chunk is moderate. Which means that the station isn't just a voice for the Dems. When you add them together, 76% of the listeners are either moderate or independent. Seez the Leftard WIKI! ![]() |
If you think those Platforms,Twitter,FB,GOOGLE, etc are independent Actors,think again!I have a Bullet-Train To Nowhere to sell to you in Kaliforniastan!
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This is the direction I fear the USA is going. Hate spreaders like Jones fire up people. And because of it, some people react like this. |
9-11 memorial program
Edited by
Sat 09/15/18 10:00 AM
I dont know. It doesnt seem a network would air people simply reading a list of names. Maybe they did intend it that way, maybe they didnt. If the people reading are somehow connected to or lost lives on 9/11, I give them leeway to express their feelings. I would not personally use tragedy for politics, but I have even seen POTUS do it. It is in bad taste. It could also be how some people mourn their personal loss. First of all we are not talking about Trump so leave him out of this...ok..for once..please Secondly the network has been doing this every year since 9-11 ( reading the names) 3rd It is family of those killed who are the ones reading the names 4th . And Year after year that what they do. Read the names . Giving the respect that is due. That is it. Read the names With the exception of these 2 characters this year And NO..nobody had the right to deviate from what was asked of them and insert their the views right or wrong into a memorial for the dead . Nobody. That is NOT the place to do it No class First, I just wonder where is the post concerning Trump having 'no class'? Just wondering if the judgment is a consistent one ... Secondly, I do not watch the ceremony, which is why I said they may or may not intend to air hours of people ONLY reading names. third, I guess these two 'black women' had family they lost then, and I have the compassion for their loss not to conduct a character assassination about the way they express their feelings when invited to participate. fourth, again, I'll take your word that they air hours of simply reading names. Like I said, I dont watch it. I do feel for the families who lost loved ones, enough not to judge what their grief might look like. A late $.02 here: 9/11 memorials do not have room for comments on racism, selfies ON THE WHOLE are overdone, but especially at memorial sites.... and POTUSs should remember their diplomacy when they are going to memorial services and not offer fist-pumps to the crowd. 9/11 is a day about American unity, and it should be a time to remember that the enemy thought they could destroy us that day with fear, but we instead came together in UNITY. - the ironworkers, firemen, car rental agents, heck, the people of Gander Newfoundland who all helped another human that day did it without labels or prejudice. We helped out ONE ANOTHER. - that day we were all shocked, angry, vengeful,... but we were also united in a way I have not seen since I was a kid. We need more of that today. Like him or hate him, this president had increased the divide in this country, so much so that families are split. We need unification. Labels can do bad things, but they can also be good. I am an "American", I am "caring", I am "aware", and try to be more "charitable" and "informed" every day. Especially to the folks I sometimes try to label as "idiots" and "clueless"! 9/11. Never forget. |
now,how about giving the Podesta-Boys the same deal?
Equal Treatment under the Law and all,since they have violated the same Codes,and Manafort was working for them! |
What does manaforts personal tax issues have to do with trump? Oh they are trying to get him to say incriminating things about Trump by using something that has nothing to do with Trump. ![]() That's what I am wondering about.but I suppose in TDS anything is possible,even booting Trump and appointing Hillary! ![]() |
Who Gets Credit
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Fri 09/14/18 04:13 AM
Naw,definitely not yours!
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Next the left will say that the hurricanes are because Trump had a affair with Mother Nature Don't give them any Ideas! ![]() ![]() ![]() |