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Topic: Looks like barry's gonna' be known for lyin' and Cheatin'.
willing2's photo
Thu 10/11/12 03:31 PM
A regional director of the voter mobilization group launched by Barack Obama, Organizing for America, has been captured on video helping an undercover reporter cast a ballot for the president in two states.

James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, known for its hidden-camera probe of the controversial national community organizing group tied to Obama, ACORN, carried out the investigation.

The group’s latest effort in Texas, New Jersey, New York and Connecticut shows Obama campaign workers, including Organizing for America Regional Field Director Stephanie Caballero, helping people who declare they want to commit election fraud. The investigation was inspired by a column by WND columnist Chuck Norris.

In April, a Project Veritas investigator was offered the ballot of Attorney General Eric Holder at a polling place.

In the new video, Project Veritas has a hidden camera on an undercover reporter who poses as a voter at the Organizing for America headquarters in Houston, Texas.

The reporter, in two separate visits, Sept. 7 and Oct. 1, tells Caballero she has a voter registration card in Florida, noting it’s a battleground state, and she also wants to vote in Texas.

“Keep it! Keep it!” Caballero interjects in the first visit, referring to the Florida voter registration. “So you’re gonna vote, umm, yeah, vote by ballot?

Reporter: “I’m gonna vote by ballot, and then I have mine here (in Texas), too.”

The reporter then emphasizes the importance of doing everything possible to ensure that Obama wins.

Caballero offers to print out a ballot that the reporter can mail in to Florida.

“Oh my God, this is so funny,” Caballero says. “It’s cool though.”

Project Veritas discovered Caballero is a salaried employee of the Democratic National Committee, the parent of Organizing for America. OFA was founded after Obama’s inauguration to mobilize supporters in favor of his legislative priorities.

Commenting on the video, O’Keefe noted the reporter was even offered advice on how to avoid getting caught.

“These individuals showed no concern whatsoever when our investigators declared their intention to vote multiple times for President Obama,” O’Keefe said.

In the video, Caballero says when discussing the possibility of getting caught, “If anyone checks, say ‘I don’t know.’”

This year, Project Veritas says it has been conducting an ongoing series of investigations in more than a dozen states “demonstrating the ease with which election fraud can be committed and legitimate voters can be disenfranchised.”

At an Organizing for America voter-registration table in Hackensack, N.J., a worker is seen in the latest video assisting an undercover reporter who declares his intent to vote both in Minnesota and in New Jersey.

In Central Park in New York City, an undercover reporter tells an OFA worker: “I’m gonna vote in both places, probably, so Mitt Romney does not take New York or Minnesota.”

“Nice,” the worker replies.

In New Haven, Conn., when a helpful OFA worker learns that the undercover reporter posing as a Democrat intends to vote twice, he is told to take as many registration forms as he likes.

no photo
Thu 10/11/12 04:19 PM
JFK's was "Camelot". Obama's will be "Liealot".smile2

italianman4u's photo
Thu 10/11/12 04:35 PM
Just more proof obamas a scumbag! Funny thing is that millions know it and will still vote for him. Sheep!!!!! All of them sheep!!!

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 10/11/12 04:45 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Thu 10/11/12 04:46 PM

This is the exact look you will get if you tell your friends you are voting for Obozo!

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 10/11/12 05:34 PM

Of course there is always the other bankster shill.... if you're a partyliner...

Ras427's photo
Fri 10/12/12 08:34 PM
Along with every lieing, cheating crook who ever sat in the oval office, along with several known klansman.

Ras427's photo
Fri 10/12/12 08:41 PM
Harding, Mckinley, Truman, Kalvin Koolidge, Woodrow Wilson, all klansmen, all pretty much sheet wearing, corny costume wearing crossburning racist criminals, that office has a long well documented tradition of lieing, cheating, murderous gangsters. So what else is new?

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/12/12 08:58 PM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 10/12/12 08:58 PM

Harding, Mckinley, Truman, Kalvin Koolidge, Woodrow Wilson, all klansmen, all pretty much sheet wearing, corny costume wearing crossburning racist criminals, that office has a long well documented tradition of lieing, cheating, murderous gangsters. So what else is new?

I dont think we can pinpoint a single politician who hasnt been deemd a 'liar' or 'cheat',, or even both

its the nature of campaigns and the idea that candidates can 'promise' some type of single handed accomplishment,,,,

I know of a well known poliitican HERE in nevada, not someone who is running something that supports the politician , but the ACTUAL politician who advised someone on how to vote illegally,,,

Ras427's photo
Fri 10/12/12 09:02 PM

JFK's was "Camelot". Obama's will be "Liealot".smile2
sorry, "liealot" is taken, Nixon would not appreciate his title stolen from him. Tricky Dick was the greatest of many liers who sat in the oval office.

willing2's photo
Sat 10/13/12 05:03 AM
Que milagro!!

We all are in agreement Barry is a liar and cheat.

BTW, here's the caught on tape. I've been holding off posting it.


Our undercover reporters ask OFA (Organizing for America, President Obama's Grassroots arm of his re-election campaign) staffers for advice on double voting. In each circumstance the staffers are complicit in the illegal implications of voting twice.

no photo
Sat 10/13/12 07:10 AM

Que milagro!!

We all are in agreement Barry is a liar and cheat.

BTW, here's the caught on tape. I've been holding off posting it.


Our undercover reporters ask OFA (Organizing for America, President Obama's Grassroots arm of his re-election campaign) staffers for advice on double voting. In each circumstance the staffers are complicit in the illegal implications of voting twice.

I can hear them now, "both sides do it". Standard practice, cover up cheating and lies with more lies. This is why Dimocrats don't want voter ID's.

msharmony's photo
Sat 10/13/12 08:46 AM

Que milagro!!

We all are in agreement Barry is a liar and cheat.

BTW, here's the caught on tape. I've been holding off posting it.


Our undercover reporters ask OFA (Organizing for America, President Obama's Grassroots arm of his re-election campaign) staffers for advice on double voting. In each circumstance the staffers are complicit in the illegal implications of voting twice.

thats sad, she seemed like a sweet person who just gave the directions for a mail ballot and got embarassed by or laughed at a nonsense proposition,,,

I guess the Republicans will take anything they can get though,,,at this desperate point,,,,,,even if it puts others out of work

,,,lol,, for the people indeed

willing2's photo
Sat 10/13/12 09:40 AM
Her liberal buds fired her not for advising how to cheat but, for getting caught.
Bet, more could be busted.

msharmony's photo
Sat 10/13/12 09:59 AM

Her liberal buds fired her not for advising how to cheat but, for getting caught.
Bet, more could be busted.

she never advised her how to cheat, she was laughing the whole time and initially told the girl she advised her NOT to cheat

after that, seems to me, she was embarassed and joking

but that doesnt matter to those looking for poison in their campaign,,,

willing2's photo
Sat 10/13/12 10:23 AM

Her liberal buds fired her not for advising how to cheat but, for getting caught.
Bet, more could be busted.

she never advised her how to cheat, she was laughing the whole time and initially told the girl she advised her NOT to cheat

after that, seems to me, she was embarassed and joking

but that doesnt matter to those looking for poison in their campaign,,,

Then, enoighten us. Why did they fire her?

msharmony's photo
Sat 10/13/12 10:27 AM

Her liberal buds fired her not for advising how to cheat but, for getting caught.
Bet, more could be busted.

she never advised her how to cheat, she was laughing the whole time and initially told the girl she advised her NOT to cheat

after that, seems to me, she was embarassed and joking

but that doesnt matter to those looking for poison in their campaign,,,

Then, enoighten us. Why did they fire her?

most likely because she allowed the ROOM for others to speculate she did something wrong,,,

willing2's photo
Sat 10/13/12 10:34 AM
There's nothing wrong with teaching someone how to do multiple registrarions?

Nothing wrong with the others giving out extra registration apps so, their friends could cheat, as well?

Should whoever trained her to teach people how to commit fraud be fired and/or prosecuted?

I hope that tape is turned over for fed investigation and all found guilty face prison time and stripped of their right to vote.

msharmony's photo
Sat 10/13/12 10:39 AM

There's nothing wrong with teaching someone how to do multiple registrarions?

Nothing wrong with the others giving out extra registration apps so, their friends could cheat, as well?

Should whoever trained her to teach people how to commit fraud be fired and/or prosecuted?

I hope that tape is turned over for fed investigation and all found guilty face prison time and stripped of their right to vote.

she didnt 'teach' anyone anything in that clip,,perhaps you should watch it over

she was asked about the mail ballot and she responded and handed the appropriate paperwork,,,

I dont know the rules about how many apps one can have

and again, she didnt TEACH anyone anything, someone came in with an agenda running her mouth about what they were thinking about doing and she only gave them the information they requested about the mail ballot,, which is not illegal,,

these campaigns have all walks of life representing them , and these types of clips are nice distractions to the issues

here is one from the Romney camp

willing2's photo
Sat 10/13/12 10:59 AM
Multiple registrations are against fed law.
If, as you claim, she did nothing wrong, why was fired?

InvictusV's photo
Sat 10/13/12 01:13 PM

Harding, Mckinley, Truman, Kalvin Koolidge, Woodrow Wilson, all klansmen, all pretty much sheet wearing, corny costume wearing crossburning racist criminals, that office has a long well documented tradition of lieing, cheating, murderous gangsters. So what else is new?


Mc Kinley was an abolitionist and served in the Union Army.. Not Klan material..

"President Harding contended with racial problems on a national level, rather than sectional, and openly advocated African American political, educational, and economic equality inside the Solid South.[12]"

Nice try on that one..

Coolidge spoke out in favor of the civil rights of African Americans and Catholics.[129] He appointed no known members of the Ku Klux Klan to office; indeed the Klan lost most of its influence during his term.[130]

In 1924, Coolidge responded to a letter that claimed the United States was a "white man's country":

....I was amazed to receive such a letter. During the war 500,000 colored men and boys were called up under the draft, not one of whom sought to evade it. [As president, I am] one who feels a responsibility for living up to the traditions and maintaining the principles of the Republican Party. Our Constitution guarantees equal rights to all our citizens, without discrimination on account of race or color. I have taken my oath to support that Constitution....[131]

That is 0-3 on the Republicans you besmirched.. Did you learn this from some NOI website?

Truman was a Democrat but he was not in the Klan nor was he a racist..

In February 1948, the president submitted a civil rights agenda to Congress that proposed creating several federal offices devoted to issues such as voting rights and fair employment practices. This provoked a storm of criticism from Southern Democrats NOTICE IT DOESN'T SAY SOUTHERN REPUBLICANS in the run up to the national nominating convention, but Truman refused to compromise, saying: "My forebears were Confederates ... but my very stomach turned over when I had learned that Negro soldiers, just back from overseas, were being dumped out of Army trucks in Mississippi and beaten."[152] Tales of the abuse, violence, and persecution suffered by many African American veterans upon their return from World War II infuriated Truman, and were a major factor in his decision to issue Executive Order 9981, in July 1948, desegregating and requiring equal opportunity in the Armed Forces.[153] After several years of planning, recommendations and revisions between Truman, the Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity and the various branches of the military, Army units became racially integrated.[154]

Now one of the true pieces of **** to ever serve as president..

Woodrow Wilson...DEMOCRAT

Several historians have described Wilson's policies as racist;[159][160][161] some also describe Wilson personally as a racist.[162][163]

In 1912, "an unprecedented number"[161] of African Americans left the Republican Party to cast their vote for Wilson, a Democrat. DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR? They were encouraged by his promises of support for minorities. However, once in office, Wilson's cabinet members expanded racially segregationist policies. Black leaders who had supported Wilson in the 1912 election were angered when Wilson placed segregationist white Southerners in charge of many executive departments,[161][164] and the administration acted to reduce the already-meager number of African-Americans in political-appointee positions.[159][164] Wilson's cabinet officials, with the president's blessing, proceeded to establish official segregation in most federal government offices – in some departments for the first time since 1863.[161] New facilities were designed to keep the races working there separated.

Historian Eric Foner says, "[Wilson's] administration imposed full racial segregation in Washington and hounded from office considerable numbers of black federal employees."[159]

Someone for you Democrat lovers to be very proud of..

So Ras you are actually 0-5 in your claims that they were in the klan.

Wilson was a progressive democrat piece of cat turd, but he wasn't a card carrying klansman as you claimed..

I guess facts get in the way of a good fable..

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