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Topic: Were will all the Hate Go
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Sun 08/12/07 09:51 PM
randomX, you invited us to reply with our thoughts to the following:

‘… where will all the hate go. … With all the Left Wingers ...Wing Nuts and Down right Communists that HATE (strong Words but True) out current President…’.

In trying to address your question ‘randomX’, I first had to clarify some of the terminology, facts, and numbers of your question.

So first, when you ask: ‘… where will all the hate go?’, I wanted to understand from 'whom' exactly that hate was coming in the first place? I also wanted to clarify the number, 'how many 'WHOMS' were there exactly? This of course to help establish some form of measurable impact of : ‘… all the hate go?’, as in going somewhere, and landing with some form of negative impact (hate rarely bears positive impact).

So, from your words, the ‘whom’ as a group, was simple enough to establish, it is summed up quite literally here : ‘Left Wingers ...Wing Nuts and Down right Communists’. The operative here, obviously being ‘…Down right communists’.

As for the number of ‘whom’, I did have to make a bit of research, and came up with the information.
I went on to analyze the data with respect to the particular preoccupation you raise in your question, again: ‘… where will all the hate go?’
… what is the degree, nature or volume of that hate you are referring to, and
… what negative consequences could it pose to the people at large, and to the President in particular.

Here is the result of my reflection on the subject, after demystifying the generalities of the question, and quantifying the degree of concern with which we should respond to your call for alarm.

Sam Webb, Leader of the Communist Party of the United States of America, claims the number of registered members to the party is 15,000. (2005)

Of those 15,000 communists, there are no reliable surveys, or other forms of statistical information that could help us establish how many ‘truly hate’ the current President of the Unites States of America.

Furthermore, I hold it from reliable sources, that it would be difficult to run such a survey, targeted exclusively at the communist party members. According to those reliable sources, the foundation of such surveys would quickly be discarded as politically discriminatory against one particular group of people sharing a similar political conviction.

With those inescapable facts in tow, it becomes very difficult to keep addressing your question, worse yet, answer it with any form of coherence and intelligence.

But I didn't stop there!!! In spite of the coherence roadblocks, I borrowd a slightly different angle to the whole question, and believe I have arrived at a conclusion you will find acceptable, ... and if I may say so myself, quite illuminating!!!

(What exactly is the nature of the concern, and in what exact manner, and to what extent should we respond to your call for alarm?)

I would suggest that since it is impossible to ascertain with any degree of objectivity or coherence, whether or not …

… ANY,
… SOME or
… ALL …

… of the communist members of the CPUSA actually ‘HATE’ the current President?
But that the worse case scenario would deliver 15 000 people out of 350 million, whom would hate the current Prez.,

How does THAT possible HATE RATIO of 15 000 over 350 million, compare with other popular HATE RATIOS.

Here is a list of hte most popular USA hate ratios:

Republicans whom HATE Democrats (150m / 350m)

Conservatives whom HATE Liberals (150m /350m)

Christians whom can't stand (it is a sin for them to HATE) atheists or militant non-christians (155m / 350m)

... And finally, the last but not least,

... Conservatives whom hate communists (150 million / 15 000)

The numbers speak for themselves.

The last category:
Conservatives hating USA Communists party members,
represents by far the most concentrated HATE DISCRIMINATION and thus cause for immediate concern of any one group against an other,

It is urgent to start a movement which would seriously crack down HARD on this conservative 'Goliath' whom keeps beating up the weakest political link, CPUSA 'David', and start seriously EDUCATING this conservative mass, about the meaning of a democratic and polically free nation that this USA is.

Given your sincere concern with the direction and impact of HATRED in this great Land, I trust 'randomX' that you will undertake this task at once, and that you will enthusiastically encourage all your friends to undertake it with you.

Once your group is done with the conservative/communists group, it will be well on its way to undertake the Conservatives/Liberals, and so on down the list, making this nation, the USA, the greatest and most HATEFREE of them all!!!

Hope this helped answer you question!

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Sun 08/12/07 11:53 PM
but what is your take on vanilla vs chocolate????:wink: laugh

I expect a 2 page essay by tomorrow!!! :wink: laugh laugh

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Mon 08/13/07 06:40 AM

How would you like this essay served???

1) CONE style???

2) ... or 'hard-doggyHead-BANANA-SPLIT' style as your pictogram seem to suggest ?!?!?!?

Please clarify!!!

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Mon 08/13/07 01:00 PM
Voil my good pal...I must surmise that these figures you quote are just tongue and cheek.

"Here is a list of the most popular USA hate ratios:

Republicans whom HATE Democrats (150m / 350m)

Conservatives whom HATE Liberals (150m /350m)

Christians whom can't stand (it is a sin for them to HATE) atheists or militant non-christians (155m / 350m)

... And finally, the last but not least,

... Conservatives whom hate communists (150 million / 15 000)

If you have actually "researched" this and believe these numbers I really feel for you budlaugh laugh laugh

Just an aside...it's interesting that out of the three choices...you picked communist. "The operative here, obviously being ‘…Down right communists’. "
Funny..I didn't notice he was choosing one over another...just using a more discriptive prepostional phrase.
Hmmmmm....could he have struck a nerve...maybe revealing a deep underlining secret?
..I won't tell Voil....promisedrinker drinker drinker

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Mon 08/13/07 01:04 PM
No, he was just "randomly" generalizing, which is a grievious sin to anybody but neocons.laugh laugh

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Mon 08/13/07 01:07 PM
Voil generalizing? no..tell me it ain't so....OMG the world is coming to an endlaugh laugh laugh laugh

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Mon 08/13/07 01:13 PM
No, Random, not voileazur, you should have made that our for yourself.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Mon 08/13/07 01:22 PM
yes invisable laugh thats what I was pointing out to Voil...thanks for the back uplaugh drinker drinker

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Mon 08/13/07 03:15 PM

You have raised some doubt with the quality or nature of my research, and or data. I felt compelled to address this serious sign of skepticism coming from a 'ragtop' enthuisiast blood brother!

You defiantly put in question:
"... If you have actually "researched" this and believe these numbers I really feel for you bud..."

Here is the foundation of my previous 'exposé':

Pew research, in an October 2006 paper, split republican and democrat voters pretty well down the line. 50% on both sides.

Key finding #1 : According to the official report of ‘Election Data Services’, the voting age population of the USA was 221.3 million people.

Key finding #2 : According to a PEW Research, October 2006, the split between republican and democrat voters is pretty well split down the middle. 50% on each side.

Sub findings : Further analysis of the Pew Research paper, allows for the distinction made within the Democrat, Republican and Independent camps.

The result paints the following picture;

23% of DEMOCRATS consider themselves ‘CONSERVATIVES’.
41% of DEMOCRATS consider themselves ‘MODERATES’

28% of INDEPENDENTS consider themselves ‘CONSERVATIVES’
47% of INDEPENDENTS consider themselves ‘MODERATES’

64% of REPUBLICANS consider themselves ‘CONSERVATIVES’
29% of REPUBLICANS consider themselves ‘MODERATES’

When it comes to Socialist or Communist ideology, it is estimated that 97% of conservatives from all groups are opposed, regardless of degree. 68.4% of the moderates from all groups are also opposed. When it comes to ‘liberals’ or ‘progressives’ in all categories, the percentage of those opposed to Socialist or Communist viewpoints at any degree, drops to 23.7%.

When you translate these percentages into hard numbers against the total voting population, you get 67,78% of the 221,3 million of voting age, or 150 million people.

That is 150 million people whom are firmly opposed to any form of communist or socialist agenda or political presence from these 2 factions.

Given the very loose, sloppy and generally liberal use that ‘randomX’ makes of the term HATE, I figured: ‘firmly opposed to any form of communist or socialist agenda or political presence’ was suitably fitting.

Now ‘search’ , should you have any further concerns or questions about my 'seach' :
“… If you have actually "researched" this and believe these numbers I really feel for you bud…”

... well, don’t hesitate to ask bud. I’ll be very happy to help you my friend!

As for the …

“… discriptive prepostional phrase…” expression you used to refer to the “… downright communists…” statement of ‘random’, I presumed you meant : ‘ descriptive prepositional phrase ’ ?!?!?!

Where in this case, the preposition is placed after (acceptable form) rather than before the subject, it is complementing or qualifying. If I’m mistaken, do let me know Bud.

But if I understand your interjection correctly, I must point out to you, that I used Communists as the operative because the author used the proposition ‘downright communists’ to qualify and otherwise name the very loose and general terminology of “…Left Wingers ...Wing Nuts”. But I understand that ‘randomX’ being specific for once would have thrown you out for a loop. :)

Anyhow, thanks Bud, for this opportunity to clarify my 'search' material.

And from one friend to another, remember: “ good wines enhance your spirit and intellectual faculties, whereas cheap ones will seriously cloud both!!!”.

À ta santé mon ami! 

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Mon 08/13/07 03:18 PM
true, good wines are heavenflowerforyou

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Mon 08/13/07 03:19 PM

If only you weren't!!! :)

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Mon 08/13/07 03:22 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

Ok, I'll make myself visible againhappy

And I'll have a good drop of Chardonnay with it.drinker

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Mon 08/13/07 03:36 PM
À ta santé ma très chère Andrea!

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Mon 08/13/07 03:58 PM
Go raibh maith 'ad , and slainteflowerforyou

(thank you, and cheers)

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