Topic: Cut and Paste a Message !?
FhattMhann's photo
Fri 02/22/13 03:27 PM
I am intending to try this but first I wanted to get some advice if it is possible ???? I want to type a message in another language and then " cut and paste " this message into the message that I will send to another memeber using this website !!! Is this possible to do or will the message just be blank or deleted ????? One more question is about instant messaging (I.M.) !!! Can I instant message someone if I am in " stealth mode " ??? What can I do or not do when I am in this mode other than not be seen by another memeber when viewing their profile ????? Thank you for any suggestions .

soufiehere's photo
Fri 02/22/13 03:39 PM
You can C&P any text and as long as it passes the filters
it will go through, although there is also a length limit,
and no I don't know what it is, it is pretty long. You can
overcome that by splitting it into parts if it fails to pass.

If it has unacceptable symbols as opposed to recognizable
letters, you may also run into problems.
If their preferences exclude you, the email will not go
through also.

I am going to give you HOW to IM because it shows how
Stealth can prevent it:

First, you must have YOUR 'Instant Messaging'
turned ON:
(Or >>My Account>>Settings>>Turn ON IM)

Then you would go to the profile of the person
with whom you wish to chat.

Under their picture there is an orange button
'Instant Message' which you would click on and
the request to Instant Message is sent.

If there is no orange button labeled 'Instant
Message' it could mean one of two things.

The person does NOT have 'Instant Messaging'
turned ON.
(In which case you could email them and request
they turn it ON.)

Or, the person is in 'Stealth Mode.'
Discusses Stealth Mode.

I do NOT think you can IM while in Stealth mode.
(They cannot see you.)

FhattMhann's photo
Sat 02/23/13 02:08 PM
Thank you "soufiehere " for the information --- it was helpful and I can understand better now !!!