DanielG72's photo
Thu 03/21/13 02:36 PM
Who Are The Biggest Heroes In Your Life???what what

DanielG72's photo
Thu 03/21/13 02:41 PM
The Heroes in my life other than my parents, are our men and women who serve in our Armed Forces all over the world. Every day they perform Heroic acts and their bravery is unlike any other!!
smile2 smile2 winking winking :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

seamac's photo
Thu 03/21/13 03:03 PM

The Heroes in my life other than my parents, are our men and women who serve in our Armed Forces all over the world. Every day they perform Heroic acts and their bravery is unlike any other!!
smile2 smile2 winking winking :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Ditto! Also firefighters and paramedics. They risk their lives to save others lives and property everyday. I have yet to meet a firefighter with a mean or selfish side. Police too, they also serve and protect, wish I could say I had never met one without a mean streak but overall they are a brave and caring lot. I sure am glad to see them when I need them!!

The list goes on...those who serve and protect our youth and our elders. Those who teach. Those who believe in the power of random acts of kindness and preform them. Those who share their gifts of the many arts...

I think there are heroes in our everyday lives, we just need to look for them and stop to say thank you.

no photo
Thu 03/21/13 08:37 PM
my sons - hands down

no photo
Fri 03/22/13 01:33 AM
Hi Daniel

A really good topic and one that should be revisited often. I tie heroes in with a few different meanings from who has inspired us to who has done a brave act.

Lately I've been thinking about all the people who have had mis-fortune in their lives but are still living it day by day even though they can't see the light at the end. I think there has been, and is on going, a newer appreciation for the things that many of us have taken for granted being gone. It's good to be humbled is what I'm saying and in that humility we find some jewels that we never thought were there and the heroes who live wearing those shoes daily.

Not long ago I faced an issue that caused me to visit one of my places to recuperate. Something happened to me that was fairly devastating and potentially life changing. A couple of people on here know but not many. Thank God I have had an amazing recovery and am no longer embarrassed about having a stroke. There for a short while my right side was gone and I was desperate not to let any of my industry hear of this till I found out how bad it was. My recovery as I said was nothing short of a miricle and you would never know this happened.

While at my place of recovery I received a call from a friend who heard I was in town. They greeted me with hope and told me I would overcome. I wasn't so sure but was excited to have this friend invite me over for lunch. My girlfriend would be jealous (not really) as my friend is a real beauty and could turn the head of any man. We use to joke about many things her and I and kept in contact some. I'm not one for lots of friends, but she is something special and we have maintained our little flirts over the years. She has made herself into a sort of fan of mine (how vain I am), always encouraging me and listening to my woes without ever complaining herself. We didn't talk much, but when we did it was about me, and how am I. It seemed I never got a chance to ask about her as she was so powerful in her output of energy and hope. She was like my own personal professional lifter upper, and I was glad to be on my way to her place. I couldn't wait to tell her about how much she meant to me and finally after all these years get to see her lives achievements as in my head I was sure she would have pics of her with all these accomplishments and awards.

My heart was actually beating as I walked up to her door, and at that time still had a bit of a limp that I tried to disguise. I rang the bell, the door opened and I could hardly keep myself up when I saw my beautiful friend in a wheelchair one leg gone.

Never a word to me all this time she was lifting me up. Never a complaint about herself while I was spilling my selfish tears all over her. All these little worldly hang ups I had that I thought were so big, and she over these years has had her body removed piece by piece from cancer and other complications. Her smile was the warmest smile and I got to sit there for hours in the presence of a goddess. I could see by looking around her house that all of her attentions were about the building up of others instead of filling her own barns. She is "giving" and I guess I needed to come all this way and go through my little side track to see that I am only a spec in the eyes of real life giving love.

I would think there are many heroes like this. People who have hearts bigger than the whole of the worlds problems. People who are born to love others and spend their thoughts lifting us up. People like my friend who are much bigger than I will ever be.

you are my hero and I love you

no photo
Fri 03/22/13 03:19 AM

Hi Daniel

A really good topic and one that should be revisited often. I tie heroes in with a few different meanings from who has inspired us to who has done a brave act.

Lately I've been thinking about all the people who have had mis-fortune in their lives but are still living it day by day even though they can't see the light at the end. I think there has been, and is on going, a newer appreciation for the things that many of us have taken for granted being gone. It's good to be humbled is what I'm saying and in that humility we find some jewels that we never thought were there and the heroes who live wearing those shoes daily.

Not long ago I faced an issue that caused me to visit one of my places to recuperate. Something happened to me that was fairly devastating and potentially life changing. A couple of people on here know but not many. Thank God I have had an amazing recovery and am no longer embarrassed about having a stroke. There for a short while my right side was gone and I was desperate not to let any of my industry hear of this till I found out how bad it was. My recovery as I said was nothing short of a miricle and you would never know this happened.

While at my place of recovery I received a call from a friend who heard I was in town. They greeted me with hope and told me I would overcome. I wasn't so sure but was excited to have this friend invite me over for lunch. My girlfriend would be jealous (not really) as my friend is a real beauty and could turn the head of any man. We use to joke about many things her and I and kept in contact some. I'm not one for lots of friends, but she is something special and we have maintained our little flirts over the years. She has made herself into a sort of fan of mine (how vain I am), always encouraging me and listening to my woes without ever complaining herself. We didn't talk much, but when we did it was about me, and how am I. It seemed I never got a chance to ask about her as she was so powerful in her output of energy and hope. She was like my own personal professional lifter upper, and I was glad to be on my way to her place. I couldn't wait to tell her about how much she meant to me and finally after all these years get to see her lives achievements as in my head I was sure she would have pics of her with all these accomplishments and awards.

My heart was actually beating as I walked up to her door, and at that time still had a bit of a limp that I tried to disguise. I rang the bell, the door opened and I could hardly keep myself up when I saw my beautiful friend in a wheelchair one leg gone.

Never a word to me all this time she was lifting me up. Never a complaint about herself while I was spilling my selfish tears all over her. All these little worldly hang ups I had that I thought were so big, and she over these years has had her body removed piece by piece from cancer and other complications. Her smile was the warmest smile and I got to sit there for hours in the presence of a goddess. I could see by looking around her house that all of her attentions were about the building up of others instead of filling her own barns. She is "giving" and I guess I needed to come all this way and go through my little side track to see that I am only a spec in the eyes of real life giving love.

I would think there are many heroes like this. People who have hearts bigger than the whole of the worlds problems. People who are born to love others and spend their thoughts lifting us up. People like my friend who are much bigger than I will ever be.

you are my hero and I love you


msharmony's photo
Fri 03/22/13 06:17 AM
I personally have onyl my family members as heroes, true heroes

who have sacrificed time and time again for the gain of others when they could have gained so much more themself if they had chosen not to make those sacrifices,,

I have plenty of other brave people too, officers, soldiers, etc,,,,but I dont put them in the same league as 'hero' because their actions are for personal gain,,,,just incredibly brave,,,

Traumer's photo
Fri 03/22/13 09:20 AM

Who Are The Biggest Heroes In Your Life???what what

Given the definition, as in the majority of dictionaries, I'm not quite comfortable in ascribing it to those , especially those in any military that I have admired and have tried to emulate. They all have earned their medals for valour and bravery under enemy fire by either legal and recognized armies and some by the commanding officers of mercenary armies in long forgotten 'bush wars' throuout the third world. "Heroes" sort of implies a form of worship that I have never ascribed to. These were people with all the traits or ordinary men and certainly most of the normal human failings at sometime or another. They were not as the ancient 'gods' of mythology nor did they think of themselves as such. Their deeds however, far surpassed those who as their jobs was as in regular forces do if they can but if not retreat and fight another day or die trying. Simple. Those that fight because of ideals for peoples that for all purposes God has abandoned, to me, and try to save them, putting themselves in harms way simply for the cause because it is the proverbial 'right thing to do' if you truly believe in the moral of their fight, then that goes far beyond those who are shipped out to fight for people that they really couldn't give a damn about and have to simply fight for their own lives because they have been put there by orders.
My CO during the Biafran war was one such man; ex Foreign Legion and later leader of the rebel forces in the southern Sudan fighting the govt. forces in Khartoum; Rolf Steiner. Another was Mike Hoare who led the mercenary forces in the chaotic bloodbath known as the Congo wars in the early 60's rescuing hundreds of trapped missionaries, town's peoples etc. and then led another force during the Biafran war and some missions during the wars in Angola and Rhodesia. With his attempted coup in the Comoros Islands he was retired back to South Africa limiting his activities to his international Wild Geese club of like minded mercenary soldiers. "Pay us in money or bullets, preferably both", as our saying went.
There were many others and most of us tried our best to live up to what we thought would be their expectations of us.Those men were real men; real warriors in the old classical sense complete with all the normal human frailties that we all struggle to overcome everyday of our own lives. For most of us, their 'causes' were our causes, but not always and it was nice to survive and have a reunion
and all get drunk together while we could.

no photo
Fri 03/22/13 09:25 AM
My heros are the ninja turtles.

no photo
Fri 03/22/13 09:51 AM

My heros are the ninja turtles.
TURTLE Power! :smile: :tongue:

There are hero in the comice and anime world I like but as for real life, I really don't know.

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 03/22/13 12:53 PM
Leonardo da Vinci.

I do not believe there is anyone alive worthy of the title "Hero" for me.

oldhippie1952's photo
Fri 03/22/13 12:55 PM
Our men and women who put themselves in harm's way to better the world, imo.

msharmony's photo
Fri 03/22/13 07:34 PM

Our men and women who put themselves in harm's way to better the world, imo.

but they receive pay for it,, which isnt quite as selfless as a true 'hero' who does it for the sake of someone else,, period


no photo
Fri 03/22/13 07:38 PM

Leonardo da Vinci.

I do not believe there is anyone alive worthy of the title "Hero" for me.

what about Catwoman?