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Mon 04/01/13 05:05 PM
why people d0nt believe in God? or why they reject Jesus Christ's gospels? n0 matter h0w u neglect,reject or c0ndemn God, He will chase u, He will h0ld ur life forever. He will never ever "GIVE UP ON YOU" Still w0nt believe to God? it is a fact and truth that His Son lived and rec0rded and marked the World History..ü

sybariticguy's photo
Mon 04/01/13 05:34 PM
Fortunately not everyone is as dogmatic as you. hopefully you will learn to recognize that the world is pluralistic and there is not a universal truth for all but you can have your own truth and be happy. the difficulty comes when you try to impose your values on others and believe me the muslin, shiites and many others have the same strong feelings based on dogmatic creed that cause much pain, suffering and prejudice from not acknowledging the others faiths or lack thereof too. Hope you get over this intolerance as it makes you sound more like a zealot and or terrorist determined to impose your beliefs and that is in itself un american a country founded on religious freedom as in getting the hell out or england to begin the original colonies..

no photo
Thu 04/25/13 04:33 AM
my apology sir,my post was n0t meant t0 discriminate 0ther's belief or their freed0m fr0m ch0osing the life they wanted t0 live..however,may my God be with u,.God never c0ndemn any0ne n0r reject s0me0ne but God is always calling 0ur lives t0 walk in safety,peace,and love.thank u br0ther.

Ploduwa03's photo
Sun 05/12/13 07:19 AM

my apology sir,my post was n0t meant t0 discriminate 0ther's belief or their freed0m fr0m ch0osing the life they wanted t0 live..however,may my God be with u,.God never c0ndemn any0ne n0r reject s0me0ne but God is always calling 0ur lives t0 walk in safety,peace,and love.thank u br0ther.

Good job....'cept where you had to apologize!

no photo
Thu 05/30/13 08:55 PM
thank u buddy..God bless u