Topic: North American Future 2025 Project
davinci1952's photo
Sun 08/26/07 09:24 AM
Not without a fight........grrrrrrrrrr.....How come people (loose term) like Kissinger never
seem to die....grumble grumble
Leaders of Bilderberg have gathered for a closed meeting in Montebello, Quebec. On the agenda is a report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) that explains how ''hemispheric integration'' will be a blessing for all and not a surrender of sovereignty.

By James P. Tucker Jr.

Leaders of Bilderberg have gathered the appropriate flunkies at the Fairmont Le Chateau Montebello, about 50 miles outside Quebec, to accomplish a North American Union without congressional action.

Bilderberg met at the same site in 1983. The Aug. 20-21 session of the unknown Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) is struggling to define its goal of a borderless union of the United States, Mexico and Canada as something Americans will welcome, after it has been accomplished.

On the agenda is a report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), which is being translated into Spanish and French so all three governments can celebrate it together. The report explains how “hemispheric integration” will be a blessing for all and not a surrender of sovereignty. It is to be presented to the three governments in September.

The trustees of CSIS who are attending this closed meeting include Henry Kissinger, Bilderberg and Trilateral; Zbigniew Brzezinski, Trilateral; and Harold Brown, former defense secretary and Trilateral. Also participating is Richard Armitage, Bilderberg. Other Bilderberg-Trilateralists may be attending but have not been identified.

The “North American Future 2025 Project” report stresses “economic integration” and “labor mobility.” It calls for the “international migration of labor” and “international movement not only of goods and capital, but also of people.” It stresses the “free flow of people across national borders.” It calls for action to “integrate governments.” The three nations are to work on “harmonizing legislation” and regulations.

Bilderberg is fighting back from severe setbacks in its long-range goal of dividing the world into three great regions for the administrative convenience of a world government under the United Nations. The European Union was to have been fully integrated into a single state by 2000, but seven years later, there is strong resistance in France, Germany and Britain.

NAFTA was to quickly expand throughout the Western Hemisphere with an “American Union” emerging. Now, there is great resistance to NAFTA itself among voters and, consequently, congressmen.

President Bush started the country on the road to integration on April 22, 2001, when he signed the Declaration of Quebec City in which he made a “commitment to hemispheric integration.” Participants claim it can be accomplished without legislation and their final agreement would not be a “treaty” requiring Senate ratification.

But when this “agreement” is sprung on the American people, Congress will feel compelled to react to the outrage.

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no photo
Sun 08/26/07 09:48 AM
ok , for the sake of .....ignorance

why would Canada or Mexico find this interesting at all??

It is a general awareness that neither country has a great love or respect for america, and would do well to distrust any offer coming from the present administration, so what would motivate them to go along with this???

isn't it just another way for the Bushies and neocons to suck and exploit their economies dry?

i don't see the logic.noway

davinci1952's photo
Sun 08/26/07 12:19 PM
I think it's all about avoiding an economic meltdown...which canada & mexico would
like to avoid of discussions of the north american union etc. the advisory
councils are made up of industry it is just another dose of corporatism...
or fuedalism ....

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Sun 08/26/07 04:19 PM
'President Bush started the country on the road to integration on April 22, 2001, when he signed the Declaration of Quebec City in which he made a “commitment to hemispheric integration.” Participants claim it can be accomplished without legislation and their final agreement would not be a “treaty” requiring Senate ratification"

Why not go to their main web site instead of some wacko conspiracy site and get the facts...Bush did not sign any such "legislation". This whole "group" of heads of states started all this in 1994 and have made little progess except in terms of babbling nonsense about "social and economic " cooperation among the Americas.
Not one of these so-called agreements has any legal standing...they are nothing more then a "think tank" for instituting free trade for "international unions".

These "summits" called the "Summits of the Americas have been "endorsed" or signed by every President since 1994 (1996, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2005) and what is signed is "a letter of understanding" that these summits will continue to resolve issues between the American countries.

Please..spare us the United States is in ruins routinebigsmile bigsmile laugh

Hennnery's photo
Mon 08/27/07 06:57 PM
devil Well Devinci, first off, Hennery Kissenger is The BEAST/Anti-Christ/ect at least that is what his name adds up to in the Masonic/Illuminatti CODE, this is why he just don't die...smokin

glasses Next Canada and Mexico OWE 100% of Their ASSETTS to The USA INC. so what Washingto say's they do... smokin