Topic: Black guys and whites ladies: what do you think?
Sweetlady45's photo
Sat 03/29/14 05:15 PM
I love them .

erico1000's photo
Sun 03/30/14 07:26 AM
i love youhappy

no photo
Tue 04/01/14 02:22 PM
Edited by Viper1j on Tue 04/01/14 02:24 PM

This is the last time I'm posting on this thread because it's becoming tedious and I'm feeling the way I did trying to teach kindergarten (no one is listening because they're too distracted by the pretty colors and interesting sounds outdoors).

Humans are divided into races. I don't see anything wrong that with that. It's not bad to say I belong to the black race of people. I'm not ashamed of being black. There is nothing wrong with a white person saying they belong to the white race of people, etc. etc. etc.

There is nothing wrong with someone saying they only date a person of a certain race, whether it's their race or another one. We all have preferences, and there's nothing wrong with that. I don't care how idealistic you are, no one is going to be attracted to everyone just because they belong to the "human race." That is a fact, if it was untrue you'd see more evidence of it in our society.

Most people date their own race, for whatever reason. Again, nothing wrong with that. The only problem I have is when people try to stop someone from interracial dating because they don't approve of it. Who an adult dates is no one's business but theirs and the other person. I think people should mind their own business, but guess what? Most people don't. And most people are concerned about what their fiends and family think, because they value and want to maintain a relationship with them, so they do what it takes to keep the peace.

Unless you're willing to live in complete isolation with your significant other, you're going to have to deal with the opinions of others. Some people can handle that, some people can't. Again, nothing wrong with that and not my business. It just annoys me when people go on and on about how "race shouldn't matter, and we're all the same, blah blah" maybe it shouldn't matter, but it does. It always has (read your history books) and unless something major happens in the world, it always will.

As for everyone having the same looks or whatever, people of African descent usually have broader noses, thicker lips, larger posteriors, differently textured hair, and larger frames, in comparison to people of other eccentricities. When you have children from 2 or more races, these traits tend to change, but on the whole, the former is true. If you don't accept this, trust me, science is your friend.

As I said before, in a perfect society, we'd all base things on personality and whether or not a person is kindhearted, and does charity work, etc, but we don't have a perfect society. Either deal with that or go hide under a rock, the world isn't going to change simply because you want it to.

/drops mic and leaves
First time I post on this Board...

I've read almost every comment on this thread form page 1 to page 24...And I should say the post aboave is REALLY ON POINT...It's the most honest, STRAIGHTFORWARDED Comment...REAL TALK...

I don't wanna be judge-Mental on anybody here, but I do not subscribe to the idea that We're All One Race & Only...Nope...That Bollocks! There are Negroids, Cuacasoids, Orientals...That varity is there to be celebrated.

However, There's such thing as a Human Species...Oh Yeah...We're all People, but with different shades...Don't tell me a White person is no different from a Black person, the difference is very obvious...So why do they call a black 7 white relation-ship Inter-racial then???

Why are kids issued from such unions are Hybrids or mixed????

So Let's cut the b*** C*** about that Human race fantasy...

I find that the majority of Black dudes who only date white females are not comming from a place of genuineness...

People are divided into different ETHNICITIES, not "races" There is at the time of this writing one indigenous "race" on this planet, that of homo-sapiens, aka "human".

Ethnicities may or may not be subdivided by culture, by religion, or other factor which may or may not be tied to a given ethnicity. Caucasians, Hispanics, Blacks and Greeks, may be different enthnicities, but may all come from a military, law enforcement, or other shared CULTURE.

When a culture is shared, ethnicity takes a back seat. During Desert Storm, when I was sent to pick up a squad of Rangers out of a hot LZ, I noticed a Klan tattoo on one of them.

Would I have been within my rights to deny him a ride home? Could I have sent him to the "back" of the bird? I was a Marine, he was a Ranger, and for that moment, we were brothers.

People need to wake up. The level of tan means very little in the grand scheme of things. shades

Karin's photo
Tue 04/01/14 02:27 PM
Well for me,i would date any guy black or white what matters is the love between you two,bcoz black or white is jst a colour

Voniachik6's photo
Tue 04/01/14 03:47 PM
If thats what u like, then go for it.
Just b careful who u choose to get involved with. Not all mates r meant to b together. Do an evaluation on each other 1st. Get everything out n the open before anything gets interestingly serious.
Thats all.

no photo
Tue 04/01/14 07:02 PM

If thats what u like, then go for it.
Just b careful who u choose to get involved with. Not all mates r meant to b together. Do an evaluation on each other 1st. Get everything out n the open before anything gets interestingly serious.
Thats all.

Even that has NOTHING to do with ethnicity. shades

no photo
Thu 04/03/14 01:49 AM
Ladey is very sexy and hot so plz add me darlong

drexlert94's photo
Thu 04/03/14 07:24 AM
Hello guys! Am new on this site... For me I see nothing wrong with interracial relationship because we are all created by God, and God has reason making things his ways... I have it in mind not even dating but going into marriage with a white lady... Am still searching for my soul mate

pisonreal's photo
Thu 04/03/14 10:17 AM
It is the matter of the heart. True love don't see skin colour as a stumbling block. One just need to be natural when it comes to love cos pretence always lead to rough end.

fizzle94's photo
Thu 04/03/14 05:06 PM
who is der

wetNjuicylips's photo
Thu 04/03/14 06:13 PM
As long as they treat me right I'm all for it :-)

no photo
Fri 04/04/14 06:47 AM
As far as its me.... my opinion is tat there is nothin more glorious than dating a black guy.. infact all the guys I date r black n I hav pretty gud njmbr of black frnds too. They r very kinda n gud hearted ppl.

Q5757's photo
Fri 04/04/14 07:02 AM
I think Love knows no colour

no photo
Fri 04/04/14 08:13 AM

no photo
Fri 04/04/14 08:17 AM
Love your gods!love

no photo
Fri 04/04/14 08:21 AM
Am black am good I treat

no photo
Fri 04/04/14 01:40 PM

lodza2013's photo
Fri 04/04/14 10:41 PM
hie can you be my lady,i am ready

taurianvenus's photo
Fri 04/04/14 11:28 PM
I agree with you Jackie! No man can ever dictate to the heart! I'm a product of an interacial marriage and when I look back my father could not have made a better choice ever!

no photo
Fri 04/04/14 11:46 PM

I am brand new to this dating site, still looking for a connection
I love interracial dating but at the end of the day as long as we both treat each other right and are happy, then color makes no difference. love

that's nice n yea skin color doesn't say much coz what matters is love