Topic: Swiss Vote Against "Fat Cats"
Conrad_73's photo
Wed 11/20/13 12:23 AM

well,good luck,even the Unions do not agree with it!:laughing:
All it will result in is higher Taxes,and lower Income from Taxes on Federal,State and Local level!:laughing:
Seems OP hasn't got an inkling about the Swiss Political Process!:laughing:
Fill me in Mr Conrad.

Here in Uber Amerika our rich Have so many loopholes and off shore accounts they pay little taxes, however if that income actually trickled down to the middle class, we pay a very high percent in taxes and that would result in more taxable income.

Yes I am not from Europe or Sweden but you are so give us your take on the situation sounds fair to me from were I sit.

Well,Sunshine,look at the Links I have posted!
Looks fair,because you maybe sit in the wrong Place!
Seems you don't even know the difference between Switzerland and Sweden,yet you feel you ought to chime in!laugh

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 11/20/13 12:25 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Wed 11/20/13 12:44 AM

Can you imagine if we did this in the US?

I am sorry sir, 12 times pay of your lowest paid worker is not enough for you? Justify that.
well,Sonny,we can vote on it here,but you can't in the US!pitchfork :banana: :laughing:
Agreed if we had a media, if we had representatives that were not beholden to the money interests maybe it would be put to a vote. I am sure it would pass.

What popular Vote in what USA?laugh
You make about as much sense as our JUSO do!slaphead
Don't know what you're complaining about anyway!
You got a good Job,Unionpay,Union-Healthcare etc!
What the heck else do you want?
Your Boss' pay as well?slaphead

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 11/25/13 09:58 AM

Can you imagine if we did this in the US?

I am sorry sir, 12 times pay of your lowest paid worker is not enough for you? Justify that.
well,Sonny,we can vote on it here,but you can't in the US!pitchfork :banana: :laughing:
Agreed if we had a media, if we had representatives that were not beholden to the money interests maybe it would be put to a vote. I am sure it would pass.

What popular Vote in what USA?laugh
You make about as much sense as our JUSO do!slaphead
Don't know what you're complaining about anyway!
You got a good Job,Unionpay,Union-Healthcare etc!
What the heck else do you want?
Your Boss' pay as well?slaphead
No Mr Conrad but if y our paying attention and you would if you truly cared, you would notice the economic disparity is the highest its been since the days of serfdom. The rich have awarded themselves more money in the worst economic times since the great depression and predictably things are worse.

The middle class pays taxes spends money and helps the economy grow and we are clearly losing the class war,its way past time for the majority of the people to stand up and say "enough".

cutting taxes for the elite and corporations has done NOTHING except make things worse.

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 11/26/13 01:22 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Tue 11/26/13 01:25 AM

Can you imagine if we did this in the US?

I am sorry sir, 12 times pay of your lowest paid worker is not enough for you? Justify that.
well,Sonny,we can vote on it here,but you can't in the US!pitchfork :banana: :laughing:
Agreed if we had a media, if we had representatives that were not beholden to the money interests maybe it would be put to a vote. I am sure it would pass.

What popular Vote in what USA?laugh
You make about as much sense as our JUSO do!slaphead
Don't know what you're complaining about anyway!
You got a good Job,Unionpay,Union-Healthcare etc!
What the heck else do you want?
Your Boss' pay as well?slaphead
No Mr Conrad but if y our paying attention and you would if you truly cared, you would notice the economic disparity is the highest its been since the days of serfdom. The rich have awarded themselves more money in the worst economic times since the great depression and predictably things are worse.

The middle class pays taxes spends money and helps the economy grow and we are clearly losing the class war,its way past time for the majority of the people to stand up and say "enough".

cutting taxes for the elite and corporations has done NOTHING except make things worse.

Well Sunshine,I hate to tell People I Told You So,But I Told You So!

The Measure failed,like 65% against,35% in favor!

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

You a Marxist?

BTW,their own Party-Comrades voted against it!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 11/26/13 08:00 AM
It is a victory for the common man just that the issue was raised. I expect we have not heard the last of this issue. :)

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 11/26/13 01:03 PM

It is a victory for the common man just that the issue was raised. I expect we have not heard the last of this issue. :)

Me thinks,judging by your other Posts that your Cristalball has a few Cracks in it!

Sixtyfive percent of the Voters rejected it!:laughing:

you really are locked up in your Marxist Klassenkampf-thinking,ain't you?
That is the Mentality that brought that Referendum to a Vote!
The same Idiots wanted to disarm us a couple of years ago!
Well,they got routed just like they did this weekend!
TNT,'t'ain't nuthin' to it!
Keeps those Idiots happy,thinking they are the Movers!
And blinding Foreigners into getting the wrong ideas!
BTW,told you that you didn't understand our political System!
Here any Citizen can collect 100'000 Signatures from Registered Voters and force a vote on his Petproject,even on Brainfarts like the one we voted on Sunday!:laughing: !

Bestinshow's photo
Fri 11/29/13 09:39 AM
A avalanche starts small and ends big.

People are waking up to what our future is going to look like, a global surveillance state paying slave wages to the bottom 99% and a gilded age for the wealthy. Be proud you can actually vote on it Mr Conrad.

Considering the big money outspent the reformers like 50/1 it's not surprising who won the election but the issue has been raised and that is a small victory.

The claim that big business would relocate to avoid the 12/1 is fear mongering and the dupes fell for it. What is needed is a global 12/1 so the crooks and thieves have no place to run.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 11/29/13 09:47 AM

A avalanche starts small and ends big.

People are waking up to what our future is going to look like, a global surveillance state paying slave wages to the bottom 99% and a gilded age for the wealthy. Be proud you can actually vote on it Mr Conrad.

Considering the big money outspent the reformers like 50/1 it's not surprising who won the election but the issue has been raised and that is a small victory.

The claim that big business would relocate to avoid the 12/1 is fear mongering and the dupes fell for it. What is needed is a global 12/1 so the crooks and thieves have no place to run.

you're waxing pathetic now!laugh :laughing: :laughing:
You really haven't got a Clue about how our System works!
Educate yourself,then come back and tell me what we ought to do!
Go peddle your Marxist-Creed somewhere else,we have no need for that Crap!

Bestinshow's photo
Fri 11/29/13 10:01 AM

A avalanche starts small and ends big.

People are waking up to what our future is going to look like, a global surveillance state paying slave wages to the bottom 99% and a gilded age for the wealthy. Be proud you can actually vote on it Mr Conrad.

Considering the big money outspent the reformers like 50/1 it's not surprising who won the election but the issue has been raised and that is a small victory.

The claim that big business would relocate to avoid the 12/1 is fear mongering and the dupes fell for it. What is needed is a global 12/1 so the crooks and thieves have no place to run.

you're waxing pathetic now!laugh :laughing: :laughing:
You really haven't got a Clue about how our System works!
Educate yourself,then come back and tell me what we ought to do!
Go peddle your Marxist-Creed somewhere else,we have no need for that Crap!
Picture our future Mr Conrad its pretty pathetic. a 24/7 surveillance state, facial recognition cameras all over the place and slave wages for the bottom 99%, that is the future that is being built I cheer anyone who opposes this.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 11/29/13 10:06 AM

A avalanche starts small and ends big.

People are waking up to what our future is going to look like, a global surveillance state paying slave wages to the bottom 99% and a gilded age for the wealthy. Be proud you can actually vote on it Mr Conrad.

Considering the big money outspent the reformers like 50/1 it's not surprising who won the election but the issue has been raised and that is a small victory.

The claim that big business would relocate to avoid the 12/1 is fear mongering and the dupes fell for it. What is needed is a global 12/1 so the crooks and thieves have no place to run.

you're waxing pathetic now!laugh :laughing: :laughing:
You really haven't got a Clue about how our System works!
Educate yourself,then come back and tell me what we ought to do!
Go peddle your Marxist-Creed somewhere else,we have no need for that Crap!
Picture our future Mr Conrad its pretty pathetic. a 24/7 surveillance state, facial recognition cameras all over the place and slave wages for the bottom 99%, that is the future that is being built I cheer anyone who opposes this.

Well,Sunshine,we have a lot less Unemployment here than you have,how come?
Maybe it is because we are a Right To Work State,and strangely enough the Unions were squarely against last Sunday's Measure!
Now go figure!
Guess it will be a bit of a Puzzler with your Statist-Mindset!laugh

Bestinshow's photo
Fri 11/29/13 10:25 AM

A avalanche starts small and ends big.

People are waking up to what our future is going to look like, a global surveillance state paying slave wages to the bottom 99% and a gilded age for the wealthy. Be proud you can actually vote on it Mr Conrad.

Considering the big money outspent the reformers like 50/1 it's not surprising who won the election but the issue has been raised and that is a small victory.

The claim that big business would relocate to avoid the 12/1 is fear mongering and the dupes fell for it. What is needed is a global 12/1 so the crooks and thieves have no place to run.

you're waxing pathetic now!laugh :laughing: :laughing:
You really haven't got a Clue about how our System works!
Educate yourself,then come back and tell me what we ought to do!
Go peddle your Marxist-Creed somewhere else,we have no need for that Crap!
Picture our future Mr Conrad its pretty pathetic. a 24/7 surveillance state, facial recognition cameras all over the place and slave wages for the bottom 99%, that is the future that is being built I cheer anyone who opposes this.

Well,Sunshine,we have a lot less Unemployment here than you have,how come?
Maybe it is because we are a Right To Work State,and strangely enough the Unions were squarely against last Sunday's Measure!
Now go figure!
Guess it will be a bit of a Puzzler with your Statist-Mindset!laugh
Again Mr Conrad the fact 39% voted for the 12/1 is a victory considering Switzerland is a fairly progressive country with many benefits not enjoyed in the US.

I wonder how the US would vote if we actually had a chance to.

In the United States the wealthiest one per cent of the population owns more than the bottom 95 per cent.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 11/29/13 02:25 PM

A avalanche starts small and ends big.

People are waking up to what our future is going to look like, a global surveillance state paying slave wages to the bottom 99% and a gilded age for the wealthy. Be proud you can actually vote on it Mr Conrad.

Considering the big money outspent the reformers like 50/1 it's not surprising who won the election but the issue has been raised and that is a small victory.

The claim that big business would relocate to avoid the 12/1 is fear mongering and the dupes fell for it. What is needed is a global 12/1 so the crooks and thieves have no place to run.

you're waxing pathetic now!laugh :laughing: :laughing:
You really haven't got a Clue about how our System works!
Educate yourself,then come back and tell me what we ought to do!
Go peddle your Marxist-Creed somewhere else,we have no need for that Crap!
Picture our future Mr Conrad its pretty pathetic. a 24/7 surveillance state, facial recognition cameras all over the place and slave wages for the bottom 99%, that is the future that is being built I cheer anyone who opposes this.

Well,Sunshine,we have a lot less Unemployment here than you have,how come?
Maybe it is because we are a Right To Work State,and strangely enough the Unions were squarely against last Sunday's Measure!
Now go figure!
Guess it will be a bit of a Puzzler with your Statist-Mindset!laugh
Again Mr Conrad the fact 39% voted for the 12/1 is a victory considering Switzerland is a fairly progressive country with many benefits not enjoyed in the US.

I wonder how the US would vote if we actually had a chance to.

In the United States the wealthiest one per cent of the population owns more than the bottom 95 per cent.

Say,Thank You Dumbocrats!laugh

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 11/29/13 02:29 PM

It is a victory for the common man just that the issue was raised. I expect we have not heard the last of this issue. :)

It was raised by People with a Brainfart looking for an easy Cushioned Job administering the Idiocy!
But your Statist thinking won't allow you to see that!
Well,I'll let you wallow in your Misery,and hope you commiserate with your Genossen!laugh

Bestinshow's photo
Fri 11/29/13 04:02 PM

It is a victory for the common man just that the issue was raised. I expect we have not heard the last of this issue. :)

It was raised by People with a Brainfart looking for an easy Cushioned Job administering the Idiocy!
But your Statist thinking won't allow you to see that!
Well,I'll let you wallow in your Misery,and hope you commiserate with your Genossen!laugh
Its like playing chess with a pigeon You knock the pieces over crap on the board, strut around and declare victory and fly back to your neocon fascist flock.laugh

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 11/30/13 01:16 AM

It is a victory for the common man just that the issue was raised. I expect we have not heard the last of this issue. :)

It was raised by People with a Brainfart looking for an easy Cushioned Job administering the Idiocy!
But your Statist thinking won't allow you to see that!
Well,I'll let you wallow in your Misery,and hope you commiserate with your Genossen!laugh
Its like playing chess with a pigeon You knock the pieces over crap on the board, strut around and declare victory and fly back to your neocon fascist flock.laugh

Looks like that's exactly what you just did!
Well,Old Son.we voted and have chosen to reject the Measure,and there isn't a thing anyone can do about,except crysad :cry: !:laughing:
Why do you think the Swiss Franc is in better shape than the Dollar?
Mainly because we are not allowing the Unions to steal billions from the Workers and then pretend they doing them a favor!
You have much to learn Grasshopper!laugh But first you need to discard your Statist/Collectivist thinking,because it is in the way of your comprehending the Issues!
Now,hop to it!
Here ends the Lesson for a Statist!

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 12/01/13 05:59 PM

It is a victory for the common man just that the issue was raised. I expect we have not heard the last of this issue. :)

It was raised by People with a Brainfart looking for an easy Cushioned Job administering the Idiocy!
But your Statist thinking won't allow you to see that!
Well,I'll let you wallow in your Misery,and hope you commiserate with your Genossen!laugh
Its like playing chess with a pigeon You knock the pieces over crap on the board, strut around and declare victory and fly back to your neocon fascist flock.laugh

Looks like that's exactly what you just did!
Well,Old Son.we voted and have chosen to reject the Measure,and there isn't a thing anyone can do about,except crysad :cry: !:laughing:
Why do you think the Swiss Franc is in better shape than the Dollar?
Mainly because we are not allowing the Unions to steal billions from the Workers and then pretend they doing them a favor!
You have much to learn Grasshopper!laugh But first you need to discard your Statist/Collectivist thinking,because it is in the way of your comprehending the Issues!
Now,hop to it!
Here ends the Lesson for a Statist!
The Swiss have more people in Unions per Capita than the US. Wiki has them at one in four. Seems you know very little of your own country. I am not even sure if you are as you claim. "Swiss"

In case you have trouble in math thats 25% of Swiss workers in a union or confederation.

The US is 12.5%.

Consider yourself better informed on this matter good sir.

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 12/02/13 01:30 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Mon 12/02/13 01:36 AM

It is a victory for the common man just that the issue was raised. I expect we have not heard the last of this issue. :)

It was raised by People with a Brainfart looking for an easy Cushioned Job administering the Idiocy!
But your Statist thinking won't allow you to see that!
Well,I'll let you wallow in your Misery,and hope you commiserate with your Genossen!laugh
Its like playing chess with a pigeon You knock the pieces over crap on the board, strut around and declare victory and fly back to your neocon fascist flock.laugh

Looks like that's exactly what you just did!
Well,Old Son.we voted and have chosen to reject the Measure,and there isn't a thing anyone can do about,except crysad :cry: !:laughing:
Why do you think the Swiss Franc is in better shape than the Dollar?
Mainly because we are not allowing the Unions to steal billions from the Workers and then pretend they doing them a favor!
You have much to learn Grasshopper!laugh But first you need to discard your Statist/Collectivist thinking,because it is in the way of your comprehending the Issues!
Now,hop to it!
Here ends the Lesson for a Statist!
The Swiss have more people in Unions per Capita than the US. Wiki has them at one in four. Seems you know very little of your own country. I am not even sure if you are as you claim. "Swiss"

In case you have trouble in math thats 25% of Swiss workers in a union or confederation.

The US is 12.5%.

Consider yourself better informed on this matter good sir.

again,you show your ignorance of matters here!
There is a big difference between what you call Union,and what we have here!
So,you think I am not Swiss!
You sad Man!

Besides,how come you are still yammering a bout a Vote that means Diddlysquat to you?laugh

Union or Confederation?
So,you think they are all the same,hmm?

Quit while you're ahead,Sunshine!

So,you consider a Professional Association automatically a Union?
Oh,and BTW,there are no Closed Shops here!
No coercion to join a Union,especially not the Mafia-kind you have in the US!
Face it Best,you Internationalists have lost another one!:laughing:
Keep on yammering!
Here we don't even talk about that Vote,since there were other,more important Issues voted on,that no need attention!
Like I said,you're a Babe in the Woods when it comes to Switzerland,or any other System a bit different from your narrow coercive Union-Outlook!:laughing:
You're still thinking along the narrow lines of 19th century Marxist Klassenkampf,then wonder why here Unions and Confederations are thriving,while in the US the Unions are dying!
It's their Soviet-coercive Style that did it,and we have no use for that Garbage here!
Especially not for Unions who are in Bed with Big Business and Government!sick

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 12/02/13 01:38 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Mon 12/02/13 01:45 AM

Corporate 'fat cats' in Switzerland are pouring in money to sway the result of an upcoming referendum that could turn the tide on income inequality in the country.

Up for a nation-wide vote next Monday, the "1:12 Initiative for Fair Play" would legally limit the monthly income of high earning CEOs to no more than what a company's lowest-paid employee earns in 12 months. In other words, no top executive could make more in a month than what the company’s lowest-paid workers make in a year.

The initiative, introduced by the youth wing of Switzerland's Socialist Party (JUSO) and backed by the Social Democrat and Green parties and unions across the country, gained support and momentum very quickly, with a successful petition drive of over 130,000 signatures to get it on the ballot.

Rising income inequality in the county has fueled the support. As JUSO's campaign has pointed out, the average salary among Swiss CEOs compared to the average wage has risen from six to one in 1984 to 43 to one in 2011.

But as voting time has drawn closer, the super rich have turned up the heat against the campaign to protect their profits, Sam Pizzigati at reports, with donations to the 'no' vote camp now likely well into the millions and up to 50 times the amount donated to the 'yes' campaign.

The spending seems to be taking its toll. A recent poll taken by the Swiss market research institute gfs.bern showed 36 percent of those questioned were in favor of the 1:12 initiative, down from 44 percent in October when the polls were split.

As Pizzigati writes, the messages coming from Swiss corporations such as Nestle and Novartis, as well as many corporate friendly lawmakers, have painted the picture that the initiative is “a frontal attack on freedom” — and “prosperity,” as declared by SwissHoldings, a federation of Swiss-based multinationals.

In another sampling of the rhetoric coming from the no campaign, Swiss lawmaker Ruedi Noser said the 1:12 proposition would turn Switzerland into the “North Korea of Europe."

The fear-inducing tactics seem to be working, if the polls are any indication.

Meanwhile, "No major Swiss newspaper is supporting the 1:12 initiative,” said JUSO activist Mattea Meyer.

However, the game is far too early to call, Pizzigati notes. In a very similar showdown earlier this year, "Swiss corporate execs unleashed a similar political blitz," he reports, "when corporate gadfly Thomas Minder, a successful entrepreneur, led a campaign to give shareholders more say over top executive pay — and ban executive new-hire and 'golden parachute' bonuses." That initiative passed with an overwhelming 67.9 percent voting against the "fat cats" in favor of the regulations.

"I'm optimistic," said JUSO's David Roth in an interview last week. "We have our chance. We're up against the big companies who spend millions. I can tell you that our opponents are nervous."
what MONDAY?
We NEVER vote during the week!

Not even for the extremely "OPTIMISTIC" JUSO!rofl rofl rofl

read it and weep!rofl rofl rofl

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 12/02/13 08:30 PM
Well if you really are a Swiss your lucky as you live in one of the most progressive countries in Europe. So why do you support all the neo con garbage that goes on in the US?

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 12/02/13 09:09 PM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Mon 12/02/13 09:16 PM

Well if you really are a Swiss your lucky as you live in one of the most progressive countries in Europe. So why do you support all the neo con garbage that goes on in the US?
yawn yawn yawn

Man are you clueless!
You really don't know what you are talking about!yawn