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Topic: I need some advice
RUSerious's photo
Sun 10/22/06 02:54 PM
I was at a apartment building and i fell down the steps,hurt my leg
bad,no broken bones..but i cant wasnt my fault,wasnt the
weather..the stairs r crooked....should i sue,should i take action? and
if yes,how? runnin out of time to make a decision..ty

TERRANCE0's photo
Sun 10/22/06 03:09 PM
yes take action i would talk to the owner of the complex not the manager
usally apartmet complexes are owned by realiters i they dont do any
thing for you then get a lawyer

RUSerious's photo
Sun 10/22/06 03:13 PM
k,everyone tellin me that..i just hate to loose...ty T...

TERRANCE0's photo
Sun 10/22/06 03:16 PM
no problim say if you notice every body telling you to do the same thing
then look into it i had a number for lawyers who fight those kind of
cases but i lost it

RUSerious's photo
Sun 10/22/06 03:18 PM
aawww,c how u gonna do me anyways..i have a lawyer,my boy
got me 1..

TERRANCE0's photo
Sun 10/22/06 03:19 PM
naw for real i really dont know it any more

RUSerious's photo
Sun 10/22/06 03:20 PM
i understand how that can be.....its cool...ty

no photo
Sun 10/22/06 07:30 PM
did you go to the doctor for the leg? chances are they won't give you
anything if you didn't.

Marie55's photo
Sun 10/22/06 08:39 PM
That is true, you need documentation on the date, time, witnesses and
doctor statements and bills, etc., the lawyer will want all this before
he can do anything. Get your papers going so you have things in order
when you talk to the attorney. If your injury is serious, you should
have been to a doctor already, the longer you wait, the more serious it
could be getting. It could affect you for the rest of your life, like
some spinal injuries do, etc. If you haven't been to a doctor, I would
go and soon, wouldn't want the owner of the building questioning why you
waited, and using that as a reason to get out of responsibility for the
injury. Just my 2 cents. Take care.

no photo
Sun 10/22/06 09:59 PM
dont know its your call!!

RUSerious's photo
Mon 10/23/06 09:59 AM
ty for the advice.....i went to the doctor that night...i just havent
gone to the building yet and got pics of the stairs which imma bout to
do in a min,b4 they try to fix it when i complain.....but again ty yall

68OU1's photo
Mon 10/23/06 11:23 AM
In 1994, I was walking down some stairs my foot got twisted in a crack
in the last step, did serious damage to my right foot and ankle. tore
ligaments, broke the ankle in 3 places shattered bones, I never sued
because it was my daughters aunt apartment complex, 12 years later i
walk with a limp, my ankle have nuts & bolts on both sides, and I still
dont have feeling in my pinkie toe. I wished I had of sued, I wouldnt
have to work.

long story short YES, YES, you never know what nerves you have damaged
until it is too late.

P.S. depending on what state you live in there is a statue of limitation
as too how long you have to file a law suit.

RUSerious's photo
Tue 10/24/06 02:51 PM
ty...and i called sam i did and he is handling my
case for i know if he steps in ,i have some kind of case..

michael1313's photo
Wed 10/25/06 04:24 AM
get lots of pics of th stairs for th judge to see where you fell,and
show him a Dr.'s opinion of your leg...then would
I talk it over with th Atty....if it were me...and th two of you can see
th judge if th Atty thinks you got it...

had a bad fall on a job like that,no pics,no Dr.,no case...M.

no photo
Thu 10/26/06 03:14 PM
See I think that the person that owned this could have made the steps
perfect, but then would need to charge more for rent. How would you
feel if the owner of this place tripped and fell at your house and then
sued you? It doesn't seem that serious to me. I have been hurt
seriously bad jumping dirt bikes at my friends houses. I took a 65 foot
jump once and cased the landing very badly, long story short i went into
a pile of dirt going between 50-60 mph. I never sued because yeah he
owned the jump, but it was my decision to go over the jump. This is how
i feel about ur case. It was your decision to walk down the stairs. I
think america is sueing everybody over nothing. We all just need to take
care of each other and put the time and energy into something more
usefull than a court room.

RUSerious's photo
Fri 10/27/06 06:34 AM
whoa....u talkin about something different...u on ur bike is UR
CHOICE..i aint choose to fall down these stairs which is the apartments
RESPONSIBLITY to maintain for all residents..if that was ur grandma or
grandfather who broke a hip would u think differently? or ur pregnant
girlfriend or wife? u could of kept that comment to urself bro

no photo
Fri 10/27/06 06:08 PM
King is right. Don't take long on deciding what to do and if you have to
take pictures of the steps. Just to cover yourself.

no photo
Sun 10/29/06 04:34 PM
if that was my girlfriend/wife, or grandma i would help take care of
them but why sue? it was their choice to walk down the stairs. if i
slipped and fell on your property would you want me to sue you? i
worked in a restaraunt that got sued because someone fell over a step
that was painted bright yellow. it was painted bright yellow and had a
huge watch ur step sign right before it. The person that sued was
actually a regular. the restaraunt won the case but lawyer fees were
unreal. America needs to take responsibility for their actions. I
could have had lawsuits already, but why bother. We need to start
taking care of eachother and stop looking on whats being done for you.
the person that owned the apartments probably didn't want to fix them to
do the person a favor anyways by keeping the rent cost down.

RUSerious's photo
Mon 10/30/06 11:08 AM
u still wrong...the place has a sign,cuz of peeps sueing..thats still
different..and yes the stairs r croaked..i am takin action..i have a
lawyer..i have a witness..i have pics....i have doctor notes and
bills....which I AM NOT RESPONCIBLE FOR...the apartment building said
that they KNEW the str=airs where messed up,but never did anything about
it.They have 6 complaints on them 1 pair of steps alone..I have a right
to sue,thats the apartments responcibility,not mine..whoa....u

no photo
Mon 10/30/06 11:22 AM
the two cases ain't exactly the same whoadoggy. i completely agree with
you about america being litigation happy and more people need to take
action for their responsibility. the restaurant you worked at was not in
the wrong but the apartment owner is. the apartment building steps were
broken and crooked and they have to take responsibilty for not fixing
them, a sign does not fix them. i don't think the restaurant that you
worked at had any responsibility because the stairs were not defective.

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