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no photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:13 PM
Ladies, what would you do if you have been chatting with this guy
online, you have seen his pics and he looks very handsome, however when
you meet in person instead of him being 6'1 he's 5'4 and looks like a
little person?

racnrayjr's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:15 PM
liar already he will lie more

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:16 PM
i hope thats a hypothetical question cuz if it isnt i bet you laughed

no photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:17 PM
No, this actually happen to me.

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:18 PM
wow well im not a ladie and cant answer it but wtf did you do lol

beautyinthechaos's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:20 PM
thats sad but see i am 5'1 so i dont think it would really matter. And
5'4 is not a little person. to be considered a little person (midget,
dwarf) you have to be under 4'7. What did you do?

no photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:21 PM
I got the hell out there. He was trying to talk me and grabbed my hand
but I couldn't stop laughing. Was that mean?

no photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:22 PM
The guy is not the guy you saw on line. That means hes a liar and is
very insecure and full of fear.

Amathyst's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:24 PM
Maybe a little mean, but he did misrepresent himself. He should have
been honest. I mean what's the big deal if he's not 6', why not say

no photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:25 PM

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:25 PM
Ok i dont know what i would cuz Im a guy and I guess it would depend on
the situation lol. But I think that if they said they were someone that
they werent lol I dont im lmao right now. No it wasnt mean it sounds
funny as hell.

Morena350's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:27 PM
Brownie girl,
you did the right thing, becaues if he lied on his profile
then he is not an honest person,
no trust, no relationship

lov ya girl,

take care

no photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:29 PM
Thanks Morena

millsdd's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:49 PM
I've had the same thing happen, not about height but met women who had
obviously posted pics that were probably 10 or more years old! I try to
keep mine fairly current because I decided when I 1st got online and
started chatting that I'd love to meet some of my online friends in
person someday (which I have met quite a few) and the last thing I
wanted was for them to be thinking I was someone I wasn't. That's doubly
important in the dating sense of meeting someone!

sexybbw76's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:50 PM
To be honest i would probably just turn and walk away. I mean if he lies
about his height what else has he lied about?

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:53 PM
but it was funny right lol. sorry but I just think that you have to
laugh at the total lameness of something like that. Yes he lied but
still rotflmao I dont know how the heck some ppl think they gonna get
away with that kinda stuff.

KoolDude79's photo
Sat 10/28/06 11:01 PM
Did he dance and sing, "We represent the lollipop guild. The Lollipop
Guild." I'm sorry but shit I just had too.

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Sat 10/28/06 11:02 PM
see it isnt just me laughing

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 10/28/06 11:09 PM
yeah think that would be very hard not to notice from 6'1 to 5'4 is a
big difference I would have left too bad joke

Ghostrecon's photo
Sun 10/29/06 12:53 AM
I would like to know what was he thinking if he lied in his profile.
Would he think that you would just accept it?

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