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Topic: Gardasil Vaccine
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Wed 08/12/15 02:01 AM
Road Island: Madatated That ALL (boys & girls), In The 7th Grade Will Receive This Vaccine.
* 140 deaths, innumerable cases of cancer, throughout the world,Spain, France, India, Japan, etc. & many other dangerous side effects, like infertility * spock

YouTube- KafjaWinston
Providence Journal

It was announced this week that 7th graders in Rhode Island would be required to have the Gardasil HPV vaccine as a requirement for attending school. The Providence Journal reports:

Starting this fall, seventh-graders in all public and private schools will be required to get a vaccine that protects against a sexually transmitted virus linked to various genital cancers, especially cervical cancer in women. Students who fail to get the vaccine for HPV — or the human papillomavirus — will be precluded from attending school unless their parents seek an exemption for medical or religious reasons.

The HPV vaccine has become very controversial, particularly outside of the United States, due to the large amount of injuries being attributed to the vaccine, and in some cases, also deaths.

Sadly, parents are generally not warned about the serious adverse reactions to the vaccine.

Locally, some parents are already agitating against the vaccine, saying it’s an intrusion by the government into private matters and that the vaccine’s side effects can be serious.
But Tricia Washburn, chief of the office of immunization for the Rhode Island Department of Health, said the vaccine has been thoroughly studied by the Centers for Disease Control, which monitors adverse outcomes, and no safety concerns were found. (Source.)

The CDC has shown that they cannot be trusted for information on vaccine safety, due to a serious conflict of interest as they are the largest purchaser of vaccines in the world, buying billions of dollars worth of vaccines each year. (See: CDC’s Purchase of $4 Billion of Vaccines a Conflict of Interest in Overseeing Vaccine Safety.)

Countries outside of the U.S. have stopped recommending the vaccine, and launched investigations regarding the widespread reports of crippling vaccine injuries due to the HPV vaccine, such as the recent European Medicines Agency probe that just started a few weeks ago. (See: European Medicines Agency Launches Probe into HPV Vaccine Injuries.)

Risk of Infertility from HPV Vaccine

Maddie and Olivia Meylor both suffered from pre-mature menopause as teen-agers right after receiving the Gardasil vaccine. Story here.

One of the most serious side effects being reported by those harmed by the HPV Gardasil vaccine is premature menopause, or what the medical community labels as “Primary Ovarian Failure.” This terrible side effect is well-documented in the medical literature. (See: Study: HPV Vaccine Linked to Premature Menopause in Young Girls.)

Most people are also probably unaware that the U.S. Government earns royalties from the sale of Merck’s Gardasil vaccine. In November 2010, Dr. Eric Suba submitted a Freedom of Information Request to the Office of Government Information Services to discover the amount of money the U.S government earns from Merck’s sale of Gardasil. But apparently the government is immune from revealing those figures, as you can read for yourself the response Dr. Suba received here.

Medical Doctors Opposed to Forced Vaccinations – Should Their Views be Silenced?

eBook – Available for immediate download.

One of the biggest myths being propagated in the compliant mainstream media today is that doctors are either pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine, and that the anti-vaccine doctors are all “quacks.”

However, nothing could be further from the truth in the vaccine debate. Doctors are not unified at all on their positions regarding “the science” of vaccines, nor are they unified in the position of removing informed consent to a medical procedure like vaccines.

The two most extreme positions are those doctors who are 100% against vaccines and do not administer them at all, and those doctors that believe that ALL vaccines are safe and effective for ALL people, ALL the time, by force if necessary.

Very few doctors fall into either of these two extremist positions, and yet it is the extreme pro-vaccine position that is presented by the U.S. Government and mainstream media as being the dominant position of the medical field.

In between these two extreme views, however, is where the vast majority of doctors practicing today would probably categorize their position. Many doctors who consider themselves “pro-vaccine,” for example, do not believe that every single vaccine is appropriate for every single individual.

Many doctors recommend a “delayed” vaccine schedule for some patients, and not always the recommended one-size-fits-all CDC childhood schedule. Other doctors choose to recommend vaccines based on the actual science and merit of each vaccine, recommending some, while determining that others are not worth the risk for children, such as the suspect seasonal flu shot.

These doctors who do not hold extreme positions would be opposed to government-mandated vaccinations and the removal of all parental exemptions.

In this eBook, I am going to summarize the many doctors today who do not take the most extremist pro-vaccine position, which is probably not held by very many doctors at all, in spite of what the pharmaceutical industry, the federal government, and the mainstream media would like the public to believe.

Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm

Canadian physician Dr. Andrew Moulden provided clear scientific evidence to prove that every dose of vaccine given to a child or an adult produces harm. The truth that he uncovered was rejected by the conventional medical system and the pharmaceutical industry. Nevertheless, his warning and his message to America remains as a solid legacy of the man who stood up against big pharma and their program to vaccinate every person on the Earth.

Dr. Moulden died unexpectedly in November of 2013 at age 49.

Because of the strong opposition from big pharma concerning Dr. Moulden’s research, we became concerned that the name of this brilliant researcher and his life’s work had nearly been deleted from the internet. His reputation was being disparaged, and his message of warning and hope was being distorted and buried without a tombstone. This book summarizes his teaching and is a must-read for everyone who wants to learn the “other-side” of the vaccine debate that the mainstream media routinely censuses.

- See more at:

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Wed 08/12/15 10:03 AM
Edited by debbie1980 on Wed 08/12/15 10:09 AM
so basically they are forcing parents to making their child have this vaccine unless there's medical or religious reasons otherwise the consequences are pretty bad.

that's disgusting.

parents should be told the risks and they should decide. They shouldn't be blackmailed.

I don't know if its exactly the same drug they have been using in the uk, if it is, the parents got to choose yes or no and if they said no there was no bad consequences.

im pretty certain my niece had it, and my sister went ahead and said ok but I thought this is such a new vaccine and I have heard a few bad stories and I wasn't so sure but it wasn't my decision to make.

Its a tough decision to make, because it will save lives, I just wish this vaccine had been around a lot longer and I do feel my niece was one of the guinea pigs. im sure she had it in the very early days of this new drug.

I had cin3 pre cancer cells and they were just about to turn, so I was very lucky, but this WASNT because of the hpv virus. Even so in many cases the hpv virus is present, but I would still want to research this drug in detail before I made that decision to give it my child. ( if I had one)

no photo
Wed 08/12/15 03:25 PM
Debbie1980 quote.

So basically they are forcing parents to making their child have this vaccine unless there's medical or religious reasons otherwise the consequences are pretty bad.

that's disgusting.

parents should be told the risks and they should decide. They shouldn't be blackmailed.
It is infuriating to me, in so many ways. explode

1- Parents are & should remain the authority of their own children, in all matters.
2- The risks of this vaccine & many others, is ludicrous.
3- This drug/ vaccine was ONLY on the market for TWO Months, when the FDA (Federal Drug Administration), DECLARED it SAFE.
4- This drug mandate was put into effect without, any vote or say by the people and/ or parents.
* First California & now New England*
5- The big pharmacicals, in the USA & Bill Gates himself are out of control.
* Many deaths & paralyzed children in India *
6- More & more mandates of vaccines are being passed which have horrid side effects & permanent damage.
*Without public knowledge or consent*
7- More & more parents are pulling their kids OUT of the the public school system because of vaccine mandates & also the lack of (safer) vaccines for illegal immigrants.
8- There is a plan for the future, where adults would of received, 120 vaccines in their lifetime.

no photo
Wed 08/12/15 04:17 PM

Debbie1980 quote.

So basically they are forcing parents to making their child have this vaccine unless there's medical or religious reasons otherwise the consequences are pretty bad.

that's disgusting.

parents should be told the risks and they should decide. They shouldn't be blackmailed.
It is infuriating to me, in so many ways. explode

1- Parents are & should remain the authority of their own children, in all matters.
2- The risks of this vaccine & many others, is ludicrous.
3- This drug/ vaccine was ONLY on the market for TWO Months, when the FDA (Federal Drug Administration), DECLARED it SAFE.
4- This drug mandate was put into effect without, any vote or say by the people and/ or parents.
* First California & now New England*
5- The big pharmacicals, in the USA & Bill Gates himself are out of control.
* Many deaths & paralyzed children in India *
6- More & more mandates of vaccines are being passed which have horrid side effects & permanent damage.
*Without public knowledge or consent*
7- More & more parents are pulling their kids OUT of the the public school system because of vaccine mandates & also the lack of (safer) vaccines for illegal immigrants.
8- There is a plan for the future, where adults would of received, 120 vaccines in their lifetime.

I know the feeling.mad

its all disgusting and to take away the parents rights is just morally wrong, who would want to put their child into potential danger?

It should always be the parents rights to do there research and they make the decision and to blackmail them into terrible consequences if they say no should never happen.

Well because it was only on the market for 2 months and they declared it safe its clear to see why these tragic cases have happened.

It makes my blood boil. And if I were a parent in this situation I would feel forced and trapped into making a decision, that quite frankly I had no choice to make due to being blackmailed explode explode

no photo
Wed 08/12/15 05:54 PM
I see no good reason why HPV vaccine is being made mandatory...

Considering the reasons for making the HPV vaccine, what ought to be mandatory is properly educating these kids on it.

shelby58's photo
Wed 08/12/15 06:00 PM
It's not just with this, the government is trampling over parental rights more and more. My children are all grown now, but if they were not, I would certainly fight this.

MelMaxx's photo
Wed 08/12/15 07:55 PM
I have had concerns about this vaccine from the moment my Dr began talking to me and my daughter about it. My Dr's daughter began the vaccine at 11 years old and between the 2nd and last dose, she was diagnosed with one of the rarer forms of leukemia. I know, i'm not a scientist or a dr, but to me that was just simply too coincidental.
I DO understand the fact that it could be an absolute LIFE-SAVER, however I'm all for others being the guinea pig. I know, I know...SOMEONE has to, I just don't really want it to be MY DAUGHTER.

And WTF making it mandatory to be able to attend school????? HELL NO!!!

no photo
Wed 08/12/15 07:57 PM
Please circulate link, for those fighting in & for Road Island


no photo
Wed 08/12/15 08:08 PM
It's a matter of public health.

Do you also believe that parents should be able to dictate the speed limit on every public road their children might drive upon?

There are limits to personal freedom when they impact others.

Furthermore, the 'risks' of the vaccine are drastically overblown, while the risks of not getting the vaccine are entirely overlooked.

Science, *******. It works.


no photo
Wed 08/12/15 08:16 PM

I see no good reason why HPV vaccine is being made mandatory...

Considering the reasons for making the HPV vaccine, what ought to be mandatory is properly educating these kids on it.

I reiterate my stand on this particular vaccine....^^^...

HPV is not the immediate threat, per se... Ignorance about it is...

no photo
Wed 08/12/15 10:40 PM
Surprise surprise! The government forcing another depopulation drug onto the masses under the guise of keeping us safe. This vaccine serves the purpose of killing off the population and sterilizing the rest. Government hard at work for our interests. whoa

no photo
Wed 08/12/15 10:53 PM
I have read your post on the other thread, and I add my remarks below:

1. True. So what? Isn't being protected from some better than being protected from none?
2. If you were incarcerated in a nunnery at the age of 5 until you die, then yes, you probably will not contract any sexually transmitted disease. However, in pretty much everyone's life, sex will happen at some point or other. Recall your grandparents had sex, at least once.
3. Again, so what? Many go away, so no harm is done. Some don't - And some can be prevented by the vaccine.
4. Again, so prevent those you can, and deal with those you can't. A little prevention is better than none, even if perfection isn't there.

2. Yup. Mostly by vaccination.
The rest are reasonable observations but do not bear at all upon the benefits or risks of vaccination, besides pointing out "Getting this disease is no fun. Anything you can do to minimize the risk thereof is a good idea."

1. Nope, nobody ever claimed it did.
2. Nope, nobody ever claimed it did. Still a little is better than none.
3. See above.
4. Yep. Prevention is better than getting the disease in the first place.

1. See the remark above about being locked in a nunnery. People have sex. It's what they do. Your parents did, your children will if they have not already.
2. Nothing wrong with multiple tests and multiple prevention activities. One flosses as well as brushing one's teeth.
3. Nothing's perfect. Some studies show some things, some studies show others. Unless you cite exactly which study you're talking about, I have no idea if you're talking about some Scientology scam study or a well-peer-reviewed and published in a reputable journal (and not later retracted) pile of horsepucky. I can make a study that "proves" the Earth is flat.
4. Yep. Nothing's perfect. But the adverse affects of NOT getting the vaccine are statistically far more likely that adverse effects of getting it.
5. Once again, wouldn't it be better to just not get it in the first place?


no photo
Wed 08/12/15 11:45 PM
^ You must work for the government.

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Wed 08/12/15 11:50 PM
I am not for mandatory non-vaccination of HPV.

But i am not for mandatory vaccination of it, especially not in lieu of proper education.

So many other more devastating diseases for particular age-related and other risk factor related morbidities and mortalities that do benefit from mandatory vaccinations.

I don't see why a policy should be made to force parents to have their adolescent children immunized for an illness that relates to sexual promiscuity, in exchange for proper education, not only of the matter at hand but also the suspension of basic education for the sake of a vaccine.

There is a proper venue and manner and personnel to discuss that topic with kids and with parents.I don't see reason why it should be enforced that way. It promotes the notion of suspending informed consent in matters pertaining to medical procedures.

Mandatory vaccination is not the same as recommended vaccination.

Acquisition of cancer-related HPV is still largely lifestyle related.

I have not come across articles relating to how HPV vaccine can affect the development of the immature cervix (or penis). I am aware that there are histologic differences pertaining to the developing cervical lining in adolescents compared to adults, that contribute to the development of cervical cancer in those who have had multiple sexual trauma to it at a young age.

If you would like to contribute to my limited knowledge pertaining the matter, feel free to post properly cited scientific papers on it. I am more than willing to learn, and that is what i would also like to promote in matters such as these.

Policies such as the one cited by the OP however, do open the doors for epidemiological studies that can provide a myriad of information and potential studies that can affect future policies on vaccination schedules and recommendations, as well as give us the eventual bird's eyeview of what kids can do with themselves if they feel they are "protected" from the consequences of their actions. That much i can give you.

no photo
Thu 08/13/15 03:57 AM
2011..... * The World knew * spock

"The United States requires infants to receive 26 vaccines (the most in the world) yet more than 6 U.S. infants die per every 1,000 live births. In contrast, Sweden and Japan administer 12 vaccines to infants, the least amount, and report less than 3 deaths per 1,000 live births.

The study also found evidence that some infant deaths attributed to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) may actually be vaccine-related."

- See more at:

no photo
Thu 08/13/15 04:08 AM

It's a matter of public health.

Do you also believe that parents should be able to dictate the speed limit on every public road their children might drive upon?

There are limits to personal freedom when they impact others.

Furthermore, the 'risks' of the vaccine are drastically overblown, while the risks of not getting the vaccine are entirely overlooked.

Science, *******. It works.


Parents do NOT DICTATE.... They RAISE their OWN children, by the standards they see fit & believe in ,& are against. Like....
Vaccines, Sexually, Religion, Education, Morality & Traditions.

It is THE STATE/ Government/ Global Elite that want to DICTATE.

No one, should f@ck with the family.

spock The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.

Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

Basically National Socialism and Marxism are the same thing

Adolf Hitler

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Thu 08/13/15 04:12 AM
All right now, calm down.

Do you even realize that you are doing exactly what you pretend to be opposing?

Blind OPPOSITION to something, is at least as destructive as blind SUPPORT of it.

People have been claiming that vaccinations magically cause other problems, since the entire concept was discovered. And, it is true that with many preventives against disease, or even against accidental injuries and death, will always have SOME adverse results.

After all, wearing a seatbelt CAN, under exactly the right conditions, lead to someone being injured MORE in a traffic accident. Intelligent people, however, look at the fact that 99% of the time or more, the use of seat belts SAVES lives, and accept the tiny number of instances where they don't.

I'm not saying that this particular vaccine is or isn't a good idea. However, if you are going to oppose it, do it with genuine, REAL data, and not just a bunch of paranoia-inspired propaganda.

no photo
Thu 08/13/15 05:35 AM
Edited by SassyEuro2 on Thu 08/13/15 05:37 AM
Igor quote

you even realize that you are doing exactly what you pretend to be opposing?

Blind OPPOSITION to something, is at least as destructive as blind SUPPORT of it.
There is no pretending. I am opposed, as are more & more people, to MOST of the new & up coming vaccines.
Especially, being mandatory.

Not ALL OPPOSITION is blind or destructive. But trusting & believing that everything is for our own good is.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 08/13/15 07:46 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Thu 08/13/15 08:42 AM

Being a rebel and a patriot if I had school aged children today and was "forced" to vaccinate them to attend school...... they would be home schooled!

Vaccines have their place and have done much to eradicate disease in the world, but the ethics of the new breed in Big Pharma, and 80% of their TRILLION $$$ industry based on the sales of antibiotics and vaccines.....

I would put much more stock in cleanliness and education!

The Hidden History of Medicine

That being said..... I will be offline shortly for a while as I make a move home. Moving across the states can be time consuming and demand much attention. I'll be in and out briefly for a couple days yet, but much to do. I HATE MOVING!

Not to worry my friends. It's more a courtesy to make things easier for my children, my desire to see grandkids I have never met, and better access to resources needed at present.

I'll be back to pi$$ everyone off again in a couple of weeks bigsmile

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Thu 08/13/15 10:08 AM
1 hour ago.....

" Community Schools, Coming Destroying All Parental rights "

* 7 links in the links above *

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