Topic: Cinemas May Be Watching You With Night Vision Goggles
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Sat 10/03/15 07:38 AM

Cinemas May Be Watching You With Night Vision Goggles

In the UK, it's part of an effort to crack down on movie piracy

By Michael Harthorne, Newser Staff

Posted Sep 24, 2015 5:17 PM CDT

(Newser) – When the new 007 film Spectre hits UK theaters next month, James Bond won't be the only one with cool spy gear. The Telegraph reports theater staff equipped with "military-style night-vision goggles" will patrol screenings looking for would-be bootleggers. "The bigger the film and the more anticipated it is, the higher risk it is," says Kieron Sharp, the head of the Federation Against Copyright Theft. "James Bond is a big risk and we will be working with cinema operators and the distributors making sure we will keep that as tight as possible. We really don't want to see that recorded."

Smartphones are making movie pirating easier than ever, and theaters have to up their game to combat increasingly sneaky bootleggers, the Guardian reports. “They use various tricks like cutting a hole in a popcorn cup," Sharp says. "Sometimes we see a sock with a hole cut in, which they put over the phone so there is no shine to the phone.” According to the Telegraph, bootleggers now compete against each other to be the first to post movies—especially ones that appeal to young men—online. Spectre is expected to be one of the biggest films of the year and is opening in the United Kingdom at least a week earlier than anywhere else, the Guardian reports.

Tomishereagain's photo
Sat 10/03/15 09:45 AM
Bootleggers should be booted. There are very few cam copy versions that are even decent to watch. If it is something I just have to see right away, (Godzilla, Jurassic World, ect...) I will shell out the money and find a date and go see the movie in 3d.
Those cam versions are awful and ruin the movie. I would rather wait for a clean copy than ruin the experience trying to watch out of focus, out of frame, cut-off garbled blurs.

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Sat 10/03/15 09:58 AM
Edited by RebelArcher on Sat 10/03/15 09:55 AM
What if ya wanna get a lil giggity with your girl in the theater? Guess theyll be watchin' that too laugh

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Sat 10/03/15 02:58 PM

Bootleggers should be booted. There are very few cam copy versions that are even decent to watch. If it is something I just have to see right away, (Godzilla, Jurassic World, ect...) I will shell out the money and find a date and go see the movie in 3d.
Those cam versions are awful and ruin the movie. I would rather wait for a clean copy than ruin the experience trying to watch out of focus, out of frame, cut-off garbled blurs.

Jurassic World was a pretty good movie.

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 10/06/15 04:06 AM

What if ya wanna get a lil giggity with your girl in the theater? Guess theyll be watchin' that too laugh

Ah, a double feature.