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Topic: Bad Idea: Trump Mocks Reporter With Disability
Conrad_73's photo
Sun 01/10/16 02:57 PM

"Queen Elizabeth is a man! Prince Charles is a fagg@t! Winston Churchill was full of sh#t! Shakespeare was French!"

Ouch, to call one of our national treasures French is simply beyond the pale

Reeks of International Treason!
Maybe you all shouldn't have barred him from entering the UK!laugh

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/10/16 10:17 PM



In 2014, the percentage of people without health insurance coverage for the entire calendar year was 10.4 percent, or 33.0 million,

lower than

the rate and number of uninsured in 2013 (13.3 percent or 41.8 million

https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2015/demo/p60-253.pdf page 4


Afghanistan (2001–2014) The Taliban government harbored Osama bin Laden and the al-Qaeda terrorist group, responsible for the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States. After Afghanistan refused to turn over Bin Laden, the U.S. and UN coalition forces invaded. The Taliban government was ousted and many terrorist camps in Afghanistan were destroyed. U.S. and NATO troops remain in Afghanistan to support its fragile new government.

Iraq War (2003–2010) The U.S. and Great Britain invaded and toppled the government of dictator Saddam Hussein. Troops remain in Iraq to combat the insurgency that formed after Hussein's defeat.



lilly ledbetter fair pay act,,,http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d111:SN00181:


Promise neighborhoods,,http://www2.ed.gov/programs/promiseneighborhoods/index.html


Federal employment for the disabled https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/executive-order-increasing-federal-employment-individuals-with-disabilities

Private employees hiring the disabled

yep,just like the Clinton-Surplus-Sham!:laughing:
A bit of Creative Accounting!rofl

more from the strawman/adhominem crowd,,,,,,,

no photo
Mon 01/11/16 04:40 AM
Quote from a previous thread

" Our choices suck!

BUT ..considering how much effort the present administration has put into 'divide & conquer' & pushing for ' civil unrest ' (grounds for for Marshall law) & further influence of the UN, striving to make us ' The Republic Of North America' (US, Canada & Mexico)...then yea.. I will go with Mr Trump..the LEAST of the a@@kissers who is more likely to tell the world 'back the f@ck up off my d@ck & my country ' " :banana:

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/11/16 05:41 AM
push for civil unrest?

like applauding the 'passion' of your followers when hearing a couple of them have beat the crap out of a Mexican?

or after seeing a few beat the crap out of a black guy?

divide and conquer?

like pointing out how inferior Mexicans that come to America are
or how allegedly dangerous blacks are to whites
or how suspicious muslims are?

laugh laugh laugh


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