Topic: More Polls
adivorcedone's photo
Thu 02/11/16 09:22 AM
Part I. Never
Part 2. Other

Missed from part 1. ... Being in love with yourself no.5.
Just saying ..

♣️dwebagirl♣️'s photo
Thu 02/11/16 10:54 AM
part one: 3
part two: no 1& 4

one day I hope I get to experience this candle light dinners ....most African man are not romantic... lol!

adivorcedone's photo
Thu 02/11/16 11:07 AM
Einstein once said" crazy, is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result".... Yep, just saying...

no photo
Thu 02/11/16 11:09 AM
Been in Love?
1 Never
2 1 or 2 times
3 Have also confused lust with love
4 Fall in love very easily
Choose and comment

All 4 and more?

Love isn't an absolute.

It's like asking "ever been happy?"
Sometimes some new happiness is so great it blows previous happiness feelings out of the water.
Sometimes it comes with even worse following lows and pain.

Sometimes it happens easily.

Sometimes it's confused with joy, exuberance, excitement.
Sometimes you rationalize it for the sake of the relationship.
Or sometimes it's happiness, but you build it into something bigger than it is, but in hindsight it's easier to say lust overshadowed love.

Sometimes you question previous happiness and think it wasn't real.

So....all 4, and more. Because love isn't like a lightbulb you turn on and off.

Valentines Day Poll
1 Receive Flowers and card
2 Box of chocolates
3 Candle light dinner in or out
4 Night of dancing
5 Lots of love making
6 Other
Give your choice and opinion

Depends on the person.
Depends on the valentines day.
Depends on the relationship.

Some women I've dated I've ignored Valentines and that made them happy.
Others I've done 1-6 and that made them happy.

Other than that, I've never liked dancing other than formal at events. It makes me laugh too hard as it mostly looks like spastic retards with epilepsy trying to dry hump.

All the rest are nice any time of the year, valentines day or not.

♣️dwebagirl♣️'s photo
Thu 02/11/16 07:22 PM

part one: 3
part two: no 1& 4

one day I hope I get to experience this candle light dinners ....most African man are not romantic... lol!

Sorry to hear that, maybe time for a change.

Yes I definitely need change... But so long I will enjoy my first valentines day alone.

saturday2016's photo
Thu 02/11/16 09:06 PM
Like the answer make sense