Topic: Lefties Crash Right-Wing Comic's Routine
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Wed 04/27/16 05:24 AM
Edited by SassyEuro2 on Wed 04/27/16 05:31 AM
Lefties Crash Right-Wing Comic’s Routine, But Their ‘Safe Space’ Winds Up Getting Extremely Violated

By Justen Charters (18 hours ago)
Conservative comedian Steven Crowder was at the University of Massachusetts on Monday to do a comedy show.
However, the moment he arrived on stage, some left-wing protesters tried to crash his event.
Crowder told the Independent Journal Review:
“I had a set I wanted to do; they wouldn’t let anyone speak. The moment I came out they were yelling at me and giving me the finger.
So I flipped it back. ‘Racist!’ ‘Hate speech!’ ‘Shut the ****’ up throughout the entire event. I’d just had it.”
Crowder’s take down of the protesters was captured on video. And he really lit things up.

Yiannopoulos, Steven Crowder and Christina Hoff Sommers at UMass
Milo Yiannopoulos

Steven, Based Mom and I went out to UMass for The Triggering, a three way talk about political correctness going too far. SJWs in the crowd spend the better part of an hour and a half proving us right. Probably my most outrageous show to date, thanks for having us out!
Steven Crowder Owns Social Justice Warriors

Steven Crowder Owns Social Justice Warriors Compilation UMass

And there we have it, you beautiful motherf#ck@rs; a straight Milo, love this man.
UMass Amherst Students Throw Temper Tantrum 3:35

UMass Amherst Students Throw Temper Tantrum at free Speech Event

2016 UMass Amherst students throw temper tantrum at free speech event
Protestors go crazy during The Triggering event at UMass
Social Justice Warrior - "Take Your Hate Speech Out Of This Campus!"
UMass Amherst Students Throw Temper Tantrum at Conservative Event on Campus
Students at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst set a new high for hysteria Monday night at an event featuring Christina Hoff Sommers, Milo Yiannopulous, and Steven Crowder.

The event was intended to be a forum and discussion about the use of political correctness on campus, but degenerated into a shouting match as protesters sought to drown out the speakers with cries of “hate speech” and, less imaginatively, “**** you.”

“Stop talking to us like children!” ... “Then stop acting like a child." Tweet This

One of the protesters took it upon herself to pass out literature expressing her concern for the “triggering” event, claiming the speakers “all demonstrate either that you don’t give a **** about people’s trauma and pain and think it’s funny to thrust people into states of panic and distress OR that you fundamentally do not understand what a trigger is, what it means to be triggered, and what a trigger warning is meant to prevent.”

When Campus Reform asked the activist to elaborate on the flyers, she refused to provide her name or comment because, as she put it, “Campus Reform causes death and death threats due to its extreme language.”

As the speakers walked onto the stage they were greeted with boos and middle fingers from many audience members, to which Steven Crowder graciously responded with a middle finger of his own.

The speakers were constantly interrupted throughout the event by shouts from the audience to “go home” or that “we don’t want you here,” with some of the most enthusiastic hollering coming from the very protester Campus Reform had attempted to speak with before the event.
When the protester attempts to interrupt Yiannopoulos at the beginning of the video, Hoff Sommers tells her to “calm down, young lady.” Paying no heed, the protester responds with an impassioned “F@@k you! F@@k you!”

Later on, the young lady begins loudly asserting that “hate speech is not welcome here” and demanding that the speakers “keep your hate speech off this campus,” all while insisting that she is the true embodiment of free speech.

“Stop talking to us like children!” she demands at another point.

“Then stop acting like a child,” Hoff Sommers responds coolly.

Crowder also evoked the rage of the protesters, in his case by discussing the Q’uran, which inspired a female student wearing Islamic garb to demand, “Don’t speak on my behalf!”

“I didn’t speak on your behalf … I talked about the Quran,” Crowder states incredulously. “I wasn’t there for the French Revolution, but I can talk about it.”
Campus Reform, a project of the Leadership Institute, is America's leading site for college news. As a watchdog to the nation's higher education system, Campus Reform exposes bias and abuse on the nation's college campuses.

Our team of professional journalists works alongside student activists and student journalists to report on the conduct and misconduct of university administrators, faculty, and students.

Campus Reform holds itself to rigorous journalism standards and strives to present each story with accuracy, objectivity, and public accountability.
‘Free speech’ panel triggers insults at UMass Amherst Panelists criticize political correctness at UMass GOP event
MASSACHUSETTS - Student protesters at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst disrupted free speech event Monday night featuring Milo Yiannopulous, Christina Hoff Sommers, and Steven Crowder.

‘Free speech’ panel triggers insults at UMass Amherst
Tags: umass, protest, milo, crowder, sjw, social justice warriors, idiots, #fatlivesmatter, politics

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 04/27/16 07:28 AM
Little Pansies who have no business being at an Institute of Higher Learning!
Kindergarten would be too demanding for them!

msharmony's photo
Wed 04/27/16 07:56 AM
lifes ironies

being told you have to be quiet so you don't interfere with free speech,,,

laugh laugh

other than that,, seems par that 'comedians' have hecklers
I heard them just fine and the brilliant editor did nothing to actually show these grand 'professional' showdowns from the audience

no photo
Wed 04/27/16 08:04 AM
One of the protesters took it upon herself to pass out literature expressing her concern for the “triggering” event, claiming the speakers “all demonstrate either that you don’t give a **** about people’s trauma and pain
Jesus H. Christ, someone was breast fed a few years too long....

no photo
Wed 04/27/16 10:52 AM

lifes ironies

being told you have to be quiet so you don't interfere with free speech,,,

laugh laugh

other than that,, seems par that 'comedians' have hecklers
I heard them just fine and the brilliant editor did nothing to actually show these grand 'professional' showdowns from the audience

^^^ One for the archives :wink:

no photo
Wed 04/27/16 03:57 PM
Protestors go crazy during The Triggering event at UMass

Published on Apr 26, 2016

Read the story here:


Campus Reform, a project of the Leadership Institute, is America's leading site for college news. As a watchdog to the nation's higher education system, Campus Reform exposes bias and abuse on the nation's college campuses.

Our team of professional journalists works alongside student activists and student journalists to report on the conduct and misconduct of university administrators, faculty, and students.

Campus Reform holds itself to rigorous journalism standards and strives to present each story with accuracy, objectivity, and public accountability.

no photo
Wed 04/27/16 04:05 PM
Edited by RebelArcher on Wed 04/27/16 04:06 PM

Protestors go crazy during The Triggering event at UMass

Published on Apr 26, 2016

Read the story here:


Campus Reform, a project of the Leadership Institute, is America's leading site for college news. As a watchdog to the nation's higher education system, Campus Reform exposes bias and abuse on the nation's college campuses.

Our team of professional journalists works alongside student activists and student journalists to report on the conduct and misconduct of university administrators, faculty, and students.

Campus Reform holds itself to rigorous journalism standards and strives to present each story with accuracy, objectivity, and public accountability.


IgorFrankensteen's photo
Wed 04/27/16 04:10 PM
That's college audiences for you.

Never imagine that the group of people (college students) who are right at that most useless of life stages (i.e. when you THINK you know everything and are smarter than everyone else, but only because you are now as tall as your parents, and haven't even begun to realize how little that means), are functionally representative of ANYTHING in particular.