Topic: 4 Firearms Votes Scheduled For The Senate Today
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Mon 06/20/16 12:19 PM
The proposals scheduled for a vote Monday — all as amendments to a Justice Department spending bill — include:
► An amendment by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., would allow the attorney general to deny a gun sale to anyone if she has a "reasonable belief" — a lesser standard than "probable cause" — that the buyer was likely to engage in terrorism. The proposal is popularly known as the "no-fly, no-buy" amendment, but wouldn't just apply to people on the "no fly" terrorist watch list.
► An Republican alternative by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, which would require that law enforcement be alerted when anyone on the terror watch list attempts to buy a weapon from a licensed dealer. If the buyer has been investigated for terrorism within the past five years, the attorney general could block a sale for up to three days while a court reviews the sale.
► An amendment by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, would make it more difficult to add mentally ill people to the background check database, giving people suspected of serious mental illness a process to challenge that determination.
► An amendment by Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., that would close the "gun show loophole" by requiring every gun purchaser to undergo a background check, and to expand the background check database.

"I admit that the background checks bill is going to be tough to get 60 votes on, but we still have hope that we can get Republicans to support the bill, stopping terrorists from getting weapons," Murphy told ABC's This Week on Sunday. "But in the final analysis, what may be most important is that our filibuster helped galvanize an entire country around this issue."

More likely to pass is the Cornyn amendment, a Republican-backed measure which has been endorsed explicitly by the National Rifle Association and implicitly by the presumed GOP presidential nominee, Donald Trump.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., suggested last week that the Cornyn proposal — which also calls for the detention of terrorists if a judge finds probable cause — is the best response to the Orlando incident. “Of course no one wants terrorists to be able to buy guns. Let’s get real here," he said last week. "So if Democrats are actually serious about getting a solution on that issue, not just making a political talking point, they’ll join with us."
Feinstein argued Sunday that Cornyn's "probable cause" standard is too high. "So that would cut out a lot of people who are probable threats," she said on CBS's Face the Nation. "And it has to be completed within three days, which Justice and others tell us is impossible to complete the process within three days."

A FWIW....Blind Harry Reid is speaking now....blabbering on and on abt how no one needs 90 bullets for hunting and other utter non relatable crap.....

Robxbox73's photo
Mon 06/20/16 12:23 PM
I heard he broke his eye socket playing with a male congressional aide. Right in the eye..

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 06/20/16 12:34 PM
so,it has started!
Never let a good crisis go to waste,especially when the Administration is just standing by,not following up any Leads!
Collective Punishment once again!

Preventive Law again,punishing those who never have an inclination to misuse their Firearms!

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 06/20/16 12:35 PM

The proposals scheduled for a vote Monday — all as amendments to a Justice Department spending bill — include:
► An amendment by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., would allow the attorney general to deny a gun sale to anyone if she has a "reasonable belief" — a lesser standard than "probable cause" — that the buyer was likely to engage in terrorism. The proposal is popularly known as the "no-fly, no-buy" amendment, but wouldn't just apply to people on the "no fly" terrorist watch list.
► An Republican alternative by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, which would require that law enforcement be alerted when anyone on the terror watch list attempts to buy a weapon from a licensed dealer. If the buyer has been investigated for terrorism within the past five years, the attorney general could block a sale for up to three days while a court reviews the sale.
► An amendment by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, would make it more difficult to add mentally ill people to the background check database, giving people suspected of serious mental illness a process to challenge that determination.
► An amendment by Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., that would close the "gun show loophole" by requiring every gun purchaser to undergo a background check, and to expand the background check database.

"I admit that the background checks bill is going to be tough to get 60 votes on, but we still have hope that we can get Republicans to support the bill, stopping terrorists from getting weapons," Murphy told ABC's This Week on Sunday. "But in the final analysis, what may be most important is that our filibuster helped galvanize an entire country around this issue."

More likely to pass is the Cornyn amendment, a Republican-backed measure which has been endorsed explicitly by the National Rifle Association and implicitly by the presumed GOP presidential nominee, Donald Trump.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., suggested last week that the Cornyn proposal — which also calls for the detention of terrorists if a judge finds probable cause — is the best response to the Orlando incident. “Of course no one wants terrorists to be able to buy guns. Let’s get real here," he said last week. "So if Democrats are actually serious about getting a solution on that issue, not just making a political talking point, they’ll join with us."
Feinstein argued Sunday that Cornyn's "probable cause" standard is too high. "So that would cut out a lot of people who are probable threats," she said on CBS's Face the Nation. "And it has to be completed within three days, which Justice and others tell us is impossible to complete the process within three days."

A FWIW....Blind Harry Reid is speaking now....blabbering on and on abt how no one needs 90 bullets for hunting and other utter non relatable crap.....

doesn't that Idiot know that the 2nd isn't about hunting?

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 06/20/16 12:38 PM

I heard he broke his eye socket playing with a male congressional aide. Right in the eye..

thought his Brother worked him over!
Probably couldn't stand the Slime any longer!

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 06/20/16 12:45 PM

The proposals scheduled for a vote Monday — all as amendments to a Justice Department spending bill — include:
► An amendment by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., would allow the attorney general to deny a gun sale to anyone if she has a "reasonable belief" — a lesser standard than "probable cause" — that the buyer was likely to engage in terrorism. The proposal is popularly known as the "no-fly, no-buy" amendment, but wouldn't just apply to people on the "no fly" terrorist watch list.
► An Republican alternative by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, which would require that law enforcement be alerted when anyone on the terror watch list attempts to buy a weapon from a licensed dealer. If the buyer has been investigated for terrorism within the past five years, the attorney general could block a sale for up to three days while a court reviews the sale.
► An amendment by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, would make it more difficult to add mentally ill people to the background check database, giving people suspected of serious mental illness a process to challenge that determination.
► An amendment by Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., that would close the "gun show loophole" by requiring every gun purchaser to undergo a background check, and to expand the background check database.

"I admit that the background checks bill is going to be tough to get 60 votes on, but we still have hope that we can get Republicans to support the bill, stopping terrorists from getting weapons," Murphy told ABC's This Week on Sunday. "But in the final analysis, what may be most important is that our filibuster helped galvanize an entire country around this issue."

More likely to pass is the Cornyn amendment, a Republican-backed measure which has been endorsed explicitly by the National Rifle Association and implicitly by the presumed GOP presidential nominee, Donald Trump.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., suggested last week that the Cornyn proposal — which also calls for the detention of terrorists if a judge finds probable cause — is the best response to the Orlando incident. “Of course no one wants terrorists to be able to buy guns. Let’s get real here," he said last week. "So if Democrats are actually serious about getting a solution on that issue, not just making a political talking point, they’ll join with us."
Feinstein argued Sunday that Cornyn's "probable cause" standard is too high. "So that would cut out a lot of people who are probable threats," she said on CBS's Face the Nation. "And it has to be completed within three days, which Justice and others tell us is impossible to complete the process within three days."

A FWIW....Blind Harry Reid is speaking now....blabbering on and on abt how no one needs 90 bullets for hunting and other utter non relatable crap.....

Murphy on Steroids?

no photo
Mon 06/20/16 12:51 PM
Edited by RebelArcher on Mon 06/20/16 12:52 PM
doesn't that Idiot know that the 2nd isn't about hunting?
He what he doesn't know is shame....because he has none.

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 06/20/16 12:54 PM

doesn't that Idiot know that the 2nd isn't about hunting?
He what he doesn't know is shame....because he has none.

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 06/20/16 12:57 PM
what's with that Amendment-Crap anyway?
If a Bill can't stand on it's own,there is no reason for it to exist!
It's pure Skulduggery to put Riders on a Bill that has to pass,just to pass non-viable Legislation!

no photo
Mon 06/20/16 01:03 PM
Now both sides are taking turns espousing their sides proposals until the votes are taken at 5:30 est.....which always perplexes me....just vote already. Its not like this last minute bloviating is gonna change someone's mind....guess they have to get on the record they can say "Look at me, look what I did" later on down the road.

shaunmp1991's photo
Mon 06/20/16 03:31 PM
They are a crock of **** they are only trying to make sure the weapons don't get into we Americans hands when we have to defend our selves nd families I got plenty but yet they come messing with my family they will have war

shaunmp1991's photo
Mon 06/20/16 03:35 PM
And for those who are so called patriots Learn ur constitution and check into the ndaa act and patriot act and compare to our constitution I'll be glad to talk to u it's not the Americans doing this it's ur so called president and presidents before so when it comes down to it trump is the best option to save America

no photo
Mon 06/20/16 03:46 PM

I heard he broke his eye socket playing with a male congressional aide. Right in the eye..


I think that all the proposals faild.:thumbsup:

no photo
Mon 06/20/16 03:52 PM

I heard he broke his eye socket playing with a male congressional aide. Right in the eye..


I think that all the proposals faild.:thumbsup:
Yep all failed

Grassley 53-47
Murphy and his dumbass gun show loophole lie 44-56
Cornyn 53-47
Mrs Turn In Your Guns America Feinstein 47-53.

Now the media can get selectively outraged.

no photo
Mon 06/20/16 07:22 PM
Pocahontas took to Twitter to express her outrage over the GOP not passing these gun amendments....

....but since the dems didn't help pass Cornyn's amendment, aren't they too guilty of "deciding to sell guns to ISIS" and "working for the @NRA"?
Frickin' drama queen hack.....

Robxbox73's photo
Mon 06/20/16 07:30 PM

I heard he broke his eye socket playing with a male congressional aide. Right in the eye..


I think that all the proposals faild.:thumbsup:
Yep all failed

Grassley 53-47
Murphy and his dumbass gun show loophole lie 44-56
Cornyn 53-47
Mrs Turn In Your Guns America Feinstein 47-53.

Now the media can get selectively outraged.

Oh yea, NRA baby! Accept no substitutes! Keep America free from tyrany! We got them, right in the eye!

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 06/21/16 03:40 AM

Pocahontas took to Twitter to express her outrage over the GOP not passing these gun amendments....

....but since the dems didn't help pass Cornyn's amendment, aren't they too guilty of "deciding to sell guns to ISIS" and "working for the @NRA"?
Frickin' drama queen hack.....

Porkahontas ought to be called Walking Eaglette,for obvious Reasons!