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Topic: Who are you supporting in 2008?
davinci1952's photo
Fri 11/16/07 03:27 PM
Mac60....I agree...the apathy and lazyness of voters will once again put an undesirable in the white house...

trying to talk serious politics on this forum is lost...

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 11/16/07 07:03 PM
I do think that Ron Paul is not part of the "good ole boys club" and that keeps him down. His ideas on foriegn trade should be to 1st repeal NAFTA. The rich is who wanted that for more control.Poor people can not mount much of a fight. Our city govt. are following that policy to. keep them poor. Put a tarriff on all goods coming into this country and we will have more high paying jobs for our children. I know i do not want a republican in office. I would like to see Al Gore run again. Most of what he said years ago has come true. I do believe he would be good for our country and I believe he would win in a landslide if he would run IMO....Miles

Mac60's photo
Fri 11/16/07 08:06 PM
Good to know there's some like you out there, DaVinci.

no photo
Sat 11/17/07 09:13 PM
Ihave not made up my mind totally. I have heard a buzz about Ron Paul. I like Rudy (perhaps only for 9/11 but thats the truth)and as a NYer its a huge factor.

Obama I like but not convinced.
Hillary lost my repsect when she stayed with Bubba after he publicly humilated her with his antics. With that being said I dont feel his "relations" should of ever been a issue to the American public. But if he perhaps could of kept his cigar in his mouth and his head on straight maybe we would of had Bin Laden. So Hillary will get my vote when gas prices go back to 1.97 a gallon.

I like McCain decorated ( I hope I am right on my facts) veteran served our country he cant be all bad.

I would love to have these people out to dinner and have them provide a checklist with answers to my ques. And a written contract stating that the items they checked yes on would be completed by 1yr to date of inaguaration or their outta there. 100% money back guarantee. :smile:

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