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Pope4u's photo
Fri 11/04/16 04:26 AM
Just two years after our marriage, my husband
brought up the idea of asking
his Mother to move from the rural hometown
and spend her remaining years
with us. His father passed away while he was
still very young. His mum
endured much hardship and struggled all on
her own to provide for him, see him through to
the university. You could say that she suffered
a great deal and did everything you could
expect or imagine of a woman to bring hubby to
where he is today. I immediately agreed and
started preparing the spare room, which has a
balcony facing the South to let her enjoy the
sunshine and plant greenery.
Hubby stood in the bright room, and suddenly,
he lifted me up and started
spinning round and round. As I begged him to
put me down, he said: "Lets go
fetch mother".
Hubby is tall and big sized and I love to rest my
head on his chest and enjoy
the feeling that he could pick me up at any
moment, put me as smallish as I
am into his pocket.
Whenever we have an argument and one of us
refuses to back out, he would lift me up and
spin me over his head continuously until I
surrender as I beg for
mercy. I became addicted to this kind of
panic-joy feeling.
Mother brought along her countryside habits
and lifestyle with her. For
example; I am so used to buying flowers to
decorate the living room, she could
not stand it and would comment: "I do not
know how you young people spend
your money, what do you buy flowers for? You
also can't eat flowers!" I will
smile and say,: "Mum, with flowers in the
house, our mood will also become
better." Mother will grumble away, and my
husband will smile and tell her:
"Mum, this is how it is in the city and with time
you will get use to it". Mother
will stop murmuring.
But thereafter, whenever I came home with
flowers, she would ask me how
much it costs. I will tell her the price and she
would shake her head and
express displeasure. Sometimes, when I come
home with lots of shopping bags, she would
demand to know the price for each and every
item, I would tell her honestly and she would
get even more upset about it.. Hubby playfully
pinched my nose one day and said: "You little
fool, just don't tell her the full price of
everything and that would would solve the
problem." This sparked the friction to our
otherwise happy lifestyle and home.
Mother hates it most when hubby wakes up early
to prepare the breakfast. In
her view, how could the man of the house cook
for the wife? At the breakfast
table, mother's facial expression is always like
the dark clouds before a
thunderstorm and I would pretend not to have
noticed that. She would use her
chopsticks or cutlery to make a lot of noise as
her silent protest.
As a dance teacher in the Children's Palace
where i work, I come home
exhausted from a long day of dancing around,
and I do not wish to give up the
luxury of that additional few minutes in the
comfort of my bed and hence I
turned a deaf ear to all the protest mother
From time to time, mother would help out with
some housework, but soon her
help created additional work for me. For
example: she would keep all kinds of
plastic bags with the aim of selling them later
on, and at the end, the house is
filled with all forms of trash bags; she would
spill on the dishes, dish washing
detergent when helping to wash the dishes and
so, as not to hurt her feelings, I
would quietly wash them again. One day, late at
night, mother saw me washing the dishes, and
"Bam" she slams her bedroom door and cried
very loudly in her room. Hubby was placed in a
difficult position as to whose side he should be
on, and after that, he did not speak to me for
that entire night. I pretended to be a spoilt
child, tried acting cute, but he totally ignored
me.... I got mad and asked him: "What did I
do wrong?" He stared at me and said: "Can't
you just give in to her once? We couldn't
possibly die eating from a bowl however unclean
it is, right?" After that incident, for a long
period of time, mother did not speak with me
and you can feel that there is a very awkward
feeling hanging in the house.
During the period of the cold war, hubby was
caught in a dilemma as to who to
In order to stop her son from having to prepare
breakfast, mother took on the
"all important" task of preparing breakfast
without informing or discussing with any of us.
At the breakfast table, mother would look at
her son happily as he eats his breakfast and
she'll cast that reprimanding stare at me for
failed to perform my duty as a wife. To avoid
the embarrassing breakfast
situation, I resorted to buying my own
breakfast on my way to work. That night, while
in bed, hubby was a little upset and asked me:
"LD, is it because you think that mum's cooking
is not clean that's why you chose not to eat at
home?" He then turned his back on me and left
me alone in tears as feelings of unfairness
overwhelmed me..
After some time, hubby sighed: "LD, just for
me, can we have breakfast together at home?"
I am left with no choice but to return to the
breakfast table.
The next morning, I was having porridge
prepared by his mother and I felt a
sudden churn in my stomach and everything
inside seem to be rushing up my
throat. I tried to suppress the urge to throw up
but I could not. I threw down
the bowl, rushed into the washroom, and
vomited everything out. Just as I was
catching my breath, I saw mother crying and
grumbling very loudly in her
dialect, hubby was standing at the washroom
doorway staring at me with fire
burning in his eyes... I opened my mouth but no
words came out, I really did not mean it.
We had our very first big fight that day; mother
took a look at us, then stood up
and slowly made her way out of the house.
Hubby gave me a final stare in the
eye and followed mother down the stairs.
For three days, hubby did not return home, not
even a phone call. I was so
furious, since mother arrived; I had been
trying my best to put up with her,
what else do you want me to do? For no reason,
I keep having the feeling to
throw up and I simply lost appetite for food,
coupled with all the events
happening at home, I was then at a low point in
my life.
Finally, a colleague said: "LD, you look terrible;
you should go and see a
doctor." The doctor confirmed that I was
Now it became clear to me why I threw up that
fateful morning, a sense of
sadness flooded my soul through that otherwise
happy news. Why didn't
husband, or his mother who had been through
this before, thought of the
possibility of this being the reason that day? At
the hospital entrance, I saw my
hubby standing there. It had only been three
days, but he looked raggard.
I had wanted to turn and leave, but one look
at him and my heart soften, I
couldn't resist and I called out to him. He
followed my voice and finally found
me but he pretended he doesn't know me; he
has that disgusted look in his
eyes that cut right through my heart. I told
myself not to look at him anymore,
and hail a cab. At that moment, I have such a
strong urge inside me to shout to
my hubby: "Darling, I am having your baby!"
and have him lift me up and spin
me around in circles of joy as he's fond of.
What I wanted didn't happen and as I sat in
the cab, my tears started rolling
down. Why? Why couldn't our love even
withstand the test of one fight?
Back home, I lay on the bed thinking about my
hubby, and the disgusted look in his eyes I saw
at the hospital. I cried out and soaked the
pillow with my tears.
That night, the sound of drawers opening in our
room woke me up. I switched
on the lights and I saw hubby with tears rolling
down his face. He was
removing all the money he had kept in there. I
stared at him in silence; he
ignored me, took the bank deposit book and
some money and left the house. Maybe he really
intends to leave me for good. What a rational
man, so clear-cut in love and money matters. I
gave a few dried laugh and tears started
streaming down again.
The next day, I did not go to work.. I wanted
to clear this out and have a good
talk with him. I reached his office and his
secretary gave me a weird look and
said: "Mr. Tan's mother had a traffic accident
and is now in the hospital." I
stood there in shock. I rushed to the hospital
and by the time I found them,
mother had already passed away.
Hubby did not look at me, his face was
expressionless. I looked at mother's
pale white and thin face and I couldn't control
the tears in my eyes. My god,
how could this happen?
Throughout the funeral, he did not say a single
word to me, with only the
occasional disgusted stare he gives. I only
managed to find out brief facts
about the accident from other people. That day,
after mother left the house, she
walked away dazed toward the bus stop,
apparently intending to go back to her old
house back in the countryside. As hubby ran
after her, she tried to walk
faster and as she tried to cross the street, a
public bus came knocking her... I
finally understood how much hubby must hate
If I had not thrown up that morning, if we had
not quarreled, if...., in his heart, I
am indirectly the killer of his mother.
Back in the house he moved into mother's room
and came home every night
with a strong liquor smell on him. Me, I was
buried under the guilt and self-pity
as a result of his mum's death and could
hardly breathe. I wanted to explain to
him, tell him that we are going to have our baby
soon, but each time, I saw the
dead look in his eyes, all the words I have at
the brink of my mouth just fell
back in. I had rather he hit me real hard or
give me a big and thorough scolding
though none of these events happening had
been my fault at all.
Many days of suffocating silence went by and
as the days went by, he came
home late and late. The deadlock between us
continued, we were living together like strangers
who didn't know each other. I am like the dead
knot in his heart.
One day, I passed by a western restaurant,
looking through the glass, I saw him and a girl
sitting facing each other and he litely brushed
her hair for her, I
understood what that action meant
immediately. After recovering from that
moment of shock, I entered the restaurant,
stood in front of my him and stared
hard at him, not a tear in my eyes. I have
nothing to say to him, and there was
no need to say anything. The girl looked at me,
looks at him, stood up to walk
away , but my husband restrained her from
doing so. He stared back at me,
challenging me.. I can only hear my heart
beating slowly, beat after beat as if
I'm about taking my last breath. I eventually
backed out, if I had stood there
any longer, I would have collapsed together
with the baby inside me. That night, he did not
come home; he had chosen to use that as a way
to sending a message to me:
Following his mother's death, so did our love for
each other.
He did not come home anymore after that.
Sometimes, when I returned home
from work, I can tell that the wardrobe had
been touched - he had returned to
take some of his belonging. I no longer wish to
call him; the initial desire to
explain everything to him vanished. I lived
alone; I go for my medical checkups
alone, my heart breaks again and again every
time I see a guy carefully helping his wife
through the physical examination.
My office colleagues advised me to consider
aborting the baby, I told them No, I will not.. I
insisted on having the baby, perhaps it is my
way of repaying his
mother for causing her death.
One day, I came home and I saw him sitting in
the living room. The whole
house was filled with cigarette smoke. On the
coffee table, was lying this piece
of paper. I immediately knew what it is all
about without even looking at it to
read it's content.
In the two months plus of living alone, I have
gradually learned to find peace
within myself. I looked at him, removed my hat
and said: "You wait a while, I
will sign." He looked at me, wit with mixed
feelings in his eyes, just like mine.
As I hang up my coat, I kept repeating to
myself "You cannot cry, you cannot
cry..." my eyes hurt terribly, but I refused to
let tears out.
After I hung up my coat, his eyes fixed at my
bulging tummy with a stare. I
smiled, walked over to the coffee table and
pulled the paper towards me.
Without even looking at what it says, I signed
my name on it and pushed the
paper to him. "LD, are you pregnant?" He spurt
out. Since mother's accident,
this is the first time he speaking to me. I could
not control my tears any further
and they fell like raindrops. I said: "Yes, but
its OK, you can leave now." He did
not go, in the dark, we sat, facing each other.
He slowly moved over me, his
tears wet his dress. In my heart, everything
seems so far away, even if I sprint, I could
never reach them. I cannot remember how many
times he repeatedly said "sorry" to me. I had
originally thought that I would forgive him, but
now I can't.
In the western restaurant, in front of that girl,
that cold look in his eyes, I will
never forget, never ever. We have caused such
deep scars in each other's heart.
For me, it's unintentional; for him, totally and
absolutely intentional.
I had been waiting for this moment of
reconciliation, but I realized now, that
what had gone past is gone forever and could
not be undone.
Other than the thought of the baby inside me
that would bring some warmth to
my heart, I am totally cold towards him, I no
longer eat anything he buys for me nor take
any presents from him, I also stopped talking
to him. From the
moment I signed on that piece of paper,
marriage and love had vanished from
my heart. Sometimes, he will try to come into
our bedroom, but when he walks
in, I will walk out to the living room. He had no
choice but to sleep in his
mother's room. At night, from his room, I can
hear sounds of groaning, I kept
quiet... This used to be his trick; when all was
well between us, whenever I
ignore him, he would fake illness and I will
surrender and find out what is
wrong with him, he would then grab me and
laugh. He has forgotten that was
the last time I cared for him and I showed
concern because there was love, but
now, what is there between us? Hubby's groaning
came on and off consistently but I continuously
ignored him.
Almost everyday, he would buy something for
the baby, infant products, children products
and books that kids like to read. Bags and bags
of it stacked inside his room till it was full. I
knew he was trying to use this to reach out to
me, but I was no longer moved by his actions.
He has no choice but to lock himself in his room
and I can hear him typing away on his
computer keyboard, maybe he is now addicted
to web surfing but none of that matters to me
It was sometime towards the end of spring in
the following year, one late night,
I screamed because of a sudden stomach pain,
he came rushing into the room,
its like he did not change from his office cloth
to sleep, but had been waiting for this moment.
He carried me and ran down the stairs,
stopped a cab, holding my hand very tightly
and kept wiping the sweat off my brow,
the journey to the hospital.
Once we reached the hospital, he carried me
and hurried into the delivery suite.
Lying on the back of his skinny but warmth
body, a thought crossed my mind:
In my lifetime, who else would love me as much
as he did? He held the delivery
suite door opened and watch me go in; his
warm eyes caused me to manage a
smile at him despite my contraction pain.
Coming out of the delivery room,
hubby looked at our son and me, eyes filled
with tears of joy as he kept smiling.
I reached out and touched his hand. He looked
at me, smiling and then he
slowly collapsed onto the floor. I cried out for
him in pain... He smiled, but
without opening that tired eyes of his.... I had
thought that I would never shed
any tear for him, but the truth is, I have never
felt a deeper pain cutting through
my heart at that moment. The doctor said by
the time they discovered he had
liver cancer, it was already in the terminal
stage and it was a miracle that he
managed to last this long. I asked the doctor
when he first discovered he had
cancer. Doctor said about 5 months ago and
consoled me saying: "Prepare for his funeral."
I disregarded the nurse's objection not to leave
the ward and rushed home, I
went into his room and checked his computer,
and a suffocating pain hits me.
His cancer was discovered 5 months ago, his
groaning was real, I thought ...
the computer showed over 200 thousand words
he wrote for our son: "Son, just
for you, I have persisted, to be able to take a
look at you before I fall, is my
biggest wish now.... I know that in your life, you
will have many happiness and
maybe some setbacks, if only I can accompany
you throughout that journey,
how nice would it be. But daddy now no longer
has that chance. Daddy has
written inside here all the possible difficulties
and problems you may encounter during your
lifetime, when you meet with these problems,
you can refer to daddy's suggestion ... Son,
after writing these 200 thousand words, I feel
as if I have accompanied you through life's
journey. To be honest, daddy is very happy. Do
love your mum, she has suffered a lot, she is
the one who loves you most and also the one who
loves me most...." From play school to primary
school, to secondary, university? , to work and
even in dealing with questions of love,
everything big and small was written there.
He has also written a letter for me: "My dear,
to marry you was my biggest
happiness, forgive me for the pain I have
caused you, forgive me for not telling
you about my illness, because I wanted to see
you in a joyful mood waiting for
the arrival of our baby.... My dear, if you
cried, it means that you have forgiven
me and I would smile, thank you for loving
me... For all these presents, I'm
afraid I cannot give them to our son
personally, could you pls help me in giving
some of them to him every year, the dates are
on what to be given and when to
give are all written on the packaging... "
Going back to the hospital, my husband was still
in coma. I brought our son
over and placed him beside him. I said: "Open
your eyes and smile, I want our
son to remember being in the warmth of your
arms..." He struggled to open his
eyes and managed a weak smile. Our son still in
his arms was happily waving
his tiny hands in the air. I press the button on
the camera and the sound of the
shutter rang through the air as tears slowly
rolled down my face....
A fatal misunderstanding and the person who
loves me the most in this world is gone
forever...." Cruel misunderstandings, one after
the other disrupted the
blissful footsteps of our family. Our original
intent of having his mother enjoy
some quiet and peaceful moments in her
remaining years with us went terribly
wrong as destiny's secret is finally revealed at
a price, everything became too
late."...... ...
This is a real and true life story.
I am totally speechless, this story brought tears
to my eyes as I read through
each line eager to know what would happen
next. It truly showed the
devastating power of grudges and anger!
Simple humility and communication
would have resolved most of the problems in
that story, as well as patience.....
This story has really touched my heart and life
as a whole and it has stimulated a paradigm
shift. Though it is very sad, it is also very
refreshing to know that from today, I can
consciously start to live a life free of grudge..
People please let's live a life void of anger and grudges.


Pope4u's photo
Sat 11/05/16 12:53 PM
_____________Blood To Blood Episode
My Name is Lizzy, am a fair and tall lady whom
every man will desire to have as wife
or girlfriend, when i was still young, many men
wanted me to be their girlfriend but i
kept rejecting them because i dont need
friends, all i needed is a man who can take
care of me, many men whom came my way
wanted to have s*x with me, and i know fully
that once i give out s*x, the man will either
abandon me or unwanted pregnancy might
I never turned my self into a hot girl because
once any man pick up what is hot, he will drop
it immediately, i respected myself and never
rushed into accepting any man as friend.
There was this young man called Johnson who
was almost running mad at me, one day when i
going to buy something in a nearby shop, he
stopped me and proposed to me, i rejected the
but i gave him my number that very day, he
kept on calling me often and on, he never
allowed me
to rest not even for oneday, he was disturbing
me and he said he will not stop until i accept
him to be my boyfriend, i tried all my best to
stop him from disturbing me, i have rejected his
proposal many times but he kept on disturbing
me until oneday, i was tired of him, i have no
option than to accept him.
I accepted Johnson to be my boyfriend, he was
very happy and he said he want to meet me for
a serious
discussion, i told him to come to my house, he
said that the discussion is not an ordinary
so he invited me to a place, the place was just
like a guest House where people go and
discuss, have fun
or go for honeymoon.
I left my house to meet with him that day, when
i got there, i saw him, we greeted and he
that they should give him the key to guest
room, the lady in charge gave him the key, i
wanted to ask him
where we are going but i just kept quiet and
followed him because i thought maybe he dont
want anybody to
partake in our discussion, when we got to the
guest room, he smiled and looked at me, and
without hesitation
i asked him whats the discussion all about,
before i could finished talking he have pushed
me to the bed and
jumped on me, i ordered him to leave me, he
insisted that we must have s*x, i said to him
that God will never
forgive him if he tries to rape me, so this is the
reson why you brought me here, "i asked him",
he said that he wanted to show me love, he
later stood up and apologized to me, he gave
me money but i rejected
Some boys are just stupid, they will like to
sleep with a lady on the first day meeting the

Pope4u's photo
Sat 11/05/16 01:01 PM
Blood To Blood Episode 2.
After the incident that happened between
me and Johnson, i decided to stay on my
own, i never wanted to listen to any guy
who will ask me out, but there was this
guy whom i admired somuch, although he is
not that handsome but i love his way
One day he met me on my way back home from
work, we greeted and he requested that i
should give him my number which i rejected,
i did not trust him because i thought he
will be disturbing me aswell, but i later
gave him my number.
He only call me at night when am less busy,
he never ruin down my phone battery unlike
the previous guy, this made me to love him.
He collected my number for over two weeks
but he never called and tell me anything about
friendship, he only call me and we will joke and
laugh together as normal friends.
His name is chuks, and he is a gentle guy and i
like him, oneday he called and said that there is
something he want to tell me but he is afraid to
tell me,
i asked him to tell me whatever it is, he said
that i might be angry if he tell me what he have
in mind, he said the thing have been eating him
up for a long time but he dont know how to say
I told him that i will not get angry, i urged him
to say the thing, he said ok but he will not tell
me immediately, he said he will call me back
later to tell me the thing.
I thought maybe something bad happened to him
maybe he noticed a bad character or bad
of mine. he kept me in suspense and i was really
thinking of what he will actually tell me.
After the two days, he called me and said that
love me and will like me to be his wife.
He was not even talking about friendship but he
was talking about me becoming his wife.

Pope4u's photo
Sun 11/06/16 09:08 AM
Blood To Blood Episode 3.
Chuks was so serious about what he told me,
he said he want to make me the mother of his
unborn children, he said he have been searching
for somebody that will bear his surname and love
him as he is, he was almost crying when he was
saying all these things, i feel the passion and
the truth in what he was saying, i was touched
his words, he spoke with humility, love and
I told him that i will think about it, after 5 days
he called me again and i said he should give me
time that am still thinking about it.
He said that he is afraid, i asked him why and he
me that he is afraid that someone might take
over me if
i did not reply him fast, he tried all his possible
for me to say yes i agree but i told him that he
give me more time to think about it.
You all know what happened to me at the first
place, how
Johnson wanted to take advantage of me which
i refused, so
this made me to be very careful and not to enter
into another
bigger mistake that will destroy my future.
Chuks later agreed to give me more time to think
about it.
I told him that what he was asking for is not
boyfriend and
girlfriend issue, this is marriage issue and once i
make a mistake,
i can never correct it, i told him that marriage is
not something
that i will just agree and say yes without
I started thinking about this and it was really
giving me a serious
problem, every night i must think about it before
going to bed.
I never told anybody about this, i was thinking all
alone, but one
mind told me to tell my best friend about it.
One Saturday morning i dressed up and went to
my friend's house, her
name is Bukky, she was a childhood friend, she
was surprised to see me
in her house that very Saturday. "Hope all is
well?"..she asked me, i
said yes that i have come to tell her something
that is burdening my mind,
when i wanted to tell her, something struck my
mind and my spirit advised me
not to tell her about it, i just told her another
different thing and i didn't
tell her the main thing that brought me to her
After some days, chuks called me again and this
time he was almost crying, i have
no other option than to accept him, i said yes i
have accepted your proposal, he was
very happy and i too was also happy.

Pope4u's photo
Sun 11/06/16 09:17 AM
Blood To Blood Episode 5
After chuks met with my mum, our relationship
was defined,
everybody now know that chuks is dating me and
his planning
to marry me, our relationship grew more stronger
and stronger.
Chuks can now visit my house anytime he likes
but i have not
visited his house for once.
One fateful day he invited me to his house, i was
afraid to go
because i dont want what happened between me
and Johnson to happen
again, so i told him that am not coming to his
house, he told me that
he have nothing bad in his heart, he promised
never to touch me,
he said he is not like other guys that doesn't
have control over
their emotions.
I later agreed to visit him but i told him that i
will be coming with
my younger sister and he agreed.
that fateful day, i went with my younger sister to
his house, he welcomed
us and asked us to seat down.
He was very happy to see me in his house, he
offered us two bottles of malt
and gave us food also and we ate and we were
We discussed and had fun, me and my younger
sister went home that very day
with happiness and our heart was filled with joy.
The love between me and chuks grew more
stronger and i love him like nobody.
One day something happened between the both
of us, i was calling his number
but he was not picking up, i called him several
times but he didn't answer my
call, i thought maybe he is not with the phone
that very moment. Later in the
day i called him again but he didn't answer the
call and i became angry with him,
I thought maybe he dont want to answer my
calls, so i decided not to call him
again, but my mind keep beating for him and
something was telling me to call him
again for the last time, i never wanted to call
him again but one mind asked me to
call him again for the last time, when i called him
again behold somebody answered
the call, the voice was the voice of a lady, she
answered and said..."Hello who is
this?....When she asked me that question, i was
mad at her and i replied..."Hello who
the hell is asking me that kind of stupid
question, will you hand the phone over to the
owner or better end the call".
I ended the call with anger and decided never to
call chuks anymore, i even deleted his
number from my phone but the number is still in
my heart, i have known the number even
without saving it on a mobile phone.
Chuks did not call me for 3days, i used another
phone to call the line but still yet, a lady
will be the one to answer the call.

Pope4u's photo
Sun 11/06/16 09:20 AM
Blood To Blood Episode 4
After i accepted chuks into my life, i was still
doubting it if i was the one that really accepted
him, i accepted him not because of money or
things but for the love i have for him, he came
my life and was killing me slowly with his love
he finally killed me with love, now am deadly
with him, i love him somuch to the extent that i
do anything to make him happy, i have never
loved a man
in my life before, he was the first man i love in
a way that i cannot do without him.
Chuks is a very good guy, he always call me on
phone to
know how am doing and he is such a caring guy.
Two weeks after i accepted him, he said he want
to make
our relationship official, he said he will be
coming to my
house to see my parents, i told him that my dad
is late, am
only living with my mum and my junior ones, i
am the first child of my parents, my dad died in a
motor accident on his
way back from a journey, he left us with nothing
and he died
when i was still at my tender age, my mum
struggled to take
care of me and my young ones until now that we
are grown, this
is one of the reason why i dont want to bring
shame to myself
and to my mum, i want to marry a good husband
so that i will
pay my mum back for her stress and hard labour
she passed through
just to train me and my younger ones.
After hearing this, chuks wanted to cry but i held
his hands and told
him never to cry because the past is gone and
the future is ahead
and will be far better than the past. He hugged
me and said he will
be coming to my house tomorrow to see my
mum and my younger ones.
The next day around 1:pm, i heard a knock at
our door, when i opened
the door behold it was chuks, i jumped and
hugged him with happiness,
i gave him seat, i now went inside to tell my
"Mum the young man i told you about is here to
see you, his name is chuks"
(i said). My mum came out from the room to
meet him, chuks quickly stood
up and bow his head and greeted my mum.
"How are you my son"? (my mum asked)
Am fine ma! (Chuks replied)
My mum was very happy to see him.
Once a man is serious with a lady, he will not
first of all asked the lady to
visit him in his house but he will first of all go to
the house of that lady to
meet her parents and introduce himself, this
shows that he is serious and the
relationship will be official. This was exactly
what chuks did and it shows he
is really serious about me.
After Chuks met my mum that very day, our love
migrated from 80% to 101%.
Watch out for Episode 5
Blood to Blood Episode 5 loading 62%...

Pope4u's photo
Mon 11/07/16 06:39 AM
Blood To Blood Episode 6
After 3days chuks did not call me back, i was
very annoyed
with him but i still dont understand the reason
why he
never called me.
The most annoying part of it is that each time i
call his number,
a lady will be the one to pick up the call and she
will be asking
me who i am, i was so annoyed and i almost got
mad at her.
This issue lasted for one week and two days, and
after that, chuks
finally called me.
I told you guys that i have deleted his number
from my phone, so when
he called me, i picked up the call and answered.
Me: Hello please who are you?
Chuks: This is chuks calling..
Me: please i cant recognize you and dont even
call me again.
Chuks: Please baby let me explain.
Me: i dont need your explanation bye.
I hanged up the call, he started call me like a
mad man, he called me several
times and i didnt answer the call, i angrily switch
off my phone so that he
will not ruin down my battery.
In my heart i thought that chuks have cheated
on me because for the past one
week that i have been calling his number, a lady
will be the one to answer
the call, and the main reason that also gave me
full assurance is that he did
not even call back all this while.
Chuks called my mum and told her that he want
to speak with me, i told my mum
that am not ready to answer any illegal call from
anybody called chuks.
my mum pleaded with me to answer the call but
i said no and my no is my no.
After 3days, chuks called my mum again, my
mum never knew what was causing the
problem between me and chuks.
she later asked chuks what the problem really all
about, chuks explained to her
what happened, he said that he lost his phone on
his way back from work, and the lady
who always answer my calls is the one that pick
up the phone, the lady being so
kind later returned the phone to chuks after one
He pleaded with my mum to help him and explain
to me since i dont want to listen
to him.
When my mum told me all that chuks had said, i
felt so sorry, i was the one that called
him back and started pleading with him to
No wonder the lady kept asking me who i am, i
never knew that chuks lost his phone, i thought
the lady was chuks new girlfriend, when i found
out that am guilty of all that happened, i called
him and apologized to him, but i told him that he
also made a mistake, he should have used a
phone to call and tell me what happened, chuks
told me that he never thought of it that he was
confused and didn't know what to do.
This was how me and chuks became friends and
lovers again.
Please friends never you judge a book because
of its cover.

Pope4u's photo
Mon 11/07/16 06:40 AM
Blood To Blood Episode 7.
My name still remains Lizzy,
am a fair and tall lady whom every man will
desire to have as wife
or girlfriend, when i was still young, many men
wanted me to be their girlfriend but i
kept rejecting them because i dont need friends,
all i needed is a man who can take good
care of me, many men whom came my way
wanted to have s*x with me, and i know fully
that once i give out s*x, the man will either
abandon me or unwanted pregnancy might show
But now am really inlove with Chuks whom have
proven to me that love really
exists, chuks
is a gentle guy and i love the way he does his
things, after the incident that happened
between me and him which i told you guys in the
episode 6 of this story, the incident made
me to love him more and more, i can now visit
his house anytime i like without being afraid
of anything, but something happened one day
when i visited chuks in his house.
It was a Saturday morning, chuks called me and
said i should come and spend my weekend in his
house, i told him that am not coming, but he
gave me reasons why i should come.
He said since i have agreed that he will marry
me, that he need to know me better, he said that
a man cannot just marry a lady just like that, he
said he needs to study me for a while first,
he promised me that nothing will happen even if i
sleep in his house, he finally said that i should
stop being afraid of him that his is not evil or
I later agreed to visit him that very weekend,
towards the evening time that very Saturday, i
some of my clothes and went to chuks house,
when he saw me he was very happy, we spent
the weekend
in a very sweet and funny way and he did not try
to sleep with me or trying to force me or make
to me, this gave me full assurance and i kept on
visiting his house every weekend.
I have visited chuks for two times and nothing
happened between the both of us, it was on my
third visit
that this shocking incident happened, i wanted to
go and take my bath and i was tying a towel,
came out of his room wearing only boxas, he
looked at me and smiled, he came closer to me
and held me,
before i could say Jesus is Lord, i am already on
his bed, he slept with me that very day, i didn't
how it happened because i couldn't resist him at
that very moment and that was how we ended
up having s*x for
the first time.
Blood To Blood Episode 8 loadin...73%

Pope4u's photo
Mon 11/07/16 06:44 AM
Blood To Blood Episode 8
After the week when i visited chuks house, he
have finally slept with me
and after one month, i became pregnant for
chuks at the age of 17years,
chuks left me and the baby and traveled to
another state.
It was not easy for me because the one i
trusted have disappointed me,
i dont know his reasons why he abandoned me
and my pregnancy, with the
help of my mum, i was able to carry the
pregnancy for nine months and
delivered my baby, i delivered a baby girl and i
named her Charity.
After 20 years, charity grew up and became a
big girl and was also pretty
like me, i am now 37years old and my daughter
charity is 20years, she got
an admission into the university of Abuja in
Nigeria, while she was still in
school, she called me oneday and told me that
she is inlove with a man and the
man promised to marry her, she said the man is
20years older than her but she
love the man because he is still young and he
have money aswell.
My daughter charity told me that he have been
going out with the man for 6months
now and she is ready to marry the man, i was so
confused and didnt know what to
do, i tried to stop her but she didnt listen to me,
finally she called me and
told me that she is pregnant for the man, she
told me that they will be coming back
home next week to see me.
I was not living in my parents house, i was living
in a rented apartment because my
office is closer to my house, the next week my
daughter charity came with the man and
behold when i saw the man, it was the same
chuks that pregnanted me 20 years ago and he
have finally pregnanted my daughter which is
also his daughter.
I fainted for about 2hours which i later woke up,
this was the main reason while i titled
this my story "Blood To Blood". chuks have
finally slept with his own blood.
please your advise is needed, should chuks go on
and marry his daughter or should he marry
the mother of the daughter?
What do you think, please your advise is needed.

no photo
Mon 11/07/16 07:57 AM
Hmm... A devastated home. Well they should abort the baby in the daughter's womb and allowed him marry lizzy properly. Thanks

Pope4u's photo
Tue 11/08/16 12:29 AM
“24 Days before Christmas” season 1
Episode 1
Gun, pills, knife, rope, DDT all laid
right on Franca’s desk as she stood in
front of the desk wondering which
one would be quicker and painless.
Out of agony and pain she came to a
point were she wanted to end it all.
It was through no fault of hers,
Franca was just a victim of
circumstance. As newly elected
women’s commissioner at her school,
she was well respected until her sex
tape went viral on campus.
Her own boyfriend, whom she loved
so much, did this to her out of peer
influence. It was a carefully planned
action. Ray was able to manipulate
Franca right from day one until she
finally fell in love with him.
Ray and his crew had planned to
execute this action just because
Franca appeared to be the difficult
and unapproachable type on campus
since level 100.
Even though Ray succeeded in making
her fall in love with him, it took him 2
and half years for him to be able to
make love to her. It was at that very
moment that Ray secretly took
coverage of their intercourse as a sign
of proof for his crew.
Its unfortunate that, the sex tape only
came out when she had recently won
campus election as the women’s
commissioner. Apart from the
damage it has caused her on campus,
her family’s dignity was at stake. She
was the daughter of a minister.
Now all what she could think of was
to end her life. She couldn’t handle it
anymore, everyone had neglected her
except Yaw, who has been by her side
through all this time. Yaw was
secretly in love with Franca but she
on the other hand always treated him
as her kid brother because she was
two years older than him, and he was
her junior too.
The only reason she keeps Yaw
around her was to use him as a
“listener” and above all, she felt
secured around him but never had
any feelings for him.
Franca had locked herself up in her
room weeping. She began writing her
final words which was full of regrets
and apologies to her Father.
Yaw also just seen Franca’s sex video,
even though he had warned her
about Ray so many times, he still
stood by her and respected her
decision because of the unique love
he had for her.
When Yaw saw the video, she called
Franca several times but she didn’t
pick up, he knew instantly that
something was wrong, so he begun to
rush straight to her hostel which was
about 30 minutes away from his
Franca had finished writing her
suicide note, she picked the gun up
and pointed it at her head ready to
pull the trigger.
“No, that will make noise and call the
attention of the neighbors” she said to
She picked up the Pills, and was
ready to swallow about 50-80
unprescribed tablets.
“No No, i can easily be saved, if am
found on time”
She said to herself.
Franca found a lot of reasons not to
kill herself until she arrived at the
knife. She picked the sharp knife out
and got ready to pierce it into her
Yaw at that instant gotten to her door,
he kept on banging the door but
Franca who had heard Yaw calling
out her name didn’t answer as she
was determined to finish it up.
She held the knife, raised it high
above to enable her use force to
pierce deep into her tummy.
Yaw was getting frustrated and was
about leaving until he heard Franca
“24 Days before Christmas” season 1
Episode 2
Yaw was getting frustrated and was
about leaving until he heard Franca
cry out.
The shout came from Franca’s room.
He quickly break the door and made
his way in
Upon entering, he met her in a pool of
blood with the knife still stuck in her
tummy. She was loosing blood. When
Yaw met her in that condition, he was
completely confused, he tried taking
the knife from her tummy but She
screamed the more.
Franca’s biological sister Yvonne
came to meet the scene. She instantly
thought that it was Yaw who was
trying to kill her sister. She quickly
screamed for help to draw the
attention of the neighbors.
They got hold of Yaw, and handed
him over to the police while Franca
was rushed to the hospital.
Yvonne was a law student who was
just six months away from becoming
a professional lawyer. In all her life
she has never been with a man or
even know how love feels like. Her
lifestyle and daily routine was always
the same and predictable.
She appeared to be very organized in
her endeavors and has no time to
waste around to do any form of
leisure. In summary, she was a
bookworm. Apart from all this she
was as beautiful as her younger sister
Franca was still alive when they got
to the hospital even though she had
lost a lot of blood. She was rushed to
the emergency ward to be treated.
Yvonne then called their father who
quickly rushed to the hospital.
He asked to see her daughter
instantly but was denied. Yvonne
narrated whatever she saw at scene
to her Father.
Father:”what really happened to
Franca, tell me”
Yvonne: “Dad, i arrived at the scene
late, i just saw her in a pool of blood
with “this guy” beside her holding a
knife, he is already at the grips of the
police, and am yet to gather some
sought of evidence against him. I will
go there and interrogate him
Father: “oh my God, i don’t want to
loose my daughter, i just hope is not
one of my opponent”
Yvonne: “i hope so too, but we can’t
politicize everything daddy, the police
are currently at the crime scene
gathering any evidence they could lay
their hands on, for now i just hope
Franca recover soon enough, so that i
can hear her side of this whole thing,
i just need my sister alive”
They waited several hours to hear
from the Doctor. Both Yvonne and her
Dad, haven’t heard anything about
Franca’s sex tape that had gone viral.
Yaw was still in the custody of the
police. The police and a crime
investigator were able to gather
much evidence at the crime scene
however they needed to hear the side
of the witness and victim before the
can proceed with persecution.
At the hospital, Yvonne and her Dad
kept waiting until finally the Doctor
showed up.
Father: “Doc, how is my daughter?
How is she doing”
Doc:”Fortunately Sir, we were able to
save your daughter’s life by God
Yvonne: “Thank God, can we see her
Doc:”Am afraid no, apparently there
has been a complication”
Father:”what is Doc?”
They were all anxious to know what
the doctor had to say.
Doc: “Your daughter lost too much
blood and was almost at the point of
death. This lost of blood has somehow
affected her brain power to
Father:”meaning ?”
Doc:”your daughter has lost her
memory, sir”
To be continued.

Pope4u's photo
Tue 11/08/16 12:39 AM
24 Days before Christmas” season 1
Episode 3
Father : “meaning”
Doc: “Your daughter has lost her
memory, sir”
Father: “Oh no!”
Doc: “Her recovery will be slow, but
this is the time she needs your
attention more, the good news is that,
she is responding to treatment and
may be discharged in a day or two.”
Yvonne, on the following day, went to
the station to interrogate Yaw.
Upon getting to the station, the Crime
investigator also interrogated her to
know her side.
It was a quick one though, now it was
time for her to meet Yaw.
Yaw came out of the cell looking
Yvonne: “Young man, tell me what
happened, lets do this quick”
Yaw: “please before i do that, tell me
how she is please.”
The concerned look on Yaw’s face
looked real to Yvonne. She noticed
that there was something different
about Yaw, however this did not
distract her, she was determined to
come to the root of the matter as soon
as possible.
Yvonne : “She is alive, i guess that is a
disappointment to you, just go on and
tell me everything”
Yaw: “Franca and i have been friends
since first year until this sudden
event happened between her and her
boyfriend on campus.”
Franca: “Are you saying my sister was
dating, and what event are you
talking about”
Yaw: “Somehow, her guy was able to
take coverage of their intercourse
together and sent it viral afterwards
on the internet.”
Yvonne’s face dropped upon hearing
what Yaw was saying. She couldn’t
believe her ears that her sister’s tape
is out there without her knowing.
Yvonne: ” what are saying, are you
sure about this”
Yaw: “Yeah, it was out of frustration
that Franca decided to take her life,
that is when i came in. She had
already stabbed herself with the knife
when i got there. She tried
committing suicide.”
Yvonne noticed that what Yaw was
saying had some iota of truth in it.
Yvonne:”i want to see this video and
whoever is behind it. I need to see this
immediately before the issue
Yaw: ” the video is on my phone,
which is in the possession of the
policemen, madam am innocent, you
can ask Franca about all this when
she is fine. Am innocent”
Yaw held the hand of Yvonne trying
to convince her that he is innocent.
Yvonne was getting convinced about
what Yaw was saying. The way he
held her hand firm and looked
straight into her eyes, gave her a
feeling she has never felt before.
She felt the warm temperature of
Yaw’s hand and began to feel weird
as he held on to it pleading.

“24 Days before Christmas” season 1
Episode 4
She felt the warm temperature of
Yaw’s hand and began to feel weird
as he held on to it pleading.
She has never felt that way before. It
was strange feeling. There and then
she began to see him in a different
way that she can’t describe. Yvonne
quickly took her hand off. Yaw
thought that probably his actions
offended her.
“Sorry madam, sorry” He apologized.
“Don’t worry, am ok, i have to take
my leave now” said Yvonne
“Please am innocent, madam am
innocent” Yaw kept pleading as he
was led back into his cell.
Yvonne got to the counter and with
the influence that she had as a
minister daughter and requested for
Yaw’s phone.
The phone was handed over to her
without any questioning. She took
time went through the content of the
phone and finally saw the tape.
She began to feel bad as she saw the
video of her own sister being treated
that way.
Immediately she ordered for the
release of Yaw and also dropped all
charges against him.
Her decision was not only influenced
by the video but by what she felt for
Yaw. As a matter of fact, for the first
time, she was falling in love.
As much as the crime investigator
was so much surprise of her order, he
had no option.
Before Yaw was released, Yvonne left
leaving her complementary card to be
given to Yaw. He was then instantly
released and was subsequently given
the complementary card.
Yaw was so surprised that Yvonne
would take such a step. Probably he
may have been able to convince her,
he thought.
He quickly called her not only to
show appreciation but find out were
Franca was so he could go and see
On phone:
Yvonne: Hello
Yaw: hello madam,
This is Yaw, thank you so much
madam, God bless you. Thank you so
much for seeing the truth in what i
Yvonne: no need for that, Anyway, i
saw the video on phone and i need
you to get in contact with the guy
behind this. I want to meet you two
latest by tomorrow. I have a deal for
him. Can you do that?
Yaw: madam i will, i will bring him to
your office, madam one more thing, i
want to know the where about of
Franca, i need to see how she is doing.
Yvonne instantly got jealous. She
expected Yaw to be hailing her all the
time but not to show too much
concern for Franca.
She hanged up the call without
answering him. She unnecessarily got
upset over Yaw.
“What does he take me for”
She asked herself.

“24 Days before Christmas” season 1
Episode 5
“What does he take her for”
She asked herself.
She then sat on her office desk,
thinking and asking herself series of
“This is unusual of me, what is wrong
with me. I don’t know whats
happening. Yaw is extra ordinary,
why do i feel of being with him all the
Yvonne didn’t know how to deal with
such feelings. It was completely new
to her. All she wanted is to get what
she wants no matter how she gets it.
She just wanted to be at Yaw’s
The following day, things began usual.
Franca was looking healthy at the
hospital as Yvonne and her dad went
to visit her.
She couldn’t even recognized them
when they came, however she had
already undergone psychological
counseling therapy to make her
understand the situation she was in.
Her awareness of her condition will
help her to recover quickly.
Yvonne and Her Dad spoke to her and
made her aware of their relationship
that exist with her. They told her
about her school life and how happy
she was as a person.
Franca began feeling comfortable as
they spoke to her about the basic
things in her. The Doctor advised that
Franca should always be surrounded
by loved ones and friends. She should
spend more time at were she usually
hangout before she encountered this
Upon speaking to her all this while,
they got along very well until Franca
made a strange request.
“Dad, i am aware of my situation and
we all know what the doctors advised
was. I need a favor from you.” Franca
“What is it my daughter, am your
father and Yvonne is your sister, we
are here for you, tell me what you
want and consider it done” Her
father responded.
“Ok, thank you so much. All i want is
to go back to the school i was and
start all over my life again. But my
condition should be kept a secret. ”
said Franca.
Her Dad had no problem with the
request and promised to grant it but
Yvonne on the other side was not
pleased because of the sex tape that
had gone viral and secondly because
she knew Yaw will have to be with
Franca all the time.
Yvonne excused them and went
outside the ward to make a call
leaving Franca and her Dad.
The call was to Yaw. She requested
for an update on how far he has
gotten with their earlier agreement.
“Madam, i have been able to contact
him, what time can we come by” said
“Good, be there in the next two hours,
the location of my office is on the card
i gave you. Make sure you are on
time” said Yvonne
She hanged up immediately
afterwards in order to prevent Yaw
from asking the where about of
Franca again.
With the progress of Franca’s health,
the Doctor made them aware that she
will be discharged the following
It was a good news for them. Without
wasting anymore time Yvonne set off
from the hospital and went to the
She got there a bit late and met Yaw
and Ray at the reception. Her gaze
was on Yaw. She felt like hugging him
that moment when she saw him, but
for the first time she was able to
control it.
Yvonne invited them into her office to
commence the discussion.

“24 Days Before Christmas” season 1
episode 6
Yvonne invited them into her office to
commence the discussion.
She just went straight ahead without
beating around the bush. She knew
the deal she was about to offer was a
fair one and acceptable.
“I believe you are Ray, Franca’s ex.”
Asked Yvonne
“Yes you are right” Ray answered.
“Good! am not interested in whatever
you have against her that made you
do such unlawful thing, am a good
person to press charges against you
and place you behind bars.”
Ray got scared and knelt down to beg
“Get up before you make me more
angrier than i am. You are lucky her
father, the minister is not aware of
this, and if this issue escalates, it will
ruin his political career. That is why i
called you here. Am giving you 24hrs
to take all traces of the video off the
internet. The harm has already been
caused, but do this or you have
yourself to blame.” Yvonne offered in
the deal.
“madam consider it done, am sorry it
won’t happen again.”
” Secondly, Ray and Yaw am going to
pay you two an amount of 2000ghc
each to keep your mouths shut about
what am about telling you”
As soon as they heard the amount
involved, their interest in the matter
was rekindled.
“Franca, is coming back to school but
as a different person. I am telling you
this because you have been the closest
people in her life on campus. She will
be back on campus as a new person,
apparently, she’s suffering from
amnesia and does not even recognize
or remember her own family not to
talk of the video. I need you two to
keep your mouths shut about her
situation and also make sure that she
doesn’t ever come across the tape”
Yvonne said and quickly wrote a
check down but to her amazement
Yaw refused it.
Yaw: “am sorry madam i can’t accept
this, I want Franca’s well being and i
don’t need to be paid for that”
Yvonne felt embarrassed with the
actions of Yaw. It was getting late, so
she dismissed Ray. All the other
workers had also signed out of work.
Yvonne and Yaw continued battling
each other over the money until Yaw
asked a question.
” madam, i really don’t understand
why you’re giving out this money but
i want to know the relationship
between you and Franca”
” if you care to know, she is my client.
Am Franca’s lawyer.”
She lied about it. The weather began
to change as it was getting late into
the night. It appeared that it was
going to rain.
They then decided to let matters lie
and continue some other time. As
soon as they stepped out of the
interior office to the reception, the
rain began to fall. Yvonne requested
that Yaw should join her so she could
drop him off at his place since it was
They both rushed to Yvonne’s car and
sat in. The rain was so heavy that
within the shortest time they were
both wet.
Unfortunately, as Yvonne began to
start her car, it didn’t respond. She
tried several times but the situation
remained the same. They then had no
option but to go back to the office.
Again they rushed from the car and
went straight into the office. At this
moment all their cloths were dripping
with rain water.

24 Days before Christmas” season 1
Episode 7
Again they rushed from the car and
went straight into the office. At this
moment all their cloths were dripping
with rain water.
They were wetting the office carpet,
Yvonne quickly took off her shirt
leaving her in bra and skirt. Her
curved shaped in her bra got the
attention of Yaw.
For a moment he lost concentration
and kept on gazing at her shiny
looking breast as it looked firm in her
in soaked bra.
Lust sets in. He tried taking his eyes
off but Yaw was so weak. Yvonne
noticed the gaze and for a moment
the room was just silent as soon as
their eyes met.
They kept starring at each other eye
to eye until Yvonne broke the silent.
“Yaw, I’m feeling cold” said Yvonne.
She didn’t wait for Yaw to respond,
she went and hugged him right away.
She held on to his body for awhile
feeling the warm temperature of him.
They mutually began to think deep
wondering who will make the first
move. Yaw couldn’t help it, he rub his
hand at Yvonne’s back and got hold of
the clasp of the bra.
He took the bold step to unclasp it. As
he did this, Yvonne knew what was
happening, she had never felt that
sensitive before. She held on to is
body tighter than usual.
Now, Yaw gently took off one hand of
the bra and slowly made his way to
her nipples. She began fumbling it till
you could hear the breath and heart
beat of Yvonne.
She was breathing fast now as Yaw
kept on tickling her nipples.
He had gotten comfortable to make
further moves now when he noticed
that Yvonne was responding
It went of hand, they aggressively
cleared to office desk to make way for
Yaw then came on top of Yvonne who
was by then braless. He kissed her all
over her body right from her neck to
her breast. Sucked her nipples which
appeared to be the most sensitive part
of Yvonne.
He then gently took of her panty and
threw it somewhere in the office.
Now Yaw was ready to enter her.
Yvonne then looked straight into his
eyes and said
“Yaw, please be gentle. This is my first
time. I love you”
Yaw didn’t respond to her and
penetrated at that moment. Initially it
was a painful but Yvonne began to
enjoy as time went on.
They both fell asleep after their
sensational sex at the office till the
following morning.
The several knocks on the door woke
them up
“Who could that be”
Yvonne asked herself as they
hurriedly got dressed.

24 Days before Christmas” season 1
Episode 8
“Who could that be”
Yvonne asked herself as they
hurriedly got dressed.
The person kept banging the door
several times until Yvonne went to
open it. It was her father.
She was very nervous when she saw
him. She invited him in.
Her Father was so surprised to see
her early in the office that morning
with this unknown guy. He had been
trying to reach her since the previous
night but her phone was out of reach.
He had already gone to her place but
met her absence. Yaw excused them
and went back home when Yvonne’s
father came.
“Yvonne where have you been, i have
been trying to call you several times.”
Her Father asked.
Yvonne: “I’m sorry Dad, i have been a
little busy at the office. I am sorry.”
Father:” your sister will be discharged
today, i came to tell you so you can go
and pick her up, i have a meeting to
Yvonne: “ok Dad, i will do that”
She still looked nervous and her Dad
began to be suspicious.
Father: “Yvonne, what is it? You are
acting strange”
Yvonne:” Dad, am ok, just a little
stressed up”
Father: “anyway, you haven’t told me
about the progress of the
investigation, i want to know the
people behind this. ”
Yvonne began to fumble with her
words and as soon as she was ready
to answer him, her father saw
Yvonne’s panty lying on the floor near
to the office desk.
She was so much in a hurry to dress
when she heard her father knocking.
The panty was just lying there.
“Yvonne, what is this, panty in your
office, what have you been doing
here, tell me who is that guy i met
here” He asked her.
On the other hand, Yaw kept
wondering what had happened. He
just had sex with Yvonne. He began to
regret his actions and hated himself
for allowing lust control him. He had
no feelings for Yvonne, but what
bothered him was that he was the one
that broke her virginity.
The only decision he could arrive at,
was to avoid her.
Back at the office Yvonne had become
so unusually timid, she was not that
You could see that she has been
transformed. Yvonne was a different
person. Her father hadn’t seen this
side of her ever since she was born.
He skipped the questions when he
realized this attitude. He went out
and asked her to go and pick Franca
She went to the hospital not long after
her dad had left the office. She got to
the hospital and saw that Franca had
already packed her stuff and was just
waiting for her.
Yvonne was happy to see her, she
gave her a hug and walked her to her
Immediately they set off to the house.
All of a sudden Franca out of no
where popped out a question.
“Who is Ray?”
To be continued

Pope4u's photo
Tue 11/08/16 09:00 AM

Hmm... A devastated home. Well they should abort the baby in the daughter's womb and allowed him marry lizzy properly. Thanks
::thanks so much friend.

Pope4u's photo
Tue 11/08/16 01:44 PM
“24 Days before Christmas” season 1
Episode 9
“Who is Ray?”
Franca asked.
“His name keeps popping up in my
mind but i don’t seem to remember
his face nor anything, sis, did i know
anyone by that name?” She asked.
Yvonne who was so lost in thoughts of
Yaw was distracted by Franca’s story.
She looked confused yet she was able
to make a lie out of it.
“That’s very impressive, if this
continues you will regain your
memory in no time. You see, Ray was
your boyfriend but you two broke up
before he left to the States. ” Yvonne
lied about it.
But somehow Franca was so eager to
know more about Ray.
Yvonne was able to take her attention
off. She decided to show her around
the city before finally they got home.
Now, Yaw who was battling it out as
to what to do with Yvonne after their
unplanned sex which was lustfully
sensational and simply fantastic
wondered how to avoid Yvonne.
The best way to defend is to attack.
Yaw took a decision to schedule a
meeting with Yvonne and trash things
out as matured adults.
He kept calling her line but no
answer. Yvonne had left her phone at
the office before she left to pick
Franca from the hospital.
In as much as Yaw was so much in
love with Franca, she had never
returned that love to him before
Franca’s attempted suicide.
Yaw was the type that believes in
“Love goes where love is” noted by a
famous Ghanaian musician Wutah.
He believed that fate will one day
bring them together but his lust has
driven him into a deep pit.
He purely loved Franca but with
Yvonne, it was just lust. He needed to
solve this before it gets out of hand.
After calling several times, he decided
to go back to Yvonne’s office before its
too late.
Not only for that reason, He also went
to find out the where about of Franca
and how she is faring.
Upon getting to the office he noticed
that Yvonne’s car was not parked
there indicating that she was not at
the office.
As soon as he began to take his leave,
He saw her driving towards the car
park of the office.
Yvonne had noticed that she had left
her phone at the office so she came
back to the office with Franca to pick
it up and continue with their city
Yvonne by then had not seen Yaw
when she got out of the car with
Yaw saw them both and started
yelling Franca’s name.
“Franca, Franca!” He called out.
Yvonne and Franca turned around
and saw Yaw.
Franca kept staring at Yaw as he
rushed towards them.

“24 Days before Christmas” season 1
Episode 10
Yvonne and Franca turned around
and saw Yaw.
Franca kept staring at Yaw as he
rushed towards them.
Yvonne looked miserable as she saw
the look on Franca’s face when she
saw Yaw. It was as if she
remembered something.
Yaw couldn’t control himself than to
give Franca a hug. He felt like not
letting go. He held onto her until she
began retrieving.
“Franca, i miss you so much, how are
you, i have been….” Yaw was talking
too much, Yvonne had to interrupt.
“Franca dear, this is Yaw, he is just a
fellow student in your school, don’t
worry, he is on our side he knows
everything” Yvonne said with a wild
look on her face. That look was to
draw Yaw’s attention to the deal they
had yesterday.
“Oh ok, nice meeting you, sorry i can’t
make you out, you know my
condition” Franca said.
Yaw was very hurt that aside
Franca’s condition, it appears that
there was no form of attraction on
her part. He never got the love that he
wanted, and now his friendship is
even at stake.
“Yaw, what brings you here” Yvonne
Yaw was so hurt that he had to
change his mind and leave.
“I was just passing by to a friends
place, i’m heading home now” Yaw
answered her.
“Ok, Just to let you know, Franca will
be coming to campus, kindly watch
her back for me”Yvonne said.
Ironically, she was trying to remind
Yaw of their agreement.
Yaw couldn’t stand there anymore.
He went away looking upset and
“Erm sis, what’s wrong with that guy,
he looks depressed” Franca asked.
“Don’t bother yourself that much dear
sis, it’s one of those things, lemme
rush and get

Pope4u's photo
Fri 11/11/16 03:47 PM
“Erm sis, what’s wrong with that guy,
he looks depressed” Franca asked.
“Don’t bother yourself that much dear
sis, it’s one of those things, lemme
rush and get my cell” Yvonne
answered as she rushed to get her cell
Franca was not that convinced, she
decided to look around for Yaw
before Yvonne returns.
It was too late, as soon as she saw
him, he had already boarded a car
and sat in.
“Never mind, i will meet him
tomorrow” she told herself and went
back to the car park.
Meanwhile Yvonne was on her way
back, she made a strange call to an
unknown person to update him of the
current situation.
Nevertheless, they continued the city
expedition. They had a lot of fun. One
could see that Franca was beginning
to come around.
That sister love bond still existed and
was rejuvenated.
Soon they got home, took supper and
rested for the next day.
Yaw was so discouraged, but he
never gave up, he decided to be in
school early the following morning.
The night was long for him, soon it
was morning, he dressed up nicely,
looking very smart in his outfit with a
lovely scented perfume, he did all this
to meet Franca and impress her if
He set off and by the time he got to
campus, there were few students
around because it was very early.
One lecturer noticed him and called
him to his office to help him sort out
some exam scripts.
Yaw thought he could quickly finish
with this before Franca arrives,
unfortunately as soon as he entered
the lecturer’s office, Yvonne and
Franca also arrived.
Yvonne made that strange call again
to meet them up. It was Ray.
Ray met them right at the entrance of
the school. Franca and Ray’s eyes met.
He walked towards them, greeted and
took Franca by the hand.
As soon as he held her hand, Franca
began to feel this chemistry between
them, like they had known each other
for long. She liked that feeling and
begun to smile all the way through.
“24 Days before Christmas” season 1
Episode 11
As soon as he held her hand, Franca
began to feel this chemistry between
them, like they had known each other
for long. She liked that feeling and
begun to smile all the way through.
Yvonne introduced him as Ray alright
but its only coincidentally that he and
Franca’s ex bare the same name.
Yvonne had to be on her way, she left
Franca in the care of Ray and went
back home. To her, she felt this is the
only time Ray will have to make
amends for what he had done to her
On the other hand, she wanted this so
she could know her future with Yaw.
She eventually arrived at the decision
of meeting Yaw at the same spot
where they had their first sex, where
she broke her virginity.
That means she has to call Yaw right
away and schedule their meeting as
soon as possible.
Back on campus, Yaw had finished
with the lecturer’s assignment and
was waiting for the arrival of Franca.
It wasn’t so long, that he saw Franca
and Ray happily holding each others
hand on campus.
“What, Ray again.” He asked himself.
Yaw’s heart got broken, he was
completely hurt by this. He began
thinking and until he was bumped
into by his course mate, Susan the
Susan was the type that had all the
campus info at her finger tips,
whether it has to do with news about
lecturers awarding grades to students
after sex, news about who is dating
who, double dating etc.
You could always count on her for
such information. She knew
everything in and out of campus. She
knew about the sex tape, she also
knew about the love Yaw have for
She bumped into Yaw not by chance
but purposely to tease him.
“Hehe, Yaw paa, see the look on your
face, you wanna cry anaa” Susan
teased him.
“Get out of my sight girl, i have better
things doing”
She laughed at him the more with the
statement he just made.
You should see the look on your face
when you said that, after all the girl
you love so much is back with the guy
that sent her sex tape viral, you are
here staring at them. Ohhhh Yaw, i
pity you ohh, see my little advice to
you, stop being a fool and wise up,
there are so many girls on campus,
look sharp and stop acting like a
She gave that strong punch line that
made Yaw instantly realize that he
was making a fool out of himself.
Suddenly the thought of Yvonne came
back into his mind.
“Why don’t i fix things with Yvonne”
He asked himself.
Coincidentally Yvonne’s call came
through that moment.
“Yaw, i want to meet you, we need to
talk” she said
“same here, i really need us to talk
“Can you come over to the office by
lunch time? ”
“sure, i will be there”
He hanged up and headed to class.
Soon it was lunch time, Yaw quickly
went to Yvonne’s office without
wasting anytime.
When they saw each other Yvonne
wanted to grab hold of him and give
him a kiss.
Yvonne didn’t waste time she went
ahead and told Yaw how she truly
feels about him.
” You are the only guy that have ever
made me feel this way, i love you so
much, make me yours Yaw.” she said
Yaw looked straight into her eyes and
saw that she was completely being
honest with her feelings.
“Yvonne, i appreciate the love for me,
if i should tell you same, then am a
liar, but am willing to love you, i may
not love you now, but teach me how
to love you just the way you love me,
teach me how to love you”
It was a dream come true for Yvonne,
she smiled at him, the mood was
right, she looked into his eyes and
planted a kiss on his mouth. Yaw
kissed back, he held Yvonne by her
waist while they kissed passionately.
The kiss got deep, tongue wrestling
and lips clinging. Yvonne softly bit his
lower lip to entice him more, Yaw
held her tight and run his hand on
her breast which was hidden beneath
her shirt and bra.
It was lunch time, so all the workers
had gone on break including Yvonne’s
While they were kissing deeply,
suddenly Ray and Franca budged in
and saw them.
Apparently Yvonne had forgotten that
she told Ray and Franca she will be
coming over to take them to lunch.
They decided to come over
themselves since she was running
Yaw and Yvonne quickly stopped
upon seeing them. Franca was not too
bothered when she saw them, but the
comment she made, made an issue.
“Oh sorry sis, we should have
knocked” Franca said.
“Sis?” Yaw asked with a surprised
look on his face.

Pope4u's photo
Fri 11/11/16 03:53 PM
“24 Days before Christmas” season 1
Episode 12
“Sis?” Yaw asked with a surprised
look on his face.
Before Franca could answer, Yvonne
quickly interrupted.
“Ermm Franca, don’t worry, what
brings you here, oh hold on, the
lunch, lets go right away” said
Yvonne, she was fumbling through
When Yaw saw Franca though, he
still had feelings for her. He just kept
staring at her until Franca noticed it.
Yvonne asked Yaw and Ray to excuse
them as she talks to Franca alone. She
had an information from her Dad.
“Wow, you didn’t tell me you were
going out with that guy?” Franca
Yvonne: “Oh sis, it escaped me. Well
anyway i have an information from
Dad. You know his birthday is on 25th
December, he wants to surprise us by
reading his Will”
Franca: “i see, his will? Well sounds
like a good idea to me ”
Yvonne: “that’s the information he
wants me to pass on to you, but i
want us to throw a party for him, he
has really been a good dad”
Franca: “Yvonne am in ok, can we go
and have our lunch already, am
really famished”
Yvonne was a bit surprised that
Franca didn’t show much interest in
what she said, however she decided
not to pay attention, since she thought
that Franca was still recovering from
her health condition.
When they got to the office reception,
Yaw was no where to be found, Ray
was the only one there. Yvonne tried
calling him but he never answered
the call.
No one knew where Yaw was. Yvonne
thought that he had rushed back to
campus so she didn’t worry that
Yvonne, Franca and Ray proceeded
for lunch. They interacted with each
other and had fun. Franca was getting
along with Ray very well.
When the lunch was over, Yvonne
decided to take them back to campus
but they refused. You could tell that
they wanted a moment alone. Yvonne
then left them and went back to the
One thing she found worrying was
the fact that Franca was recovering
too fast. To her it was quite unusual.
She thought that perhaps Franca was
enjoying the company of Ray.
Ray too promised to bring Franca
home once they are done with their
Yvonne went back to the office, she
kept calling Yaw all this while but
this time around his phone was off.
Ray and Franca went back to campus
after they took a couple of drinks at
the restaurant.
Ray suggested that he shows Franca
where his hostel is. She didn’t hesitate
at all.
Together, they went to the hostel.
Upon reaching there, Ray took Franca
to his room.
That was the exact place where the
sex tape was recorded.
As soon as Franca got in, the smell,
the color of the carpet, the entire
room looked familiar to her.
It was as if she had been there before.
The look on her face suddenly
changed. She looked more suspicious.
Ray gave her a seat, and told her to
relax herself as he gets some drinks
from the hostel kitchen.
Franca sat in the room, she looked
around the room, trying to recall her
memory. One thing she was so sure
was that, she knew she had been
there before.
She came across Ray’s laptop which
was already on. She decided to surf
through just to occupy her.
She saw a folder on the desktop
named “My stuff” She opened it, and
saw a whole set of different pictures
at different locations of herself and
She got surprised, started going
through until she came across a video
among the pictures, she played it and
that’s it the sex tape.
She saw it and began to feel afraid,
Ray entered the room with the drinks
and saw her.
As soon as he saw her, before Franca
could open her mouth to ask any
question, Ray gave her a back hand
slap. She screamed and fell
Yaw who was following them all
along, right from Yvonne’s office to
the restaurant, campus then to the
hostel from a distance, just to keep an
eye on Franca, out of the feeling he
had for her, heard Franca’s scream.
He budged into the room and saw
Franca lying motionless on the floor.
He immediately pounced on Ray,
landed a heavy fist blow on his face
that got his nose bleeding.

no photo
Sat 11/12/16 04:35 PM
Ok is this all a funny story or a helluva long azz joke? slaphead

no photo
Thu 11/17/16 02:33 PM

Pope4u's photo
Fri 11/18/16 07:35 AM
“24 Days before Christmas” season 1
Episode 13
He immediately pounced on Ray,
landed a heavy fist blow on his face
that got his nose bleeding.
Ray returned the blow but wasn’t too
strong enough to weaken Yaw. Yaw
indeed had the upper hand in this by
battle, he gave him another punch
that pushed him towards the wall.
Franca by then was coming to live,
she saw the whole fight but was
helpless cause she was weak. Even
when she wanted to scream for help,
her voice got faint. She had no option
than to just lie on the floor till she
gather more strength.
Before Yaw could make his next
move, Ray had already got hold of a
knife and was ready to stub Yaw.
Yaw held his hand which the knife
trying to force him to let go of it.
Indeed it was a horrible fight, it got
very bloody, as Yaw tried to force the
knife off Rays hand, Ray was pushing
it towards Yaw’s tummy.
Yaw was stronger than Ray, anytime
be cast his eyes on Franca, the more
strength he gathered.
He was able to turn the knife around
and suddenly the knife rather pieced
Ray’s tummy.
It was a deep piecing, Ray screamed
as blood gushed from his tummy like
fountain water.
Ray was dying. Yaw left hold of him
and attended to Franca with Ray’s
blood all over his hand.
He helped Franca up, carried her on
his hand and left the scene.
Ray was lying down bleeding, with
the stubbed Knife still in his tummy.
He tried calling for help but no one
was around.
Yaw took Franca home, gave her
some pain killers and laid her on his
He rushed to the bathroom and
washed down Rays blood off him.
Now he began feeling nervous, was
Ray alive, he kept asking himself.
He shivered the more he thought of it.
He then took the phone to call Yvonne
and informed about what has
happened. Franca didn’t like the idea.
“Yaw, don’t tell her anything, just
inform her to come and pick me at
your end” said Franca while she still
lied on the bed.
Yaw did exactly that but he realized
that Franca was sobbing. He went
closer to her on the bed, wiped her
“Yaw, why did you risk your life for
me” Franca asked.
“Shush dear, calm down, just get rest
until Yvonne gets here, then we can
talk about it.” Yaw said.
Franca looked straight into his eyes,
she realized that there was something
secured around him. He looks honest
and pure.
Yaw noticed the gaze from Franca.
This is the closest he had ever been
with her. For a moment, he had
forgotten everything that had
He looked at Franca from where he
was seated from the side of his bed.
His eyes kept looking at her filled
pink lower lip. He felt like kissing it
that moment.
“Do it” Franca commanded.
“What” Yaw asked.
“Do it, go ahead, do it, i know what
you are thinking” Franca said.
She realized that Yaw was not having
the courage to do that. She held his
neck and slowly pulled him towards
Yaw responded immediately, and
gave her a kiss. It was a soft kiss and
a short one.
Before they knew it they were
invaded by the police.
“Are you Yaw” said a Police man.
Yaw: “Yes, thats me,”
Police: “You have been arrested as a
prime suspect for the murder of Mr.
Ray Eshun.
You have the right to remain silent or
anything you say will be used against
you in the court of law”
Franca kept pleading that he was
innocent as she saw Yaw being
handcuffed and taken away.
She was still weak to get on her feet
but eventually she managed to get up
and followed them as they walked to
the door.
Yvonne arrived just on time to see
“Whats going on here officers” She
Franca quickly answered her. “Yaw,
has been arrested for the murder of
Ray, Yvonne, it was a self defense,
Yaw saved my life”
Yvonne had little to do about the
arrest at that moment but had a plan
in mind.
Yaw was then taken away to the
police station.

Pope4u's photo
Fri 11/18/16 07:37 AM
“24 Days before Christmas” season 1
Episode 14
Yaw was then taken away to the
police station.
Yvonne and Franca quickly followed
them in her car.
she asked Franca what really
happened. Franca told her everything
and even about the sex tape she saw.
Yvonne:” am sorry dear sis, its all my
Franca:”Thank God, Yaw was there to
save my life. He is an angel”
Yvonne face changed when Franca
made such comment. She was so
jealous at that moment.
Franca: “Yvonne, how come you
didn’t tell me you two were going out,
until i met both of you kissing at your
Yvonne: ” sis, this is not the time for
this discussion ok, Yaw is in deep
trouble cause of you. Let me deal
with that first”
She said this in angry tone. Franca
noticed it and cast her mind back to
Ray’s room and how it all happened.
One thing that kept popping into her
mind was the short soft kiss from
It felt so real and even though it
didn’t last long, it made an impact to
She began thinking deep about Yaw
and kept asking herself so many
“Why would a guy go to that extent
for me, why didn’t he hesitate kissing
me, How come he was on time to save
me, was he spying on me ? ”
She kept asking herself. Soon they
arrived at the police station where
Yaw was already placed behind bars
after writing his statement.
Yvonne kept calling his Dad, just to
use his influence to release Yaw, but
was to no avail.
Yvonne then decided to go after her
Dad at his office. Franca stayed
behind until Yvonne returns.
Because of who her father was, she
was allowed to speak to Yaw.
Yaw actually didn’t look troubled,
somehow he knew that in no time he
will be released.
Franca spoke to Yaw and expressed
gratitude for what he had done for
She ensured him that she will make
sure he gets out of cells within the
shortest time.
“Where is Yvonne” Yaw asked Franca.
“She is after our Father, he can get
you out with just a single phone call”
said Franca.
Yaw: “Father? Are you sort of related
to Yvonne?
Franca: ” What kind if question is
that, don’t you know Yvonne is my
Yaw got surprise when he heard it,
but he didn’t make it obvious for
Franca to notice.
Yaw: “Sorry, am just not myself”
Franca: “i understand, you are here,
and your girlfriend is out there
fighting for your freedom, i really
envy her”
Yaw face lighted up when she heard
that statement. He quickly followed
up with a question
Yaw: “why do you say that, do you
wanna be in her place”
Franca: “oh please, no girl wouldn’t
love a man that will protect her”
Yaw quickly had a different
impression about Franca. Must she
have a reason to be in love. He began
comparing Franca and Yvonne.
Yvonne saw something in him right
from when he was accused of
attempting to kill her sister, even to
the extent that he owe her gratitude
for his freedom and now she is out
there trying ones more to get him out
of here.
Franca have been loved by Yaw ever
since they met. Even though Yaw has
never been bold to tell her because
Ray was around, she had never been
able to see it.
She lost her memory alright but must
one have a reason to love. Must he
save Franca’s love before she feel
anything for him.
One thing that he never liked was the
fact that Yvonne had lied to him
about being Franca’s sister.
Franca pushed Yaw to the wall by
daring him with these statements.
“You think, i don’t see it in your eyes
that you feel something for me, even
from the way you stared at me this
morning, from your kiss right after
that chaos. Who will do that, except if
you feel something for me, Tell me
Yaw, are you in love with me?”
Franca asked.

Previous 1