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Topic: Thriving or Surviving
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Tue 07/04/17 02:03 PM
I spent most of my life just surviving but in my late 30s I gave up and now I just exist.

Basha's photo
Tue 07/04/17 02:09 PM
I go with the flow and when i Face troubles I don't fight I back down!...enjoy myself in the most laziest way possible, stay in my safe space and never leave it~ thats the kind of life I hope to achieve some day~

IceCreeme's photo
Tue 07/04/17 02:42 PM
I just keep on keeping on....


no photo
Mon 07/10/17 02:05 AM

A change in perception does wonders on how you see things.

And how you see it, or things, really matters.

"it" can be anything.
/your life/your situations/people/the system/loneliness/emptiness/solitude/relationships/yourself/family/the past/the present/the future/the moment you're in/thriving/or surviving

Think about it for a second.

How we see a certain something in our lives,
brings up a feeling (personal, judgemental,familiar, or unfamiliar,
and feelings sometimes determine what course of action to take.
And no action at all can be just as consequential.
So how you see things does matter.

"The past" which doesn't exist anymore,
provides for some an identity,
and that "identity" could very well be what keeps them going.
Some have experienced deep pain and suffering in the past,
and view life accordingly....
some have experienced joy and happiness and relate to that.
So, I have learned to share my experiences, rather than give advice.
Advice can be a threat to someone's identity...

Here and NOW is what matters.
The ego tells us what we "think" we are
and digs into the past for that identity, and labels us.
Becoming that emotion again (sadness, anger, happiness, envious, depression,and many more provide familiarity. A change in perception is needed.

We are not just our thinking minds.
We are also spiritual beings,
and believe it or not, that's what connects us intimately.
Spiritually driven souls stay in the moment and out of the past.
They don't try to clean up the wreckage of the future...
and the future isn't here yet.

We can only really be in the moment we are in.

I see a lot of posts where people are "stuck" in themselves, in their thinking, in their all too familiar identities. Decaying, thriving, or surviving. In their prisons for lack of a better word, crying out in text for someone to listen, to lend an ear and offer a consoling response.
It gives the illusion that someone cares.

Offering solutions or advice can be a threat to the very identity some have created for themselves. And in my opinion advice is a way for one person to try and control the outcome of another person's situation.

In my experience....

How you see yourself, the world around you, and your situations determines how you'll feel about it, and what action if any you'll take, if any.

And lastly, a change in perception is spiritual.

The mind can not fix what it creates. That would be like a cell phone recharging itself, or an engine repairing itself...awareness of that is the first step to changing your perceptions.


no photo
Sun 07/23/17 07:46 PM
Thriving just knockin it outta of the park every day just a brutal life just always chasing the pain so i can throw down and win thru losing to enter the labyrinth. Everyday is just unbelievable and Spirit is everywhere just everywhere the spiritual realm is right here its a thin veil its all around you my god just to be alive living breathing is sureal

ameercommoner's photo
Sun 07/23/17 08:20 PM
Tom4U, I hope you don't feel at an all time low socially because I think there are many good people on here who admire, respect, adore and on some level even love you.

You posts are brilliant and must come from a brilliant mind. Do you realize you're a teacher and stimulate intense thought and conversation. You have a gift that not many of us have. I thank you for that and look forward to you words of wisdom. Take care of yourself.

TVcameraman's photo
Sun 07/23/17 08:35 PM
I like to think I have been thriving all my life, even though some points have been lower than others. Each day was a learning experience. Each day that was on the lower end was a day of learning.
In a way, I thrive in different ways in each stage of my life.
Always look on the good side..
Have a great day everyone.

ameercommoner's photo
Sun 07/23/17 08:40 PM
I guess I should try your question. I've given it some thought but I'm still not sure of my words or how to answer concisely.

I don't ever recall thriving when I was younger but life then was filled with emotional, physical and financial hardship. It seemed then that I (we) were surviving. Looking back, was I or we thriving because we met these challenges head on and survived?

When loved ones died, my brother at a young age and my wife after months in ICU, I felt like a big part of myself was torn away. I felt open and raw. During those times, I was just surviving, barely.

Today, I guess I'm thriving in some ways and just surviving in others but I'm not decaying except in the cosmic sense where all life decays as we travel around the Sun. Hopefully, I've got some more thriving to do. And so do you.

no photo
Sun 07/23/17 11:54 PM
<<< surviving to thrive one day at a time

no photo
Mon 07/24/17 02:38 AM

<<< surviving to thrive one day at a time

let's play

one day to thrive at surviving a time
to thrive at a time surviving one day
surviving to time a thrive at day one
to surviving time at a thrive one day
one to thrive at time a day surviving

i didnt know i had a lot of options slaphead or that words can be jumbled up so many ways and stll have different meanings :thumbsup: glad im not a writer or ill be having a bad case of writers block lol

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 07/24/17 04:38 AM

In your life right now, do you consider yourself thriving, surviving or decaying?

I am thriving because "you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household." (Ephesians 2:19)

mysticalview21's photo
Mon 07/24/17 09:21 AM
To be honest just surviving ...
to many pay backs... all at once ug...

mysticalview21's photo
Mon 07/24/17 09:25 AM

In your life right now, do you consider yourself thriving, surviving or decaying?

I am thriving because "you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household." (Ephesians 2:19)

What happen to welcome to the insane asylum ... laugh

felt a belonging rofl

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