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Topic: Rise of the Right
IgorFrankensteen's photo
Wed 08/16/17 03:34 PM

Following the unfortunate incident in Virginia, which is linked in a way or another to the whole global rising tension based on the rise of the right wingers (White nationalist right in the West and Islamic right in the East), the incident shows a struggle between Nationalist right wingers and Liberal left ones, but what lies between the lines could be something else, a Right-Right clash, while the left is caught in the middle trying to save the values of the modern societies (social justice, equality, freedom...)
Wasn't it wrong at the very beginning to satanize the left in the Western world instead of cooperating with it to keep the world balanced and to evade creating a gap that is being filled quickly with haters and fanatics?

Actually, I have become convinced that the terms Left and Right, Liberal and Conservative, have become so confused by being used as weapons, that none of those terms is of any use to us going forward.

I would suggest instead, that we recognize that the problems in the world all come from anyone who decides that THEY should be able to force everyone else to comply in detail with their expectations. Whether it is a communist who wants the government to support their ideas about property, or a Republican who wants the government to fund their private companies endeavors, and allow them to ignore their real costs, or someone who insists that THEIR favorite religious icons and beliefs must be directly supported by the government, and so on...

...it is THOSE kinds of people, regardless of which "side" they are on, who are doing the most damage to all of us.

After all, look at the issues:

Is it Liberal, or Conservative, to oppose having the state or national government tell you who to choose as a friend or mate? Don't know, because people who demand that BOTH of those groups are the bad guys, say they oppose the government telling them what to do.

Is it liberal or conservative, to want the government to restrict what people are allowed to do and say in public places? No way to tell, because again, there are people who say they hate Liberals, who demand to be in charge of other people's speech, and there are people who say they oppose Conservatives, for exactly the same reason.

What too many people have been doing for way too long, is to USE these labels to PRETEND that someone they are upset with for one thing, actually support something entirely unrelated (which the other side DOES NOT in fact support), essentially as a political propaganda trick.

Nothing will be solved as long as this continues.

depends on a couple of things, mainly what side the media presents... and thats usually controlled by who is in control of the government...

So, since the Republicans are in full control of the government right now, you believe they also control the media? Which is another label that needs redefining or discarding.

mightymoe's photo
Wed 08/16/17 04:55 PM

Following the unfortunate incident in Virginia, which is linked in a way or another to the whole global rising tension based on the rise of the right wingers (White nationalist right in the West and Islamic right in the East), the incident shows a struggle between Nationalist right wingers and Liberal left ones, but what lies between the lines could be something else, a Right-Right clash, while the left is caught in the middle trying to save the values of the modern societies (social justice, equality, freedom...)
Wasn't it wrong at the very beginning to satanize the left in the Western world instead of cooperating with it to keep the world balanced and to evade creating a gap that is being filled quickly with haters and fanatics?

Actually, I have become convinced that the terms Left and Right, Liberal and Conservative, have become so confused by being used as weapons, that none of those terms is of any use to us going forward.

I would suggest instead, that we recognize that the problems in the world all come from anyone who decides that THEY should be able to force everyone else to comply in detail with their expectations. Whether it is a communist who wants the government to support their ideas about property, or a Republican who wants the government to fund their private companies endeavors, and allow them to ignore their real costs, or someone who insists that THEIR favorite religious icons and beliefs must be directly supported by the government, and so on...

...it is THOSE kinds of people, regardless of which "side" they are on, who are doing the most damage to all of us.

After all, look at the issues:

Is it Liberal, or Conservative, to oppose having the state or national government tell you who to choose as a friend or mate? Don't know, because people who demand that BOTH of those groups are the bad guys, say they oppose the government telling them what to do.

Is it liberal or conservative, to want the government to restrict what people are allowed to do and say in public places? No way to tell, because again, there are people who say they hate Liberals, who demand to be in charge of other people's speech, and there are people who say they oppose Conservatives, for exactly the same reason.

What too many people have been doing for way too long, is to USE these labels to PRETEND that someone they are upset with for one thing, actually support something entirely unrelated (which the other side DOES NOT in fact support), essentially as a political propaganda trick.

Nothing will be solved as long as this continues.

depends on a couple of things, mainly what side the media presents... and thats usually controlled by who is in control of the government...

So, since the Republicans are in full control of the government right now, you believe they also control the media? Which is another label that needs redefining or discarding.

i believe they will, FOX and a few others need the extra cash... CNN and MSNBC have been making a killing off it for about 10 years now...

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