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Topic: Trump
no photo
Sat 09/26/20 03:28 AM
You must not have read the posts here very well...not to mention almost the entire world thinks he's a "poopy head"...I'm just going to stick with calling him a poor leader.

jaish's photo
Sat 09/26/20 07:32 AM

I'll use your numbering system:

1. Intellectual Property Rights on Industrial Technology is nothing more than a smoke screen for a war of theft, espionage, and copy right infringements, that China has engaged in for decades...and let's face it...America is better at it than China.

2. Complete bullsh*t !!! It's like you made that up...no U.S. President has ever given preferential status for imports or exports...tariffs have always been added in foreign trade.

3. Trump did not wipe out ISIS...another FOX news false claim...ISIS is very much active, and because of Trumps incompetence, gaining strength. Trump's good buddy Putin put bounties on the heads of our brave soldiers in the sandbox...and Trump knew about it...right after he called our war heroes who sacraficed all..."losers"...this should be enough to throw his sorry *** out of the White House.

4. Are you kidding me? Did the fanatics in the middle east not pick a fight with us first? All Obama did was go in and wipe their ***** all over the sand box...like when he squashed Bin Laden.

5. NATO members were already paying their fare share...despite Trump's miscalculating, he accomplished nothing but destabilizing NATO in an already volatile time.

6. Brexit is a debacle anyway, but their instability is not a product of only Germany's economic policies and Syrian immigrants...it's about mismanagement and greed...the European economy...and World economy, can't afford bad decisions from Power nations...ultimately, it affects us.

As far as Covid-19...Trump just plain and simply didn't act fast enough. His insistence that it would go away in warm weather, not spread, was under control, and didn't need to be taken serious...like wearing masks...cost lives...over 200,000 now !!! Trump's inaction also cost our economy to suffer with business closures.
Trump has filled the swamp even deeper than it was, refuses to release his tax returns ( because he is hiding something) and has attempted to turn us into a dictatorship...he will fail.

Your opinion takes priority - as it's your Country.

On point 1: IPR
in India, when Indian government projects are in tender stages, Indian companies pay royalty to US tech companies so that they can bid with proven technology.
For example a 500 M Watt Boiler manufacturer bidding for 700 MW boiler plant pays 10% of the bid price to US - although the Indian firm has it's own home grown tech. In China, if US wants to build say a nuclear power plant - the design & tech know-how goes free.

You may be right in that it has more to do with US businesses than US politicians
Except for US funding of virus research in China - as admitted by Dr. Faucii

On point 2:
I don't make up things - not even from Media evidences unless it echoes my experience

On points 3 and 4:
I was in the Middle East - 100 kms from Syrian - Saudi Arabian border during the initial years - till Iran then Putin filled in the vacuum.

In Saudi Arabia - Sunni Muslims like the 90% majority in Syria - people still feel Barack Obama let them down. Probably US media played or for that matter for the general American, countries in Middle East are all the same - fanatics.

To truly understand one must go to what led to the birth of ISIS - too long for a dating site.

I agree that Trump sounds abusive and Obama - sophisticated
partly because media was always politically correct with O and built his image
and unleashed their worst on T all through
or maybe difference is because one is a biz man and other politician

But to us outsiders, Trump is a peace keeper almost like a Republican version of Carter - peace maker.

From what I heard in Harris' speeches - she's not good news for India.

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 09/26/20 09:40 AM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Sat 09/26/20 09:41 AM
Trump wanted to keep Businesses open !

Democrat Governor's wanted to close up everything to help slow down economy,on Trump's watch. In hopes of getting Trump out!

Lockdowns were Politically motivated. Planned because they had nothing else.

pumpilicious đź’•'s photo
Sat 09/26/20 11:13 AM

You must not have read the posts here very well...not to mention almost the entire world thinks he's a "poopy head"...I'm just going to stick with calling him a poor leader.

Comprehension is a skill & their perception is their reality. Most of them have made up their mind & debating is really a waste of time. Twitter is double trending today how the world feels about our leadership.

mikeyspace4691's photo
Sat 09/26/20 12:19 PM

Trump wanted to keep Businesses open !

Democrat Governor's wanted to close up everything to help slow down economy,on Trump's watch. In hopes of getting Trump out!

Lockdowns were Politically motivated. Planned because they had nothing else.

Exactly, libtards don't give a crap about anything or anybody... Being in charge is the only thing that concerns them.. Look at the idiots letting their cities burn down when it could easily have been stopped... Very sad leaders.. sad2

no photo
Sun 09/27/20 04:33 AM
Joe Biden claimed evidence that President Trump failed to deal with the
virus was that he hadn’t mentioned it during his State of the Union address.
“And it’s been the failure of this president to deal, to deal with this virus,
” Biden said. “Imagine had he at the State of Union stood up and said, when
back in January … Imagine if he had said something.”

The problem with this allegation is that Trump did talk about the coronavirus
during his State of the Union address on February 4. “Protecting Americans’
health also means fighting infectious diseases. We are coordinating with the
Chinese government and working closely together on the Coronavirus outbreak
in China,” Trump said. “My Administration will take all necessary steps
to safeguard our citizens from this threat.”

That’s the same speech that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ripped up.

yet all the dems could think of going after trump and russia. um still waiting for the whistle blower on this. Yet they covered that up too

They did nothing against covid, but peloski finally did, she got her hair done when all the other business were shut down. this tells me dems dont care about the public, then Peloski said she was set up. forcing the hairdresser to loose her business. Her actions is the worst, then she tore up trumps speech. She should have been shamed and punished that is the worst.

anotherwords this teaches kids how to act in school, if you dont like something act like me.

no photo
Sun 09/27/20 04:37 AM

people on twitter they get paid to have followers, you have to have so many people though, facebook i think the same way.

pumpilicious đź’•'s photo
Sun 09/27/20 02:37 PM


people on twitter they get paid to have followers, you have to have so many people though, facebook i think the same way.

I have many followers on twitter and I don't get paid, that's strictly against the rules and you will get banned for that.
Facebook unfortunately that may be happening, lots more Russian activity there.

no photo
Sun 09/27/20 03:32 PM
Trump totally blew the federal governments corona virus response !!! Get real...he said it would go away with the warm weather...he said it was just like the flu...don't even try to deny that you Trumpees...he screwed the pooch on that, and there's nothing you can make up, about how he handled it that will change that...he cost American lives by being a poor leader...your boy fuc*ed up !!!

no photo
Sun 09/27/20 09:30 PM
its common knowledge people get paid
How to make a good sum of money with Twitter?
Please mark that making a good sum of money with Twitter can be achieved by increasing the number of followers. If the followers are not as per the audiences you want to target, then even 10,000 followers are not sufficient. The tweets that can attract and make the people click can get you paid on the basis of cost per click.

so where have you been hiding.

no photo
Sun 09/27/20 09:37 PM

Trump totally blew the federal governments corona virus response !!! Get real...he said it would go away with the warm weather...he said it was just like the flu...don't even try to deny that you Trumpees...he screwed the pooch on that, and there's nothing you can make up, about how he handled it that will change that...he cost American lives by being a poor leader...your boy fuc*ed up !!!

You never ever heard what Pecoski did have you, quit watching cnn.

Lets say trump warned everyone, really put a scare in people, how would the people react. You would criticize him even more, than your doing now.

right now anyone that votes for the dems. All they know is hate.

no photo
Mon 09/28/20 04:35 AM
Wrong again !!! The President of the United States has an obligation to tell the truth to the people...your boy Trump seems to have a hard time telling the truth. He's got to go !!!

no photo
Mon 09/28/20 11:49 AM
Maybe FDR, back in December of1941, should have told the American people that a few boats were sank at Pearl Harbor, but no big deal...or Reagan should have told us the Space Shuttle Challenger had a technical issue, no big deal...wake up Trumpees...this guy blew off a global pandemic like it was nothing...over 200,000 people have died...your boy Trump is a tremedous loser !!! Why can't you just admit he's a failure and move on?

no photo
Mon 09/28/20 09:26 PM
wake up Trumpees...this guy blew off a global pandemic like it was nothing...over 200,000 people have died...your boy Trump is a tremedous loser !!! Why can't you just admit he's a failure and move on?

Joe Biden claimed evidence that President Trump failed to deal with the
virus was that he hadn’t mentioned it during his State of the Union address.
“And it’s been the failure of this president to deal, to deal with this virus,
” Biden said. “Imagine had he at the State of Union stood up and said, when
back in January … Imagine if he had said something.”

The problem with this allegation is that Trump did talk about the coronavirus
during his State of the Union address on February 4. “Protecting Americans’
health also means fighting infectious diseases. We are coordinating with the
Chinese government and working closely together on the Coronavirus outbreak
in China,” Trump said. “My Administration will take all necessary steps
to safeguard our citizens from this threat.”

That’s the same speech that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ripped up.

also if you had any morals any one that rips up a speech on stage, and gets her hair done when lots of other business are closed. then she said i was set up.

and bidden son make 50,000 a year over in russia for not knowing anything.
i could go on and on.

umm quit watching cnn, look at sources from several other countries and markets.
not just cnn which puts words in your mouth . wake up man

no photo
Mon 09/28/20 09:37 PM
tell the truth,

Biden has a long history of lying — about himself, about his past and about events that never took place.

Over the past year, Biden thundered that the Obama administration “didn’t lock people up in cages.” He also claimed that, “Immediately, the moment [the Iraq War] started, I came out against it.” And… “I was always labeled one of the most liberal members of Congress.” Politico’s rating of all three assertions? False.

open your eyes

Nancy Pelosi dismissed Tara Reade’s accusations of sexual assault against Joe Biden. “I know him,” said the House Speaker authoritatively, and that was that.

Does Biden’s record warrant such confidence? Not really. In fact, Biden has a long history of lying — about himself, about his past and about events that never took place.

Democrats want the 2020 campaign to be a referendum on President Trump. Fine, but if this is to be a contest of characters, it is only appropriate that Joe Biden’s history of fabrication and deceit – often intended to bolster his intellectual credentials – also be fair game.

Over the past year, Biden thundered that the Obama administration “didn’t lock people up in cages.” He also claimed that, “Immediately, the moment [the Iraq War] started, I came out against it.” And… “I was always labeled one of the most liberal members of Congress.” Politico’s rating of all three assertions? False.

No one should be surprised. Lest we forget…

A video is making the rounds in which Biden boasts at a 1987 rally, "I went to law school on a full academic scholarship…[and] ended up in the top half of my class."

Biden also maintained that he "graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school" and was the “outstanding student in the political science department.”

Not one of those claims was true, as newscasters at the time affirmed. In fact, Biden graduated 76th of 85 students in his law school class, had only a partial scholarship and did not win top honors in his undergraduate discipline.

ivegotthegirth's photo
Mon 09/28/20 09:38 PM

its common knowledge people get paid
How to make a good sum of money with Twitter?
Please mark that making a good sum of money with Twitter can be achieved by increasing the number of followers. If the followers are not as per the audiences you want to target, then even 10,000 followers are not sufficient. The tweets that can attract and make the people click can get you paid on the basis of cost per click.

so where have you been hiding.

Are you a paid Trump supporter?

It seems to be the only topic you post on here and your profile says you live in Calgary, last time I was there it was in Alberta and Alberta was in CANADA!

Why do you have such a massive interest in this?

I'm not mocking you but really am curious about this.................

no photo
Tue 09/29/20 05:01 AM
cause i read the news from a lot of different places, after all i have to know what is going on more than anyone else. however i wont say why here.

no photo
Tue 09/29/20 05:08 AM
Edited by Unknow on Tue 09/29/20 05:11 AM
trump is the only pick, why when you see people that steal kids hats from a 7 year old and picking fights with the parents when they say give our kids hat back, drive into people, and the leaders say dont let them eat here, bug them till they leave. and Pelosi stands up and rips trump speech on stage. What does that tell the kids, you dont like something so cheat, or do a tantrum if you dont like it like i did. Also the news media is very biased.
I can go on and on
however you get the point.

I am a Christian, and i hate people that lie, and selfish like the dem party.
what did they do for last 3 years, complain and lie thats it. They changed.

I am still waiting to see who the whistle blower is. Yet they lied about that too.

mysticalview21's photo
Tue 09/29/20 07:18 PM
Edited by mysticalview21 on Tue 09/29/20 07:40 PM
I stayed up to see trump pull his usual self ... he has done exactly what some have predicted ... he is a Bully ... he has no manners ... Chris can not shut trump up to let him even speak ... or let along Vic president Biden answer the ? that Chris asked ... I am certainly glad he has shown his true colors once more ... when he talks over people ...this shows his arrogance... like a spoil child ... what a disgrace...he has been to our country ... he has to talk over Vic President Biden becouse he knows this could be the end ... coming soon for him ... If I was Vice president Biden ...I would just do some rally's and the heck with these debate with Trump ... it is a waste of time for Biden take it to the streets ... and show the people what a respectable President looks like ... and as far as putting the a women in for the Justice seat ...
they do not have to rush but trump does want help ... I do not care who it might be ...it is disrespectful to put someone in this early... GOP vultures... but then again we are not looking at respectful people ... sometimes I wish I could wake up to not see our country that is so divided becouse of one man ... or hear about his every move ... and what women is going to sue him becouse of sex scandal... and they are in court now trying to take away a lot of rights from men an women in the courts now ... don't forget he needs to rip off everyone's SS and healthcare ... and hope to god their not taking the preexisting conditions away... and I wish I could say ...what I am really thinking laugh don't worry nothing horrific just how much he played the public ...to keep his daughters hair so blonde an his ...since he has been in ....what a rip off ... to the country ...

I will say this ...never will I forgive him for killing all those people an letting them get the pandemic... I heard ever thing I need to know an he did it ... one more thought ... look at putting in another female Justice ... right after Ruth B death ... is like if Melania passed away suddenly & trump turn around and went right back to stormy again ... no respect and wrong... right ...

mikeyspace4691's photo
Tue 09/29/20 09:12 PM

I stayed up to see trump pull his usual self ... he has done exactly what some have predicted ... he is a Bully ... he has no manners ... Chris can not shut trump up to let him even speak ... or let along Vic president Biden answer the ? that Chris asked ... I am certainly glad he has shown his true colors once more ... when he talks over people ...this shows his arrogance... like a spoil child ... what a disgrace...he has been to our country ... he has to talk over Vic President Biden becouse he knows this could be the end ... coming soon for him ... If I was Vice president Biden ...I would just do some rally's and the heck with these debate with Trump ... it is a waste of time for Biden take it to the streets ... and show the people what a respectable President looks like ... and as far as putting the a women in for the Justice seat ...
they do not have to rush but trump does want help ... I do not care who it might be ...it is disrespectful to put someone in this early... GOP vultures... but then again we are not looking at respectful people ... sometimes I wish I could wake up to not see our country that is so divided becouse of one man ... or hear about his every move ... and what women is going to sue him becouse of sex scandal... and they are in court now trying to take away a lot of rights from men an women in the courts now ... don't forget he needs to rip off everyone's SS and healthcare ... and hope to god their not taking the preexisting conditions away... and I wish I could say ...what I am really thinking laugh don't worry nothing horrific just how much he played the public ...to keep his daughters hair so blonde an his ...since he has been in ....what a rip off ... to the country ...

I will say this ...never will I forgive him for killing all those people an letting them get the pandemic... I heard ever thing I need to know an he did it ... one more thought ... look at putting in another female Justice ... right after Ruth B death ... is like if Melania passed away suddenly & trump turn around and went right back to stormy again ... no respect and wrong... right ...

Do you really consider Quid Pro Joe a respectable man?? He's a perv to women, and little girls.. He was best friends with one of the of the leaders of the KKK (he gave the eulogy at his funeral), and he buddied up to all the known racists in DC.. The list goes on, and on... JS...

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