Topic: Our inheritance.
Napsrach89's photo
Thu 04/23/20 12:51 AM
The devil came to kill, still and destroy. In a time like this.. he has taken alot from us. He has claimed lived through covid 19, our wealth, peace, joy, marriage. This is the time we need to pray more. To take back our inheritance. Amen.

krish's photo
Thu 04/23/20 02:00 AM
That is ****
we need to practice social distancing
Be careful and true to everyone
If he was there why cant he saved the fathers who died,
start thinking rationally and logically.
This time has come to make us understand we have to help ourselves and each other.

Napsrach89's photo
Thu 04/23/20 05:23 AM
If the father's who died, by then died in him then they are alive, because Jesus died for us to have eternal life. That is life after death. Since in him we live and have our being. But a time like this shows us that the devil is stealing from us. Jesus gave us freedom from diseases, deaths, poverty. And that's why when Christian's come to know their position in a time like this. Then we are winners. Come on take your positions and take back what's yours. Amen

tdion's photo
Thu 04/23/20 11:15 PM
Dear Lady, the heathens don't understand the language which you use. They don't even realize that their Kingdoms are crumbling and ready to fall. Your job is to wake up "you know" who and bring them back to the Lord, Luke 14:23. Death and destruction are near and we must obey His will. Thanks for your concerns.
And by the way, the wicked will attack you when they are cut, Hebrew 4:12. So prepare for that!

tdion's photo
Thu 04/23/20 11:38 PM

If the father's who died, by then died in him then they are alive, because Jesus died for us to have eternal life. That is life after death. Since in him we live and have our being. But a time like this shows us that the devil is stealing from us. Jesus gave us freedom from diseases, deaths, poverty. And that's why when Christian's come to know their position in a time like this. Then we are winners. Come on take your positions and take back what's yours. Amen

And keep in mind that as a christian you need to be re-taught. Your mind must be renewed to gain true wisdom, knowledge and understanding of God. Their churches are filled with Pedophiles, homosexuals, liars and false doctrines. Theology and Christianity are not biblical but man made doctrines. Come out of her my people, says another voice. That ye shall not be partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plaques, revelation 18:4.

Napsrach89's photo
Fri 04/24/20 09:17 AM
Yes I know, but also the word of God say that, we shall know the truth and it shall set us free. Every Christian should come to the knowledge of the word of God. Read the bible and you will be set free.

tdion's photo
Fri 04/24/20 06:24 PM

Yes I know, but also the word of God say that, we shall know the truth and it shall set us free. Every Christian should come to the knowledge of the word of God. Read the bible and you will be set free.

I see where you come from. You are quoting Christ who said that in John 8:32. Christ was actually referring to do the Fathers will, as King David did. See Psalm 40:8. It is the application of the will of God that will set a man or woman free, if they are called. Faith without works is death, James 2:26. Christians only live by faith.