Topic: Is this life for real or are we just reloaded?
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Fri 08/25/06 04:38 PM
Do you think life sucks or do you find the little hidden secrets to all
the wonders it has to offer? A decent and careing partner just a blink
away,a thought, or something we all struggle for?

SteveJarvis's photo
Fri 08/25/06 10:41 PM
I think life rocks. I like finding out new interesting things that I
did not know before. I remember when I was a little kid, I was like,
"Man, life better be more interesting than this because being a kid
sucks." And so far it's been more amazing every day.

unsure's photo
Sat 08/26/06 03:41 PM
Honestly, I think people take things for granted until an issue comes up
and hits you in the face...I use to think life sucked until August
5th,2004 and after that day, I was happy to see every single day. You
know how us women gripe about getting older every year?? Well now, I
thank God for every year I get when you really think life
sucks...stop and remember this---Someones life is so much worse then
yours, so be grateful that your healthy and that your children are
healthy! I might not have a partner right now...but that will come when
the time is right! So each day, take time to stop and thank God for
everything you have and tell your children how much you love
them....because in a blink of an can all be gone! God Bless!

no photo
Sun 08/27/06 03:27 AM

Pamela, That life changing experience for me was when I fell and broke
my back 4 years ago. I thought I was living life to the fullest. I was
breaking horses, working over time, getting the house closer to being
paid off, enjoying every minute I was not at the factory job(farm work
is hard but it is not a job). I found myself laying in a bed having to
have help to get to the restroom and leaving the house only for doctor
appointments. Thank God the surgery helped and I can walk again without
help. Each step I take I am thankful I can walk.

So all you youngens in perfect health do not know how lucky you are.
Take care of yourself yet enjoy life. We never know when our time is up.
I lost one of my best friends while in high school thanks to a drunk
driver. You are never to young to die. Yet you are never to old to have
a second childhood.