Topic: Loss
Paul's photo
Sun 02/28/21 01:33 PM
. Looking up into the blue filled sky it begins to blacken as my eyes tear up and become cloudy, I can't even see the horizon as we became aware of your hand being forced from mine.
The thought of you leaving me as I clinched the bed, like the sky I cried for days.
I would eat your sadness and pain if I could leaving you with an empty glass to be filled with our future but the glass shattered and like marbles rolling across the floor, we pieced together what time we have left.
I need to do more but I helplessly sit by your side hoping you don't leave me yet, I'm still not ready, there is so much that still needs to be said.
How selfish of me, to think I worried about my own closure when you dont have a choice but to realize only our love will be immortal.
It's the pain, pure anger really, it's sad but I'm already feeling the loss of your companionship.
Red puddles form all around our life from the tears I'm bleeding on the inside, but I will hold them back for you.
Seeing you be so courageously looking forward into the room with broken glass, how could I not?
I'm sorry destiny has kept up with us denying us our own feelings and time we could have had, I will miss you for always my very best friend.
I could only have known now what you meant when you whispered "I love you" softly in my ear, as if hearing it for the very first time.
Then your hand slowly slipped away from my fingertips,
and I whispered...
"I will miss you always, dearest love of mine"