Topic: One does what one can
Sandra's photo
Mon 03/22/21 07:17 PM
One day a cowboy riding his horse came upon a little chicken on its back with its legs sticking up in the air.

The cowboy said “what are you doing?”

The chicken said “I heard that the sky was going to fall so I’m here to help hold it up when it does”

The cowboy laughed and asked “do you really think that a small scrawny chicken like you can make a difference?”

The chicken replied “one does what one can”

Moral: do what you can to the best of your ability, who knows, that might be what tips the scales to a win.

Mefikit's photo
Mon 03/22/21 08:18 PM
I love the logic. My life has been full of disappointments, but give me the chance to change things for the better, I'm your man.

Dutch Silva 's photo
Tue 03/23/21 01:47 AM
It’s really a great logic lol